5 EASY Tips To Become a Single Digit Handicap Golfer

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two years ago I started seriously playing golf I started out as a 24 handicap and in a little over a year I was able to get all the way down to a six there we go come on let's go dude let's go in today's video I'm going to give you all the tips that help me get from a 24 to a six handicap so quickly starting out with the driver and working all the way down to the putter tip number one driver that was absolutely nuked we got a little wind at our back that can go a long ways all right starting things off with the driver this first tip is going to involve no effort from you but it's going to allow you to hit it farther on average and you're going to hit it way straighter so tip number one is to shorten your driver I've actually done a whole video on this and Studies have shown that by shortening your driver as long as you're not taller than six foot five or a scratch golfer everyone else will hit it farther on average and they're going to hit it significantly straighter if you just shorten your driver but this is something that changed my game when I first started as a 24 handicap I was miserable off the tee I never had a look at the green and I was like I just want to keep it in play and I'll be happy so my first year I shortened my driver all the way from 45 and a half inches to 43 and a half inches and I played a really short driver for about that first year until I got really really confident off the tee then for my second year I lengthened it to 44 and a half inches and I don't think I'll ever go longer than that now tip number two with the driver is more of a mental tip this is the hardest Club to hit I had a video where I hit this driver 3 000 times in one month and I still struggle to hit my driver I've never met anyone who has hit their driver Perfect Two Rounds in a row it is an extremely hard Club to hit even the pros struggle with the driver oh my oh my that was nearly a shank as well it was but so don't get too beat down about it it takes a lot of practice it takes a lot of work and it's not going to happen overnight that is my best shot of the Year tip number two irons all right tip number two should be an obvious one but if you don't know your distances for each iron yet you're going to want to learn them so make sure you've gone to the range and figured out how far each iron goes for me each iron usually has about a 10 yard range so for instance right now I'm 194 away so I'm pulling out my seven iron this will go usually between 190 to 200. now another side tip along with that learn a knock down shot so what is a knockdown shot a knock down shot is a way to take yardages off of each of your clubs so let's say I was 175 yards out I don't really have a club for that my eight iron goes 180 to 190. my nine iron goes 158 to 168 so I have a knock down shot with my eight iron that takes about 10 yards off and all I'll do for that knock down shot is I'll do the same thing as my full swing but I'll give no wrist hinge at all so for whatever reason I don't know if that's the right way to do it but for me it takes 10 yards off of every shot and it works really really well for me now tip number two with the irons is my only tip that may not apply to everyone if you can afford it get a launch monitor or a golf simulator you can get something like the Nevo plus hitting mat hitting net all in for like two grand even and then you can play golf all winter long you can practice at home and that's what I use to really hone my iron game side note if you want to get the mevo plus as cheap as possible use code golfbusters 10 in our link below and then my third tip the thing I used I got one length irons so every single iron is the same length as a seven iron they are a Mist that you'll lose distance that the gappings are not correct but those are all mess not true one length irons for me are very nice I have the same swing for every single iron and that is just a confidence boosting thing for me now when I go to the range instead of having to feel like I need to practice every iron or feeling like my five iron is way different than my 60 degree they're all the same so this final tip it may not apply to you but if you want some more consistency with the irons I think one length irons is a good fit [Music] tip number three chipping all right so we were gonna go on to pitch shots those shots that are like a hundred to 30 yards from the target but we ended up in a chipping spot so we're gonna move right onto chipping next and we'll get back to pitching in a little bit now for chipping I'm gonna guarantee if you struggle with chipping or you're a high handicapper these tips will help you save the most Strokes as quick as possible so the first thing I'm going to do with chipping which people make fun of me for but it works I'm gonna figure out how far away I am from my target so I'll either range it or step it out so I'm about nine and a half yards away from my Target and I kind of want to clear these off now I'm going to get into why I step it out in a little bit but the first tip is just how I chip so I found it's easiest to get good consistent chips if you put the ball in the back of your stance I started in the front when I started tried the middle the back allows you to get the most consistent contact so what I'll do I'll put it kind of in line with the back of my heel I'll turn my toes put them close together and put them kind of on a 30 degree angle but don't have your hips facing that same angle you want your hips facing towards the ball then what I do I don't hinge my wrist at all I have straight arms I kind of do like an arc kind of an in to out and I follow through strong and I chip now I'm going to show you I'm going to put this one close and then I'll show you with the distances why I step it out [Music] good right right there now people will tell you chipping is all feel but I think you can really get this down to a yardage and be super precise and put it close every time so what I'll do right when I get to the practice screen I'll drop three balls down and I'll grab all my wedges and I'll get in that same chipping stance