Late-Game Money Guide - Stardew Valley Guide

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while i've been working towards my perfection rating the biggest most daunting task has been getting the 10 million gold required for the golden clock and let me tell you what farming for all of that gold is absolutely soul-crushingly boring in order to not go insane i had to diversify my forms of income if you find yourself in the same position as me or simply just want to have fun with the game making some more money i have a list for you a list of all of the different ways to make money that i could think of along with all the calculations done to see how much gold per day you will be getting from them i feel like i have to warn you that a lot of these methods do require you to be in the end game of the game having ginger island unlocked at least although a few of them can be done earlier if you have the money to start them up to start let's see what we're working against here to get our starting comparisons we're going to compare star fruit star fruit wine ancient fruit and ancient fruit wine against all of our methods and since with these other methods i am going to be squeezing the most amount of profit you possibly can for the star fruit we're going to assume that you have hyper speed grow in the artisan profession to max out your profits so star fruit sells for 750 gold subtract the 400 gold it takes to buy the seeds and it'll take eight days to grow with hyper speed grow which gives you 43.75 gold a day obviously this is low balling since we're pulling from the base price and not higher quality if we turn it into wine we're adding another 6.25 days to sell it for 2750 gold again subtracting the 400 from the price of the seeds this comes out to about 193 gold a day now let's look at ancient fruit since i know it's another popular way to make money while there isn't a price for the seeds it will take a very very long time to get your ancient fruit setup set up since it takes a whole month for the first fruit to grow so we're just gonna ignore that for profit's sake the regrowth on an ancient fruit takes seven days and it will sell for 550 gold making it 78 gold a day more than the raw gold of the star fruit but if we turn that into wine it now sells for 2 310 gold adding another 6.25 days for 13.25 days that's 174.34 gold a day which does end up with a lower profit than the star fruit simply because it sells for less money and yes you could further increase the quality of the wine through casks but that would actually lower the gold per day so we'll just stick with this for a jumping off point with that out of the way let's go into our first method honey each bee house takes about four days to produce one wild honey which sells for a hundred gold or 140 gold if you have the artists of profession however if you didn't know this you can have any flower within five spaces contribute twice its selling price to the price of the honey ideally if it's fall or if you're on ginger island you'll use the fairy rose to increase the price of the honey to 680 gold this divided by four days gives you 170 gold per day however if we have the artisan profession the honey now sells for 952 gold divide that by four days and you get 238 gold a day and while you can put honey into a keg to make mead it only ever takes the base price of the honey into account so mead will always sell for 280 gold with the artisan profession so it's not even considered so right off the bat this is one of my favorites because not only is it just more raw money per day but it also competes in farming in that it doesn't take up a ton of room you can treat the flower in the center as a sprinkler and the bee houses as a trellis crop the flower never needs to be replanted if you're on the ginger island farm and the construction materials that go into the bee house are almost the exact same of that of a keg definitely a strong contender and just in case you can't use a fairy rose for some reason your next best bet is a poppy which grows in summer now for crystallariums i wanted to go through the one tile wide machines first before we start getting into the bigger things so crystallariums have a bit more of a startup price than honey requiring 99 stone five gold bars two iridium bars and one battery pack for every crystallarium costing in total 3950 gold or 5600 if you consider the blacksmith profession selling bars for 1.5 times the price out of all of the items that you can grow in a crystallarium the most profitable is the diamond this will sell for 750 gold and it grows over five days equaling 150 gold a day unfortunately at this speed it does mean it'll take 31 days to make back the money you lost making the crystallarium so this option while it does take quite a bit to set up it does still compare to farming in gold per day in addition it's very low maintenance every five days you pick up the diamond and it's already working on the next one no replanting no putting in kegs just a single step and a quick visit slime hutches so this one's going to be a bit more complicated than the others so to build the slime hutch it costs 10 000 gold 500 stone and one iridium bar totaling in twelve thousand to twelve thousand five hundred gold depending on if you have the blacksmith profession however there's still a few more steps to go first step you have to populate the hutch with slimes to get your first few slime eggs there's two paths you can go either make a slime egg press to turn 100 slime into an egg you'll need these later anyway or once you build the slime hutch every slime now has a one percent chance to drop an egg whatever way you get the egg you'll need to put it into a slime incubator this will cost you do two iridium bars