The Unhinged World of Stardew Valley Speedruns

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three two one go like many other games stard Valley has a fairly active speedrunning scene there's a bunch of popular categories and it's regularly featured in gdq one of the most popular speedrunning marathons in these speedruns players need to come up with the most optimal paths through town find the best money-making methods and use a couple of tricks like animation cancelling to beat the game as fast as they can but what is beating the game in stardy Valley there's not really a designated stopping point to the game unless you want to count Perfection which takes so long that it's not really a viable speedr run since it requires you doing literally everything in the game like collecting every single item making an absolute ton of money maxing out friendships and oh so much more it's impossible unless you're one of the three players that have actually done it thank you habo for the world record of 21 hours and 37 minutes good Lord so thanks to the open-endedness of sardu Valley people have been left to come up with their own goals for a speedrun perhaps the most common is completing the community center which takes a hefty 2 to 3 hours itself with a spin-off category for completing the JoJo membership form hovering around an hour in time in the case of the community center the run is super involved you have to decide what part of the game you're tackling when figure out the best paths through all of those separate parts and react to the luck you're given you make a lot of your money through farming so a bunch of rainy days could save minutes from your time and unless you want to Route out time for getting a ton of healing items you're going to have to be efficient in the mind so that you don't pass out early and how lucky you get with ladders determines how deep you go just sleeping is a heavy component of the Run eventually you will need to get items exclusive to winter so knowing when to speed up your days by sleeping is important and it's mostly done while you're growing your money crops water sleep check for rain water sleep check for rain repeat until they're grown and if you thought this was just a planning and strategy type of run oh no there's one trick that drives the mechanical skill requirement through the roof and that's animation cancelling this is done by pressing a combination of keys in the middle of an animation this is a PC exclusive trick and luckily for speedrun purposes you're allowed to bind all three buttons to the same key almost every single action you can do can be cancelled cutting trees mining rocks milking and depending on what animation you're cancelling you can save anywhere from a fourth of a second to half of a second every single action and that'll add up and of course you have to be careful because if you end the animation a bit too early you won't perform the action at all you need to aim for cancelling right after the action is done so it's highrisk high reward doing this for every single action can be exhausting so for some runs like Community Center completion there exists a vanilla category where the only difference compared to glitchless is a lack of Animation cancelling if you would like your speedruns in smaller bite-sized chunks there's also categories for completing each separate bundle getting married and reaching certain points in the minds all reasonable goals that make sense these options allow for more focused playthroughs where everything you do Works to speed up your One Singular goal like Gathering food to prepare for a mind's run or quickly Gathering all the loved items for a marriage candidate another subcategory for most runs is multiplayer where you tackle the same tasks just with two to four players the interesting thing about stard Valley is that it plays very differently in multiplayer for one the time of day never stops during pauses while fishing or other places where it normally would giving you a little less time on average to accomplish what you need to in a day second there are many more glitches that can be done most notably item duplication any item by being placed on a table can be duplicated by being picked up by both players at the same time this stays true for many actions throughout the game if you cut a tree or break a rock at the same time you'll get twice the resources and just in general since both players can split up and Tackle different tasks especially in a run like Community Center it leads to a very different experience from single player by the way if you were wondering glitches blow the game right open mostly thanks to the item id glitch if you name yourself Open Bracket the number of an item id close bracket you can do this three times in one name every time someone says your name you will receive all of those items needless to say in categories where the whole point is collecting a bunch of items like Community Center that cuts the time down quite a bit this particular run was one of many to be showcased in Games Done Quick and it only took the runner 17 minutes as opposed to the over two hours that glitchless runs take there does exist a darker area of starting speeduns stardo Valley category extension this category in was