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[Applause] mickey hey Nick we've come into the hay feeders let's go feed the horses Nick we can make there's so much energy here the longer I've been here the more I've discovered it is some sort of transformational for tax calling to people who really do want to discover the truth of who they are and find their life's journey [Music] I believe animals are the higher beings I believe we have a lot to learn from them and that's what this retreat is about it's not about me trying to translate it it's about you having just an interface with what is here and it will speak to you right now what we want you to speak about is what calls you to come here what are you anticipating anything that that you want to share that way what called me to come here [Music] [Music] [Music] the whole experience of being led here 16 years ago was a calling I was alone on land in my canvas tent I was afraid of the aloneness I was afraid of the dark all of my stuff came up I had nothing to do I had no radios or Internet so I'd go out and follow the herd and I would just walk the land I began to realize that I was never alone that it was all one and everything I was interfacing with was like God interfacing with God we walked the land with a shaman and geomancer geomancer's look at the land almost in a romantic way when the rocks are breaking the surface of the land it's like the back of the Dragon a riverbed would be a serpent everything is speaking to you we began to realize that this land is dragon energy dragon energy is about metamorphosis and manifestation [Music] [Music] the rhythm here is very soft and kind [Music] I feel very safe here [Music] I was born in South Africa on a farm and my favorite thing was taking camping trips into the African bush observing and painting African animals I was very connected to nature for the last 40 years have been very much living in cities and working in offices connecting to nature here made me realize how important it was [Music] it feels so good and it's just so majestic and so beautiful and so peaceful it's just a really sacred place [Music] everything is in harmony [Music] I had lots of spiritual friends that would come with their healing tables Reiki people and things like that I would say maybe we should put the table in the paddock I get on the table Ellie and Eva come over and they just drop their heads on my chest and Ellie just started bumping all my chakras down my body well I'm rarely in body she's trying to say hello get in there get in there so what we can do something with you she and Deva breathed on all my chakras that was the beginning of the retreats the horses will heal everybody they see that invisible around us that's why they're amazing healers because they can feel that energy that's not resonating in the right way and they'll go in there and correct it I really do believe that animal speak to you I'm Mike what's called an empath and a highly sensitive person I'm here to help shift the consciousness of people around animals I don't know what my gifts and talents are for that but I have a problem if I think about animals that have been abused to hurt I have memories body memories if I start thinking about it my body will like shake and I'm no good to the animals if this HAFTER this all the time so I'm praying that here they'll help me I need to know how to navigate and be there for them and I also want to be able to communicate with them and hear them and share their stories [Laughter] I really believe the animals are in our lives to open our hearts and to connect us with spirit and with the earth they teach us about living and dying so that we're ready for it ourselves serene has just had a new baby she's very protective so she appears quite formidable at times but really she's just being a good mom hi Liberia can I see how's my boy he says I'm so frisky when I'm on the land I think I'm a little wild yes if you walk in nature spend time with natural beings if you understand the concept of one mind that encompasses all consciousness on the planet maybe in the universe you begin to be tuned to the vibration of the natural world that level allows us to bleed through and become part of nature if you go to grass picker hmm you like all this all good twice or special on the seeker the seeker is trying to find out more about your spirituality about the energy here about heart as opposed to mind I think the method is to be pistol and be present and be open horses and animals in general they don't have that problem like we have that little voice in your head always telling you to what to do and things like that mind tells me what to plan and living in the future [Music] I'm kind of a late bloomer I knew everything later than most people except that I had my kids very early I was a teenage mom I've been diagnosed as being bipolar most of my adult life I could not rely on myself to be functioning well I would be clinically depressed it's hard to be true and to feel like I could be myself I was painter when I came here and I had no idea why I was so strongly called to come here and I didn't give it a thought that how it could maybe affect my art career I guess for a little while I carried on painting the odd piece for galleries local galleries and my subject matter changed from wildlife to horses and scenes you know whatever I was seeing here then I just started painting less and spending more time exploring my horse relationship with my herd one day I just had this insatiable urge to write and I started to channel one with the herd which was the first book at that point the dog's the cats they