My Hero Academia: Season 2 (Full Recap)

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I hate intros Mike your academia's season two we kick things off the day after the villains attack on you way in season one jump on over to the students of class 1a where we learn about the upcoming you a sports festival from the crippled Eraserhead we find out a little bit of lore about you to the daka who wants to be a hero for money so that she can help her family also that she was freaking adorable as a kid me 30 a goes to have lunch with all my where he's told by all might that the festival is his chance to make his first big impression on the world Yepez owed to with the sports festival just around the corner all the other classes come to check out their competition in class 1a leaving taboc you go to stir things up with basically everybody by calling them extras which technically is just accurate amongst the crowd is heat oshi sheen so who didn't make it into the hero course and was placed in general studies instead we also meet Ted statuettes tetsu who is passionate and loud like pretty much everybody else in the show the festival finally rolls around and all the students from the hero course general studies support course and last the Nerds from the business course take the field the first event is a four kilometer obstacle race with all the students participating when the race starts students are cut off by the robots use in the entrance exam from season 1 go to low key phrases that man passes through taking the lead episode 3 we find out that Kara she man test a to Ted sets you have near identical powers and help dispose of the robots since me DoDEA can't control his power yet he grabs part of a robot in hopes that it helps him out later the second obstacle is the fall where may hots makes her appearance and uses her beloved inventions to cross the canyons the third obstacle is a minefield that slows everybody down allowing media to finally catch up Bakugan thought loki are in the front fighting with one another while media digs up a bunch of mines and uses the shield to detonate them all at once he uses the explosion to propel him into the lead where he detonates even more mine slowing down pakka go and throw final stretches close between the three of them but authorities ends up coming in first which normally you would think is a good thing until the remaining forty two contestants find out that the second event is a cavalry battle where they are given points based off of the position they finished in the obstacle race since me though dia finished in first he's worth 10 million points which makes him an obvious target to all the other students episode 4 the total points of the team members are added up in contestants wear a headband indicating the point value the objective is to take other teams advanced and accumulate points but you can't intentionally make them fall so all the students start breaking up into teams mute audio teams up with roodaka a skater to join as well but he turns him down because he wants to compete with me Dottie and not follow him so they are forced to settle with hot samay in Tokyo me as the other two members in the beginning of the event a lot of teams start get me tortilla because of the high point value so they are fleeing with the jetpack that hots may hat meanwhile people start noticing that a lot of headbands have gone missing and the one responsible NATO monomer takes balk who goes headband as well he then makes the mistake of taunting vodka go shifting all that crazy pent-up aggression Baku go has for me daughter yet over to Monomoy nana the last seam Authority comes face to face with Totoro Kees team episode 5 well Totoro Keys team is going for me dodea a couple of other teams have the same idea so Totoro he freezes them and takes a quick detour to relieve them of some easy headbands now they set their sights back on me go to you who's jetpack had stopped working and I've been cornered meanwhile baka go and Monomoy face up while mana my uses his ability to copy other people's works to fend off baka goes advances back over to me Bonilla who has successfully dodged Totoro Kees attacks for five minutes now in a small space so eda is forced to use a secret move to secure the 10-million point headband after losing the head of anomie DoDEA's team panics and charges to get it back Todoroki has sworn to never use his left side flames but he subconsciously activates them because he feels so overwhelmed by midoriya back over to bak you go who successfully takes two headbands off of Monomoy but isn't satisfied and continues to break through their defenses taking all of their headbands Mew 30 is able to control one for all and swipe through total Rocky's defenses grabbing one if the headbands but he misses the 10-million point headband in the end the top four teams me 30 yet Totoro Ibaka go and she's so advanced to the next round yeah the sewed six while talking to total rookie midoriya finds out that the reason he doesn't use his fire quirk is because he resents his dad