and 100 slime another 2500 to 3000 gold cost you really only need one but you can make several if you want to speed up the process once you've got a few slimes as long as you have a mix of males and females they'll start reproducing on their own up to 20 slimes so here's where we finally start getting profit as long as you keep the trough watered and you can use any combination of sprinklers that you want to automate this you will get one slime ball on the floor for every 5 slimes you have up to 4 a day each slime ball gives you 15 slime each and 4 a day makes 60 slimes a day this then translates into .6 slime eggs a day and these slime eggs are what we're going to be selling for profit here's where you'll need those slime egg presses i'd recommend anywhere from three to five the slime egg press will give you a random color slime egg either green blue red or purple green being worth the least and purple being worth the most and no you can't get tiger slime eggs using math to multiply the price of the eggs with their probabilities the average egg will be worth 1502.8 gold per egg and since we get .6 eggs per day this comes out to 908 gold a day but that's not all each slime ball also has a 50 chance to give you a petrified slime which on its own sells for 120 gold or 156 gold with the gemologist profession so we'll just say you have that profession you get point five of these a day on average adding 78 gold a day this totals 986 gold a day now while that number is high compared to the others remember that this is a whole system that you're setting up not just a single machine that can be replicated an endless amount of times that being said i find slime farming to be extremely fun as a side hustle and you might be wondering what about killing the slimes for their drops to which i would call you a monster but you can do that it'll just take a lot more work to make it lucrative brandigan by the way has fantastic videos on how to set up a white slime farm where the slimes have a 100 chance to drop diamonds it's also easier than ever with the introductions of tiger slime so it's worth a view now let's talk about animals with how much money each animal makes none even come close to touching the pig to start remember that it's a lot easier to get a pig just buy it for 16 000 gold and it'll be mature 10 days after that on a day that a mature pig can go outside so no rain and it's not winter it has a 99.99 chance to make a truffle let's just pretend that's 100 the truffle sells for at base 625 gold so that's an easy calculation of 625 gold a day the thing is truffles are a forged item we have a profession that guarantees all forged items are iridium quality and there's another profession that gives us a twenty percent chance for two of whatever we forage immediately that's a thousand five hundred gold per day per mature pig but since the pigs just aren't done swinging there's more if a pig has any amount of friendship there's an extra chance for more truffles at max friendship which is 5 hearts this value is a 66 chance for an extra truffle the pig will continue to make extra truffles until this check is failed which on average gives you three truffles a day from a fully mature full friendship pig my friends this is an average of 4 500 gold per day per pig yes this is dependent on the pig being able to go outside so there's an entire season this won't work but it is by far the easiest way to make this much money and just because i know you're wondering it a deluxe barn can hold 12 pigs 4 500 times 12 is 54 000 gold per day it's worth mentioning that a deluxe barn built from scratch is 43 000 gold plus 16 000 gold for each of the 12 pigs that brings the total up to 235 000 gold this will be paid off in five days of harvests i love math now for fish ponds these tend to be one of the more ignored farm pieces so let's see what we can offer the main item of profit we're going to look at is row since it's always the most common drop from almost every fish and even more often it is the most valuable row will be worth 30 gold plus the sale price of the fish divided by two the more the fish is worth the more the row is worth so lava yields unfortunately legendary fish cannot be used to make the fish pond it'll cost you 5 000 gold 200 stone and five of each seaweed and algae you'll then need to populate it with a fish in our case a lava eel it can be caught easiest at the top of the ginger island volcano and i say easiest with an asterisk because you still have to reel the thing in if you don't have that unlocked enjoy the 5.4 catch rate of floor 100 of the mines once a neal is in it'll make another one every five days yes even if there is only one and no it does not get faster the more eels you have you'll get four quests to allow them to populate beyond one three five and seven eels these quests will require three fire courts the second quest will either require one basalt two diamonds or one dwarf scroll three the third mission will take two mega bombs and finally the last one will require one iridium bar and then it's a waiting game to 10 lava eels so we'll do our profit based on that once you have 10 lava eels there's eight different outcomes every day one two or three row five gold ore five spicy eels and then five or ten magma geodes or nothing i'm only going to calculate this profit based on the row because the ore and the spicy eel have better uses than selling and honestly if i include all the results of the magma geodes this can get real complicated real fast to start lava eel row is worth 380 gold each aged row is 760 gold each and takes three days to make but if you have six preserves jars you should be able to age row as they're made so we're not going to include that time in the calculation