The Speedrun Where You Must Humiliate Mayor Lewis

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mayor lewis has become one of if not the most hated character in all of stardew valley from his mistreatment of marnie to his questionable spending of tax funds it's no surprise that the community has really rallied against to the point where there's now an official speed run to try and embarrass him as quickly as possible in this speed run you'll place his lucky purple shorts into the soup at the luau as quickly as you possibly can and last week i became the world record holder of this run yes really here's how i did it this speedrun is not particularly difficult but i wouldn't say it's easy it's very tactile and precise and you have to get a little just a little the time to beat chat is 23 28 23 28 is the time to beat and i think that we can do it i think that we can genuinely come out on top on this one let's play on the four corners farm because it's optimal i'll explain as we go because this run has an insane amount of sleeping it's almost like 90 sleeping and then a little bit of luck don't see how it goes hopefully we world record and then everybody applauds me and then i become the best man to ever exist possibly all right chat let's do this three two one go alright so we start off the run by sleeping all the way to fall first it's a pretty uneventful part of the run we're just doing a lot of sleeping and basically there's only three days we have to wake up this entire run the three important days are fall first fall 18th and then obviously summer 11 because we have to put the said underwear inside soup so for now just sleep sleep sleep the night away sleep to sleep to sleep the night away we are sleeping the night away sleeping the night away sleeping the night away now i think that there might be a quicker way that i was thinking about the other way to do this but i i'm not sure and i think this will work i guess it all really comes down to how many owl statues you get right and if you know anything about me it's that i get a lot of owl statues so you know my chance of uh p being is very low or not pb well i guess anything is a pb but you know what i mean chad this is an intense speed run chat okay and i don't appreciate all your slander okay no owl statues yet which for us is pretty lucky oh no oh it miss input no no should we start over chat should we start over that was a pretty bad miss input i thought i rebound those keys and no frames at least like three or four frames lost maybe even more oh god that was so embarrassing oh and i missed the y button accidentally click t like an ish like an ish i don't know what that means okay it's okay we're too far in we're too far in and with no owl statues we should take that in stride guys we usually are rolling in the owl statues by now would restart well who is not on the speedrun world record so until then i can have it from him all right fall first so now on fall first first we have to skip this atrocious cat cutscene but look at me just mlg this with record time i'm hitting every button i'm making the dialogue go quick i'm gonna slap no marnie get out of here it's not your time yet oh and my mouse was hovered over the no button oh he's such a pro how does he do it my god all right now that we finally made it to fall a thousand years later we have to go to pierre's we are buying to amaranth because marnie has a quest that she will give you in which if you give her one piece of amaranth you will get some money and then also a uh one friendship part so one friendship part first of all is a lot a lot of friendship points that you can't otherwise get and we need it because marnie doesn't really have any accessible love gifts all of barney's gifts are extremely hard to obtain as you guys probably remember from my lewis speed run where we had to spend hours getting those pink cakes so we have to use a liked gift on her birthday as opposed to a loved gift which would obviously be significantly better so we do a liked gift on her birthday um which will give us you know it multiplies by eight so that gives us one heart as opposed to love gift which gives two and then the marny amaranth quest will give us another heart which allows us to then access marnie's room and pick up the shorts and really it's literally just that simple here open up open up your doors oh my god perfect execution okay skip the cutscene with f incredible timing we go up oh my god is this a taz that i'm playing right now oh my gosh amaran okay squad seven okay now the re oh and then we pass out so the reason i bought seven there is because i need two amaranth exactly and i don't need money for anything else in this run this is a tech i made up myself but this is the only money i need in the entire run so i save myself a click there by uh by not having to click twice for both amaranth see what i'm saying because i don't need any more money so now we planted those amaranths and now we have to give them both to marnie on the 18th um so until then we just sleep and we hope we get a lot of rain days we need seven days of rain okay that's one rain day so two days total we need five more days of rain okay that is not a rain day okay that's another day of rain four rain days okay three days of watering left and then we're getting pretty lucky on the rain days honestly this is not bad luck okay oh my god and another rainy day oh my god okay okay okay okay we gotta go