Haunted In Ohio Full Documentary #ghoststories

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beginning of August of 2011 we moved into a million we first got there wasn't really nothing unusual that we seen or heard you know just kind of everyday everyday living everyday thing and I bought the second week was into the house nesting my wife start babysitting her doll which was this little rusty and the first night that dog was going absolutely crazy like it would just barking there and just just constantly acting and then kind of back of my mind I I thought that there was something in the house but I wasn't sure I want to start by saying I am a Christian and I know they say that you know as Christians you know you shouldn't really believe in that kind of stuff but I really had seen it firsthand and felt it firsthand I've never lived in a place that I've been so scared and so happy to leave has to pick up the type of vibes and I ended up texting them and just kind of mentioned something about that because the family that lived there and then moving out to a different house and we moved into it and when i text them and asked them you know do they have any experience when they never responded and so I just thought it was just you know the dog was new there and then no better so weeks went by and you know the dog just like almost same time every night the dog would start acting like that by like ten o'clock one o'clock at night dog would just kill absolutely crazy how many didn't even kind of snap at the kids and stuff too you know and her sister said the dog wasn't like that I mean so she was pretty much confused by the whole ordeal so two weeks go by and the dog leaves everything my husband said was the truth there is nights that I would lay in the room by myself and I would actually fall asleep but then I'd wake up to my bed shaking like a like a vibrating and I would just lay there and just like not even want to move because just scared to get out of the bed scared even move I also would hear footsteps and that happened a lot and I would a lot of times get up and nobody was there when the dog left and we're all sitting around and Mariah my 10 year old daughter was having a birthday party and me my nephew Austin was downstairs playing video games and they ended up coming to get me or what she actually did she yelled my name and I went up there she was going on and there's like five or six girls in a room they're all watching TV and they're saying that her door kept opening halfway and then closing within like every couple of minutes and it was freaking them out well they thought it was their brother Jason doing it and Jason was laying in his room text on his phone and you know I said Jason are you messing with the girls he's saying no I'm sitting here watching it myself so you know I went back in there and told them I was like whoa now the sister brother messing with you know cuz I want to freak him out so I went back downstairs and told my nephew like you know what was going on or whatever and I was pretty much done to that also the night when it happened with Mariah I was actually laying in bed and she was telling me that her door was opening and shutting and I thought Jason was playing with her and he actually wasn't well about a week and a half later Ryan's up called my name again and she said our Door keeps opening and closing and I just told her I said well your windows kind of cracked up a little bit just the wind well at that time my brother-in-law Tim was there spending a night and everybody was upstairs besides me and him he was downstairs watching TV was about 10 or 11 o'clock at night and I was telling them we're sitting on the couch and I was telling those you know kind of things that's been going on I think like other kids has been hearing like footsteps throughout the house and stuff like that I mean op I heard it too but just didn't ever pay much attention to it and at that time he was getting up and he was going into the kitchen and he was getting a drink out of the kitchen sink and as I was turning around continuing to keep talking to him because the couch you know the couches face like this bedrooms behind me and then it's just like one big open area and then this dining room in the kitchen there's no separate walls or anything it's one big open space and he was walking to the kitchen getting something to drink and as I'm sitting there telling them I'm leaning over the couch talking to him we have this air freshener which is like a it's not the kind of plug into the wall it's more that you just sit down like on something table whatever sit on the windowsill has like a plastic cap to it as like there you know so there's no type of combustion or no type of Erbil or anything like that it's just there you know what was sitting the kitchen window seal and it flew across over top of his head when he was getting drink of water flew prob about 15 feet and out of pop cans sitting on the dining room table as I'm sitting here watching this thing fly straight up and down across two rooms and out of pop can just sitting right on the dining room table I mean if it wasn't for that pop camp I would hit me in the face so instantly we just like froze I mean we're just both were we really freaked out about that it was so loud that Jason was upstairs and he heard it so he came downstairs more explain to him what's going on now Jason is my 15 year old boy and he's getting freaked out because of it and so we decided to go well we picked up their freshener put up put it back on the windowsill and then you know picked up the pop can put on the table and we went old misty was going on so she comes downstairs and we're all just kind of investigating looking around and Misty's like what's good back you know come upstairs with me and lay down so as I was heading up there and we're laying down talking in the bed Jason and timmy stay downstairs and it sounded like Jason and Timmy ran up the steps you know is that loud it was like boom boom boom boom boom boom boom all the way up the steps and I'm standing there waiting for someone to turn the corner and nobody turned the corner so I text Timmy like soon as I heard my says that you come up the steps he says no I thought that was you coming down the steps so it like right there I was like okay I'm not getting out of this bed right so no more things happened downstairs which I wasn't down there with Jason he kind of he kind of witnessed it but so the next morning my wife gets up you know and she takes the air freshener and she throws away right before she goes to work now timmy was there babysit Mason for me which is my five-year-old and as I was going to work so when I got up in the morning that air freshener is back on the windowsill right so I'm actually sitting on the on the island in the kitchen I was sitting there which I didn't my wife threw it away so I was sitting there and Timmy was asleep and think Mason was asleep too so I picked it up and I threw it away and that as I threw it away I actually took the trash back out of the trash can and threw it in the trash can outside when my brother-in-law was there his uh his ex-wife comes over to the house with his kids and they're talking and he's explain to Amy everything what's going on and what he saw what she's not here right now to witness it but she said what air freshener this one and she pointed out the one that was sitting on the windowsill which was the same a air freshener