The Undeparted an award winning documentary film about spirits, attachments, and people!

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the soul is a curious thing i used to think in my lifetime we would find a cure for death but now i'm not so sure so what does it mean to be alive is it possible our loved ones could still linger near could some be trapped here with us or could something else be going on [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] this table is where this story begins my wife decides she wants to buy this table and she asked me if i'll go with her to the antique shop when i first see the shop i find it odd that she would pull over and walk into a shop like this but i see it differently now everything and everyone has its moment and then we all grow old and slow down for the shop at sand hill the big highway took with it the busy life but the location is still full of memories and the items inside may not be ready to be forgotten rebecca is the owner and she's the mother who breathes life into all the items her fiance stephen is more of a guide and storyteller as you search within it's kind of like visiting a place of unwanted but everything is a treasure to someone and so i find myself buying this table and rebecca says would you like some sage with that and to which i reply for what on the way home my wife and i consider about the idea that maybe we're bringing a ghost with this table so when we get home we actually use this age because it can't hurt and later i go online and do some research and apparently many people believe that spirits can be attached to tables and chairs and jewelry and all sorts of items like that and it really piques my interest i wanted to know more about the location at sandhill but there wasn't much information to be found what we do know is the front largest part of the building was built in 1840 and there are three segments behind that that could be much older the location is served as a convenience store a post office a roller rink and currently the antique shop another interest i found is within two miles of this location once stood the henryton sanatorium this old tuberculosis hospital was considered extremely haunted part of me just wants to return to my normal life but another part of me can't let it go and i call a few of my friends and we head out to sand hill to see what goes on at this shop what goes on here a lot is a lot of mischief items are moved lights will flicker when there's nothing wrong at times i think rebecca's upstairs i hear things as if something has been dropped which will happen when she's moving things upstairs or the stool falls over but then i realized that she's not upstairs stereo on and off all the time just blasting in the middle of the night would wake us up and go down and unplug it or power tools turning on by themselves you have to be here and experience this and then try to say what was the wind it was this it's not rebecca left keys on her desk in the office they disappeared only to be found five or six weeks later under the water fountain partially sticking out on a different level of the building so these things happen and when you experience them there there is no okay the keys fell they were kicked they went in the thing keys don't travel from one floor to another by themselves rebecca and steven followed the day-to-day happenings at the shop with stories from ex-employees clients and even a family member i really wanted to hear directly from these people so i asked rebecca if she could bring them into the shop i never really believed in ghosts but after some of the things that have happened around here i would definitely say that that view has changed one time me and my co-worker we were actually in the back i was standing he was working and turn off the sander and we'd hear this child's laughter and i looked at him he looked at me we gave each other a really weird look and we went and actually investigated and sure enough we were the only two in the building i used to live here with my mom and my two sisters we would all sleep up here and my mom would still work the shop downstairs and uh i was about eight years old i was sitting in the living room to my left nothing was really going on downstairs and i heard a voice right next to me he said very clearly the voice of a boy child spoke to him and said hi graham and uh i called my sister asking her if she said something she said no and now that i think about it there's no way that she could have said it because it was as if someone was talking right into my ear i was here by myself one night late working on the trunk and the stereo just turned off by itself then i just felt this really negative sensation and um you know like textbook cold and on the back of my neck and felt like someone was trying to tell me it's time for you to go i can do whatever i want to do here this is my place i came in here took a few steps in and i instantly kind of had a feeling like um static electricity and i felt cold hand wrap around my left arm he was a little taken aback and uh of course i welcomed him back come back any time and uh he said to me well i don't know that i want to really i wasn't ready for that type of experience that many people cannot come in to this shop and feel and say what they say if in reality there was nothing going on here this is a very active building maybe they have unfinished business here on earth maybe they were taken too early people may still be here trapped because they don't want to be separated so i'm no expert but if these stories are true then it seems like there's a real diversity of activity going on at sandhill so before i get ahead of myself though i do want to tell you a little something that happened to me i went into the bathroom and there's a little eyelash hook and i locked that hook and then i turned around and used the restroom i washed my hands and grabbed a paper towel turned around switched off the light unflicked the switch and then i turn around and throw out the paper towel that i still had and i heard the latch re-latch and it was relaxed the skeptic in me does some tests right i basically re-latch and i keep trying one-handed to flick the switch up and see what happens and i can't i can't get that latch to relax in fact it's so tight that when you hit it with one hand it flicks way back and there's just no possibility