The Ultimate TIG Welding Tutorial : Proven Methods For Welding Success!

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Hello everyone and welcome to the X3M TIG channel   In today's video guys, I'm gonna show you a technique   that will never fail you no matter what material  type you're using works on Chrome Works on carbon   and works on stainless steel material so for  example here I got a 42 inch this is Chrome P5   it's a vertical weld a half  inch thickness of material   connecting the flange or reducer  to the bottom of a reactor as you can see here the pipe is already tacked by  day shift as we're working in the two shifts to   get this thing done Chiclets are already  installed it's a 350 Fahrenheit preheat   as you can see Gap is not perfect we try  day shift try to open a little bit   so we gotta lose 1/8, 5/32 Gap   as you can see here the bevel is  kind of straight it is a feather edge okay now I'm gonna for the purge I'm gonna use  a five Purge hoses uh with a diffuser on the top   I'm just gonna connect insert to a two-inch drain  we got here at the bottom and I'm just gonna tape   with aluminum tape just in case if they don't  start melting in a case of heat or something   as I said the Gap is not perfect it's  a half-inch thickness a 42-inch pipe   the main goal is to put the root in and wait for its  closure weld procedure so with the closure weld  procedure after root they got to do MT on  the root pass and then after that you go to   do a hot pass fill and cap as I said 350 we're  waiting for Chiclets too they're gonna probably   bring the heat up a little bit as you can see that  temp stick is not melting so the temperature is   not reached yet so we're not allowed to weld  in the meantime we are purging with the five   five hoses of around 60 liters per minute on  each hose it's connected to the argon manifold   it's taped so will let like for an hour and a half approximately we   got that one inch on the top that's  for the vent, we set up dams inside it's a big job especially with the big pipe I like to  do the big pipe but there's lots of work   as for my side as I'm working with  a partner he's doing one side I'm doing the   other side I'm using the two torches 150. amp  rated each torch a standard size #8 cup with a 1/8 tungsten the Purge seems all  right we've been purging for an hour and a half   two hours already so the purge should be good  and we're just gonna start welding he's going   to start welding at the bottom I'm going to start  welding on the side, the 135 amps for the root pass   the techniques I mentioned earlier on the  beginning of the video this technique that   I already showed in previous videos I like to use  this, especially when you get uneven gap especially   when it's 100 x-ray it's a dipping technique  guys uh that technique will never fail you   uh you just have to adjust your travel  speed that's the most important thing here   you don't want to pause too much it might  just drop down, you can open even more   that creates even bigger gap for you the most important thing is to adjust the travel   speed adjust your settings adjust your amps that  you can actually handle and side to side deep   each time you're not going to fail you're not  gonna have any issues the wire will do the rest   the main thing is to burn those edges  break those walls and fill them with a wire as I said the dipping technique is the  best especially on stuff like this   you can do lay wire as well here  but then you have to go fast 5/32 not saying you cannot do it you can but for  for a high low and for an uneven Gap like here   a dipping technique definitely is a technique to  go, as I said this is a Chrome example you   can do on a carbon you can do on a stainless  steel I did on a on all of them never had any   issue and you're never gonna fail so the main  idea is to weld in between tacks as we were   both work on a on the opposite sides we don't want  to insert any air inside we don't want to grind   so the idea is just weld between the tacks and once we're both done with  the with the root between tacks   then we're gonna cut out the tacks with the grinder so for the Stop starts stop starts always preheat your start as you can see here I'm traveling  a little bit faster 135 especially on one side, I get like really straight  edge it is beveled it's a feather edge but   it's the bevel it's not 37. 37 angle  degree it's just a straight edge   and he's still doing his  side and he's about to be done   once he's finished then we're  gonna then we're gonna cut the tacks out as I started on the top he was  on the bottom now waiting for him   to finish then I'm gonna switch to  the bottom and finish on the bottom it's a little bit tighter here  but it's still a loose 1/8  as long as you can wiggle that 1/8 rod in between  the Gap that's a good Gap nothing wrong with it just breaking the walls and adding adding  that wire the good thing with the dipping   technique you can control the amount  that you're actually putting in that root for the bottom section might  work a little bit different if you want to keep   it inside that bevel inside the  root when you're doing overhead but you can do the