Stop Listening To Everyone that Hates PHP

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good morning guys without whatever I brought up is he a boy joke back at it again man : face calm nice man heading to my job today I actually woke up a little bit late so I'm freaking rushing to go to work but I wanted to say this to you guys man yo listen guys number one man stop listening to everybody that's telling them oh learn nodejs not learn nodejs like as if that's the only stack that you need to learn listen if you don't live in New York City if you don't live in LA if you don't live in San Francisco forget about nodejs that's the first thing that you gotta know forget about it for now like when you see on jobs description and they say oh requirement nodejs Dana freaking asking you to be off yeah man my fault my fault this thing keeps cutting off I'm I'm on trying to get some connection out here supposedly Verizon is the best way I guess it's pretty [ __ ] so yeah yes sir man stop listening to everybody telling you just learn no GS if you don't live in those major cities you know New York LA San Francisco you know Dallas you know the domain big cities man stop listening to people man because it's actually hurting you guys you guys has got to go to job interviews and you're gonna be like oh yeah I'm a full-stack nodejs developer but I have no experience I've never worked anyway people's gonna look at you like man we have developers who will do JavaScript already and they've been around for like five years why would we choose you who's never done this before you know what I mean like it's not that easy it's easier in big cities because they need the people but what about the snow you know those companies in whatever Tampa Florida freaking Atlanta Georgia freaking Washington DC [ __ ] Wyoming [ __ ] Kansas if you live outside of the major cities man stop thinking that you're gonna find a no js' job right away it's not gonna happen I hate when people come over here on YouTube but I hate man no two yeses you know no js' the best is the only way to go and it's like come on man you're actually hurting your viewers because what you're doing is you're talking about a stack that's good in your area which is why I tell people learn PHP because PHP you could get a job anywhere PHP is like 80% of the web no matter where you go you're gonna find a job it doesn't matter where you work you can still find a job and like once you learn a stack once you learn how to build a website from you know the front end to the back end you know designing the data structures designing the you know the user authentication once you know that you could learn that [ __ ] in any other language like that's the truth you know what I mean and the reason why I tell you guys start with PHP is because there's jobs out there it doesn't matter you can live in any [ __ ] City I bet you right now there's a job for you out there decide that a job for you and WordPress decides our job in laravel decided to a job in a codeigniter my my favorite language is not PHP and I'll be honest with you guys like it's not my favorite language but for a person who has no experience you cannot come in here and be picky and be like oh I'm only gonna you know I'm only gonna learn no - yes because it's the latest thing in the world man that's why yeah [ __ ] stay out here for like six months without no jobs man there's no reason for nobody to not be able to have a job right now like I'm telling you guys what you guys gotta learn now I'm telling you guys work what courses yeah you gotta take but if you don't want to listen to me I want to listen to the trendy stream be like oh yeah I'm gonna learn you J yes because you genius is the latest thing mind you nobody's [ __ ] using that [ __ ] the only people are using UJS is in private companies like if you have a design you have your own small business creating [ __ ] websites for people yeah you could use view yes because you're basically the only developer there so now you're on the internet saying oh you have UJS is the best for reality when you look online there's no [ __ ] companies hiring for the for that [ __ ] nobody's hiring for that so why are you gonna waste your time trying to learn some [ __ ] wait you just a beginner you just started web development you have no experience you've never worked anywhere you gotta pick something that's gonna let you in once you have four year under your belt then you can pick whatever you want but while you're still a beginner you have no choice this is not about [ __ ] democracy where you'd be like oh yeah II let's vote on the language that we want to learn no because then you're gonna be out here without no job and then that's when people give up they'll be like oh man I have six months looking for a job I can't even find a job [ __ ] any you've been [ __ ] learning the wrong [ __ ] I haven't told you is thank you you focusing on [ __ ] that you're not supposed to if you never [ __ ] in high college say in Minnesota why the [ __ ] are you learning nodejs