How I became a developer / engineer in one of the biggest companies | Omar Suriel | #codingphase

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[Music] you already know seal boy job back at it again coding phase calm your boys backing out and did it again so today we have something special for you guys man you got your boy or my city and all the way from Cleveland and Cincinnati Ohio I can't messing it up thinking Ohio is another state but yeah so it is what it is man we here uh so was good how was the trip man it was all right he was he was raining so he made hella emitter a lot more it made it easier to drive the whole time yeah um the fact that it was raining it makes it makes mistake focus you know and and that made it so I don't just be driving for 11 hours and get tired you know when your focus it's not you have to stay awake so okay so well that's good to it right so basically how long you been doing this well professionally like since I got my first job I got my first job in June 2017 so he's a little over a year right now yeah and then when I picked it up it's um I used to do websites with doing labor when I was like a sophomore in high school but that was another development I was with right now called I could've I might as well use Microsoft Word for what I was doing and supported its four es on HTML then after that I picked it up again in 2015 I decided I was gonna learn how to code because I wanted to make apps and things like that then it was hard doing that at the same time that I was working and I was only kind of doing it on the weekends at that time and by the time that I got back to it I I pretty much forgot everything that I learned the weekend before so I felt like I was just learning the same thing over and over and not really making any progress so came to a point in my life where I decided that I was gonna put all my eggs into that basket and I quit on my other jobs and just had a part-time job on the weekends and so that way I could have Monday through Friday to work in development just doing that nothing else just working on development and and it was hard because the part time job where I was working only on the weekends he was paying me $100 a day so and it was two days on the weekends so I was making 200 hours a week and I didn't live with my family or anything I just lived with a roommate but you know I wasn't living with like my parents or anything like that so I have to pay for my own I have to pay for rent I have to pay for bills water electricity everything from there all that so when I was only making 200 bucks a week but yeah I was only making 200 bucks a week so that means that everything I had was strictly to pay rent if I slip up and I went to McDonald's and stuff instead of ordering off the dollar menu I order a Big Mac then I wasn't gonna have enough money for rent so that stretch was was small and he was it was hard but yeah I just grow my my eggs into one basket and start working on at that time you were just for you you were just starting their Channel yeah so I was watching your videos but at that time you didn't have coding that come up and you have your own content so at that time you were just recommending all the people's courses yeah and pretty much I I did team treehouse kind of like you did too at the beginning and then after I I cannot go out of team treehouse or at least learned enough and you know the basics and once you start to hear things like react and exactly things that you want to specialize and then you jump into unity I think a lot of people they go in they find a platform and they start there and then they say you know what I think I'm ready to go on my own and find the things that I've learned the niches that I I want to you know develop more you know so definitely that does cool me so don't worry I mean look now when I first came into this thing like I always tell people I was not expecting to do any courses or do anything this is a very time-consuming I just wanted to help people while so I shared the courses that I actually do myself yeah basically did the same thing so yeah and I pretty much took your advice because I remember like but then the beginning you used to use to just uh be playing look I don't know these people making this courses personally they're not giving me any money like I'm not recommending these courses because I'm making any money by doing that you were just telling us because you thought they were good courses and I did that and I took them for example for react I took the Steven Grider course for the JavaScript I I took that Toni Onley sale and then I also took his nodejs course that actually um and you know in the 2000 sale also some very good ones that I still go back to yeah how long did it take you to find a job because I know you was so yeah so doing that time that I say like I'm gonna quit everything and and and well I'm gonna quit my week job and only work on the weekends part-time so I can focus on what development during the week where I was a little confused and actually in Europe and Europe your videos actually helped me clear this up a little bit see is that for some reason like I knew Photoshop at that time and I knew like illustrator and things like that and I thought that I could just kind of like mix em both I don't like if went to web developer you kind of had to be a designer and things like that and then I kind of took your advice when you were like do like when people pay for developers they're not paying for a designer like don't spend so much time trying to design things your own just speak up under temples and things like that so of the like there was a time of that that I was like dedicating to getting better I graphic design is what I'm saying and then I eventually like I wasn't learning anything because also only doing it on the weekends I eventually quit yeah that happens to a lot of people yeah one of people watching this when you do this thing that's a part-time as a hobby it's not gonna happen I mean it could happen what's gonna happen way later on yeah instead of like what you say I just want this I'm gonna focus on this for the next six months next three months whatever it is if you just put your mind to it you get it done but when you are able to just do one hour a day or two hours on a weekend there's instead it doesn't stick it's not gonna be especially because a lot of the things that that you do in development it's like let's say you're learning from a bulletin from for from a video tutorials or anything like that doesn't matter but whatever you learn it's like they they teach you that in you and you might be watching like oh that makes sense I made perfect sense but that doesn't mean like you already like you got it like but it makes sense what they're explaining it then what you need to do is that you need to stop watching that or get to up to a stopping point and then try to do those things that they show you on the video yeah on your own and then it's gonna take you so much longer because you want to find that there's a lot of things that you thought that you got it just from listening to them but at the same time when you're actually trying them you're like oh crap I forgot this thing so then you have to go and rewind the video to see how we actually did it and sometimes like things don't work exactly the same what's in the video and your actual code and then you you might have to Google and things like that yeah necessary : yeah I miss uh you know freakin quote somewhere yeah or you forgot you put like a variable there or you put it inside of quotes so now there's not really a variables