the number 2 hero endeavor endeavor for started Okies mom into merge just so he can make a child strong enough to be all my we also learned that the scar on Totoro Keys face is from his mom throwing boiling water on and because she is repulsed by his left side anyways back over to the festival where the remaining 16 competitors are gonna fight 1v1 in a single elimination style tournament Oceana and shout out both drop out because they can't remember the cavalry battle so they don't feel like they deserve to be in the finals Tessa suit at statue replaces one of them and the second replacement is ebody she Ozaki for the first round authority has placed up against xin so when the battle starts xin so begins insulting go Judah which procs a response from Edo to you after me daughter yells he suddenly freezes like he's in a trance Yepez owed seven shoot shows cork is brainwashing but he needs the victim to answer him before he can use it he uses his brainwashing to make me talk you start to walk out of bounds right before he steps out and loses he hallucinates the former heroes who had won for all before him this course has had just enough to break his fingers using one for all and this snaps him out of the brainwashing from then on he avoids talking and bum-rush is shin-soo they throw hands for a bit before me though do judo tosses him out of bounds Ruth Odia tells all my about the vision he had in all my says that it happened to him too so don't pay too much attention to it in the next match Seto is slightly mismatched he gets cocky and gets immobilized in a mountain of ice Episode II the third matches between kami naughty and she Ozaki she Ozaki uses her vine quirk to block his electrical tax and restrains him winning her the match the fourth matches between IVA and hot sameba really hot to me just wants to use this opportunity to go hyper will make a sellout for her support items after her sales pitch he throws the match in Edo wins the fifth match is between the side characters said nobody really cares about Aikido and now Yama where a Cheeto wins with a solid uppercut match number six is Tokyo me squaring up against ya go to zoo Tokyo Yami relentlessly attacks with dark shadow and yeah go to zoo ends up out of bounds before she can even retaliate the two hard bros Tet sets you in Kedah Shima through hooks ana ends up being a draw so when they regain consciousness they're gonna arm wrestle to decide the winner man did the last scene Otto Dhaka is getting ready to go up against baka go for the final match of the first round episode 9 relentlessly attacks buck you go trying to touch him to activate her quirk but he fends off the assault with explosions the whole time doing this she's storing up more and more debris above him and launches her surprise attack when she springs her trap he blows away all the debris and even though she tries to continuing after her plan failed her body collapses making Baku go the winner back over to the hard burrows where Kid Ashima wins out armwrestling in the second round he thought he has first up to fight again and he's against the newly formed rival Toto Doki episode 10 the fight between Midori and Totoro key turns into a battle of fatigue with Totoro key refusing to use his flinch but his body can't keep producing guys on the other hand mediodía is holding up the continuous ice attacks by breaking his fingers to deflect the ice eventually he's wreaking his fingers and it gets to the point where he can't even move them so he breaks his thumb on his cheek we get some flashbacks of coated rookies mom going crazy which is when she burns Totoro key with the boiling water after that endeavor had her hospitalized which is why Totoro key to test his dad and his power so much eventually the fight gets to the point where Totoro key is forced to use his flames but he still doesn't entirely accept them after a massive clash Midori is unconscious after being hurled out of bounds making Totoro key the winner episode 11 recovery girl says that she's not gonna heal wounds like this again so he needs to learn to control his power back over to the matches socio Zach Diaz ran out of bounds by Ada and Tokyo me easily knocks out a Cheeto kid eeschema goes up against baka go and ultimately gets too fatigued from continuously blocking his explosions total Loki is back to not using his planes but he still manages to be eda and thus emmys doko Yami loses the baka go because dark shadow is countered by the light from the explosions after the fight EDA gets a call from his mom explaining that his older brother Ted say who he looks up to was gravely injured by a new villain in the last scene we get a look at the hero killer stain who was approached by Koga T requesting a meeting with him yeah the so 12 in the finals between Totoro ki and Bakugan auto rookie launches ice attacks but baka go blows up the ice with his explosions well coogo comes out and with everything he has in total rookie comes close to using his left side but decides in the last moment not to and he loses the match because