for it to relax and then i take this story upstairs and tell rebecca who laughs and says it's not the first time this has happened so all these stories are intriguing but i want to know what's going on and i think that for me bringing in a clairvoyant made a lot of sense when i first walked into the space i was truly overwhelmed this building seeps with spirits and energy coming down the hallway i got a sense that there was a pathway somewhere within this structure and from the outside of the structure that spirits were coming and walking a path and following that pathway and then coming into the house there had to be an opening somewhere because they need an opening they need a doorway or a window some way to come in smoothly and easily and when i looked at the big door it just that was it i knew that was it there's a big gap at the top there's a big gap at the bottom very easy access for those for spirits to come and go and almost creates a flow of energy coming in and going out when i first walked in especially the front door the way it was positioned it just felt like there's lots of hiding spaces there are some things that feel like echoes of a story and then other things that are much more present there's some dark energy there's some energy it's also heavily ridden with anger and then there's spirit here that has a lot of grief and that grief um bothers the angry spirit and those two are not getting along very well there's a sense of power that this spirit has now that i think he craved in life but never got but there were others on the other side and i believe that went into the real work space back here where a lot of actual work is done and i felt very different spirits back there i felt helpers they feel very close to rebecca and wow there's one young lady back there that misses her mother and she uh she feels very close to rebecca upstairs it's a much more open floor plan energy flows a little bit better it's a little bit brighter the ceilings are a little bit higher and so i got pulled over to kind of the the wall that became the closet because it it didn't feel right in the room where the children's toys were there was a little horse a little horse for little children there was a child on that horse and i asked her about the room behind i didn't know the screen was blocking the doorway but i knew there was a room back there and she said you don't go into that room nobody goes into that room and i said why is it a bad room and she said it's not a good room and we don't go there and i said okay so i wasn't gonna go there but then we decided to move the screen and i i felt it was more coming from beneath coming from beneath the structure and coming straight up the energy that i felt in that closet was very dark it felt cold it felt very stagnant i felt very bloody and part of it i was trying to see if it was attached to the room and it wasn't it was more about attached to the land so it felt it felt like something violent happened it had a harsh voice and then as we went down the steps in their very old stone steps i could feel something coming from the earth on that area of land that the home either got built over or got refinished or something but just a very very present sense of death as we went into the space i could feel desperation it felt like pain almost to the point of horror this was like a flashball moment in time of pain and just just overwhelming fear something happened down there something that was not so good happened down there something traumatic happened here there was a death here and now there is an opening and that has created a portal that's opened up and that's what's come up through the house into that room behind the screen that one specifically because it has such a feeling of violence to it is only gonna attract the more violent types of spirits and that portal really needs to be closed harriet had mentioned the portal but on day two when monica mentioned the portal i kind of got chills having intentionally kept them separated it really surprised me i have something else to tell you [Laughter] i had been reviewing the footage and we had accidentally left a camera rolling after an interview and the interview chair moved it was so subtle that at first i thought it was just in my mind and then i looked closer and i zoomed in on the frame and it moved i had thought nothing was going to happen on this chute but then little things seemed to be happening and it was fascinating rebecca and stephen i've been through your shop from front to back top to bottom and you have a very diverse group of spirits here i mentioned to you earlier there was a little girl upstairs in the playroom i feel there's a young woman in your office okay and then there's some not so good spirits in the back and underneath the house or the structure would we be able to find out the little boy's name johnny johnny that's wonderful he's been here a long time and he likes watching what you do he kind of learns from you he sees you as a a teacher for him and he can go do what he wants to do he can come around when he wants to be around you and he really likes that you mentioned that there was a young woman that felt comfortable with me you said yeah she's she likes being back here with you when you work when you go into the office she follows you into the office she likes meeting people and seeing new people come in but but you're her mom you mentioned there was a gentleman here middle aged yes at the top of the stairs any thoughts about what happened to him why he died or what's happened in his life why so much grief or anger he passed away from a stroke the aftermath of a stroke he lived for a while afterwards but he he really didn't fight to live shall we say he pretty much succumbed with the stroke and the reason he did was his life had fallen apart his wife had passed away and then he had a son who committed suicide and very hard for him but he was also mad at him how could he do that how could he go and leave him and it just ripped his world apart so he felt like there was just everybody was leaving him and he had a lot of normal grief but inside that grief was the anger that they left him when you went down into the uh basement or cellar this morning i don't know entities probably not the right word spirits how how many spirits wore down there that you picked up on i picked up on two that were there male