the artisan profession also gives a bonus to aged row for 1064 gold now we're going to do the same thing we did with the slime eggs and multiply the price by the probability of them happening on each day so on average if you age your row every time you have the artisan profession and you always sell your row you will get 1053.36 gold a day so my main reservation for this method is that it needs to be tended to almost every single day other than the five percent of days where it produces nothing it also does take quite a while to get going unless you're going to catch every single lava eel yourself in which it'll take four days one day for each quest definitely a use at your own discretion situation although this does have the bonus of providing spicy eels for your skull cavern runs and magma geodes if you still need to find some artifacts so playing off that last section let's talk about outright fishing the best bang for your buck is going to be fishing on top of the volcano at ginger island for a 50 chance of catching lava kills for the path of least resistance i would recommend an iridium fishing pole with wild bait and the trapper lure enchanted with mastery to add plus one level to your fishing level then with sea foam pudding sprinkled with key seasoning setting you to an effective level of 16 fishing plus a lowered escape speed from the fish and a 50 chance of two fish being caught at once of course you don't need all of these any combination of what you can pull off will do just fine i'm just trying to make this as easy as possible a base quality lava eel sold with the angler profession will sell for 1050 gold and a gold quality isn't too hard to pull off with all these buffs even if you're not great at the fishing game you should be able to pull quite a few lava eels in a day's work of course there is a little rng here and i can't really gauge your personal skill level when it comes to the fishing mini game so i can't give an exact gold per day but it helps if you have some free time on any given day go for it now there is another path you could take and that's activating the special key order extended family where you'll be able to fish up family members of all the legendary fish as many times as you want within the three days of activating the quest as long as you don't catch one of each of them i'd recommend going for the legend 2 as it has the highest base sale price out of all the fish being 5000 gold it will be the hardest to catch though the conditions for fishing it up are the exact same as the original legend you need a fishing level of at least 10 and you need to fish in the level 5 area of the mountain lake now let's utilize our last skill and go mining as with fishing i have a few different ways of going about this the first way is farming iridium in the skull cavern so yes you could just do skull cavern runs normally and collect whatever you can in a regular run but there is a more efficient way staircases the easiest way to get staircases in bulk is to make a bunch of crystallariums with jade in them each crystallarium will only take one day to produce one jade on sundays you can trade one jade for one staircase at the desert trader and profit you can go as extreme as you want with this if you didn't know the deeper you are in the skull cavern the more and more iridium you'll find get deep enough and literally every single rock will be iridium personally i'd recommend a minimum of 150 staircases otherwise prepare for the cavern as you normally would food bombs and what have you get to the skull cavern as early as you can either with an obelisk a warp totem or the bus immediately drop down to floor 130 or so deeper if you like and get to mianon i always keep a few staircases with me just in case i come across an infested floor or a floor that's just too annoying with this method i've been able to get multiple full stacks of iridium ore in a single day one full stack of ore if smelted into iridium bars and sold with the blacksmith profession at 1500 gold each will make you 300 000 gold now my other option is farming radioactive ore to do this you'll either have to have activated or completed the key quest danger in the deep this changes the mines into an alternate and harder version that now has radioactive ore nodes once you've done this though it's as simple as entering the first floor and exiting over and over again looking for radioactive nodes having the best luck you can helps a lot with this smelting the radioactive horn to radioactive bars and then selling with the blacksmith profession will net you 4500 gold per bar while i don't find this personally as lucrative as going really really deep into the skull cavern it takes a lot less setup as long as you've completed the key challenge you can do it whenever you want and that will do it if you have any more ways of making money that you've found please let me know in the comments i would love to see every single way to make the end game grind less monotonous and if i get enough i might just make another video on them thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Salmence
Views: 223,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's, Play, salmence100, nintendo, stardew valley, stardew valley guide, stardew valley money guide, stardew money guide, stardew valley gameplay, stardew guide, how to make money stardew, how to make money, fishing for money stardew, stardew crystalarium, stardew valley mining guide, stardew valley fish pond guide, stardew fish ponds, stardew lava eels, stardew pigs, stardew animal guide, stardew valley pigs, stardew valley starfruit, ancient fruit guide
Id: hQx8yT5ahpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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