of it black Hugo is pissed because he won without todo dokey giving it his all so midnight has to use her aroma to put him to sleep after that he's restrained and forced to take the medal after the finals toto dokie still isn't sure how to feel about his power so he decides to go see his mom who's still institutionalized from when she threw water on him episode 13 the students find out they're gonna be interns under various Pro heroes who sent them individual offers most of the episode is that making up hero names for their internships and deciding where to go we find out that UTA's brother has no feeling in his leg so he can't continue doing hero work who wants a dad to take up his hero name Ingenium to carry on his legacy Midori gets an offer from grant Serena who is an old friend so all meit's predecessor and knows about one for all eight on the other hand had picked an agency in hoe City which is where his brother was attacked which Eraser had found strange because he got better offers episode 14 mitho day he goes to see gran torino who at first looks like he's dead but really he just spilt some food he spars with gran torino who's bouncing off the walls all over the room and takes me dodea down without any trouble Stane meets with chigan Akio is wanting him to join the league of villains but stain refuses because they pretty much want to kill everybody meanwhile all the other students are off on their internships including total rookie who went to work with his dad and ever at his agency Methodius training starts to bear fruit when gran torino makes him realize that instead of focusing one for all in a single part he should maintain it throughout his entire body episode 15 Oh might meets with this police friend now masa su kachi who talks about the gnome who they detained on the attack on usj from season 1 after learning from sakauchi that somebody has the ability to give quirks all my quest if that man is on the move again after talking to staying for a while she could knock he decides that he doesn't want to work with somebody like this so stain has returned to host before he goes stain takes a second to explain that here's just one money these days so by killing heroes he hopes to reform the system shiko dachi doesn't like him so he lets loose three no moves on the city to hunt down stayin and killin me thirty is passing through hosts to go to another city with gran torino when their train is hit by a fight between one of the no moose and a hero gran torino tells me though divas stay on the train and goes to fight the nomu eva goes off by himself hunting for stayin and finds him attacking the hero native episode 16 gran torino is fighting against the know me when endeavor shows up and burns the know move with his flames meanwhile mediodía finds out for manual that EDA went out by himself so he goes looking for him jump on over to eita who gets dumped stirred by stain but me thorny he comes in to save him while sending their location for help native anita are paralyzed from st. squirt but he can only activate the cork after he tastes the victim's blood which means he's probably a walking vat of STDs saying goes to kill EDA again but this time is saved by Totoro ki Todoroki had come to the city as a part of his internship with his dad and got me tortillas location so he went to check it out Victoria was paralyzed by stain and recovered so he ALP started roki fight against stain but then gets paralyzed again we learned that Totoro he had made peace with his mom and now accepts this flame cork he took the internship with his dad because he can learn a lot from him but he hasn't forgiven him and he doesn't plan to the episode 17 it is able to finally move again just in time to save photo Doki who's about to take a heavy shot him and mediodía are able to knock Stan unconscious and time up endeavour Anchorage Reno finish off the Noma that they were fighting with so grant arena's starts heading over to me dodea meanwhile endeavour blows off the head of a second nomu leaving just one left who starts to fly away gran torino finds me dodea right before the last no moon flies in and tries to take away me dodea staying is able to break from his bindings and kill the nomu showing that he isn't aligned with the league of villains he delivers a rousing speech dripping with animosity and determination and then passes out episode 18 the next day the Chief of Police Kenji soo tegami tells them that they shouldn't have been fighting without permission from Pro heroes because of this the story is instead told that endeavour apprehended stain and nobody knows that the students helped jump on over to all my who gets a call from gran torino where they disgust at the master of shigaraki is presumed to be all for one all for one is the villain that killed all mites master and delta severe wound to all my on his abdomen stains rousing speech got posted online and is starting to gain traction amongst villains who support his ideologies episode all the internships are still going on while midoriya is recovering in the