single view or every single YouTube that's telling you oh man no js' is the way to go yes it's the way to go if you live in [ __ ] New York LA San Francisco [ __ ] Dallas but if you live outside those cities those are those are not that's not the way to [ __ ] go because you're gonna be out here looking for [ __ ] job nobodies no other company it's working or no js' you have more chances on finding a PHP developer your position as a junior the run or a c-sharp c-sharp is hard most of the c-sharp companies they want somebody with a computer science they're not gonna [ __ ] hire you right away so it's like I'm telling you guys I'm giving you the [ __ ] shortcut I'm giving you the [ __ ] way for you to get in this industry and I told it you gotta have in your portfolio you gotta have a real estate a restaurant a design agency and an e-commerce website and it has to be from dribble comm the design because if you have a shitty website and people look at it and but all man this guy looks like the website look like it wasn't done in 1996 they not gonna [ __ ] give you the opportunity to even come in for an interview they gotta be really desperate for you to come in for an interview with a a really shitty website you know what I mean like come on man take advantage take advantage of what I tell you I'm the realest developer how here I'm not gonna [ __ ] give you a fake fake information so you guys soon to not be well informed when I come in here this for a reason I want to give you guys the best chance to get a job in the best chance to get as much money as possible you gotta understand when you're a brand new developer you cannot just you can't be choosey you can't be like oh man I don't want to work in WordPress oh man I don't wanna working in PHP oh man I don't want to do this idiot you never work this that's like poison that's like you want to become an example a doctor right and the doctor be like you know what man I'm not even gonna do a residency because I'm nice like that and I'm just gonna go straight to being a doctor you can't [ __ ] do that you have to go through the residency you have to go to a hospital and [ __ ] pretty much work for man hours for no [ __ ] reason and do the hard work PHP is the hard work because it's not it's not as fun as nodejs it's not as fun as crystal lang it's not as fun as a whole bunch of languages out there but you guys are [ __ ] hurting yourself when you guys are not learning PHP stop listening to people that's telling you that [ __ ] hey only learn [ __ ] nodejs are only learning what I read [ __ ] Python or whatever man those people are [ __ ] hurting you straight up I'm being honest they hurting your chances of getting you don't hire it out here because most of this you know most of these blogs they're located in New York most of these blocks is located in San Francisco so why the focus are you listening to people that's not even in your area I'm giving you a general information that's kind of basically be good it doesn't matter where you are it could be New York it could be [ __ ] South Africa you're gotta be able to find a job with [ __ ] PHP and not only that then once you know stack once you know how the web works you could learn any language all you have to do is just pretty much have those projects that I told you and if you want to get a full stack position build the front end and the back end for each side that I told you and you're gonna be fine man but I'm telling you guys man I keep seeing this everywhere everybody's like oh man but I don't know js9 this dis and that little Python and I'm like man those languages are cool and they're fun but they're not gonna guarantee you that job man then I'm gonna get I can guarantee you that job that's a brand new developer man you're gonna be out here looking for a job for a long time because number one if you like let's say an example number one if you have three months in a boot camp you can even learn you can scratch the surface of all the things that you have to learn in JavaScript I've been doing JavaScript for five years and every year every [ __ ] day I learn sign you I learn something completely new in JavaScript every [ __ ] day and I have five years javascript is not easy javascript is napa is not a way to go for a brand new developer javascript like I said once you learn how to manipulate dumb cool jump onto [ __ ] PHP right away ASAP that's what you know to do once you know how to add a class so uh a [ __ ] element like a div that's it you've learned enough JavaScript jump to the [ __ ] back which a sign and learn my sequel MongoDB is cool but nobody's using that [ __ ] like that's what I'm saying man like you guys is over here trying to learn [ __ ] you know different languages that are not gonna get you that job by the way man I'm just trying to be real with you guys so I don't want you guys over here wasting your time because it's gonna be very frustrating when you come and you better hey man all I know is HTML CSS in JavaScript they gotta look at you like okay like that's great you