The Ultimate Qi Challenge Guide - Stardew Valley

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before going any further you should know that this entire video is basically going to spoil everything about version 1.5 you've been warned let's get into it hello everyone the special key orders are basically the last and hardest challenge of the game i'm here to make them easy and quick these missions test every single aspect of the game from gathering to combat to farming and a lot of them are just very strict with timing or simply require you to do a lot we're gonna go through every single challenge that can be offered while i give some tips and tricks let's start with the biggen keys crop within a month of time you need to find key beans hidden around the world and then grow 500 key fruit out of them this is the longest of all the quests and in my opinion the most demanding there's essentially two parts to this one finding the beans and then growing the plants so we'll take them on separately just about anything you can think of doing has a possibility of providing beans just about every source out there says that the best way of gathering seeds is through fishing as you have a just about fifty percent chance to get a stack of one to three key beans from every treasure chest you fish up but no one ever mentions the other possibilities and i want to give due diligence so i tested it myself i went through a number of the methods that you can use to find key beans to see their approximate probability obviously i have a pretty small sample size with a lot of these so as you know all the probabilities won't be exact so let's start with chopping trees i chopped down 100 trees this took me about seven in-game hours of time and i got a whopping 30 key beans note that these are produced both by shaking the trees and by cutting them down both of those are ticked off every time i cut down a tree so i kind of had a bit of a double probability with these moving on cutting grass now just for due diligence i also tested this with fiber after cutting a hundred pieces of fiber i got zero key beans and i was confused so i cut 200 still zero key beans i don't want to say for sure that you can't get them here but it's at least low enough of a probability that you shouldn't bother i also tested it with grass here you can see a screenshot of all of the grass that was on my farm i cut all of it this took me just about an hour of in-game time cutting grasses fast i didn't get any key beans from that that's a lot of grass i wanted to confirm that this was correct so i planted a lot more grass starter cut it all again still no key beans now i'm not gonna say that the wikipedia page is wrong but again it's a low enough chance to where it might as well not even exist next up on my list was geodes i popped open a hundred geodes and this takes no in-game time just as long as you can gather the geodes and i got 15 key beans out of it notable is that key beans can drop from geodes in groups of one or five i never saw any of the in-between numbers i got two five groups and five one groups i wanted to see if perhaps the rarest geode gave us anything new so i opened up a hundred treasure troves out of this i got 19 key beans which isn't a big enough difference to say that something drastically changed there in probability i simply got three groups of five and four groups of one anyway that's a solid enough output to where i could say if you are gathering geodes and trying to do some of the key special orders save them up they could be useful here next i looked for artifact spots now this is not one that i wanted to test on mass because you can't really hoe up artifact spots on mass so i just opened up a few indeed i got quite a few key beans out of them after opening up 10 artifact spots i got six beans and that was a very high rate of beenage so i went ahead and got 20 artifact spots not as good of a haul i ended up with nine beans which is still like a fifty percent bean rate so just look out for him while you're doing the challenge last thing i tested was breaking rocks rocks are much faster to break than many of the other methods here so i went ahead and broke 200 rocks out of all that i only got six key beans that's about a three percent rate of beanage so i'd say probably not the most profitable finally let's compare all of that with the classic recommended fishing so since trees were the best producing method we'd done so far i decided to fish for seven straight hours to see what i got in this time i caught 20 fish got 10 chests out of them which is accurate to the chance we saw out of those chests i got 14 beans however one time instead of just fishing up trash i fished up a key bean which i previously did not know was possible so add that to the list i suppose so that's 15 beans in seven hours and i will admit if you don't have any trees don't have any geodes it is the best method to get key beans however if you have trees to cut down that you eventually want to cut down that performs a lot better in my experience so for those of you who are watching through the entire video not skipping anything this next thing i'm about to say is for everyone who skipped that awful five and a half minute long section tldr cut trees