Greek Food Tour - 8 Foods You HAVE to Try in Athens, Greece! (Americans Try Greek Food)

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[Music] good morning adventures from Athens Greece so we've been in Greece for about three weeks now or so yeah just traveling all around it's great but we've had a chance to try a bit of Greek food and we have absolutely fallen in love with it it's so tasty so much flavor don't you think oh it's it's some of our favorite yeah it's been amazing but there's some dishes that we haven't tried yet that we were saving to try on camera with you guys some of the stuff we were more excited about so we're gonna do a little food tour today I think my favorite we're gonna take you all over and we have some amazing dishes playing I cannot wait for it yeah we are very hungry right now so we're gonna head to this place it's right behind us or some Tsubaki so we've placed our order and this guy in there who I'm guessing his Greek said it's the best souvlaki in Athens so I'm thinking we made the right call that's what you want to hear when you go in a place like this so good I think it's gonna take a second cuz they grill it all fresh so the place where we're trying souvlaki is called Acosta's and it is this tiny little place literally a hole in the wall that if you walked by and you weren't paying attention you would easily miss it it's very small on the inside a couple of seats in there but as you can see it's very packed yeah it's in a really popular area but it's down a side street so I think a lot of people miss it and then in the front you have this bench where you can sit and wait and some people are eating there so there's a there are a few seating options but we have our food it looks amazing we're so excited to try this I wish you guys could smell it but we found a cheeky little seating spot over here next to this building we have Trevor Nana with us today they're going to be trying some Greek food with us as well torturing them today making them go on a food adventure with us they're also going to be putting together like a guide to Athens right today yeah so yeah well link to their channel so you guys can check that video out when it's done all right let's see for those of you that don't know like us before we got to Athens souvlaki is a popular I guess fast food here it's this seasoned meat on a skewer but here in Athens I guess it's known as this is actually kalamaki the meat on the skewers and here souvlaki is when it comes into pita which I don't think is how it traditionally is in other areas but here happens that's how it goes we got them both to try we have the Tsubaki here as they call it which has the hunks of pork in there some tomato some parsley some I think yogurt sauce pepper sauce on there I believe a lots of seasoning and it usually comes with onions but for Eric no onions and then we got the kalamaki version of Tsubaki which is just the meat on the skewers with it looks like maybe some like oregano and other seasonings seasonings on there all right here we go oh yeah money shot it's not the sexiest food to eat we'll just say that that is amazing this pita is nice and crisp they had it on the grill which is kind of the first thing you get it's really like buttery and flaky and amazing and then well I ate the big chunk of pork that was in there that was all the chunks are in there like this yeah dog or something yeah I think they put the skewer and then and just kind of pull it out so it's all lined up in there tomato is super fresh the yogurt sauce is nice because I guess these are the little peppers which gives it a little pop of heat but with the yogurt sauce it's really nice and balanced the pork is so good it's charred and amazing so this is the kalamaki looks real good looks about napkin oh man not good at real games it's extremely flavorful the dusting of the spices and all the goo on it tastes delicious it's like the perfect amount of juicy it's not chewy at all oh man that was really good you get a burst of flavor on your tongue when you bite into it so the sticks are 2 euro but if you get it in the pita this is only 2 euro 30 so I think this is a much better deal because you get a lot more bang for your buck I think but if you really want just the flavor the meat and the meat is very very tasty this is the way to go so I just read the souvlaki it is delicious and peppery and we were just talking about how they'll all be a little charred marks on it really had that like pop of like crispy burn flavor it's real nice make sure you don't actually eat some of the paper because I almost ate a couple times we had here at about 12:00 noon it's about 1 p.m. now and you can see there's a line going out the door now and a bunch of people sitting on that bench that was empty earlier it can get pretty popular real good though see just stuff in her facing back you guys have already destroyed everything while we've been doing all this did you like it yeah how do you rate it good souvlaki was absolutely insane highly recommend this place I was we weren't filming but the last bite all the juice had like drained to the bottom of the bag and it was so delicious but now we are headed to our next spot [Music] so we popped over into the Botanical Gardens and they are so beautiful but there I wanted to mention one more thing when we were doing research for souvlaki they found what I guess they think is essentially a grill it's two slats and they think it was for setting skewers in and specifically cooking meat and they found that in the 17th century BC which kind of blew our minds so what we show we just ate dates back so old they don't even potentially I mean a potential very different but they were Grillin delicious meats here for a long time so you know they're extra good at it yeah yeah oh I think he belongs to Alison now [Music] so for our next step we've come to a place called loukoumades to try they're not really Donuts they're like fried dough balls but we were a little skeptical of this place because we're in it came really highly recommended on all the articles and all the research we could do online but it's in a pretty touristy area yeah we were a little spooked by it but yeah and I'm sure there I'm sure there are a bunch of other really amazing spots to find this food in Greece so make sure you leave a comment below and let us know your favorites but these are the ones we're gonna try to say the two flavors we got we got what we thought was the classic traditional which I believe is just the honey and cinnamon there might supposed to be crushed almonds on there but ours didn't come with it but that's okay we got the honey in the cinnamon and then these little bad boys we went a little savory these are stuffed with feta in there and then covered with what is described as a pepper honey and just upon first sniff they reminds me of the chili like the sweet chili sauce that we got all throughout Southeast Asia I think it's amazing so we got our sweet and our savory and of course cheeky little lattes yeah I think we're gonna try the sweet ones first they're in like a boatload of honey and cinnamon it's all like sitting at the bottom and they're kind of just doing it and these feta ones she has a machine that she attaches the ball to and it fills it with the feta so that's what's on the inside of these I think I'm gonna try these sweet ones first Alison isn't a big fan of honey so I'm gonna try these first