and a female so they don't come up they're down there no if that portal is closed off they'll still remain okay the female will go to the light if that is your choice to release her the male i don't know i'm not giving him that choice to go like you he's not nice he's a bad person he's a bad spirit what can be done with with him he would be sent away i don't care where he goes he just has to leave and he can't come back so you have a lot of spirits you have a lot going on okay and we've talked about those things let me talk to you a little bit about some choices you might want to consider i do not like the energy in the back back there okay and i don't like the pathway we can close it off and we can set up boundaries so that they cannot come back on the property and then the area down below with the really dark bad energy down there with the portal okay it's never a good idea to leave a portal open and you never know what can come out of the portal that's really a risky thing so i would recommend simply closing the portal leaving everything else the same i had done some more digging and found an article online from the baltimore sun about the nearby henryton sanatorium the article mentions a child died on location and the body was incinerated and disposed of before the parents were notified at one point 145 people died within an eight-month period that's well over one-third of the hospital's original patient capacity those are the spirits on the pathway that were coming across the crossroads and going behind the house and across the back of sand hill antique shop that's where those spirits were coming from that direction we quickly gathered crew to get back to the shop and close the portal but i was curious and i asked rebecca how it felt in the shop i didn't want to be here just felt very heavy very oppressed like the spirits knew they knew what was going on they're around here and they were sort of gearing up for not going anywhere you know the main focus at sand hill was to close the portal and also there had been a tragedy that had occurred in that same area and so that energy needed to be released this is a spiritual happening and at this point that is the time that i look and i see but i also have to feel is there anything hiding is there anything trying not to go into the portal and is it sincere so as i'm filling the room with light those are going into the light those that have made a different choice and decision the others are funneling back into that portal as fast as they can it's almost like watching something and fast forward and when i see that all is clear and there's nothing else coming then i have to quickly close that portal and it's like slamming a door shut you close it very quickly so nothing else can come back out and then you have to protect that when i first went in to the antique shop i had immediately felt a difference after harriet had worked i could feel a difference in the lean-to area i knew that something energetically had shifted there so a lot of the work that i specifically did was around the doorways and the outside of the home on each door whether they were open to the public or not i put wards and protections on then that pathway is a part of the picture of why the energy didn't feel good in the antique shops so i looked around and i found the perfect place where i could take it so it could come right from the direction that it originated and was coming on but then it would make a much wider swing and it would go around the farms and around the homes that were there and into nothingness into farms and into woods that i could see lots of woods back there because of my training and my background in druidry i work a lot with trees they help to kind of ground out overwhelming energies and there were quite a few trees around the property and so i gave them blessings but it wasn't enough the team and i went back to grab a couple closing questions with rebecca and steven and another interview with an ex-employee named nick nick seemed nervous during his interview and we also had a few issues with our batteries and a light but all in all things seemed to go pretty well when i get back to my editing suite i realize something has gone wrong what we have is a file that's the size of a 40 minute clip but it's only four minutes in length the video starts out okay but quickly goes bad and all we have is audio and that audio is choppy and nonsensical in nature it was as if someone had been frantically trying to cut down our 40-minute interview during the interview and what we were left with was four minutes of audio to try and decipher when i went in and looked more closely i began to notice little moments little bits that stood out to me and i pulled those moments and within a few minutes i was done i took those moments those bits and i put them together in linear order and i played them back and there was a message did enter the portal open and move things door again a little afraid it interferes only into i'm on my way to the shop and i can't decide if i should tell rebecca about the message so i call harriet and she says if i do tell her about the message that i should take her away from the shop harriet's concern that someone or something may be listening when i get to the shop i decide i want to tell rebecca so i walk her down the road under this huge tree and i tell her the message she's surprised but she wants to hear the message i have the message on my phone but it's too loud by the road so we walk over to my car and out of nowhere the sky turns dark and there was a loud crack and i looked over my shoulder to see the massive tree crashing to the road if it had happened moments earlier we could be dead it felt as if someone or something had been listening to our entire conversation and as soon as we were finished it reacted i started thinking about how harriet had told me to get away from the shop and i can't help but think maybe something's attached to rebecca harry and monica both agree that rebecca may have something attached to her and that spirits may be traveling from the shop to their home and back and so we pack up our bags and we head out to rebecca and steven's home to finish what we started when you pull into the driveway you could feel the heaviness it also had a dark feeling then as i approached the house that feeling just got stronger and stronger and then when you