everyone's lying to you about fishing being the best method to get beans also since i like to organize all my thoughts very neatly into a table here's a whole table showing the bean probabilities and everything enjoy this i'll actually post it on twitter if you want to like save as image from there and take it for your own uses go for it link will be in the description all right on to part two of the quest i feel like i went a little too crazy in that first part once you do have the beans growth only takes four days thank goodness here's the thing though using any speed grow at all will reduce that to three days but if you use hyper speed grow the third tier of speed grow it'll take two days it rounds up i suppose alternatively if you have the alg aggregate alternatively if you have the agriculturist profession it only takes deluxe speed grow to bring it down to two days i'd start planting beans as soon as you get them since truly the most consistent way to get more beans is by using the seed maker on average you should get about two key beans per key fruit that you put in start setting aside a bit of your farmland for planting minimum i would go three iridium sprinklers as these will give you 72 crops worth of land for every harvest that'll take you exactly seven harvests to get to 500 and without any fertilizer those harvests will take you 24 days giving you four days of leeway somewhere in there if you plan on only getting seeds from the seed maker after your first planting i'd add another iridium sprinkler and a half to that planning area although remember that you'll pretty much get a somewhat steady supply of extra seeds no matter what you're up to all of that work seems like a lot but congratulations if you did it because that is over double the reward of any other mission at a hundred key gems next up let's play a game get 50 000 points in juno car endless mode i'm not gonna lie this one simply takes a lot of practice so in endless mode you go straight from one level to the next no breaks on one life levels will always be in a set order and none will be skipped points are awarded as follows 10 points for every unit of distance 40 points for a coin a thousand to collect a fruit 5 000 for finishing a stage and 5 000 if you finish with all three fruit and that's on top of the 1000 you get for collecting said fruit i'm gonna keep it a buck with you this one's just hard i do have a full play of juno cart here and i don't mean to brag but while i might be the last person to give some quick tips here's some quick tips i avoid speeding up too much on the ice stage time does not matter in this mode at all prioritize living over collecting fruit this goes triple for the whale bubble stage this is your killer speaking of try to stay high here most of my deaths come from misjudging the slow fall down and slipping into a pit the last stage you'll likely have to be is ghastly galleon remember that you move a bit faster in this stage and the ghosts have a much larger hitbox than it looks good luck four precious stones this one's simple donate 4 prismatic shards that's all you're allowed to donate the shards you already have as well so assuming you don't have the statue of true perfection the place you'll find the most shards is in the skull cavern most of all they have a pretty high four percent chance from every single iridium node if you find any mystic stones which look like this there's about a 25 chance then there's a four percent chance in every single treasure room serpents and mummies have the highest chance of any enemy to drop it at .1 percent so basically you'll slowly get them no matter what while going through the skull cavern so this mission gives you a whole month to complete it if you didn't know a new set of missions becomes available every week but it won't cut off the mission you already have it'll just stack on top of it this means that there's three other challenges that will become available before this mission runs out so what i like to do is see what missions come next before heading out to the skull cavern if you get either mission of skull cavern invasion or keys hungry challenge you have a chance to kill two birds with one stone while i will go over these challenges separately both of them want you to reach floor 100 of the skull cavern and both allow you to use staircases while i will admit it takes some setting up you can trade as many jade as you want with the desert trader on wednesday for staircases so set up a bunch of crystallarium slap a jade in and you'll get an extra jade just about every two days you don't need the full 100 staircases but enough to where you can easily get down to floor 100 from there at that point you'll get a lot more iridium than you normally would if you need a really in-depth guide i do have an entire video for it now let's talk about those other two challenges i talked about keys hungry challenge basically get to floor 100 of the skull cavern without eating or drinking i'd very much recommend the vampirism enchantment for your weapon of choice this is often one of the best enchantments anyway this will heal 10 percent of the enemy's health on every kill the vampire ring also gives 2 health per kill and the soul sapper ring gives you six energy per