know JavaScript but we also have other stacks here we also have a PHP stack we also have a Java stack we also have a c-sharp stack so it's like now it's like oh man bar all I know is JavaScript you're already in a disadvantage because this a lot most developers know three to four different languages automatically so it's like when you know HTML CSS JavaScript PHP Python whatever any other languages out there it just looks better because then it shows that you could pick up things quick when you're a brand new developer they're not hiring you because you're such a great developer when you're a brand new developer they hire you because they need an extra hand they need a grunt you know me as just [ __ ] senior developer in my company if like right now we're looking to hire somebody we're not looking to hire somebody who's like extremely expert and it's the best in the world what we need is a [ __ ] grunt somebody that's gonna do the [ __ ] that we don't want to do and that's the reality of things so you guys is gonna be doing they said that other developers don't want to do it you know they might give you a [ __ ] page down okay could you make this page into the HTML CSS and JavaScript page if you could make that cool you're hired can you [ __ ] turn orders these pages into views for laravel for us cool can you make all this HTML emails for us cool then you're hired that's what we hiring people at my job and it's like dang every [ __ ] job when you you hire somebody for entry-level they hiring you to do grunt work when you hear grunt it means it's like [ __ ] slave work you're gonna do slave work that's it there's no if and buts about it that's it just [ __ ] do it just learn that [ __ ] spend the time and that's it it's gonna take you six months to be nice and then you're gonna learn from the senior developers their [ __ ] that you can't learn online and shake that you can learn in your own house the [ __ ] that you only gonna learn from working on a team you know what I mean stop listening to people that it gave me so pissed off you find out that the companies are these people that are on YouTube they talk to you about oh no jsr Dada Ryan and all these other languages mind you in the company that they work on they don't even [ __ ] use nodejs what part of the game is that you know what I mean it's like that's the same [ __ ] that I tell people is like hey man how the [ __ ] can I tell you guys go to a bootcamp when I've never been to a [ __ ] bootcamp how can I be promoting something that I've never been on it's like how can I [ __ ] be saying hey guys learn nodejs cuz oh my you know my personal projects are in ojs and it's great I know it's great well are they jobs for you as a brand new developer out there not really me I could go out and get a job in nodejs cuz I'm a [ __ ] seasoned developer I've been the machine for five years anywhere I go there actually any question about JavaScript I can answer it I have [ __ ] websites from the front to the back from the database to the [ __ ] sort of structure so even through the way how we do the deployment even so everything I've done everything inside our [ __ ] website anything that you could imagine after [ __ ] done it I could get hired as a node.js developer like this but for you guys you guys are [ __ ] brand new developers man stop listening to people that's gotta [ __ ] throw you out there and it's gonna be like hey man I could find a job in [ __ ] in the month in a week or Lord J yes yeah [ __ ] you live in [ __ ] San Francisco you live in your lay you living in [ __ ] New York it's easy for us most of these people that are on YouTube they don't live in this cities so why are you here like telling people hey man learn something that is pretty much they won't find jobs out here when I come to YouTube I give you guys a full a full look of how to basically get jobs in and do your thing yeah it's a lot of bullshitting here a lot yeah a lot of people would be like hey man I [ __ ] learn how to code learn how to call in a week mind you they don't [ __ ] tell you that when they talk I learned how to code they learn how to say hello world in a week that's what they [ __ ] learned that's not learning how to code or the following a project online [ __ ] project is not learning how to code learn how to code when you say hey I want to create a website about this this and this and I want users to log in when you could create that on your own without having to look at [ __ ] YouTube projects then yeah you know how to code if you still [ __ ] looking through through [ __ ] notes and you're still looking through tutorials and [ __ ] like that you don't know how to code yet let's be honest out here you don't know how to code I'm trying to help you guys I'm wrong I'd rather be hard on you guys and [ __ ] just be honest so you guys can have a [ __ ] better expectation of life when it comes to this [ __ ] you can find the jobs right away if you listen to me I guarantee you that if you listen to other people that's telling you man let's let's learn