all got involved they said it's not just about horses it's about all the animals and I wrote four books in two and a half years sometimes I don't know if I'm speaking for me or I'm speaking for them this place helps you to reflect definitely the horses remind me to breathe and get still and in those moments I I can find myself again I just have so much gratitude for all of the horses in the world and all the horses I've ever had and these horses here for one herd of humans and horses as long as you maintain that that heart connection with them you'll be safe with them and that comes from deep trust [Music] I went in to see to sorrow he was just there being to sorrow and I just sat there with him I loved his ears hello I see him as a patient equal supportive spirit I relate to his experience of his being brought into the herd and being different they say he's helping man healing me and I think he must be I was in the emergency room for 30 years I'm trained in family practice and emergency room I think it's very important for a physician to build trust and an empathy otherwise you don't get to get part of the story and you won't be able to help the patient the way you should healing the spirit is as important as healing the body what we teach here is invitation and reward rather than pressure and release so instead of me coming in and going I'd like you to move and I'm going to increase pressure I'm going to ask at a much lighter level because horses can feel a fly land on them they can feel the energy in my aura I can be back here and I can walk up to Prima and I can ask her to back up here good girl I'm going to be training my horse to be at liberty with me so I'm always going to have a really loose feed line I'm not gonna pull them because when I take the halter off I don't have any way to pull them they like to get invited rather than told when you see a lead mare she walks into the herd and she looks at a body part and that horse moves if all I'm doing is focusing now if she didn't listen to that focus I could amp it up a bit and I could say I really need you I might point out it if that didn't work I might just kind of swing my rope at it because these are all levels and if that didn't work I might just tap her good girl and once you have tuned your horse by maybe even going to phase four and tapping them they'll go I get it I'm just walking towards her and that's how sensitive horses are they only need your focus they don't need a sledgehammer or a big whip they like somebody who is going to be able to take care of them which is the lead mare what we're gonna practice is having the horse follow us at liberty when you get your horse to volunteer you have a willing partner I couldn't understand why leading up to this I was crying all the time if I expect to see something negative I will see it at the expense of my own joy at the expense of my own creativity and even at the expense of my own connection with other people I spent a lot of years crying and I think it was just time at this age to stop feeling overwhelmed and and exhausted by it you can't accomplish anything when you're overwhelmed [Music] the reason I'm here is I recently lost my two and a half year old son Bodhi my mind can accept that he's no longer here because he's not present in physical form but this grief has stuck in every cell every tissue of my body I've pretty much lost everything my job my home I'm rebuilding that and I just want to put that prayer out to the universe for me to start again [Music] this isn't so much an escape as it is a place to leave things behind that have no place in you anymore my goal is to work on my perception so that my focus is not on what is wrong but that I remain an opening because if you're not an opening for magic it's not gonna happen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I started getting triggered a lot from my past problems and things that I haven't healed I pulled away but I work through them and what I realized is I don't have to be so heavy and I need more joy and love laughter in my life so I just decided to let go of it I don't want to live from that place anymore I want to heal it and move on it totally shifted what I thought I was coming here for [Music] [Music] [Music] the way that I feel that I help others is through being an empathetic heart and I think that when that's happening to people you're giving them a safe place to be and that's when healing happens inhale exhale inhale our breath just matched I blend it in with the herd [Music] and that's just when I just felt I was safe I have always considered something along the lines of healing practices I think that that goes back to who I was when I was a little girl I always felt like that I deviated from that when I didn't understand that there were gifts within trauma but I think that's kind of who I've always been and now I know that is what I'm here to do [Music] [Laughter] this is good you can't make decisions about your life you're unhappy we all have our stories and they don't define who we are but eventually I want to get to a point where it's just not my story and I want to just be celebrating my son bode not be stuck in the tragic event that happened but to process it and honor it and arrive at peace with that when you're dealing with a horse you don't have to have any shields you know because he's not about me shield what-you-see-is-what-you-get we tend to always have masks and not be as authentic as we should be if we could become more authentic with each other we could get a deeper connection [Music] I'm a spiritual being but we get so tied up in the human experience developing