that my wife Dawei and I threw away and that's unexplainable how that one got ended up back on the windowsill there was also a night where we're laying in bed and I was taking pictures of Mason and I actually have a picture on my phone still to this day of a image and it's like a like a I don't know like a like gosh it's hard to explain I mean it's just something you would have to see and I kept I said well maybe I was moving my camera to where that image showed up somehow so I kept taking pictures and I have that on my phone as well and I just could not get that shot again and also I've been laying in bed and fell asleep and woke up because I tend to get up through the night for some reason and looked over and on the wall where the stairs come up in the wall by the doorway I seen two hands but it was like it wasn't flesh hands it was like almost like bones in a way it was kind of hard to see pressing on the wall I don't know kiss me the goosebumps is talking about it now I have no clue but I just know I laid there like oh my gosh so I didn't want to sleep in the room or go in the room by myself anymore after stuff started happening first time something that happened which I was really there a lot at first like I didn't really know about anything and so like my sister is her birthday she actually had a sleepover with a couple of her sisters and them and my room was like like kind of over here so I could see her room perfectly and so I'm sitting there and like I'm laying on my bed and I could see her door perfectly and I'm texting all sudden like they're all just in there playing her door just like closes and I'm looking at him like I guess they're trying and they're doing some I thought and like so like Mariah's like like whispering saying something that I'm there and I'm just in there watching awesome the door opens again they opened it and then like all sudden like it shuts again so like Jason if you don't stop I'm gonna go tell Dad so like they open it and all sudden it just Slim's really hard like really hard like they opened it and just like I don't even knows hard and so my sister freaks out and she's just like opens the door and runs downstairs and my dad comes in he's asked me if I'm doing it and I was like now like I was actually sitting there watching it so you know that's when it came to my head like I don't know I started thinking about maybe if there's something in the house or not and so it was about three or four weeks later my uncle will spend the night and I was up there texting again and uh all sudden like I hear like something just hit something really hard downstairs so I'm just sitting there from in then I run downstairs and I see my dad and my uncle just sitting on the couch just freaked out I'm like what the heck's going on so they explained it to me and I'm sitting out on the couch with my uncle and my dad goes upstairs tell my mom and all sudden my uncle he he he gets up and demonstrates what happened and he's doing it and all sudden there's curtains from where like every fresh bottle was it starts shaking like crazy like it just starts shaking like someone pulled it shaking and like pretty much after that he turns around I'm just like crazy he runs upstairs I'm just sitting there cuddled up I'm scared he runs back downstairs and like he gets back over there and he's showing rusty and like I remember the door rusty went back upstairs and he's like showing me what like I don't know how explain it he was pretty much like just like tell me I shall put it like he went back to what happened just happened with the curtains and like he's over there for some reason I remember and like the cabinet door right there just slam like it was open and just slammed and so at that time we both run upstairs and like we're telling rusty and he's just sitting there and my mom and then freaked out we go back downstairs and then all sudden we hear like it sounded like me and him just run back up the stairs again and it wasn't us and rusty comes back downstairs and asked if we did it and we were like now so he's like well that's pretty creeping time went on after that night and I was pretty much after that which I was pretty scared so I call sleeping in the living room most of the time not because I was scared and there's about oh no I was like maybe a week after I'm up in my room after school is like three o'clock and like I'm I'm doing homework on my little counter and also I'm like I hear like I hear like something talking to me but I can't tell I get something really light like I couldn't really understand and like so I'm sitting there listening like I stopped doing everything and all sudden like like clearly like in a like a like in a growl full voice like it tells me to get out and so I just like take off after that and I'm running down the stair and that's actually what I told my mom like it told me that and I was pretty freaked out after that like I knew there was something in the house for sure we were getting our electric switch it over like week goes by or two weeks go by and the left and electric good or we were getting electric switched over from Melissa's name's hardness and we're getting uh switched over the kids and everybody were too afraid to be there at the house with the being dark and I had to work that night so later on that night Eric Jason Ryan Mason misty all went to Jason's friend's house me and Tim had to go paint an apartment that night so we didn't get back too late well I had to go grab some my clothes my toothbrush and everything like that nighted state of Timmy's house and we were in there I was like well let's just see what happened so I'm in there and I'm I'm asking this out loud questions like if you're in here make some noises or can you make yourself known or anything like that and we're standing not we're standing like in the living room because when you come into the front door there's a living room there's like a archway and it connects when it's a big open area of the kitchen divert in the living room and I'm standing here my brother-in-law standing here and we're face-to-face and I'm asking questions I have a flashlight in his pitch black in here and I'm asking her eat a thing that end up throwing that air freshener across her and I heard something scraping behind Tim and when I when I glanced the flashlight over to look the picture frame was swinging like something walked over and just smacked the corner of the picture frame and starts swinging and it slowly just came to a stop I said do that again within maybe a minute or two later it did it again and we're both like face-to-face looking at each other and we just I grabbed my stuff and we just left so you know we get the electric and everything turned back on next day and you know I told misty you know the experience that I had and they end up telling the experience of Jason and everybody else had Jason even had friends come over to help you know because they're all too scared to go in there so Jason's uh friends and their older brother and everybody came over negative and witness stuff in that - I'm sure you're gonna hear from Jason but uh so as time goes on and everybody's like upstairs and they're like at late at night you sit here sleeping or whatever and best time I don't get a bit - about midnight or so not be downstairs watching TV or playing video games or something that sounds like someone's walking up behind me like almost every single night cuz it sounds like my god it