The Unique Data Behind One of the Best Amateur Golfers in the World

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hey guys so we had Jose ballister from Spain in here today he's uh I think number 17th ranked amateur in the world the current European amateur champion and a junior at Arizona State great kid one of the longest hitters in the college game today and we were looking at his data and really interesting one here is how he creates speed now there's lots of ways to create speed but uh I want to show you how he does it so we looked at his Force plate double plate ready how he's pushing from the ground and we looked at his 3d motion capture Bend That Elbow there for me going the first thing that was very obvious is how fast he moves the club he does a lot of down coocking so he hinges the club and he releases with a ton of speed very much like a Sergio Garcia big lag of the club and then releases his body speeds are like PGA Tour normal but the club velocity was cruising at 2500 Dees per second average on tour is around 22 to 23 so he does a great job of really rotating the club really fast like 126 Club serly boy's got some speed yeah he gets an incredible energy transfer from his arm to the club and he does that with lag he's one of those guys like Sergio Garcia where he basically creates this massive down coocking lag of the club and then knows how to release it at the right point and the interesting thing is guess who his coach is Sergio's dad maybe there's a theme here right now if I look at his torqus or his his ground reaction forces how he us as the ground this is kind of interesting if you want to move a club really fast right you want to create power power is torque times angular velocity so move the club really fast angular velocity and apply a lot of torque to it now torque is a twisting motion right now torque is kind of interesting if let's say I'm going to take a club and I'm going to rotate a club around my hand right here okay to calculate the torque what I do is I take the force let's say I apply 10 pounds of force right here one foot away from where this club's rotating if I apply 10 lbs of force one foot away the torque is 10 * 1 so that would be 10 foot pounds of torque right if I want to increase my torque I either have to push harder so I can get stronger in the gym and push with 20 lbs or what I can do is I can get farther away from the center rotation I can push from over here so if this was 10 pounds of force but I just move two feet away now it's 10 * 2 it'd be 20 lbs or foot pounds of torque so to increase your torque to move the club faster I either have to push harder or make my Force farther away from the center of rotation now golfers can do this by the way they position their body that's called the moment arm how far your Force pushes from your Center rotation and we look at it from the what we call the frontal plane we look to see how far you push from your Center Center of mass and average on most players is around five to six in that's where their forces are going through the center of their body about they miss the center of their body by five to six inches if I look at Jose he was topping out around 13 inches he actually was almost pushing twice as far away so if you take the same amount of force but you move farther away your torque's going to go up and what's interesting with him is he actually doesn't apply a lot of force his vertical force is around 15% of his body weight normally we see around 200% of his body weight if you see low vertical ground reaction forces usually there's a power problem we actually took them into the gym and we tested his lower body and he put up a 25 in vertical average on PGA Tour is 23 in vertical he's showing me he's actually got ballistic power in his lower body he just hasn't learned how to use that 24.9 that's good you're above lower body average but you don't use it your s which is scary like you said how far you yeah but because he doubles the distance he's doing it he actually applies more torque than the guys that apply a lot more Force so in a weird way it's like easy power right he doesn't have to push as hard he just pushes farther away from his Center rotation and it creates more torque and you can bomb the ball if you push from the ground and the ground pushes back and it goes right through the center of your body you're going to have a low moment arm if you push from the ground but you're Center of mass is away from where you're pushing so in other words if I'm more this way versus this way it will increase my moment arm and that's what he does really really well interesting stuff from the biomechanics lab learning how players hit the ball really far and Jose is a really interesting one
Channel: MyTPI
Views: 28,809
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Id: 3kVFvqctGHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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