out today we gotta go today oh my god incredible luck sean you're a prodigy in the making a mastermind of his industry just truly one of the smartest people around nobody is having rain look like shawnee do marty's birthday coming up we get one more day of watering hopefully i didn't count this wrong it's very possible i'm not great at counting oh oh oh oh oh oh no i wasted so much time no throwing i'm actually bag i'm actually throwing no i counted incorrectly oh okay all right we got the two amaranths perfect now we just head on down to marnie's then it today is marty's birthday so we go over to marnie's house go ahead and give her the two pieces of amaranth okie dokie that was us getting the letter and it you can look back now flashing lights over so that was us getting the letter really quick now that we've got the letter we just head on down to marty's exhaust give the two piece of amaranth and be right on our way all right marnie opens her doors at nine so we're almost ready and now becomes the difficult part marnie is walking out when we're gonna be walking in so we have to make sure that we gift her in a place where she won't get in our way it's very particular movement speed okay because she's gonna come out of her room and then we need to go and go right in behind her very particular timing if we mess up this timing it could be bad wait what wait maybe it's 10. what why are you in there oh wait she goes to her checkup today so she comes out a little later i forgot it's her birthday okay this is the i i knew this was going to happen just like i knew it what is she doing in there am i crazy did she leave later in the day and i'm just hallucinating right now oh okay she's moving it's fine it's fine it's right it's fine fine okay no i forgot you can't hold down right click okay boom boom all right two hearts boom pick up the shorts yes i did okay the hard part of the run is over the hard part of the run is over oh my god okay we got this we're on incredible pacing chat all we have to do is sleep till summer 11 now that's all we got to do the hard part of the run is over on average it takes like 10 minutes of sleep a year we have to sleep for two seasons which is like half that so we're on world record pace maybe oh no man go beach farm and get retaining soil from a supply crate oh god okay i'm gonna have to redo this now no way no shot am i actually gonna try that am i actually gonna try it i think i am that is an insane tech things are not looking good for world record guys seeing as the world record is 23 minutes and we need to sleep another season which approximately takes two minutes all right the 11th oh it's gonna be so close oh my gosh okay i'm puckered oh no no no no no ken shut up shut up shut up stop stop stop go away go away go away go away please please leave me alone we don't really have to rush through this part because like the loot we cannot control when the luau happens it just sort of happens when it happens the only thing we can do to not impede this progress is not do anything that would you know like actively take more time all right now this comes the most intense part of the run we need to get as pixel close to the exit as we can without procking it because that's going to be a time loss otherwise okay i don't want to go any further because i feel okay valuable pixels oh okay we can go on to this last block okay all right perfect i don't think we should push it much for hurt should we put no we can't push it we can't push it okay don't push it don't push it don't push it don't push a chat 2208 okay things are looking good an hour left oh i don't know i don't know oh my god pixel perfect pixel perfect pixel perfect oh my god oh my god oh my god come on shut up shut up shut up just drink the soupy the soupy soup the fancy soup drink drink the loin soup the genital suit please oh my god oh no i think we just barely missed it no oh what was it 23 20 40 or something what's my bowl how did one pair of shorts spin the entire bowl i've always wondered that wow like and how did you notice it it's right it's right when this thing comes up what there's more how long is this dang cutscene oh my god this is ours this is asinine oh boohoo mayor lewis okay 2417. that is pretty good for our first attempt i like it a lot all right what's the current record look at this chat 24-17 that puts us at fifth place or sixth place that's embarrassing i thought i was on the peak of greatness that's not bad that is bad when there's only 11 entries that's pretty bad all right we're gonna try this beach tech thing that blade's talking about but it seems rather unlikely all right round two attempt number two chat all right this time we're gonna sleep quicker no nightmares more rain uh that's pretty much it all right three two one and we're going but you know what we'll give it a try at least i think literally most of this being good at this run is just like having precision and how quickly you can sleep and you know i don't feel like i was being very precise see i messed that up i clicked it too early and then it like compensated for that does that make sense laid says you could unlock skull caverns and try and get amaranth seeds out of a treasure floor yeah i'll try that next time i'll try i'll try that next time blade i'll give that one a try on the next run don't you worry this is why he's the best guys this is why he's the best around anyway it's autumn it's autumn autumn please go