The Power of Jellyseerr: Unlocking Media Requests

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hi guys and welcome back to another ibra corp  video as usual pleasure to have you guys back   here thank you for checking out the channel  today if you like what we're doing please think   about subscribing and hitting the like button it  really helps the channel out and we would really   appreciate it like i promised you guys last week  this week we're going to be looking at jelly seer   angelica is a media request application and as  they describe it it's for managing requests for   your media library this works similar to petio  and overseer of course where it's forked from   and also sports features that you would find in  something like ombi so those who are fans of ombi   like myself you might find some of the features  we tell you about today pretty interesting   we also have some insider information from  the developers who worked with us to create   today's guide by answering some questions from  us in order to create it for you guys and they   have some really cool features that you don't know  about just yet that we're going to reveal to you   later on in this video all i can tell you at  this point is that if you're running plex you   might want to keep watching so guys if you're  looking for a media request application one that   is derived from the aesthetic of overseer and  you're into that kind of style then jellysia is   going to be the one for you we hope you enjoy  without further ado let's get stuck into it alright guys so getting straight into it this  week we're looking at jelly cr like i said   i'm here on the github jelly seer is a free and  open source software application for managing   requests for the media library it is a fork  of overseer and it's built to bring support   for jellyfin and mb media servers now on their  current features they list jellyfin support and   mb support but we have some extra information  from them hot off the press you know we spoke   with them yesterday and there's a little  bit of a change there that we'll talk about   in a moment underneath that it's along with other  existing overseer features that you may know   and are used to so you can read through that  if you like um we've covered overseer already   in a separate video that you guys might be  interested in so feel free to check that out   we're just looking at jelly seer and it's going to  be offering a lot of those features which is great   because a lot of people want to self-host and  what we did last week we'll show you jellyfin   to get you started on your journey and hopefully  get these projects supported really well now the   installation's not too difficult we'll get into  a lot of the look of it once we get in there of   course you can see from the screenshot that we've  got a very familiar overseer outlay okay it's very   familiar you're going to feel like you're right  at home if you're already using overseer but we're   getting that extra support so then there's some  other links here you've got their discord as well   you can ask questions at their github discussions  and you can put in bug reports as well so they're   big on contribution and something we really  appreciate about these developers is they're very   active in development they've been working very  hard on this app and taking community feedback   and actually listening to the crowd we know  there's some developers that aren't doing that   sometimes that's a detriment to themselves of  course but these guys have been really responsive   to the community and that's the kind of thing that  we want to help support so guys all said and done   it's pretty straightforward yeah we're talking  about overseer with jellyfin and mb support sure   that sounds basic on the box but let's actually  get into the app and see what it looks like   i'll show you the installation for both unraid and  docker compo let's start with unraid if you're not   using unraid feel free to use the chapters to get  to the next step and here we are on osiris our   unraid server first thing we'll do is head over to  apps search for jelly seer and you'll see one here   by x we just repository we'll click on that you  can see it's pulling from the official repository   go ahead and click install we're going to set the  network type to our custom docker network the port   it's using is 5055. we have the app data location  which we're happy with and then there's the log   level which is currently set to info scroll down  and then we have our pu id and pg id as well as   the umask that's all pretty straightforward we  don't need to change much go ahead and click   apply so we come back to our docker tab and we can  see jelly sierra is running let's left-click and   go to the web ui and here we are we're now on the  web ui let's quickly show you the docker compose   file and then we can jump into the app which is  where all the action is really going to happen   also guys if you're not aware all this stuff is  in our documentation to help you navigate and find   all the links that you might need to go along with  today's video you can find them at our docs page   docs alright guys so now we're  ssh to our ubuntu server this is where we use all   of our docker compost the first thing we'll do  is create a folder for us to put jelly sear in   there now my location for docker containers  is in the opt folder if yours is somewhere   else obviously just make sure that folder is  correct so we've created the docker compost file   we can see that in there what we'll do now is  go to our code server and we'll paste in our   docker composer there if you haven't seen our  video on code server be sure to check that out   it's a really useful tool okay guys so we've  now pasted our docker compose configuration with   that done we'll go ahead and start it up go ahead  back to your terminal and type in docker compose   up hyphen d in the folder where the compost  file is as you can see i made a tiny mistake   accidentally put an underscore instead of a hyphen  also just corrected the environment variable there   and there we go now that's pulling down for us and  it should be up in no time and it's done so let's   navigate to that now and now both you guys who  are using unraid or docker compos can watch from   the same point from this point on we're going to  be looking inside the app itself alright guys so   now we've shown you both installation methods now  we can all look at the app together then when you   first start up you'll get the installation screen  and you have to set it up so i wouldn't recommend   reverse proxy in this before you've obviously set  it up just in case you might have some sort of   automation with that just be careful once you've  got it up and running jump straight in so you have   two options we can use our plex account to sign  in or we can use our jellyfin account now i