just sounds like mr. Jason I mean that's how loud the footsteps not like Mirai or Mason but it's it's like like it's a heavier foot steps like boom boom boom boom boom and I turn around wait for someone to turn the corner turn around thinking that somebody's there and there ain't nobody there it was and it what happened like that all the time you would hear it all the time well you know we ended up going around a blessing the house me and Misty did and we're blessing the house I mean you just feel it I mean you just feel the hair on your arms stand up you just feel like you just if it felt good like he's like burden releasing something and it actually felt good for maybe a couple weeks when we went around blessed each door and everything but it's slowly you can kind of just slowly feel the negativity coming back into the house because whatever was in there it just I mean as a family I mean we used you know every family has problems but you know but when we get into fights sometimes it got pretty loud and it got kind of this is like the negativity was this real strong there and we haven't done nothing like that for a long time but so and there's a lot so when we one night I'm sitting there and I'm in the master bedroom and you know everybody's outside some people are downstairs and the master bedroom has the master bathroom and that door don't lock so I just shut the master bedroom door and I was using a bathroom I had the doors cracked open maybe 10 inches I mean it was this pipe cracked up in a nice nice bit so I'm you know I'm saying he's in the restroom and all sudden the door just goes boom I mean it closed hard enough to where it wasn't the wind because there's no windows open and it wasn't it couldn't have been just I mean some houses yeah after older maybe doors swing a little bit this house is like 7 years old I mean there's nothing old about this house so it takes a nice bit of pressure for nice new door hinges to make a door go boom have them close the door so I got up and I looked and there was nobody in the room like from from the angle that I was sitting I could see if someone walked into the master bedroom because I would see the bedroom door open that door didn't open I hope nothing I looked around I said you know and I asked if someone was in there or whatever and I cracked the door back to where it was at and I just gave it a little shove adorning pudge it took a full a full push to make that door closed like it did so you know as time goes on I just try not to pay no attention to the house because I try not to feed into it but um I'm gonna go ahead and just kind of make this shorter because there's more more of us going to talk about things but we're packing up and we're ready to go and we're moving out of the house and we have everything packed up and down down in the living room kind of like in the garage but most of the stuff in the garage and it was probably about three o'clock in the morning and they're you know we're all sleeping in the master me misty Mason Ryan Jason was downstairs playing video games but uh it was probably two three o'clock in the morning and it sound like someone picked up a TV and just slammed it in our bedroom I mean it was so loud it was just like boom I mean it just rocked the bedroom I mean it didn't come from downstairs it came from upstairs I mean everybody was in that room jumped I mean it was so loud I mean it sound like a grown man picked up something really heavy and just slammed it so I mean it's something like that wasn't because there's nothing around for anything a fall like that because all her belongings were downstairs so I mean anything that was in her room was a bed nuts so there's nothing in there for that to be that happy just the tip over and fall make that type of noise we don't have enough pets to make that type of noise so that was pretty uh I was pretty freaky so one night we ended up you know after we moved out me and Jason and three of his buddies we went to Kings Island and then we we went back going back to that house like maybe one two o'clock in the morning we were walking and my phone was dead Jason's film is dead but his body ended up taking this phone was recording some stuff and we walk them through the house and it's kind of just asking questions you know and trying to speak out loud and trying to get you know provoke something or trying to make itself known and we heard footsteps all upstairs we heard footsteps coming down down the steps we heard mean Jason her growling from the bet from the hallway bathroom we went upstairs and his glancing around I didn't get to see it but Randy and his buddy saw shadow go from one corner in the room to the other and one of the bedrooms why my flashlight is shining the complete opposite direction in a different room and well the kind of the crazy thing is after we did all that I mean we caught we might have caught some things on that phone on and get to look at it all it was kind of hard to tell what's what because between us whispering and what's going on you couldn't really couldn't really figure out what's what what we experienced then was pretty freaky and so after that I mean the boys were pretty convinced you know that we talked about I've talked to other people about it but when we took him in there and actually sat stood in the center of the room and just real still real quietness sound like someone's walking above you I mean it's that's that's pretty scary stuff I mean I heard it when I was there by myself in that house come home from work and heard footsteps mostly came from Jason drew that's where I minister where I heard it from Jason's room to the hallway and down the stairwells micellar heard a lot of the footsteps if you're downstairs by yourself late at night would it hear someone or something walking up behind you you know doors open and close in front of your face I mean it's just it was pretty freaky well the night or the day that we're leaving I told the kids because at work and Jason was babysitting and we told him to go ahead and get all their stuff and pull them out the bedrooms and stuff like that well the people that lived there they had a older son he's biting and he had a lot of his trophies and clothes and stuff up in his closet which was Mason's over old room and Mason was scared to death to sleep in that room well they end up finding a Ouija board in there so we're not sure if that was maybe the reason why that house was haunted maybe they pulled some type of spirit through that Ouija board I mean I don't know people say that stuff's fake some people believe in it but for a house to be that new and don't really have a history behind it whatever the kid done he pulled something demonic for sure because I mean this thing is definitely a poltergeist to where it's moving things I mean it's thrown it through that air freshmen like it was a baseball nothing flew like 30 30 miles an hour across the room like I said it would have smacked me in the face I mean it was something there is definitely powerful a Memorial Day in 1995 my dad woke me up early and I was looking forward to sleeping in and not having to go to school the next that day but my dad got me up and said hey you're coming to work with me so that day we went to a house in Georgetown this house has been empty a long time and a woman had recently bought it and my dad says she was having trouble keeping people working there on the house because it was haunted when the lady first