kill these will help you stay alive while you're going down lastly sometimes the big slimes carry a heart within them and that's just a free way to restore some health for the skull cavern invasion you're going to have a harder version of the skull cavern which basically means there's alternative enemies that deal more damage and sometimes work differently than you're used to this means nothing at all if you use staircases to get down but let's talk about some of the enemies you'll be seeing first the most striking difference are the royal serpents they are now so long if any part of their body touches you you will take damage in addition for every segment of their body they have added on to a regular serpent they gain 50 hp so you can see serpents that are from anywhere from 200 hp to 500. these tend to be your biggest threats dangerous armored bugs aren't changed at all other than a little more hp and a little more damage dangerous slimes on their own are the exact same as slimes just with double hp and double damage however sometimes you'll find them stacked three on top of each other as you attack them they'll come flying off acting as a sort of projectile avoid that and they once again act like regular slimes please note that even if you have the slime charmer ring if you get hit by these projectile slimes you still take damage dangerous mummies once again act similarly to mummies they just deal more damage and have more hp all other enemies remain untouched and i say that's just fine because royal serpents are enough to make this a challenge next up keys cuisine q's cuisine will have you ship a hundred thousand gold worth of freshly cooked items you might think to just buy cooked items or sell some of your cooked items that you've built up and never used unfortunately once you take this quest any items you cook will now have the modifier of fresh and these are the only ones that count if you have any fish you've been saving to turn into sashimi now's the time to do that now no matter how much you look at it it's gonna take a ton of work and generally is not worth it to find food to make into cooked items you might think eggs are plentiful but it'll take like well let's do the calculation 2857 fried eggs so let's make it a bit easier for ourselves luckily this is one of the bible quests we're pretty late in the game by now you have money if you buy 1667 wheat flour from pierre it'll cost you 166 700 gold of which you'll get a hundred thousand of that back when you sell the bread leading to a net loss of about 67 000 gold here's one recommendation i will give though if you have eggs to spare go ahead and buy sugar and wheat flour and use those eggs you have to break even when making chocolate cake which sells for 200 gold that's about it this is purely a bible quest he's kindness give out 50 loved gifts in one week one thing that helps here is having a spouse you can give them a loved item every single day filling up seven of the 50. by the way key quests reset on mondays and the weekly gift limit resets on sunday which means you'll actually be able to give each villager 3 gifts if you find them on sunday so if you're not aware of the list of universally loved items it's golden pumpkins magic rock candy pearls prismatic shards and rabbit's foot the last of which being the most easily repeatable by just having a lot of rabbits but you can't set that up in a week in that case know that there are eight villagers that all love diamonds evelyn gus jody krobus marnie maru penny and willy that's an easy 24 gifts right there amethyst is loved by four people abigail clint the dwarf and emily and if you take a trip to the saloon bible loved items include beer which is loved by pam salad which is loved by leah spaghetti which is loved by robin pizza which is loved by sam and shane and even though shane does love beer it's cheaper than beer and coffee loved by harvey mix that in with a few bits and bobs you found throughout the game and you'll be finishing it in no time extended family basically catch all of the legendary fish luckily they're all available in any season this does however require at least level 10 fishing not that i'd recommend taking it before hitting that anyway this is also the tightest time frame you're given only having three days so my preferred loadout for high level fishing is the iridium rod with regular bait and the trap bobber which slows down the rate that the meter goes down notable mentions go out to the cork bobber which makes the bar larger and the curiosity lure which increases the rate that legendary fish are hooked the spots that you're going to want to fish in order from easiest to hardest is the sewers pretty much anywhere in this general area the very top of the river in town off the bridge north of jojo mart anywhere in the ocean far away from walkable tiles the south tip of this island at the bottom of cindersap forest and off the tip of this island in the mountains for the hardest fish in the game no rain is required by the way the fun thing about this mission is you can actually fish up the legendary duplicates as many times as you want and they sell for a hefty amount especially the legend 2 also even though the original legendary fish had hats letting you know they're