away okay see no crates i'm not seeing any crates guys i guess we go crate looking today uh i'll put those there in case any of my uh code spots ongoing over time but i'd prefer if they didn't oh this is great oh god this is a mistake how do you get around here oh my god this is a labyrinth do we have any crates do we have any crates crate crate crate chat crate there's a crate there's great okay cherry bombs are not gonna help us that's not gonna be helpful to us at all okay survival burgers that's not gonna be helpful to us geodes oh my god i nearly avoided that that would have been a really annoying cutscene that would have been an extremely annoying cutscene welp we did not get the crate chat we got no such crate which is sad news but that's the reality of our situation i didn't check the left side i don't have time piers is about to open and i have to do this okay and we go skip the cut scene click f boom secret tech option by opening the journal by mistake that's the real secret tag come on come on come on and now we just pray for rain rain give us rain please give us some rain i need some oh perfect perfect perfect okay okay three days of rain three days of rain so we need three days of watering come on give us the fourth give us the fourth day of rain give it to me give it to me give it to me now okay we did not get it that should be enough right or wait did i just miss count that is sleepy day that i shouldn't have slept that was not great guys i'm not gonna lie to you nevertheless we persist that that that was not my finest work all right three two one i don't i don't even want to talk about what just happened there all right pick up bed and go okay all right let's go look for some crates give us some water retaining soil please give me the soil okay create one okay cherry bombs again okay we got a crate we got a crate on the line oh oh my god we got the we got here we got it okay okay this is the run chat this is their own this is their opinion oh my god it's the run this is the run chat oh my god we're kind of world record okay now we just have to yolo and pray oh my god i'm actually gonna world record okay oh my gosh okay do not throw sean do not throw the soil is on eight it took us so long to get back over here that we had to watch the community center cut scene for a couple seconds that's definitely gonna be a time loss but it's fine okay i gotta climb through all my health oh my god okay oh what come on shane don't even get near me oh my god it's gonna be so close to me get through it all oh my god that was insanely close and we go and we go click f f f f fff okay up and over alright we start with eight and then we go to zero all right all right now we just yolo we just yolo it who cares we're just killing it okay we need to get some early rain though early rain and then we'll work let's just hope that it's still retaining that water guys all right give us a rain day okay we got a rain day we got a rain day okay so we've at least water for two days okay three so i'm gonna assume that we have four and it was retained at least one day that's what i'm going to assume so we would only need to water three more times okay two more times we're doing it we're doing it oh my god wait okay wait no i'm just yellowing i'm just straight yellowing i don't care i don't care i'm just straight yellowing it i don't care i don't care if we throw it we throw it we just gotta go okay come on look at all this rain come on okay we got this we got this come on all right come on oh my god i hope to god that they're grown out there oh come on that was so much rain yes oh my god okay wait we got it we got this chat oh my god okay history in the making right here we just gotta get down to marnie's okay i should be using the axe so i can start using my energy up i probably should have gone around the other way that i went the other day for the crates but it's fine it's fine you have until like 10 30 so it's fine oh my god i can't believe that would work it's still gonna take a lot of things for us to go in our favor the run has not been won yet chop that mushroom tree and pass out the red shroom really does that work okay okay we got some red mushrooms and then i gotta check the mail it's fine it's fine you don't need to be in there until 10 30 anyway all right now i just gotta drain our energy one two three four five six okay hey kkk this is actually gonna work oh wow okay that seemed quicker okay all right now we just sleep the night away i don't i don't know if any of this worked but i guess we'll see right i i don't know if this is all gonna pay off in the end but i don't know i'm still a little nervous the quality retaining soil was a big brain play wait if you enter marty's at nine she gets in at nine instead she starts the day behind the counter at nine she heads to her room uh [Music] oh we definitely threw them well we'll see what our time is the quality or dating soil play is too big to throw away we're probably fine we'll probably still world record chat i think that we're good maybe i don't know i guess we'll see so guess for future runs we should go always go through cinder sap forest to town that'll end up being a lot quicker that way we won't have to watch the community center cut scene i don't know if we're gonna make it chat 19 minutes oh no man it's not looking good for us luau time now we just wait now we just wait once again skip past this stupid kent cut scene oh no chat