purchased the house she took a picture of the house and there was a man with a handlebar mustache that appeared on the front porch but no one could explain and he definitely wasn't there when she took the picture so we get there it's a little bit after after dawn my dad myself and worker he had working for him named Clarence well my dad sets me outside on the front porch and he's got me sanding down the railing and the just just basic stuff out there that I couldn't really mess up was what the deal was my dad was working upstairs and the upstairs was filled with bats and ice don't go up there you don't want to get bit by bats or anything and so the day goes on and I'm expecting to hear something see something but nothing happens the whole day and we come inside and we're eating by the fireplace for lunch nothing really going on so the day drags on a little bit for me and I'm stand-in and trying to clean things up up there come in the house we're doing a little clean-out sweeping things like that the end of the day comes and we have to keep the ladders in my dad said he says you need to take them and put them down in the basement and he'll I didn't think it was a big deal at first I go around back of the house and it's got like this Wizard of Oz Dorothy doors and you walk down these stairs around back and into the basement area and as I went down into the basement I took the first ladder down and there was just some stuff there like some old kids toys and things like that and I put the first ladder down and I can hear children laughing and I'm kind of looking around they can oh there must be some kids outside but not at all so I go down there again and there's a bunch of paper like wadded up all old newspaper and so if I start spinning in a circle and there's no wind blowing down it this is inside the house in the basement now I can hear kids laughing so at that point I jumped out of the house I go up the stairs and I'm just throwing the ladders down from up there at the top of the stairs and I go around and my dad and Clarence are sitting in the van I'm not going down what's going on Sackett here I hear kids laughing in the basement and he said what the ladders an ass no they're not in they gotta be in there and I said I'm not doing so he goes down and he puts the ladders down and so I went back to school the next day and my dad goes back with Clarence and they're getting ready to leave at the end of the day and my my dad's sitting out in the van just waiting waiting and Clarence comes out and he said all I was real funny real funny what she did to me in there my dances what are you talking about he said I was in there cleaning up and putting everything away Nia you kept sneak up behind me and poking me and taking off real quick and I could never catch you but but I knew it was you I might ask I haven't done that oh I've been out here waiting for you and Clarence turned really pale he turned really white and everybody got really sick he got so sick where he couldn't even get up and move and walk around so my dad actually took him to his mother's house and left him there and he didn't want to go back to the house so my dad and Clarence they didn't finish the job they left it and afterwards there was a lady who owned the house she had an exorcist exorcism performed on the house and there was never an issue the house was totally restored in and it just looks fantastic now in georgetown ohio the legend of Lucy run is one of the most popular legends I've ever heard it's a bit of story I've been hearing since I was in high school and when when it would get dark and sometimes if it was a full moon we would always drive down Lucy were on a cemetery vote The Legend of Lucy run is it started in 1807 in 1807 there was a woman named Lucy Robinson it is thought that she was either the daughter or niece of Charles Robinson who had recently moved into the area and had a cabin down there it's believed that Lucy lived in what is presently Witten's ve'lo high alum in Union Township Lucy had a boyfriend and they were very close and one day he asked her to come out and meet him so she there are a couple of different versions of how she met him one she wrote a horse to meet him another one was that she walked and she met she met her boyfriend and I he told her that he didn't love her anymore he had met someone else and he was going to marry that other person so Lucy was distraught and this is where the story kind of can go a couple different ways one was that Lucy ran home she got a horse and she tried to catch him but duress she tried to catch him there was a storm another version is is that she had already written the horse and they had met and the storm had started he took off and she was distraught he said she was crying so much that she wasn't paying attention to what she was doing as she was riding the horse either way she was riding a horse so as she was riding in the rain was coming down there's a creek here on Lucy Run Cemetery Road and on this Creek it's it's probably about ten feet wide now and she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and she was thrown off the horse in and the water had risen really quickly on some versions of the story I've heard say that she had there was a flash flood and Lucy hit the water and hit her head on a rock and before she knew it she was pulled under and she was going down this Creek and she never recovered now since that night people have seen her walking from the creek into the cemetery where the Robinson family plot is today people have said for over 150 years that they've been seeing her you see her all dressed in white she's white and glowing and she slowly works her way from the creek up this hill through the cemetery on Lucy Run Cemetery Road up to where the family plot is one of the stories I've heard recently of that is from Claremont County historian Rick Crawford he was filming with a group of people there I believe from Dayton Public TV and while they were filming they didn't see anything they did an interview right outside the cemetery but when they played back the footage you could clearly see this white figure walking right through the shot and going up the hill I've talked to people who have gone down there at night and have heard all kinds of weird noises I've seen people who say that Lucy's gravestone close in the cemetery I have not seen this myself but I do know that there was a Robinson family plot up there on Lucy Run Cemetery and this is far and away one the most haunted places that I've heard in Clermont County Adams County was a place called the wicker hem in it was built in 1801 by Peter wicker ham and this is one of the most haunted places in Adams County when I went through there last summer I was going to the Serpent Mound that's a when the biggest Indian mounds in the United States I went out there and I saw the sign for the wicker hand then I had heard it was supposedly haunted and we stopped at at a yard sale and my wife wanted to buy this chair so we stopped and we asked the lady about the worker hey man see oh yeah that place haunted yeah nobody said levitation but just burned that place down supposedly this is the oldest brick building in Adams County now the place was renovated in 1922 since then several families have moved in came and gone but the ghost story that has stayed with it all this time since it's very beginning is about a man he was traveling and what was that he was bragging a lot about the money