we talked about and I'll just do a nice smooth chip and I'm not even going to look at a Target I'm just going to hit it and I'll hit all three that was a bad strike I probably won't count that one there and if you notice the ball's two in the background those were two good strikes with just a normal chip swing so I'll step those out 12 yards and that's usually what my normal chip is in general but I know a smooth chip with my 60 degree is going to go 12 yards now the next thing I'll do is I'll do that seam chip but give it some Pace hit it strong and I'll find the maximum distance that chip goes so usually my 60 degree with that kind of same motion will go between 12 and 18 yards so now anytime out of 12 or 18 yards away I'm able to have a swing to get it very very close to the hole then I'll do the same thing with my 54 degree I'll do the same thing with my gap wedge so I know my 54 degree is about 18 to 28 gap wedge is 28 to 38. so now I'm not playing a guessing game when I'm trying to chip I know my yardages and I can put it within five feet almost every time and this is going to be the fastest way you can save Strokes tip number four pitch shots we're going right at the pit 73 yards let's get it [Music] oh it's through bounce roll up roll up oh it's freaking gold boys let's go all right now we're gonna work back a little bit we went from chippy now we're gonna go to those pitch shots for me that's kind of between 80 and 30 yards but either way this is a shot a ton of people struggle with so my first tip with these shots is you want to be a scraper and you don't want to hit down on the ball so one of the things people will tend to do with these shots these are not shots where you're going to strike at it you know super fast like you would in Iron like you're still going to accelerate through the ball but you're not striking down so with an iron when you full swing an iron you want to hit down on the ball and that'll work out well because you make good contact you're good but you're swinging so fast if you're a little behind it you're still going to get it to golf but with these shots the issue is if you hit down on the ball and you don't hit it perfect you're not swinging fast enough to get that ball to go to where you want it to go if you don't hit it perfect so my tip for these is I'm scraping so instead of hitting down my thought when I swing these is to scrape kind of through the ball scrape it through like this and that is the number one tip for me to not fat and hit it consistent most of the time now tip number two very similar to how we figured out our yardages with chipping we want to figure out our yardages with all our wedges with multiple different swings which is called a wedge Matrix similar to chipping most people will just eyeball these shots but you really want to have a club and a swing for each shot so what a wedge Matrix is you have four different swings for each Club you have your full swing which is going to go you know your normal yardage we learned with our irons you have your knock down swing which is going to take 10 yards off but then you might have a couple of other swings so what I'll have with my 54 degree here I go about a quarter of the way back in my swing with no hinge I scrape through and I finish right here and that will get me a yardage and then I also have where I go a quarter of the way back with hinge and I swing through full and that will get me four yardages for this club 125 with the full swing 115 with the knock down swing 73 to 83 with the quarter swing and then with that scrape swing this will be about 50 to 60. now the reason I have four wedges learn that with all four wedges and what will happen is now you have a club and a swing for every single yardage within 100 yards so here I'm going to try not to mess this up I got 73 yards to the pin so I'm going to use my swing where I go kind of a quarter of the way back or it feels like a quarter I should say I hinge and I strike through and this will be lighter if I swung hard it would probably go long let's see how this works see if we can get a good one on the first one [Music] and there we go we are pin high I'll zoom into that so you can see it we are pin high and we'd be putting for birdie with about a 10 footer and it's a little bit left but again it's the right distance we want to be and that's because I know my wedge Matrix tip number five putting yep yep yep and finally we're gonna get to the putting I'll be honest this is by far the worst part of my game but I do have a couple of tips that I think will help every golfer the first tip always line up your putts it's something that takes an extra 10 seconds but it's going to make you more putts lining up I'm a big believer in that the next thing is distance control distance control is much more important than accuracy to limiting those three putts you don't want to get so let's see if we can do everything right on the video first time foreign but honestly that's a pretty normal putt for me I got good distance you know a little more we're probably in now our final tip and probably our most important tip golf takes a lot of practice a general rule of thumb if you play one time a week you're gonna stay the exact same twice a week you're going to get a little bit better and if you start playing three times a week you're gonna see a ton of improvement it's a hard game it's like the stock market and it takes a ton of practice if you enjoyed the video please make sure to subscribe and we'll see in the next one
Channel: GolfBusters
Views: 94,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, Jock, Buffton, Buffton's, Busters, GolfBusters, Golf Busters, Myth, Cobra, Callaway, Ping, Mizuno, GoodGood, Good Good, Tiger, Woods, Rory Mcilroy, Bryson, Dechambeau, Kyle Birkshire, Titleist, Top 10, MEVO, Mevo Plus, Golf Simulator, How to Play Golf, Golf Tips, Rick Shiels Golf, How to Break 80, How to Break 90, PGA Tour, Golf Courses, PGA, Golf Channel, Driving Range, PGA Superstore, Driver, Irons, Golf Club Reviews, FlightScope, Flight Scope, Pro Package, Handicap, Lower
Id: vlSOqhO-qwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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