The Rarest Items in Stardew Valley

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stardew valley is a huge game and contains many things that the average player has never seen today i want to go over some of what i believe are the rarest items in the entire game now when i say a rare item i'm not just talking about the lowest possible drop rate although that will be included i'm talking items that require such specific conditions that most people have never had the chance to come across it a common theme with a lot of these items is that they only come from one source or have a very specific moment over a long period of time that you can obtain them with that said however first we have the living hat this item boasts the lowest drop rate of any item in the entire game although there are actually two different ways to get it the first is just by cutting weeds every time you cut a weed there is a point zero zero one percent chance that this will pop up that's a one in one hundred thousand chance the other way to get the item is as a drop from the wilderness golem if you've never heard of that enemy well i don't blame you the wilderness golem is only encountered if you choose the wilderness map as your farm layout or if you activate the dark shrine of night terrors in the witch's height at that point they'll start spawning on your farm at night with a surprisingly good drop table including iridium ore diamonds and of course the living hat now even though cutting weeds is such a common activity a one in one hundred thousand chance is very small i'd be surprised if the average player even cut a thousand weeds in an average play through with that i'm done talking about drop rates all of these other items are going to be very unique the first of which being the tea set this is the only gift that can be received during the feast of the north star that can't be obtained anywhere else it's given by anyone except for clint evelyn marny robin or willy so let's do the math 5 of the 30 possible gift givers can't give it to you making it a five and six chance to have the chance to get the d set after that there's about 14 items that each of these characters can possibly gift you if you have some extra items to pull from but i'm keeping it simple here this makes it a 1 in 14 chance to get it if you have a character that can give it to you doing the math this comes to about a 6 chance to receive this item every year and all it is is decoration for your house you can place it on a table or something if you want i guess next i have a set of three the paintings land of clay the serpent and tropical fish number 173 if you didn't know the painting shop during the night market has a rotating stock year to year this cycle will repeat after three years have passed the three paintings i've listed here are the three that are available every third year while it's not rare in a percentage drop sort of way i do think it's very unlikely that any player would get these three paintings and after all that you'll be one of the few players that owns these paintings and by the way these also happen to be some of the few paintings that aren't included in the furniture catalog so this is the only way to obtain them next up we have the zuzu city express the wall decoration similar to the previous item obtaining this would require a lot of waiting and then interacting with an obscure activity within a certain time frame this time we're talking about the crane game at the movie theater to start you need the theater unlocked which is what many people would start to consider post game so you've already lost a good portion of the player base there next there's only one movie poster in the crane game at a time and it's of whatever's playing in that season if we look at the schedule of when movies play you'll see that the zuzu city express plays on winter of year two big deal i hear you say the movie theater is usually unlocked in year two anyway well year one in this situation is actually referring to whatever year you unlocked the theater which means once again you'll usually be waiting until winter of year 3 to obtain this item and by the way with this and the previous item if you miss them don't worry just wait another 2 years for this item or 3 years for the previous item and you can get them again now let's go over some weird ones these items are the only ones that you can possibly miss and never get again and these are all of penny's exclusive redecoration items basically if you marry penny and reach 14 hearts with her which is a challenge on its own you'll watch her 14 heart cutscene during which she gives you the choice between redesigning your bedroom with three different scenes or not redesigning at all these three scenes are strawberry pirate or forest and moon choosing a scene will have you wake up three days later with your room decorated including in these decorations are a few that cannot be obtained anywhere else and of course once you choose one option you're locked out of the other two forever even if you divorce penny wipe her memory with the shrine of memory and build her back up to 14 hearts the event will not occur again and if you're wondering what these items are if you choose the strawberry scene you get the strawberry decal and the strawberry rug if you choose the pirate scene you get the pirate flag and the pirate rug by the way these are the only two rugs in the entire game that aren't in the furniture catalog and if you choose the forest and moon scene you get night sky decals one two and three so if you ever see anyone with a pirate flag in their room along with a strawberry rug they're hacking and then lastly we have the rarest item of all is the one that hasn't been discovered yet in september of 2021 unsurpassable z hosted baron who is the creator of stardew valley during a stream during this stream they touched on the topic of unfound secrets in stardew valley to this baron said there is one that i don't think anyone will ever figure out but it's like a there's a secret i guess you might say uh message or something and actually the thing is the message is not even really relevant anymore it was like originally revealing something that's like actually not even true anymore but it's still i don't think anyone's found it and i don't know if anyone ever will because it's like extremely obscure to find it so there you have it from the big man himself to be honest i don't know if this secret would provide you with any item or anything but i think it's fair to say that this is the rarest event in the game seeing whatever that dialogue box is thank you so much for watching part of the reason i wanted to make a list like this is because upon trying to search for the rarest items in stardu you constantly come across the same list of five or so events that can happen at night events that almost everyone has heard of or experienced at this point i wanted to actually do a deep dive to find the items that even i didn't know about until making this list if there's anything else you want to see me cover please make sure to let me know in the comments thank you for watching and good night [Music] you
Channel: Salmence
Views: 652,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's, Play, salmence100, nintendo, stardew valley, stardew valley rare item, stardew valley rarest item, stardew valley secrets, stardew valley guides, rare stardew items, rarest stardew item, secrets in stardew valley, stardew valley gameplay, stardew guide, salmence stardew valley, rare items, rarest items, stardew rarest events, stardew events, stardew items, stardew valley walkthrough, stardew valley facts, stardew facts, stardew trivia
Id: nyhnYwF9si8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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