that he had with him I've heard another version where he was just very quiet when he goes up to his room that night even bragging is the is the way that I'll take it he goes up to his room that night and during the course of the night everything seemed quiet the man went up to check on him in the morning and they couldn't find it there was blood everywhere but they couldn't find the man so they talked the floorboards and they found the body but they didn't find the head so ever since that night people have seen this man this entity going through the hallways going through the house the stairs looking for his head even after the house was renovated they still didn't find the head there are people living there right now haven't been there very long and I don't think they'll stay very long everybody I talked to in Adams County says that that place is haunted that place needs to just be torn down so if you're going through Adams County make sure you stop and at least get a picture of the Wicker ham in 2005 I worked in a factory and I got to hear a great ghost story and I wanted to share it with you guys today now the guy who told me this story his name a Scott case and in high school he went hung out with one of his friends spent the night in the New Richmond area in Richmond Ohio and they live right next to a cemetery so his dad pretty much mowed around the gravestones and things like that they took care of it so one night the guys were out there kind of playing around just outside and they go up the hill was a cemeteries on a hill and they look out into the woods and there's a big open field on the other side as good miss you like them wow I wonder what that is and they'd never seen it before so they walked across this field and there were some people out there they had a fire going and they're just hey come on over you know so they came over and oh hey how's it going and they hung out with these guys all night they really like I'm liking so much they wanted to come back again the next day they went home that night and thinking wow those people really cool I can't believe I didn't know those people were there well morning comes and these guys slept just about so noon and they go out and they're going to go and see these guys again they go out to the spot in the field where they had talked with the people and hung out with them the night before and nothing's there the house that plus there they're always left is what's left foundation they later found out that house had burned to the ground so whoever they were talking to that night or whatever they saw tonight was not really there and it really freaked them out you would think being right next to cemetery the cemetery was freaking out but it was actually this house that disappeared and the people had disappeared with it that's one of the just weirdest things I've ever heard because I've heard of you know people being in house but the house still being there even though the people know I'm no longer there but the whole entire house being gone that's that's pretty creepy in our world there are all kinds of animals mythical animals that nobody's been able to track down but people claim exists one of those are in Loveland Ohio the Loveland frog is a legend that goes all the way back to 1955 there was a businessman who was driving through the Loveland area near a bridge and he saw some creatures he described is about three feet in height that looked not like people but there they had wide mouths with no lips where there was supposed to be hair on their heads there were instead wrinkles and this man reported this in 1972 police officers in Loveland saw a creature they described as a 4-foot man with lizard-like appearance and they were out on patrol while they were driving and as they got closer they spooked the creature in the creature jumped over a guardrail into the Little Miami River two weeks later officer mark Matthews solve the Frog again it apparently took shots at it but the creature escaped the local farmer is said to have seen the creature one month later while riding a bike although the officers didn't report the incident it was leaked to the media and the lesson of the Loveland frog continues to grow to this day the only witch trial in recorded oh hi oh history happened in 1803 in Bethel Ohio the person who was accused was a Miss Nancy Evans her home would have resided right now where there is currently a Speedway station it's on the corner 125 and 232 there's actually a dip there where the pond where she was actually tried once was now Nancy was accused by one of her neighbors the Hildebrand family they had two teenage daughters who were young and had some really active imaginations and one of the things they accused her of is having since she had a black hat that that black cat was actually a demon that was communicating it was a servant of the devil so for years they complained about her and one time they actually tried to capture her they tried as she would go out at night they would thought that they capture her her which spirit and they try to capture her in a bag of linsey-woolsey now she was actually tried the way they tried her if she would have been found guilty she would have had one or two things happen to her once she would have been burned at the stake - she would have been drowned so they have this big event at the pond where she lived they put a scale out and on one side of the scale it was one of the scales it was kind of like a teeter-totter so it kind of evens out on one side they had the Bible the other side was her now if the Bible weighed more than she did she was a witch because the truth and the strength of the Bible and God's Word would prove that she wasn't a witch well as it turned out she wasn't a witch and she was acquitted in the Hildebrand family was ran out of town my name is a Greg pallet I'm founder of paranormal nights an investigation team into the paranormal we go to people's homes trying to investigating back up their claims and businesses we try to find any local legends that that made up here for us to investigate and find evidence to back up or to find what the truth of what's going on whether it's proof of the paranormal or just an old legend when you kind of fall into this you're really chosen many many people that I've talked to including myself that have started into the paranormal has had an experience that has reached out to a religious leader or someone that they felt they could trust and seek out help of something you know to find answers or something they've experienced and unfortunately a lot of those people don't have answers either and they kind of shunned away from giving guidance so that most of the people you talk to that have gotten into this field that's one of the primary things that got them into it was not finding answers from anyone and needing answers for themselves so they started investigating themselves I've had many experiences over my lifetime I not experienced everything under the Sun like a lot of people claim I have seen a couple full-bodied apparitions a couple partial apparitions a lot of shadows one thing you kind of have to do when you start investigating is train yourself or I should say untrain yourself as a kid growing up if you experienced something in your bedroom or anything like that mom and dad's first reaction is to console you tell you there's nothing there go back to sleep everything's okay so you're conditioned as you grow up to dismiss