this trendy shape that nobody [ __ ] there's no companies looking for PHP man soon as you know how to how to you understand PHP the language your your hireable like most of the time all you gonna be doing it's maintaining code so they're gonna be like hey could you change for you go to the database and make sure that you know find all other users that boy I don't know t-shirts last year [ __ ] like that that's what you're gonna be doing but that's like grunt work you know what I mean it's not fun it's not the most fun jobs but it's like getting the door get you a little fifty six thousand dollars which I bet a lot of you guys are not even getting that right now so get yourself fifty sixty thousand dollars in your pocket work there for six say smarts to a year and therefore they jump to something else then you could jump to I know J as a job but don't spend six months looking for that nodejs job and be broken in your house I'd rather be getting paid and then I said I'm looking for the nodejs job or Python or whatever you know what I mean I'd rather be getting paid man that's my whole thing like there's no reason for somebody to be learning in the house when you could go to a company and work there and they're gonna [ __ ] give you they're gonna give you money you know what I mean like this company here that will hire you will hire you and then you pretty much you could learn while you you're at the company but learn PHP man I used to talk so much share about PHP man in the beginning man because I used to go to a [ __ ] site point calm and I used to go to tree housing everybody I'm gonna I'll PHP is [ __ ] you know that's [ __ ] actually hurting like my first two years because I wasn't getting those higher paid jobs because I didn't know PHP and yeah I could have went to the city I could have went to my hat in in and got jobs over there but I took a different route I didn't want to go to the city I wanted to working you know smaller business outside of the city because there's more chairs more relaxed right so me working outside of that gave me a perspective of like hey this how it is all around the country if you're not inside of the main cities you're not looking for people who have no js' experience nodejs looks good on paper and be like oh that's cool man you're you actually pretty trendy right now that's pretty cool and now give you a plus on your interview but is that what they're looking for it no more trust me man start looking for jobs online and you're gonna see all of the jobs say no js' when you go to the job into you you're gonna ask them what stack are you using tell me somebody tell me how many [ __ ] jobs they're gonna tell them that [ __ ] yeah we use nodejs and front end in the back end and we use MongoDB on our database it's gonna be a very very low low number of companies that do it you know what I mean so man stop listening to other people that's telling you don't learn PHP stop [ __ ] listening to people man cyber zillions of people that's telling you only learn nodejs nodejs is cool it's like an extra feature it's like an extra plus that you have on your resume well that's not what your your first job is gonna be yet I guarantee you that the only way you're gonna get an ojs job is number one if the company don't know what the [ __ ] they doing that's number one number two they really in need of developers like extra hand which means you're only gonna be doing a little bit of stuff on or nodejs cuz they're not gonna put somebody companies that are working with nodejs they're not gonna put a brand-new developer to work on the back end of a major company that's built on OGS especially when you if any little [ __ ] could break the whole life site you know what I mean like there nah no js' any you'll ever a [ __ ] semicolon somewhere you put an extra letter somewhere and you've gotta [ __ ] up the whole server you know the reason that's all I [ __ ] say that listen to me man and you will win listen to other people that's telling you [ __ ] I said if they're they're only concerned about their area and they think how it is for them in their area like yeah I could talk about nodejs I could talk about a whole bunch of other languages started really popular in my area but that's not the reality for the whole world that's not the reality for America all right guys I'll see you guys later
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 6,754
Rating: 4.8592377 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase,, simple programmer, chris hawkes, chris sean, traversy media, coding tutorials 360, php, laravel, laravel advice, job search advice, web developer, web developer career, web developer salary, web development, web development 2017, how to become a web developer, web developer 2017, becoming a web developer, web development tutorial, elixir phoenix, elixir programming, web developer live, questions developers, php developer, learn php
Id: Dld4iSw3urk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2017
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