created in 2021 basically since they had so many popular categories the more unconventional ones were placed into a voting bracket and voted on by the speedrunning community the winners got official spots in the category extension this is where the aformentioned Perfection category sits with only two submissions that meet the site's requirements each being well over a day long another reasonable speedrun here is Skull Cavern 100s where you simply need to reach floor 100 of the skull Cavern the only prerequisites are reaching the bottom of the mines and making enough money to finish the Vault bundle and then it's just a case of getting down and then looking over at seated Perfection oh there's nothing here wait yeah there is blade when was this run verified 20 hours ago well I was going to go on about how you could get a world record if you simply put in a seed and got Perfection but I guess that's not the case anymore regardless just yesterday blade posted that he has another route for seated Perfection so he's once again gone through the astronomical task of finding a seed that has everything he needs for Perfection so why is it so hard sure optimizing for the community center you're finding good Minds patterns forgeable spawns the spaces that crops will be higher quality but now add on to that good skull Cavern and volcano layouts special orders and key Quest missions golden coconut items gosh just about every single item in the collection logs have some sort of optimization to be made for them all of this with the grueling grind of making 25 million gold to buy all of the obelisks and golden clock moving on from that though there's one section here that interests me more than the others meme within this category are several subcategory ories of seemingly random end points parsnip percent you need to get a parsnip as fast as possible as you can probably guess it involves planting one of the seeds you get from the gift watering it for 3 days with the freebie of guaranteed rain on day three and plucking wrong you don't want to grab seeds from the box that animation is too slow no what you need to do is cut whatever fiber is closest to the Farmhouse hope that you get mixed seeds a 5% chance then plant it and hope that it happens to be a par snip a 33% chance and then you can water it until plucking if the if it'll just finish freaking saving I just my leg's cramping up I think that's world record I think that's world that is world record like that's world record that's world record that's world record that's world record this is the world record 42 seconds despite being so short this run takes dozens of hours of grinding that's the thing about a lot of these meme runs they're so specific so straightforward and so short yet it's almost never done the way you expect underwear soup percent with God as my witness you got to put the underwear in the soup after the creation of this category only one man was up to the task wicks kiix [Music] the [Music] [Music] he's got to drink it by the way the governor has to drink it he's got to drink the underwear soup it's essential why does shaie do have fifth place sea urin presentent time ends when a hat is placed on a sea urchin within a fish tank so this one intrigues me like a lot there's three pieces to the puzzle here the sea urchin the fish tank and the hat you got to figure out how to gather each one and combine them it's a lot to think about plenty of ways to complete this puzzle but which is the fastest well for the sea urchin you may think that you have to take a trip to the tide PS which would require three wood but with the beach Farm they have a chance to spawn on your Shore not too bad the fish tank is pretty simple there's not a lot of ways to get them especially early game luckily Willie sells the smallest kind for 500 gold which just so happens to be the exact amount of money you start the game with you also have to sleep until day two so that he's open but that has the added benefit of spawning you right next to the shop when you enter the beach due to the fishing rod cut scene here's where we hit the snag though there's almost 100 100 hats in the game tons of different ways to obtain them which one is consistent and fast enough to be the right choice well if we sleep until the Easter egg hunt and win it we'll get the straw hat for free if we rush five hearts with someone we could buy the butterfly bow from the h Mouse for 1,000 gold and if we really Rush maybe we could catch 10 different fish on day two living hat it's a bit of a curse that the fastest hat to obtain in the game is simultaneously the rarest one in 100,000 chance each time you cut fiber to spawn so the strategy is sleep to day two walk around your Beach Farm looking for a seuren and while you do that cut all the fiber you come across hoping for the living hat then you go and buy the fish tank place the seen in and slap the Hat on this is a 3 minute and 11 seconds run the luck factor is so severe that the second place time using the same strategy is 2 minutes longer and the beauty of it is this isn't nearly optimized there's almost infinite room for improvement as fast as you could cut one piece of fiber and reach a spot that a searin can spawn that's as fast as the Run could get in the world