How To Make Hainanese Chicken Rice | Sorted Food

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[Music] she told these guys through the process when we discovered Singapore was our theme from our mystery box at the beginning of the week we then asked you guys what we should make and I think that it would be an understatement to say that everyone in Singapore said chicken rice except for about four people and happy honest it wasn't on our original list of things we thought we might be making so we have to do a lot of research we've come up with this with all of your help it is unbelievably delicious and obviously chicken to start the show so what we want to do is make an amazing chicken stock with a whole bird and then we use that stock to cook the rice and the rest just happens stop stop stock is leak spring onion a little bit of ginger onion coriander stalk a pincher black pepper a load of cold water and a whole bird put in there's always dignity and death now some of you said that a key to a good chicken rice is to exfoliate the skin - that's to rub it in salt and then wash it off so having done that it goes into our water and then get all the rest of that water in second lot yeah do blade one basically cover it it's going to give a little chickeny bar it's going to be delicious but that looks like a terrible accident what is it what's so amazing that it's very very affordable so a whole chicken and then basically lots of different forms of the onion family so leeks spring onion yeah and then you bring it up to a very gentle simmer and cook it for about 45 minutes until that chicken just cook through a couple of things to note here number one and this might be a shock to you Ben and I are not from Singapore number two this could be the most heavily influenced community recipe we've ever made because you guys literally bombarded us with amazing tips and we got a real life person actually into the studio with us to help out as well admit it mate Amy and she told us basically all the tips and tricks to try and get it as close to right chicken rice has some very distinct characteristics that we can't mess up hasn't it been yes which is basically full of flavor quite a silky skin yeah and I think that's the best descriptor for it and otherwise you guys don't mess around with the sauces are important but less is more after about 45 to 50 minutes of bubbling away in here this is cooked we hope to check place a skewer into the thickest part something like the leg there right through to the bone and just make sure that any juices that run out are clear they are looks like you're changing a nappy and then this is where you get that awesome characteristic field this goes into an ice bar and that this is what gives it a silky no strikes yeah well we hope so is this is what you suggested doing anyways make sure you put it in a nice bar like any athlete and actually this chicken is served at room temperature so that will instantly cool it down or give it that characteristic kind of texture in the meantime we can take all of this chicken stock and bubble it rapidly about half an hour to reduce it down to something that is so so delicious and much dark in color it will look like that also though I don't need to do that we have lots of here I made earlier because although this is super simple it takes quite a long time so the chicken is chilling in our ice bath our stock has reduced to an amazing chicken stock that's rich in color and we've been soaking our rice this is Thai fragrant rice and we've been soaking it for about 15 minutes and cold water to get excess starchiness and then we drain it now we can make this paste that's just root ginger peeled and garlic peeled both blitz up or pounded by hand with a little bit of oil Pacey take it please Stephen bean so the paste has been made with a little bit of vegetable oil in this case ground up but the real secret here comes in the form of chicken fat once you've made your stock just scoop it off the top of the stock and that chicken fat is pretty much what we're going to use to start the rice off all the flavor all the comfort food so we are frying the rice and then we're going to pull the stock over the top yeah and they further ginger and garlic paste fry that cook out the water get the fragrance going then in with the rice fry laps a couple of minutes to go translucent and then in with our stock you are the only one out of all of us who have been to Singapore do you remember anything about the food when you win what I remember is having a maze but amazing Street food in the hawker stands and I remember four of us ate for like five Singapore dollars again this is going back a while and it was just amazing food and yeah 14 year old been without in Singapore for the International tap-dancing championships on you and he came join 70 know I was out there for the 20th world Scout Jamboree both are very sound like like one of them is true since you brought it up biking coupe oh my goodness again 20th world Scout Jamboree he was wearing G lanes back then while we're on the subject of your youth and a couple of people who knew you from where not only I'm going to pin your contact know these are all lies it's a fabrication this reminds me of the time when Ben and I were younger I was in the same class with him at school he always used to eat pencil sharpening and always had shaven forearms for a golf glove to school for a whole year to his mum used to feed in raw chicken with vinegar for lunch but somehow he never got ill on families but really nice like remember the whole Tyrone Syndrome you just made up and the internet believed if you keep saying these things people will believe them they are true because it's not just coincidental more people have been going gaming compact dad says watching this reminds me of the time Ben got a navel piercing and was addicted to pouring honey in his bellybutton so