or strings you're like little things like that you and you're gonna bump it so if you have an hour a week and you watch the video that's 45 minutes and then you practice for 15 like that's that's not gonna get it done at least maybe if you're a super genius maybe but I I think for me I think for most people and for me digest that just didn't cut it you have to kind of like putting your hours into actually building things I think there's no shortcut to yeah definitely okay so then you got hired and then you was working at this company for how long yeah so I got hired because I used to go to things like the ones that you wanna have here in this face you know meter yeah like I get up again they're not paying us any sponsorship or anything but is one of those things that that was instrumental for me to get my first job so I live in Dayton Ohio at that time what I was just like learning and and just barely surviving on my income and I went to every single meter that was in Dayton but there wasn't that many in the compared to like a bigger city like Columbus Ohio or that's the capital of Ohio or Cincinnati that's also huh there's a big yeah so another another city is like you know it's Albany in this New York City you know so yeah yeah so um so what I did was and actually these kinda I remember like kinda hurt me a lot financially at that point even though it's nothing to most people but just because how little I was making you know I used to put into my budget like gas to go and drive an hour away over an hour away to downtown Cincinnati from a different city and I have to budget the gas but even more expensive was just the parking while I was at these meetups because for you to park to go to one of this meter it was 10 12 bucks depending on what time he was and how offensive the rates were at that time so every week I had to body that ain't and I'm fine away for it for that to work but by going to these meetups and a million different people that's eventually how I how I got my first job I went to there was a company that's called gas light in there is a company called gas line Cincinnati and they they have a space kind of like this a little bit bigger because you know they're like I'm yes they're bigger company and they always host meetups just like this and just go in there I met the right people that that hooked me up with them with with a big company that's that's Kroger is the biggest grocery company in America you you might not know it depending on the area that you lead because they have their supermarkets have different names in different areas of the country but it's all under the same company and I mean it's a huge corporation and they need just like a lot of companies in in America they need a lot of developers because they want to build things and they want to stay relevant and I'm in that need for developers is so big that they're to the point that they're like okay we're willing to take people without a college degree as long as they're committed to it and they show that they can own that they actually wanna why not become developers any any and they hire people like that and most of the time what they do is they hire somebody it doesn't work out they let him go but for the people that that followed through and ensure that they are actually committed they actually make some progress then they keep him and so I got that I got that that offer and I was super super happy super excited after about like eight months or seven eight months something like that of like doing this every day you're hoping for that one day and I will have to move to to Cincinnati from then and it was scary it was scary because at that point only 50% of the people that did that program actually got a job the other 50% they they you know they were there but then after a while they just they just let him go or or didn't make an offer - actually um give them the job so you know if I didn't get the job I was gonna be hard because I was not gonna I was not gonna be like somebody the high light years of experience is gonna be like everybody's gonna want them but at the end at the same time I had to get an apartment and all that stuff so if I lost my job it's like I was gonna have all these responsibilities I was not gonna have my roommate anymore it was just gonna be me in my apartment so then at that time like if things were to fail yeah and the fear of failure can be some yeah and like then you think like man now I'm stuck in the city where I don't have nobody no family yeah nobody that I know what if you know hey I get hired but in three months they fire me yeah then let me go or they say hey you know we no longer need your services now you're there by yourself in the air and then what do you do just pick up another job in here so that's what I can't understand you in the back of your mind like man this gotta suck man if you know I'm taking a big risk you know yeah it paid off for sure but yeah so at that point it was like I'm gonna do it if he fails I'm gonna I'm gonna go back and apply to to the pizza places because I deliver pick something for anything when I try to make ends meet and and see what happens and I took the job and I remember I told my girlfriend about it and she was kind of upset that I was moving to another city but I'm like like look I'm not gonna stay here making 200 bucks a week like like I'm sorry like like if anything you should be glad that the job is in now the job is in Cincinnati that's only about an hour away from here and it's not in Alaska or something cause if it was in Alaska I would I will take it too because I'm just trying to get in the door and start so on oh yeah what I did then and I and he walked out and I was there for four from June I was there for four over a year total I got like a year in two months I think something like that you know and like I was telling you yesterday I kind of felt bad while when I left that company because I mean there were there was super great with me like from the beginning that were crystal clear like I was just telling you about like I don't have a job I just have the opportunity to get a job but at the same time like they gave me a lot of support there was a lot of great people that mentor me like the teams that I work with they're like everybody was amazing and everybody was like you know if I did something wrong like that it made me feel like crap for it instead then I try to encourage me and and again tell me like bring everybody does so I do too starting like there's people that like go to college for this stuff and they're in there and they're not even at your level and they were very encouraging to me they taught me a lot a lot of things so that's why when I switched when I quit that job after only a year I felt kind of bad because they made that investment in me when I basically didn't know enough to be productive and I feel a little bit like when I finally got to be productive then I left the company to go work for somebody else [Music]
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 3,959
Rating: 4.9869709 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase,, simple programmer, chris hawkes, chris sean, traversy media, How I became a developer in one of the biggest companies in America | #codingphase, How I became a developer, how to get hired as a develoer, biggest companies in america, web developement, web developer, engineer, software engineer, web developer interview, software engineer interview, Omar Suriel, how I became an engineer
Id: FjLt8aJeTVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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