record time he even cut the fiber to get the living hat and didn't realize it for about another 30 seconds because it Blended in with all the other fiber he was picking up the first run with a different strategy comes in fourth place and utilizes the Easter egg hunt for the straw hat sitting at 7 minutes and 49 seconds crazy enough there's a third strategy that actually competes with the Easter egg hunt and that's when we get into hat Mouse percent hat Mouse percent is yet another category in meme runs where you simply need to speak to the Hat Mouse and hat Mouse doesn't open until you obtain your first achievement once again there's several ways you could obtain your first achievement like making money or becoming friends with someone and luckily we don't need to buy the hat so we have 500 gold to work with surprisingly the achievement that takes the shortest amount of time to get is crafting 10 items turns out a lot of stuff just takes a small amount of wood and by breaking a couple of rocks on your farm along with buying from Robin you can get enough stone for some recipes too and while you're at Robins you buy some of the flooring recipes almost all of which are crafted with just one wood or one stone so just hypercraft all the recipes in one go and walk on down checking all the other runs it seems like this is the only strategy with the competitive time however ever that brings us back to sea urchin percent the third strategy is to buy the hat from crafting 10 items and use that for the sea urchin since we need to buy the Hat this time we do need to make 1,000 gold so in this run leaone clay farms at the beach both to make money to buy the hat and to buy more resources instead of cutting trees and breaking rocks herself the time for this strategy clocks in at 8 minutes and 55 seconds only a minute behind the egg Festival strategy and leaone is the only person with a run sub admitted with the strategy and admits there's a lot of room for improvement for all of the speedruns we've discussed so far they're kind of notable things that can happen getting your first achievement performing a beloved Easter egg but uh some categories get a bit abstract with it in Posh percent the first category where I had to look at the rules time ends after consuming wine and cheese there's one catch it can't be bought from the traveling cart part of the advantage of just making up any speedrun goal I suppose is making it as specific as you want and if the traveling cart was included it would indeed be pretty boring as you just be resetting over and over again waiting for the traveling cart to have exactly what you need and we wouldn't want to run dictated by RNG again we have a puzzle cheese and wine two very specific items with very specific ways of obtaining them the way I see it there's two different ways you could get each of these items the normal way and the stupid way that they'll probably use you you could make the cheese and wine yourself or for the cheese you could trade an emerald at the desert Trader on Friday and for the wine you could sleep through every day all the way to the Feast of the winter star where you then have a very low chance of getting it as a gift from an adult and what do you know they oh they use the normal way I don't know I think I'm on to something with the Feast of the winter star thing so this isn't a short run the world record is about an hour and involves a couple of key points first you need to complete the Artisan bundle to obtain a ceg otherwise you'd have to reach level eight farming this involves a lot of luck with the fruit back cave you do have to reach level six farming however to get a cheese press and then you need to get a cow so that you can get the milk for the cheese and no you're not allowed to buy the milk from the traveling car either although I think it'd be pretty funny if you were that being said there's still a ton of steps leading up to that such as completing the crafts room bundle to even unlock the Artisan bundles going through several seasons of farming just to reach level six and getting the money to build a barn and buy a cow you already go all the way to fall to complete the Run normally and it makes me wonder if anyone even tried to get the wine from the Feast of the winter star it also makes me sick that it could once again defile yet another category with luck there's just one more run from that I want to discuss juneart it's cute instead of playing the main game you can take a break and play a mini game within stard Valley and compete for a record there no no what you actually have to do is unlock junimo kart in the first place which means you are performing an entire other speedrun floor 120 of the mines and then completely Switching gears and playing a very difficult miname then time ends when you beat it oh you died a bunch in the fun little apple creature miname there goes your world record mind speedrun there's four submissions speaking of submission counts I find it important to note that many of the meme speedrun categories have more submissions than the main categories like Community Center completion that's how popular they are of course there exists a world outside of where content creators basically turn anything into a run in fact I have one