this is way too close i don't know how long it takes for starting time to progress i mean i do but i forget this is the worst part of this run is that like after that one day of excitement your fate is basically sealed and you just have to wait like there's nothing i can do to speed this process up at all i do not think we got this one chat but you know maybe but maybe all right we've got two minutes left okay perfect two minutes left and two hours until until uh the luau nine o'clock nine o'clock shloop shloops okay come on let's see no go for god's sake no no so close dang it this cutscene takes forever i think this might be worse than our last time and oh no i forgot it's a two-part cut scene i forgot there's two parts in this cutscene oh god okay 2404 that's that's not bad that's not terrible that put us at fourth place which is not terrible i think we can do it with one more run but we got this i can feel it all right three two one go we got it this time we got it we know all the sick time stays we need to make let's just hope we get the quality retaining fertilizer on this run that's the real gamba we got so many crates last time that we're bound to get it but this time i don't know but knowing but knowing my luck because every single time i've gone for a speed run there's somebody in my chat who's been doing it in the background and then the second i'm like i got the world record they're like haha i was doing it too and i'm quite sick of it i meant i'm no more of that last day all right come on come on quality retaining soil okay there's our first crate first of many okay mixed seeds that means nothing there's a crate up here oh there we go okay easy easy we're in it we're in it now chat there we go we back in it all right all right we gotta run going we gotta run going here we go now we're cooking with gas baby okay okey-dokey let's go let's go all right let's fix all of our mistakes from the past we got it this time we know not to go through that the bus entrance in the future we know to go through the down path we know to get marnie on the first cycle got this we're pros we know what we're doing oh my god i'm gonna world record my first world record so that one time i had had was for a couple seconds i didn't see any mushroom trees on the way unfortunately but we got this okay easy easy easy easy we got this we got this we got this we got this shot my god it's happening it's all happening three okay let's go let's go let's go we got it we got it we got it all right now we just yolo just yolo it just yolo it okay we just gotta hope for rain days come on give us the rain days give me rain days okay so far we've watered once hey things are not looking promising so far okay okay okay i think okay but it's gonna come back in the latter half okay we gotta rendez we got a reindeer that's two that's two that's two that's fine that's fine that's fine okay i guess we're gonna have to go out what okay one of them already grew all right all right all right that is insane odds okay screw it we're just yellowing the rest of it we got this come on come on come on go here go come on come on come on of course it rains today okay perfect perfect perfect okay we got this chad we did have to go outside for a brief second now i'm on the lookout for any mushroom trees if we see any okay this might be the run chat this is kind of incredible it's only like a five second time say if it's fine it's fine mail the mail no the mail i forgot i forgot about the mail oh my god this is so dense the coffee the coffee save us hey let's coffee save us okay coffee okay oh my god okay okay okay it's over it's over it's over all right you have to make it there by nine and expunge all our energy come on coffee save let's save the safe and safe and save us at 8 50 i'll start moving to the door even if i'm not a lot of energy no no open your door no no stop stop stop go oh my god i hate you so much oh my god that was insufferable oh my god i don't know i don't know i don't know oh my god that was so annoying now we just now we just pray now we just pray this is our day all right luau time shut up shut up kent ken i don't care you just gotta make it to the luau now in theory easy in practice maybe a little harder oh it's 2130 i don't know okay it's gonna be so close okay then oh my god that was insanely close i didn't i didn't even walk it okay this cutscene is what's gonna kill us i don't know [Music] all right now it's in god's hands now it's in god's hands [Music] he loves the soup he loves the soup 20 30 seconds what yes okay i forgot this is a two-part cutscene i think my tongue is gonna explode oh i forgot there's one more oh no just dearly oh but that's still a strong third that is still a straw oh not second oh wait no oh no wait oh wait no we got it oh we know we won oh wait that's it yeah we know we got it wait i'm looking at the thing right now hold on no wait yeah we got it but yeah that's the world record yeah the top time is 23 28 we got 23 27. oh wait yeah so we got it that is the world record hanson soup percent baby okay i always knew that pants and super set was going to be my record shout out blade for the support moral the story is steal underpants drink soup that's it that's it that's it [Music] you
Channel: Seanie Dew
Views: 628,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3wSBdyvgZ2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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