our mind and our body and collecting material stuff that we tend to completely forget the spiritual side connecting to nature brings that back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you look at everything that's created I was being consciousness because there is a one creative life force that is creating it the land has consciousness the Hearne has consciousness humans have consciousness I'll tell you a little story about my last moments with Bodhi that morning we went out into the backyard and he's never done this before but he stuck his arm straight out to the side and started running and he said mommy mommy let's be birds let's fly like birds mommy let's fly and I found myself just running around circling Bodhi giggling were just being Birds not knowing that that day his soul took flight I was 17 and after my parents divorced my mom got together with this guy and he was a very messed up individual he sexually abused me he said if you say anything about this I'll tell your mother that you instigated it I fell silent for a couple years and then two years later he did it the same thing to my younger sister you know I don't think about it every day but it does play into my confidence and how I feel about myself I still have to work with that stuff I still have to work on that trauma this stuff gets caught in your cells you know you have to find different ways of releasing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the first day I still felt so tight and I I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to sort of let go those long-term wounds feel more like an old story that during my stay here I've let go it doesn't mean that that story is not a part of me or something that I experienced but it doesn't have to be attached to the true essence of Who I am I'm finally letting something go something that has negatively influenced my life for a long time [Music] I just love being with animals I just feel that one just lots of unconditional love radiating to me and radiating back to the animal you don't get that from anything else [Music] [Music] what I'll take back with me here would be the therapeutic part of an encounter [Music] I can be they like the horses totally present totally devoted to the patient of a person in front of me that gonna add a lot to the healing process [Music] the healer is as much part of the healing as the medicine [Music] I think the priorities this week have shifted for me I believe I can just become a better person and a better friend and a better person to know and certainly a better father and be there more for my kids because I realize that's often not the case even if I'm physically they are mentally not there the funny thing God is the present I believe if you can start appreciating every single moment it'll lead to a life that's more open and free [Music] [Music] especially in the death of a child people always want to give their advice [Music] I've been told that I'm being afraid of nature because Bodhi died in nature getting closer to the edge I don't want to be afraid of any of this anymore it's a process but only I can do it I'm not afraid [Music] [Music] we learn from the herd that when one hurts we all hurt when one suffers we all suffer and that we are all here to heal together I needed to learn that here [Music] I can feel Mull nerble and feel the feelings I a lot of times hold in by being with the animals when any of them are looking at me are they or they're putting their head on me or that makes me just let go I can just be myself [Music] in my past I would tend to isolate a lot and I think that being around people that sort of intrinsically understand has helped this wash through I really think together we shifted things within us on a very individual basis but I think maybe even on a group basis too [Music] there was this circle there was this wonderful flow and circle between all of us people and horses and even the dogs and the cats here so [Music] when I sit with the horses that beautiful circle of healing of appreciation and gratitude for them and what they're doing is always there always [Music] my definition of love is to actually support the growth of the other person but I'm just wondering what we could actually give to these lovely animals it doesn't sound fair does it I didn't find anything that they needed [Music] animals don't take what they don't need there's no posturing there's no falsehood there's no face there's no facade and they know what you're thinking anyway you have to be in your truth and then they come to you and that is what they ask from us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are all here on earth living in a time of great change because of our communication systems a small change in consciousness had affect millions of minds an individual can change the world we often hear you say what can I do I'm one small person you can hold the integrity for your whole species you can maintain empathy for other species and for the whole organism of the earth all Minds are joined one mind touches many others who in turn touch many others [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Equinisity Retreats
Views: 681,107
Rating: 4.9024725 out of 5
Keywords: Herd, Herd Film, Herd Documentary, Equinisity, Retreats, Liz Mitten Ryan, Horse, Horse Documentary, Horse Film, Horse Movie, Horses, Equine, spirituality, spiritual journey, horse therapy, healing, equus, personal developement, meditation
Id: UruSVDLqwVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 41sec (3101 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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