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hello and welcome to fridge camps if you aim food then this is the show for you coming up in the fridge today we have a chuckle at food that looks like the whole Trump we have a massive debate about which is the ultimate American food but first we need to cook the food to debate about so let's go head to head to head from all American food American classic meatloaf and I'm more out of my depth than a wall building cat grabbing businessman in a suit who built an empire out of nothing but a million dollars and it starts by chopping up onion and garlic and then pretty much putting all of this in a bowl meatloaf is very soon as a trumpet enough I mean you look at it now and go how did that meal get to be one of America's all-time greatest most famous dish really good point it's not telling us about pork mince beef mince oats one cracked egg pecans chopped jalapenos marmalade Tabasco more Tabasco tablespoon of cumin chili flakes paprika parmesan cinnamon mix mix mix you know what let's do intro for you with their facts something something something I'm gonna make something that I've made a thousand times in Chile it's gonna be spicy because I'm allowed it starts by browning off my bits I think it's fair to say we all know what the ultimate American dish is it's lower it's a bar girl I think of my beef mince in a bowl with some nutmeg sriracha and a pinch of paprika did you say sriracha Wow a sesame-seed bun' grated beef dripping in my burgers taking my burkas to a whole new level mediocre now we're going for a Texan chili which means a couple of things first of all no beans and I know so a lot of people including me that sounds slightly strange but no beans in the Sexson chili number two no tomatoes I know crazy at number three we're making it hot like really really hot my mince is browning in the pan now that's gonna take longer than you think ten to 20 minutes to get some really nice crispy bits it's a good color on it in the meantime I can dice an onion and some garlic and prep my Chili's we're going for three different types of chilies we've got habaneros we got ancho's and we got Casca bells I know I've not heard of the beforee Hasse's down and into the fridge now on some next most important thing about a burger - bacon I'm adding a bit more sriracha some honey and some paprika give that a mix up spread it over your bacon into London for 12 minutes and you have the sexiest ass bacon ever tasted my meat mix is mixed and now I'm going to line this baking tray with bacon this dish has so much pork in it you wouldn't want to leave it alone with David Cameron let's pack meat on top of other meat what happen to the spirit [Music] this now goes into an oven for a certain amount of time at a certain temperature 200 degrees for 40 minutes [Music] one of the last steps for this dish is to get some beef stock and pour it into the pan and then leave it for about two hours to simmer gently reduce and become the ultimate chili and therefore the ultimate American dish for an ultimate American brat I am surprised that you've gone for a burger why because I was expecting you to go for poutine and then claim it's somehow magically being reformed into some sort of American dish but in the States you've actually stuck to the brief and it turns out when you do stick to the brief it's boring you know what I'm not freestyle if that's what you want for me I'm gonna ignore the recipe and see I made something you up okay great yeah that'd be great excellent he's even more outside you know not sure about this bit kind of making it up I'm thinking making a burger sauce mix that with my lettuce leaves and my onions so that I work mayonnaise in you know we taught very to freestyle he's taken it to heart well he really is freestyling in here what does every burger need another burger a part for another burger ah now we're talking bacon not I've got that and just to say one whole onion ring onion onion ring and some in onion rings you slice ruzhin onion and dip them into self-raising flour and sparkling water also making a tomato sauce to go over the top of my meatloaf so that's just garlic onions in the pan that's so strong in with some tomato puree 2 tablespoons of smoked Tabasco chopped tomatoes going in yup and a bit on the side crumble in a beef stock cube and 200 milliliters of water now I've simmer that for about 15 minutes [Music] it looks like hard not I'm doing do you wanna know how to make an amazing mustard mash if you do look I'm over healing peel for baking potatoes and quarter them chuck them in some cold water in pan and bring that up to the boil cook that away for 20 minutes then drain the potatoes and pour in some milk add some butter give them a nice big mash and then throw in a dollop of Dijon mustard now we could just serve this chili on its own some dry ice or something like that but no we're gonna go through some toppings we're gonna dice up a red onion we're gonna have some sour cream we're gonna grate some