want   to assume that i don't want to be tied to another  third party so we'll try with our jellyfin account   and see how that goes so i've put in our jellyfin  url which is local to obviously jealous here uh if   they were on the same custom docker network which  they are i can also just put the container name   if i so choose jellyfin just like that and keep  the rest as is all right and it's signed me in   so it's actually signed me in with my user  account from jellyfin which is great and now   it's going to ask us to sync the libraries let's  go ahead and do that beautiful that's worked we'll   check our two libraries off and do we want to  trigger a scan usually i don't trigger a scan   during a setup phase because you might be messing  with a lot of settings so i recommend you actually   just hold off on that until you've set up  completely and then run the scan or let it just   do it whenever it's automated next we'll just  click continue and now it's going to ask us for   our radar and sonar settings now i'm not going  to fill it out for today's video but if you want   to go ahead just put in the server name so you  can call that whatever you want the host name   you can use the container name again and port  if they're on the same custom docker network   um if you don't know how to do that we have a one  minute video on how to do that otherwise just use   the host ip if it's bridged we have our ports and  then we have a bunch of other information that you   get from sonar and radar so with the installation  and the initial setup done now we can really   get to brass tacks right now we're talking about a  media request system that supports jellyfin right   it also supports mb and it also supports plex you  heard me right so we asked the developers what   would you like showcased what's something about  this app that people really need to know about   they've come back with the fact that it works  with all major media servers plex mb jellyfin   but here's the kicker that you may not know  soon we will support multiple simultaneous   server instances now think about that for a  second that could be quite useful if you have   multiple media servers multiple media request apps  as well now the goal behind this project from the   words of the developer is that it was started as  a fork of overseer but for the new version that   you guys haven't got yet 1.2.0 they're planning  to bring in some much needed features so they're   bringing in things like multi-instance support to  have multiple media servers linked the ability to   change emails for each user nb and jellyfin only  music support filters combined login book support   and much more now where do we start with that guys  that's a lot that we have planned in the pipeline   and a lot of features i think a lot of us in the  community will find pretty useful often people   bring up omb as a competitor of course and they  mention the fact that it does music and so that's   a benefit and sure is it definitely is i agree  looks like jelly seer might be getting as well   and something that could tip it over the line to  be a very high contender in the media request app   field it's already impressing now let's select  the media item so we'll go to fantastic beasts   here for example we have a look through  we're pretty familiar with that looks great   really easy to read everything we love about it  and then we click on request now it's going to be   requested automatically that's fine we haven't  got sonar and radar running in this setup so   we haven't set this up if we come into the user  list you'll see it'll tell you the type of user   we have you can also import jellyfin users so if  you've got other ones there you can pull them in   and you can create local users inside  of jelly seer itself as well inside the   settings we've got some interesting ones  so here's where our jellyfin library is   you can configure the external url as well so that  any media items obviously link to that page and   it could be the external page if you're reverse  proxying it but all your notification settings as   well similar to overseer there and then we have  our about and all the settings that you set up   earlier now something that has been requested  by the community for the developers to create   is season information request now that's  something that they've actually listened   to the community on and community said we want  that they've implemented the feature requests   and this is one that's 85 percent done now  according to the developer the ability to   have information on season requests obviously  anyone not familiar with the media request app   you just go into any item and you click request  and it should link up to your radar and sonar   and i'm really impressed with the communication  from these guys it's been really really fun   so there you go guys jelly seer it's easy it's  clean and it's free and open source on top of   that it supports open source products so for those  of us who want to get away from plex or get away   from any third party having our data or us relying  on them to get to our own information we now have   some really good options out there and we really  should be supporting these options any way we can   now these guys have said they accept pull requests  on github and they would love any more that anyone   is willing to provide to help them continue  to develop the application further and further   a lot of features coming in pretty hot and heavy  so keep an eye out on development with this one   i'm really keen to see where it goes uh even right  now it's a very strong contender to move me away   from those like i said third-party run systems and  trying to get everything self-hosted again which   is always a nice feeling if you guys enjoyed the  video please think about liking and subscribing   we'd really appreciate it and a big thank you  to all of our subscribers on our website who are   helping support ibracorp through their donations  we really appreciate it and we hope you're   enjoying the quality content if you have any  other video ideas or things you want us to cover   be sure to let us know in the comments and until  then we'll see you in the next hebrew corp video you
Views: 61,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jellyseerr, ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, overseerr, overseerr windows, overseerr update, overseerr snap, overseerr tautulli, overseerr for music, overseerr mac, overseerr windows 10, overseerr demo, overseerr vs petio, media requests, ombi request, ombi request music, jellyfin requests, sonarr, radarr, jellyfin, jellyseerr requests, plex requests, plex requests vs ombi, plex requests ombi, plex requests plugin, jellyfin vs plex, ibracorp plex, jellyfin review, media automation
Id: yflhh6oER0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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