basically where we're going with this is if you knew Ben when he was a child please comment below with your stories of him and like those so that we can read them out and remind him of this forgotten you that he's blocking out Messiah also fictional but just on the edge of believable smells unbelievable just the ginger the garlic the chicken fat makes a difference and you know it's kind of ready when you can hear the sizzle it now means that rice grain is actually sizzling in that chicken fat and then we can add in all of our chicken stock the right weights and measurements for the amount of rice you can get all the details downstairs give it one stir turn it right down put a lid on it and I'm going to cook it until that rice absorbs it we'll probably need about ten minutes a big thing that you guys said was not to underestimate the sources that we serve this with we could show you a whole recipe for these individuals so we've just gone with our favorite chili sauce minced ginger soy sauce may said don't serve it raw cook it out slightly and dilute it 50 mil of soy 50 mils of water a pinch of sugar cook it in a pan heat it up just so the sugar dissolves you're left with a really delicious but mellow soy sauce much more subtle and if you guys do want to make your own chili sauce and you guys said the memories of doing that and pounding the fence immortal your parents is what makes them a djegal then may have got a recipe for Vasiliy sauce and we link that downstairs as well wow I didn't know that Benner just says the words to me get ready for the biggest caveat of your life so I'm looking forward to this bit where we talk about chicken if you've seen is cut out chicken for and cutting it for sauce a very traditional sort of French method with Catholic spatchcock before you take out but flatten it's an endo style but this is Cantonese or Chinese style of the tearing chicken and it's slightly different so first up we want to take out the spine so we want to basically cut down there and then through the breastbone so what you end up with is to hobbs I'm a chicken like that and then you want to take off the wing the wing come off first it is very similar to the way we would do it when it's raw it goes automatically through the drilling for joint ball-and-socket pops out and the fact that it's cooked it's even easier this is this beautiful skin you don't want to put your thumb through it I've washed my hands I just won't ever okay so okay so again we're going to cut in here it's like jelly isn't it and it should just find its own form and come off there then because we've cut it in half this way you still got all of the sort of the breastbone there so what you want to do is cut away from the breastbone like that now that bit can be served as well and quite often it's put on the base of the plate you just cut through the bone and people can chew on the breastbone do you got that Resha wonderful skin and then basically you want to drop it and apparently used this part the blade to kind of push forward in the skins there is with the thicken we've done that mate you've nailed that and that's the breast but obviously the prized meat is the dark meat so what we're going to do is basically cut down through the joint there and you want to try and cut the bone out so release from the top and what that enables you to do if it's cooked well basically pull the bone out that leave the chicken thigh intact and the skin and the kindy important isn't it and then that as well you do exactly the same thing that's the price bit of meat you can see the rice now it's absorbed it's got the shine from the actual chicken fat but the flavor from the stock and the ginger and the garlic we're going to do beautiful mounds what we can do is serve the breast thigh and a drumstick that is a Mike sized chicken in its class we've got our cucumber don't forget the sauces don't forget the sauce is beautiful beautiful bean sprouts and then John spoon some soy and that right there no wonder it's the national dish a dish to be proud of Robin you saw it Haley's chicken salty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] that's always melt-in-your-mouth chickpeas which i've never said in my life and that rice has just got fragrance all the way through right love how you steps outside your comfort zone for this recipe by asking the experts beforehand rather than objects yeah and why'd you make up the skin it is silky it is soaking it's a chicken tastes fatty but fatty entered this fat taste delicious way apparently there's a word for the consistency of the skin that just doesn't translate it's just it has its own work let's try and find that word yes what does it link it doesn't translate the kind of mean silky and slimy in a positive way it's like all hmm in the 1 min ninjas like that laughs that's what it means all right good job that was if you love this recipe that I love the bang bang chicken that is coming out on Friday but we are getting prepared for Sunday 10:00 a.m. it's an ultimate battle they've already gone off because they're scared they're going to lose we will see you then good bye Amy's walked off in the still chicken there click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our basic you [Music]
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 801,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hainanese chicken rice, hainanese chicken recipe, hainanese chilli sauce, hainanese chicken chop, hainanese chicken singapore, chinese steamed whole chicken, chinese hanianese chicken, ข้าวมันไก่, 海南鸡饭, 海南雞飯, nasi ayam Hainan, how to cook hainanese chicken rice, singapore national dish, singapore street food, singapore hawker food, famous hainanese chicken rice, khao man gai, fried haianese chicken rice, homemade hainanese chicken rice
Id: GzbK4bOHveU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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