cheese over the top we're gonna Gratton ate the cheese and then we've got some green stuff to put on it as well it's going to be brilliant and we're gonna serve all of it with some salting biscuits and crackers because we don't have to in business in the UK salty biscuits so if in half an hour I've got my tomato sauce and I've got my meatloaf which I've taken out 10 minutes early I'm now gonna baste it with this tomato sauce after I've blended it up and then put it back in the oven I based myself know why may might eat in a battle made a mistake for the pairing will cooking the bugs in earlier give them a wipe down and then back in with your bread give it a quick flavour some toast finally I'm gonna cut the meatloaf into slices and then I'm going to put panko bread crumbs and cheddar cheese on the top get it back into the oven for two minutes to gratinéed [Music] this is the mushiya smash ever mashed [Music] ladies and gentlemen it is with great honor that I stand here today and represent our nation's ultimate dish the national dish of the state of Texas far back as 1850 people would take a chili they would cook it they were dried out and then put it onto horseback builds into bricks and they would go and build these fine cities that we live in right now we all know it we all love it it's the burger I haven't got to say much I think I'll just get these visuals do most of talking so we let that turn look at that news look at that meat real America is diverse it contains cultures and flavors from around the world much like the pilgrims who brought the real meatloaf real meatloaf across from Europe in the early days of America ladies and gentlemen I believe in real meatloaf I believe in real America I feel like for once we've absolutely nailed the America brief with three Americas assets I'm gonna start here with what is probably the most iconic family favorite like good wholesome family meal meatloaf and you know what that mean though we've got everything its moist got loads of flavor close the texture yeah things got the nuts in there as well a little bit of spice in that sauce I'm very happy about a good creamy match stand by it burger time I'm not even gonna try it's embarrassing for yourself and all of America look at that that's the burger but the other day might it is just it's is just burger do me a favor this trial a billion and that is a crispy onion ring which you just did by iron I'm genuinely impressed the thing is with burgers is they're so subjective there's only one thing missing there for me gherkin and now for this one so a Texan chili chili now I'm not a Texan and I know before even puts my mouth it's gonna be probably too hot for me but what I love it's a flavor profile I'm already smelling and the fact that it's not just got chili powder in three different three different Chili's three different Chili's plus chili powder stand back stand back stand back the first thing you get is the depth of flavor it's beefy you get two minutes and you know what comes back to warn you I've never seen it served with cream crackers won't be neither all still teens I have to be honest but I like the fact is different to reinstall chips then you glass dishonest people at that place they're steaming up that is a really good show what life is fire a little bit I need to come up with a winner for me a burger is too obvious but it is the best dish on the table so it is gonna take my vote the burger stack gets it on this occasion even though that's awesome and that's blow your head off good all three are amazing burger wins it for me however you guys have seen the maker you've seen them debate it and now you've heard what I think so you can have your own comment comment down below I'm gonna put a poll on youtube so you can have a vote to versus just cook food response genuinely one of the best battles we've had a long time if you once give those recipes ago then all the details available today and remember to subscribe because we will make you hungry I reckon that fridge cam had everything it had Jamie's audition for the next series of classic art it has some of the sexes close-up if you've ever imagined and if you stick with us you'll see some food that looks like drop so next time can I take a seat here [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to not food that looks like Donald Trump with Donald Trump looking like food
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,674,194
Rating: 4.8478837 out of 5
Keywords: Sorted, sortedfood, fridgecam, the fridgecam show, ultimate, ultimate battle, ultimate food battle, episode 6, american, american election, Donald Trump, Trump, election, debate, meatloaf, chilli, burger, recipe, food, easy recipe, party recipes, wholesome food, comfort food, vote, USA, super, burgers, meat, burger sauce, how to, how to make, how to cook, cooking tips, cooking advice, advice, kitchen, kitchen tips
Id: YVtElThaNpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2016
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