things if you see a shadow out of the corner eye you're like okay it's just my playing tricks on me or you hear noise in the house that's just the heating pump you know you automatically dismiss it and don't investigate it the truth is there's a lot of things that could be going on there that is not just the heating turning on that could be more in the paranormal world hi I'm Garrett co-founder paranormal nights and lead investigator my name is Noah Maisel I'm coming up on a right about 30 years old I've been in the field of paranormal research since I was right about 10 years old I take it very seriously I am extremely opinionated on it not really willing to to take both most things like a lot of people at face value I've seen a lot of things and done a lot of things that a lot of people don't understand and some people can't just can't comprehend I've been trying to assist people all over the country even a couple outside of the country with what I know to be the best ways to deal with things in the paranormal or just the not understood side of the world I have seen things that are impossible I have experienced things that most people will just never understand I'm going to talk about a couple of those today try to clear up a couple things and probably lay a little bit thicker of an opinion than some people want to hear but like I said that's just the way that I am hi my name is Sean Muller 31 years old whereas I started ghost hunting when I when I actually met up with Noah no Noah pretty much my whole life and experience 15 years ago that actually intrigued us to get started I'll let you guys know how this all started I'm your typical kid you know hurt a Casper the ghost I know that's laughable I was just interested in the things that go bump in the night ever since I could crawl just before I turn 13 years old in Anderson Township Cincinnati not so many miles from where I'm sitting right now my father was murdered a couple days before my birthday so it wasn't the most pleasant experience but that's not really what I'm here to talk about it's the activities that happened after that with multiple members the Cincinnati Police Department even you know EMS members that were there family members neighbors the people that were in my home over the next several days saw things that most people would for lack of a better way to say this for most people would say that they were ran out of a horror movie things that are impossible from the corniness of plates flying out which really isn't corny when you actually see it too well I don't want to exaggerate here I'll call it about a two or three inch thick oak doubled or ripped off of its hinges well that's definitely impossible until you see it happen the sounds of screaming door slamming voices being heard now when you see something like that and you experienced something like that it's going to grab your attention some people can handle it some people can't but I didn't have a choice I had to understand that what was going on around me was impossible and when you watch something that's impossible you have to accept that it really is possible and getting past that in your own brain is a very hard thing to do but I did and it dell's me deep into the world of trying to figure out how things like this could happen what can cause them what can stop them what can hinder them how they come about where they come from their origins and we eventually ten years down the road started up our own group called ghost guests under southern Ohio team may know did that for about three and a half years upon doing our home team we actually met up with some other well-known names such as Shannon Sylvia patty Starr going back to Patty stores she's actually the one who actually got us started Patty's the one who introduced us to the whole field of ghosts from everything how to use the tools get out on the field and what to look for experiences that may happen the the biggest thing I can remember is from starting out I was a skeptic at first what got me intrigued was the stuff that happened years ago so I had to know more about what it was Noah eventually got the courage to want to find out more and that's what takes us back to patty is for Christmas about 15 years or ten years ago Noah had gotten us to training classes to go out and meet with patty star took the classes as weekend long learn more than I could ever imagine right after that it wasn't but two weeks when we're actually out doing our first ghost hunt upon doing our first ghost hunt we came across many different apparitions you know things that we thought were orbs and you know having to learn the difference between orbs and dust and eventually after you get doing it for a while you understand the difference now studying things like this you have to look at the religious side you have to look at the scientific side and for the people aren't there to think it's all a hoax or the people that think it's all religious or they think it's all scientific well if you think it's any one of those three things then you're wrong yep I'm judging you and telling you that you're wrong because you have to understand all of them and realize that these things are based in all of the above so many things that unfortunately we have been shown on television shows and movies are fake but not all of them so many people have unfortunately profited from the pain and suffering of others in a field of research that is very real tragically real in many cases I have seen and experienced the real part of it people I'm telling you this isn't a world for everybody now unfortunately these television shows and these movies have made it disgustingly popular that if you go grab a camera and you watch a couple episodes or something on some corny channel that obviously you're a professional ghost hunter well that's not how it works most people should not be partaking in activities like this and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with not partaking of them there are people that are designed for things there are a lot of things that I'm not good at but unfortunately one of the things that I am is understanding how to deal with what causes how to accept how to explain to I could keep going on on the field of paranormal activity and again I'll go back to it if you don't understand the religious side the scientific side and everything in between the two then you don't understand what this is about I have seen families torn apart because of not understanding what these things what these things can cause I have seen people die I have seen dead people come back in ways that people just don't get because they've watched television shows that make it all into a big joke I have been the houses that people don't understand her how the how they should still be in existence you know here's one that I I talked about that most people don't like to hear but I've got to say it I've been to churches that I really wish were never built in fact not all that far from where we are right now there was a church originally built in the late 1700s now some of the parishioners of this church don't know its history but unfortunately why this church was built was to cover the heathen Souls it was built over a Native American graveyard now people I'm not saying that's every Church but unfortunately humanity isn't always about smiles and rainbows we've done some bad things and some of those bad things will stain themselves on this world now I'm not