open the door it was like walking almost into a maze doors were completely cut off but not truly windows that used to let in light were now shuttered so this home while it didn't necessarily have a portal in the same kind of way that sand hill antiques did it had a lot of the same energetic concerns [Music] it would almost feel like there was a dark figure standing over you looking over you so it was just a very uncomfortable uneasy feeling and you could see how the people living there would be affected by that my heart really went out to them because i was like this this is a lot to have to live with your home is your safe place it's your sanctuary and to not feel safe in your own home gives a lot of power and control two different spirits and two different energies that may take advantage of that there was some energy in the basement in the back room that was very dark and very angry energy and that anger was fueling so much energy and sending it up and rebecca and stephen both but mostly rebecca she was very vulnerable to that and so that was being given to her every day all the time and then she would take it to the shop take it to the antique shop and work there come back home and get another dose this is one of the rare occasions where i have found that there's a lot of activity in your place of work there's also a lot of activity in your place of home and both rebecca and steven are noticing it and they're also just desperately brute forcing trying to survive it it was a big aha moment that i was like oh this place needs cleared and sealed as well in order for things to actually settle down and stop harry and i came together to try to figure out a way to divide and conquer i decided to work with the home and with the spirits of the land and harriet decided to work with rebecca what i had already identified was that rebecca had two spirits attached both were in the upper chest and the abdomen in that area of the body as i began to work with her i did notice that there was some really dark energy that was inside very deep and stuck and that had come from early life trauma when the second one was released we both heard this loud pop and she turned and looked at me with this shock in her eyes and then she said wow i can't remember the last time i had a breath of fresh air well i knew that the pop was the release of the the opening of the airways and when the airways opened up it released breath and so then she was able to take a fresh breath leaving her back whole again without any outside influence to be who she is and for her body to heal while harriet worked with rebecca specifically i started from the top of the home and worked our way down every single room every single window every single door every possible exit and entry point that you could think of that was what they had me check clear and then put a seal on i saved the basement for last because i knew it was going to be the most difficult and i remember a very very difficult spirit that no matter what i said no matter what i asked and no matter what i demanded would not move for me alone and i asked for harriet's help at that time she reached a point that she felt very uncomfortable she didn't want to go back into the room and i said we have to take care of it we cannot leave it and she says i can't go back in the room and i said well yes you can but let's do it together and so that's exactly what we did we went in i communicated immediately with the energy was there i said you're not welcome here you must leave and the minute it started to fight it turned to confront us and the minute it did that we lifted it up we lifted it out in one big swoop and immediately we sealed that room immediately after that because at that point the house was finally cleared during this journey i've heard many stories i invited in two separate clairvoyance i had a chair move a bathroom latch me in and i watched as a massive tree crashed to the ground within moments of disclosing a message when we began i expected nothing to happen and i would have been happy to simply tell the stories and experiences of the people around sand hill but things did happen it was a hard shoot both physically and mentally and i am reminded of something that rebecca said to me about ghosts takes a lot of tenacity to find them but then what you find out you may wish you didn't know my hopes for sandhill antique shop would be that someone who comes there would want to shop there i would want them to come in look around enjoy the experience feel good and feel safe in that environment for me my hope is that things will finally settle down areas that used to have really negative spirits and negative energy that's gone that's been cleared and we have definitely interviewed very specifically the spirits that wanted to stay there are some spirits there and i think they add character and a certain warm and cozy feeling if you will to the environment i think they also are protection so i think they make the place feel safe and inviting and that's what i'd like to see happen and everything to survive and thrive my hope is that their business will prosper but my worry too is if folks are used to feeling the haunted feel of a place you can you can miss that a little bit and so you can find yourself both consciously and unconsciously starting to call that back so trying to have the spirits hold strong words and boundaries we will see we will see how long it stays as we say goodbye i'd like to leave you with a warning from harriet that lingers in my mind i know beyond a shadow of a doubt there is evil evil is present and evil is a force to reckon with we're best to stay as far out of the way as possible [Music] you
Channel: Christopher McGuinness
Views: 1,489,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: san hill antiques, the undeparted, The Undeparted Documentary Film, christopher mcguinness, undeparted, haunted house, spirit attachment, spirit, demons, ghost hunters, ghost hunting, paranormal investigation, ghosts, spirits, poltergeist, paranormal activity, real ghosts, real haunting, actually haunted, paranormal evidence, ghost evidence, paranormal, negative spirit attachments, haunted maryland, haunted, haunted antiques, attachements, really happened, paranormal storytime
Id: Xm3jq96zui4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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