hospital we jump over to Suey who is working under sulky as a naval hero tagging along you sulky subordinate Sidious who is helping show a soui the ropes silky is trapped by some smugglers so Sidious and a sewer you have to go and try and stop them but the aqua villain in Smith gets the upper hand before he can do anything sulky Pines where they are and apprehends the villain episode 20 the internships are coming to a close and once back mediodía talks with all my all my tells him about the villain all for one who has the ability to take and give quirks to people we learned that all-4-one had a little brother who is small and sickly but had a strong sense of justice since he thought he was quark Lassalle for one pass down a quark to stock power but his brother had a hidden quark that allowed him to pass down quarks so when he combined it with the ability to stock power one-for-all was born the younger brother was defeated by all for once so he passes down his power and hopes that the future generations would gain enough strength to defeat him because all-4-one had accumulated somebody quirks he doesn't age and is close to invincible so almighty explains that the day will come where Methodius will have to fight him mobility is on board with this as long as all might is there but it doesn't seem like that's gonna be the case episode 21 once back from the internships the students have to prepare for final exams after the written portion they're split up into teams of two and assigned a teacher that they're gonna have to fight Methodius teamed up with bak ago going against all my the first fight is Kirishima and sato versa mentos where they can't keep up with the stamina so the students fail episode 22 octopus I'm almost defeats a soui on toka Yami by summoning a giant clone of himself what can we they use a plan to have dark shadow sneak handcuffs onto ectoplasm allowing them to pass a test Eva and O judo take on power loader for their tests where EDA launches oshio dope-ass power loader to the escape gate passing the test as well now we take a look at Toto Doki and yoyo dozous who are going against her Eraserhead yeah Yoda Zhu has been having confidence issues so when she devises a plan to subdue Eraserhead he allows himself to be caught because he's a big old softie episode 23 brooded okay now Yama go gets 13 where a Yamazaki by asking if she likes me don't yet although she was flustered she still uses her training from the internship to cup 13 ashido in common Adi failed when they run out of time after being countered by the principal who uses insane predictions to slow them down good angira takedown present Mikan their test with the help of some creepy crawlers Kota controls Shoji acts as a distraction against snipe allowing kagaku dates to sneak up and cuffin mean that that gets his time to shine against midnight after she puts eddo to sleep he uses his quirk to subdue her and then carry Seto to the escape gate and finally it's time for me 30 and Baku go to face up against all my in their tests episode 24 the start of the fight is really rough because my coogo is obsessed with fighting head on while Midori is constantly trying to run away they finally agree to work together and set up a trap for all might with my daughter you using baka goes gauntlet to hit him with an explosion then they make a break for the gate bakur ghost starts injuring himself while buying me DoDEA's some time so all might knocks him unconscious to prevent further harm Midori it hurts his back as well but still Lance a solid punch on all my twitch brings all my to his limits miss buys me dodea enough time to grab aku go and carry him through the gate in the last scene we see some new villains joining the league because of stains inspiration episode 25 the students are informed that they're gonna be going to the woods for their summer camp so they go to a shopping mall to prepare for their trip they all split up in Midori as alone and just so happens to run into she get Aki who threatens to kill people in the mall if they don't talk well talking with him she gerak he comes to the conclusion that the reason he hates stayin a media so much is because of all my any wants to kill him even more now Rudo doc has seized them which cues she get Aki's exit they alert the police and look for him but are unable to track him down in the last scene there's a sinister doctor who is talking with the newly revealed all-4-one well for one is happy about she Gaddafi's newfound conviction and reveals that he is planning on making shigaraki his successor and as soon as I heard that I realized that the only thing I hate more than intros is outros
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Keywords: My Hero Acadamia Season 2 Full Recap, My Hero Acadamia Season 2, My Hero Acadamia Season 2 everything you need to know, recap for my hero academia seaon 3, mha season 2 recap, my hero academia season 2 all episodes recap
Id: piY0iX1ft0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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