saying every ghost out there is an evil thing I've played tag with ghosts that just don't understand that they should have passed a long time ago I've captured footage that lots of people will say is fake well guess what you can't say it's fake when you're there I've had conversations just like you talking to your friend that crystal clear not show up on audio whatsoever but I've set there and spoken to things that weren't there no not in my head for the person that just cracked the joke about that some of the things I can talk about some of them I can't I've worked with police across the country some of the things that I found I don't even understand how we did since I was a kid I've had people try to come to some of these activities with me and some are just friends and some are people that I didn't like but I was just being polite because everybody always wants to go and be scared everybody wants to get their blood boiling and the nerves going well that's not why I'm in it I have stopped things that could do more damage than anybody can comprehend I have been stopped by things that can do more damage than anybody can comprehend I have had my flesh torn I have been caused to be ill and you name it I've been through it and I'm not going to leave this field because like I said before I'm tragically good at this and I'm going to continue to help those that I can and I'm going to continue to talk negatively about the people that act like they know what they're doing and don't the sellouts that got some right producer to give them the rights to a show in which their creative team are the ones that make the things that go bump in the night again I'm not trying to tell you that nobody can handle this but most can't the other things that helped you know build us you know as a team was the introduction of bringing dragon gray actually you know showed us things that we didn't know so as an investigator you have to untrain yourself or uncondition yourself to be open to those things when you see movement you have to direct your attention to it try to find out what move to seek out whatever you can find that made that movement whether it is a heat pump kicking on or car lights reflecting through a window or Uncle Tom's ghost running around there causing all kind of chaos children are awesome awesome investigators not that you should ever take a child as an investigator but they're open to everything they're not conditioned to the way the world is the way we are today so you kind of need to listen to them as a parent if something is going on one way you can tell the difference between an overactive imagination and imaginary friend or something going on is most kids that have an imaginary friend they just play with them they're playing with toys whatever you know and they'll maybe occasionally try to blame them for something Tommy broke the dish mommy not me one big thing you should look for for a danger aspect that could potentially be something else as if they do something that puts them in danger and tells them that their imaginary friend told them to do it if it's something completely out of the norm like my imaginary friend told me to climb this ladder and jump off you know that's that's something you want to pay a little more attention to it could be something else as far as me I was the tech specialist for the team setting up everything going back reviewing video audio EVPs then about three years ago me and no actually stopped our crew ghost and Greg split off into his room which is now paranormal nights I was out of field for about a year and a half Greg had called me and asked me if I wanted to join in with his team I decided to do it because just everything that happened still was unanswered and we had to figure out more so since then you know we've gone many different places schools churches just all over Louisville Lexington Georgetown you know anywhere you can imagine another experience that was different was going to Bobby Mackey's where we actually went with Shannon Sylvia who was on the original Gibbs Hunters International it was quite an experience being with someone like that who had the background from her we learned a lot more up on all the other people who were there there's just more of knowing what to look for what to do when not to do doing ghost hunting it has its limits you you don't want to take it too far I mean things can happen but you know that's nor here nor there the few and far between people that I've worked with that can handle it are people that I would work with in any situation they are willing to put their very livelihood the safety of their families because things can absolutely follow you and stick to you so they're willing to put themselves their families in danger to help those that need it now the term brother is thrown around very loosely but whether it was a guy or a girl if it's somebody that I've worked with that I would do these actions with to try to help those people out there that need it they are my kin my brothers my sisters because the danger that you put yourself in to do these things is very real the damage that can be done to you when you don't know what it is you're dealing with is very real some people call me a little long-winded I can't say these things long enough I can't repeat myself enough times there are people that are designed to do this and there are people that aren't I've chosen to work with a couple that I would trust with my very life but on multiple occasions I've absolutely had to there's a lot of things that I do that even some of them I would ask them not to and it's not for thrill-seeking most of what myself and my team do cannot and will not be captured on any device we used dozens of different recording devices from professional to corny from analog to digital computers thermals flares trap cameras you name it we've used it we've worked with the people that call themself professionals we've worked with people that you'll never hear of some of them absolutely know what they're doing most of them don't you take a roomful of ten people these days and nine of them will tell you that they've hunted ghosts before because they went and got a camera and turned the lights out and said Bloody Mary into the mirror three times the things that have been popularized should have never been because all they're doing is feeding the negativity that can cause more and more of these things to happen I've been to houses rive seen things that most people should never have to see see people lose their lives had damage done to me that it's not that I want to have it done but better it happened to me than one of your children better it happened to me than you because people are designed for different things recently had an investigation of Morrow Ohio pretty intense history pretty much based off of two murders of guys wives both were injected had a lot of activity some really good EVPs which is electronic voice phenomenon a lot of shadow activity door slamming client brought us in to evaluate their claims through the years I've been to many places from homes to businesses to cemeteries one of the most recent cases we had was a home in Morrow Ohio our client had called us he had been experiencing door slamming and locking she had been experienced a friend of theirs of family actually had been scratched in the driveway their car mysteriously had liked to come on and off while also in the home they could hear things being dragged around