dipping technique  as well on the bottom part the only biggest the big issue with  a big pipe when you're welding    especially at the bottom  part especially on the overhead part   you don't have that you have to fit a long wire  you have to keep it inside but because the    diameter of the pipe you know have that it's  a little bit harder to control so it might give   you a little bit of issue it's a good habit if  you cut the wire in half and then keep it inside okay now we're going to cut the tacks  tacks are cut out once you cut your   tacks try to clean your bevel inside so  you don't want to have any obstacles   especially for the hot pass later, you don't want  to have any obstacles so you can walk the cup   set up The Purge is still  running same thing just gonna   Grind All stop-starts, have to remove  tacks cover it again with the tape and then   we can start, usually around half  an hour, 45 minutes should be good as   you can see here so as I said for the Stop  starts and preheat you start point and   then when you go on a tie-in point you just go  over it like half an inch adding wire as needed I'm still on a 135 1/8 rod 80S- B2 as I said this is a chrome P5 the most important thing with especially for a  the existing part of this pool it's because   the product that was running inside you really  want to clean that at least five inches from that   edge of your bevel you want to really have it  clean the issue with stuff like with the big stuff   like this you have to have a proper PP good leather  jacket or a leather sleeve so you can   that's what I like to do is then when I'm holding  my wire, when I'm adding wire, feeding that rod   I like to put my hand and my Knuckles on a  pipe and it's getting too hot you know you might   start shaking and it lose a little bit of control  just the main thing is just to support yourself   okay as I said here on a tie-in go slow any time  add wire is needed and then just go over half an inch   okay now I'm just gonna finish the last part I got on the bottom and that's it my part is done I'm  just waiting for my partner to finish   another side they're making calls for QC  they have to do MT on the root pass   as I said this is a closure weld procedure and a  good habit just to run the grinder a little bit   on your root pass just in case if you dip  any tungsten around so you just want to get rid of   that is especially for the X-ray later so 180 for the  Hot pass same Rod size 1/8. cup still one eight    tungsten 1/ 8 and a cup size 8. as long as the  the cup can wiggle inside and you can actually   move nice and fast you can switch maybe to  size 10 depends from the from the gap size   but in this case, cup 8 is good 180 for the hot pass I'm not  really worried about the Suck back as uh root, the only thing guys uh I forgot I  forgot to take a shot video, record my actual   root inside, on both sides of me and my partner.  they were really excited to get that MT done, they wanna   start this unit up and running so  there really too many people who were   around so it didn't really have a  chance to record the root inside but the most important thing find your  settings I'll keep your tungsten always sharp   and travel speed and the settings set  up you know how much you can handle and just keep going that's it pretty much  I don't pause too much you know you wanna you wanna   side to side you want to spread that puddle  on the both sides you know side to side motion okay and this is the hot pass so the hot pass  is done now when the hot pass is done I'm uh   they already did MT on the root so after  hot pass now I'm gonna do one more pass to fill   as it's almost the end of the shift so I  won't be able to finish all that Spool   in one shift so I'm gonna go 200, 200 amps  for the fill pass same thing switch to the cup 10. and I've got to start from the bottom Start from the Bottom going up finish one  side and then I gotta finish the other side a good habit here I'm gonna show you  guys just the roll that roll your wrist   it's a good help especially if you get tired  you know your hand and get fatigue or something   then you can roll you can easily switch your  position and it's going to be easier for your body   works on the root too as well  especially on heavy stuff you   know, after root, hot, and fill you're getting tired   your hand gets sore and uh it's good to switch  good to change so you don't have to stop   as I said 200 amps same technique and  that's it pretty much for the   fill the rest of the day shift will finish and it's  going to be probably filled and cap with a stick
Channel: X3M TIG
Views: 31,177
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Keywords: The Ultimate TIG Welding Tutorial : Proven Methods For Welding Success!, x3m tig, gas tungsten arc welding, how to tig, how to tig weld, learn how to tig, tig welding, tig welding techniques, tig welding tips, tig welding tips and tricks, welding, welding tips, welding video, tig welding for beginners, tig welding how to, welding settings, tig welder, walking the cup, Tig welds
Id: t7ZbR4VcN7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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