very special example that I've been watching for a while for months now Trion thania has been randomly speedrunning an item determined by a wheel the goal is to Simply obtain the item as fast as possible sometimes it's sweet and simple like the red cabbage just sleep until year two plant it water and harvest while that could be maxed out by checking the traveling cart and luckily getting a red cabbage seed early this is for fun and done in one attempt so the strategy is to find the most consistent method to get a good time for other items it gets a bit more complicated like the bomb there's several ways to get it a lucky drop from enemies crafted after level six mining bought from the dwarf it's fun seeing them chart out every possibility and Performing the best one all in in around a minute they've done about 40 items so far and if you're wondering what the most popular video has been it's the one for sap they cut down a tree never change stardo Community the crazy thing is almost every single video is a unique path with different choices to consider even different forgea for the same season have you walking different places where they're more common and if this concept of random short speeduns interest you may I introduce you to bingo now the idea of a bingo board for a game is not new it's been done for games like Minecraft or Pokémon and now stard Valley is subject to it too for stardo Valley Bingo you're able to generate a random set of goals laid out on a bingo board and you need to complete all of them as fast as you can examples of goals include obtaining a certain amount of an item getting a specific buff upgrading a tool if you can think of it it's probably a possibility and if you're unfamiliar with Bingo Battles generally players will go head-to-head on the same board and the most common play style is lockout where whoever gets the majority of the spaces on the board wins with this we can have endless randomly generated speedrun prompts because apparently we were having trouble coming up with them on our own what if I told you that you don't even have to speedrun anything in the game there's one popular mod that consistently tracked speedruns and that's the Rog likee mod developed by the habo a speedrunner himself this mod essentially boils the game down to just combat with many systems in place to make it more interesting there's bosses rest floors with randomized shops and perks event floors like an Aiming Gallery King of the Hill and even Easter egg hunts I got to tell you I love this mod and that's why when he hosted a competition to see who could complete all 48 floors of the dungeon the fastest I participated and won so I can actually tell you about this speedrun pretty in depth first of all the run is an RNG Fest d daggers were extremely powerful in this patch so if you didn't get any daggers for any set of floors it was a heavy time loss for most of the floors you simply complete them as fast as you can usually involving killing monsters or on miname Floors trying to get the best score that you can so that you can get a diamond this diamond can then be sold at shops for more supplies and better weapons there's a couple of different strategies depending on the floor like making sure you're next to a chest when it spawns on the egg hunt stage or dragging the Slime boss to a corner where it can't move out of your attack range but for the most part all floors are played as intended in the long term you're trying to eventually work towards a critical hit build there's guaranteed Forge floors later in the run so by then you'll want to have found three aquamarines to Triple Forge critical chance onto your weapon you'll also want to get lucky with perks as there's a couple that will increase your critical hit rate and damage as well as a couple that increase your chance to get gems and increase your speed funny enough despite this being a combat focused mod it ends up being less mechanically difficult than vanilla stardy runs since there's not as much of a Reliance on animation cancelling and it's a pretty short run it mostly came down to grinding runs for good luck for fast floors good weapons and good perks so I've covered all of this and I just know that there's some smash hit speedrun series out there that I missed something like egg percent where you slingshot an egg at someone or thick junoo percent I don't know something like that and it's out there it's everywhere and I love it let me know if you have any favorite stard speedruns and if I missed something essential out there thank you for watching see you in the next one and good [Music] night
Channel: Salmence
Views: 72,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew, valley, stardew valley speedruns, stardew speedruns, summoning salt stardew, speedrun commentary, speedrun documentary, unhinged world, weird world of stardew speedruns, weird world, salmence speedruns, stardew parsnip%, stardew posh%, stardew CC speedrun, stardew games done quick, sdv gdq, stardew perfection, stardew underwear soup%, stardew hat mouse, stardew mines speedrun, how to speedrun stardew valley, stardew joja speedrun, stardew roguelike
Id: uPFPM29MqxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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