in the Attic they could hear people saying their names and could not find anything to prove that it was something normal so they called us to come in as we got there we set up we started interviewing her while we were doing that we were recording this video and taking still pictures in the picture process we found several images where the woman's face was smudged out you can make out detail and every other thing from her clothing to her hair to the background but her face like someone had just smudged it out in a digital picture which is very difficult to do during this process our tech guy had captured a video or I'm sorry a picture of something that seemed to appear in front of the woman early on didn't say anything to us not to influence the investigation or anything in that nature and just kept it as a control factor as we left he showed us the picture and you can see Noah with his back to the camera to his right was the woman who lived there and there's an image of something manifesting right in front of her a very very creepy and cryptic looking looks very scary later upon further analysis we found another image with a couple little creature it's the best way we can describe it in front of the couch never seen anything like this I've talked to religious experts I've talked to people at colleges that teach anthropology and stuff like that that have no explanation for it they've never seen anything like it so we have some proof of we believe definite proof of the paranormal that will blow your mind it's complete out of the box never seen anything like it and it makes you believe that there are things that go bump in the night some of the claims were that it was on an ancient Indian burial ground couldn't really find any information on that because the Indians didn't keep any type of records and the township didn't have any records of Indians being on the property but towns folk had said that there was Indians we did get a couple of EVPs that are not a recognizable language some of the other EVPs were from a female voice we believe it was the one that belonged to the apparition saying that they were injected which kind of back there's claims that and the information that they gave us prior to some of the investigation the things we saw in this house to put it lightly I want the house torn down and sealed and nobody to live in it there is a family living in there there has been multiple families over from what we understand a little over a hundred years living in this home it's been modified many times the activities that took place in this house are everything from the lights coming on and off - door slamming shut - doors locking on us that one gets real special but they weren't just in the house they were just in the back of the house they were all around one of our cars got locked up and the the alarm kept going off now anything you can prove that anything was fake unless you're there and you see that nobody faked it or touched it we saw the good old shadow people in the windows we got temperature variations while here on that note people think two to three degrees is a temperature variation no a 10 15 20 degree variance watching water boil when there's no heat source and or freeze on the same note that is a temperature variance those are both things we got there I won't mention his name because it's not the most pleasant thing but you think the little scrapes that you've seen on TV or something while they're nothing to you get somebody that looks like they just got attached by Freddy Krueger letting blood out of their own flesh when nothing touched them that's the sort of stuff that happened at this house from small things to little things from the minute we got in there which it was fully light out it was chock-full of every experience you could name the mother in this home which we later found out had unfortunately partaking in some activities that she shouldn't have things like playing with Ouija boards things like talking to people that practice in cult activities well she can't show up on a camera yep you can absolutely say that that can be faked too well although I'm not going to tell you where it is believe me if you're one of the people that knows it look through every picture you've tried to take over I bet they didn't come out especially when you're taking a group photo and her face is scratched and or blurred out or just not on the picture at all and everybody else is just fine now unfortunately the activities that she took she partake and she had practiced or been a part of just compounded the issues that were already in the home we found out that there was two different murders in that house that we never knew about we absolutely went to the police afterwards and guess what we found out what caused it when it had happened who it did it and we were exactly right things that we didn't know about we got words chanted over and over again we picked up multiple entities if you want if that's what you want to call them this was one of the more negative places I have ever been people I've seen exorcisms I've seen completely bs things I've gone into homes where people have set up hidden speakers to make sound show up traps in their home to make it look like doors can swing open or closed this wasn't fake two members of the team couldn't couldn't quite take what was going on in there so they decided to go outside until things got so bad outside the house that they actually wanted to come back in because if those things are going to happen you might as well be with some money one of the daughters in the home that we sense if found out well at least we think we found out she's no longer there is now suffering from severe psychological problems severe depression issues has gone through multiple relationships you you know there's a lot of things that happen to people that they don't understand what it causes and until you can understand that some of these things really aren't your fault they're caused by outside influences well this house was full of all of them from daylight to nighttime no matter who was in there so one of the worst locations have ever been in power surges that just made no sense power drains that made no sense we later found out there's even a good old hidden buried cellar out back now I say buried as in we can't get into it with the right equipment which I might just try to get into some time there's rumors that there's stuff under the ground there that most people really shouldn't deal with but anything can be dealt with so we might just be back out of this location at some point or another to try to help because that's what we can do for the people that live in this home for the people that have lived in this home the ones that are still alive and the ones that aren't at some point or another you may or may not see all this but I really do feel sorry for anybody that's been in there alive or dead there are places in this world that are just evil and that's one of them you
Channel: ShaneReinert
Views: 1,238,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Documentary (TV Genre), Ghost Story (Media Genre), haunted, ohio, cincinnati, creepy, Paranormal (Film Subject), Scary, shane reinert, legends, history, first hand account, a haunting, escape, most popular, amelia, tristate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 37sec (4477 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2015
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