on the line these fish don't so don't be letting them off the hook if they don't have their hat also if you haven't caught the legendary fish already they won't show up if you're doing this challenge only the new ones will danger in the deep ah this one's rough get to the bottom of the mines again but this time on hard mode as with the harder version of the skull cavern the enemies have been changed to be tougher although this time the changes are a bit more extreme resulting in the entire themes of the caves changing allowing you to forage for a few new items like nautilus shells on the first 20 floors luckily this can also be skipped with staircases but in case you don't have them here's a few pointers this is one of the very few times i would recommend defense buffs because these enemies do absolute damage the squids on the first 20 floors will inflict a weakness debuff if you're hit by their shot making you do less damage floors 20 to 30 are pretty easy the only difficulty coming from how dark they are floors 40 to 70 in my opinion are the most dangerous there's a mushroom enemy that does a lot of damage that replaces the dust sprites which means that a ton of them can spawn at once you'll also find spider webs that slow you down and disguised as sticks [Music] worse than all of this there's the putrid ghost that can inflict you with nausea with their projectile making you unable to eat anything to heal make sure to bring some ginger with you to remove the debuff if you have the option to skip any floors these are the ones 71 to 80 is the easy break skeleton mages can freeze you slowing you down significantly but that's the only real threat there's not nearly as many enemies as the previous floors floors 80 to 120 are all very similar to the originals all enemies behave the same they used to although squid kids take more than one hit now and shadow snipers are a new enemy that can shoot you in inflict darkness three guesses as to what that does just make sure to bring some healing items and nothing can stop you from eating it here upon finishing this challenge there will now be a shrine at the bottom of the mines that lets you freely change between the two versions of the mines whenever you want giving you access to radioactive ore at all times unlike the skull cavern challenge which is only active when the challenge is there's one more mission left keys prismatic challenge this one can seem daunting for sure you need a hundred items of each color red orange yellow green and purple scary yes but many of the items that you can use are incredibly easy to come by and i'm just gonna run a bunch of them by you as well as the items that can be bought if you have money to spend i'll also try to include a crop if that's the way you want to take this the color red includes coral from the beach fire courts from the mines and magma dudes also from the mayans grobal crops include cranberries and tomatoes and if you're looking to buy you can get spaghetti from the saloon for 240 gold each or if you buy 100 of them 24 000 gold for orange you can use cinder shards earth crystals or spice berries if you're looking to grow you can use poppies and what is probably their only good use in the game and if you want to buy you can buy copper ore from clint for 150 gold each or 15 000 total if you buy a hundred yellow is by far the easiest color sap doesn't get better than that on top of that hey buyable for 50 gold each if you really have to resulting in only 5 000 gold if you buy a hundred and for green remember when i said it doesn't really get better than sap how about fiber we got petrified slime if you have a slime hutch and if you want to grow cactus fruit works and if you absolutely must buy here salad from the saloon for 220 gold each or 22 000 gold total for blue you can use broken cds or broken glasses clams or periwinkles really if you have like 12 crab pots in the river you're probably set and lastly you can have jojacola buyable for 75 gold each or 7500 gold total and purple's probably the roughest of all the colors you can use bug meat amethyst or refined quartz and i suppose i'll include iridium ore some people just go crazy in the skull cavern you might have a ton left over if you want to farm eggplant is the cheapest and the only possible item that you can buy is void essence which is sold for a hundred gold each by krobus but he only sells 10 a day that ought to do it that is every single key challenge as simple as i could make it and yeah they only get so easy they're end game for a reason enjoy swimming in your key gems and i'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Salmence
Views: 364,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's, Play, salmence100, nintendo, walnut room stardew, stardew valley guide, Qi Quest Guide, Stardew Valley Mr Qi Guide, Mr. Qi's Special orders, qi challenge, mr qi guide, stardew valley, stardew guide, walnut room guide, stardew valley walnut room guide, special orders guide, golden walnuts, 100 walnut room, stardew valley qi quest guide, stardew valley mr qi challenge guide, stardew qi gems, how to get qi gems, Qi's Crop guide, how to find Qi beans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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