wow that honey is nice and thick and covered in cinnamon down there oh yeah oh yeah you hate these there's a lot of honey the dough balls themselves are really not sweet it's just the honey glazing on the outside that gives them a lot of sweetness it's absolutely delicious we had them sit here for a little while while we were filming and stuff so there's still a little bit warm but probably could be warmer but they're real nice because you get like this they kind of disintegrate in your mouth they're not super Kaitlyn they're really doughy they're really flaky on the inside so they're just kind of like disintegrate into this ball of sweet honey deliciousness here goes the savory one oh they're really they're like filled with air that was amazing this might be my new favorite little like street food did you guys like the essence of the dough ball but I kind of like the savoriness of it stuffed with the cheese in there and then the sauce has a little bit of a kick to it but what the honey it's really sweet so it's really nice it is like sweet and savory all in one is there enough honey for it to be gross TV for you to notice it peppers kind of overpower it so just take our little sweet to me I'll have to try the other ones and see how I do maybe I'll love Greek honey give it a try I think you're gonna like it have an open mind open mind okay No dang it was so good Oh ma'am the cinnamon was the redeeming factor in that one luckily there's a lot of sentimental minds up I got a taste of the honey for a second but then the cinnamon kind of overpowered it and the dough is just so good they're so crispy but so like soft and pillowy on the inside they're delicious but you still prefer these [Music] we're currently in the central Municipal Market or at least I think we are there's this big fish portion that we stepped in for a second but everything was kind of being broken down and cleaned up but then we found this part of it that has loads of fresh fruits and fresh veggies and all kinds of good-looking produce very nice as we've been exploring Athens the couple weeks that we've been here we've been really noticing a lot of these old destroyed buildings that will be behind like a fence or something like that and really board it off and they look like they've been around for just centuries it's really hard to tell how old some of this stuff is but it is so dilapidated and rundown but it's really beautiful in its own way it's really cool if you if you want the way the broken is good if you need to it's good if you intended for it's not good because the flavor those are out yeah that's why the appetite you must share so we were at a bar for a while just having a couple drinks just around the corner there and we weren't exactly sure where to go for dinner we wanted to try meze right so we meze is kind of the final thing which is it is more like appetizers or shared plates and we had a couple of places in mind but we asked her server because we wanted a local zankan and he said this little place around the corner is great and turns out it looks at me yeah as we showed up a guy who presumably is the owner was chatting with us and telling us about all the different types of Greek food and what he prefers and the different types of food on the different islands and all kinds of stuff and he reiterated that when you get these plates you can't eat it all on your own you have to share which is exactly what we're hoping for so we're just gonna get a whole bunch of Greek food and try to show you guys I think it's gonna be fantastic [Music] oven-baked aubergine saganaki spicy sausages and then the last the moussaka their first few measures come instead of butchering the names we're gonna put them up on the screen for you guys so briefly run through what we have this is fried cheese it looks a little different than we've had before typically it comes in two square it looks like it's still the fried cheese in there these are zucchini croquettes with some I believe some yogurt dipping sauce and this is a spicy cheese dip we've had it once before on our ceiling trip it looked a little bit different than this ours was really pureed and you couldn't pick out anything and it's got the this is the fried cheese that I'm cutting into first it looks very fresh and warm it's bit squishy in there alright it's a hunk of fried cheese it's super gooey in the middle and you can see like um you have this really thin crispy layer on the outside and then this delicious cheesy goodness on the inside it's real good it's perfect so you all know I love my veggies and these are fried zucchini croquettes I think it's gonna be amazing with some yogurt sauce this is so good deep fried zucchini with like dough and yogurt sauce on there you can't go wrong it's so good it's a little salty it's a little crunchy in the inside it's nice and gooey it's awesome so far so good yeah oh my gosh you guys enjoying it they're just eating this okay there's an eating zone you see them soft yeah so the moussaka came while we were talking it looks amazing we're about to try the moussaka we've tried a once before I don't think it was as homemade as this one is so what we should have in here is the ground beef it's gonna have some potatoes bechamel sauce some tomatoes and then a bunch of seasoning including cinnamon I'm gonna say it also has auger geez all my lord it tastes like lasagna but also Christmas at the same time because has this in a minute oh my gosh it's so good and it's so tender and it just melts in your mouth you don't really get any like crunch or anything everything just like melts together perfectly that is great it's like really hearty and amazing I'm glad we're sharing it because I could eat it on my own but probably should not yeah it's really heavy isn't it and so these are the meatballs I guess they're kind of smushed down a little flat like little little patties no it's like a little pink on the inside - yeah I think you're gonna dig it it's really dense yeah it's really dense it's like a little burger patty that's delicious it's got I got to medially creaminess to the sauce - pretty good you guys I just tried the moussaka it is so dang good it's absolutely delicious so we actually just realized this I know you guys are gonna think we're stupid but but we thought this was like mashed potato kind of stuff on the top oh I realize yeah but that's the bechamel and the bottom stuff this is the potato down here and it's a lot harder it's not like mashed potatoes so we were looking for we didn't know exactly what we were eating but we figured it out it's real good this opera geonbae copper gene it's also like Christmas in your mouth but with eggplant and tomatoes it's it's completely different though all of these have some sort of like nutmeg or cinnamon in them some like spice that's in Chariton gives it like a dimension below we see Christmas because cinnamon and Omega and clove allspice all that is in all of our like Christmas trees and drinks drinks and pies and stuff it's not this is like a commonality between all of them but they're all really different but they go really well together [Music] so I hope you guys enjoy coming along on our little food tour today so I know we probably have a lot of Greeks watching and I know we might have mispronounced some things or you guys might know a better places to go then then the places we went today so if you do just leave us a comment so that if we come back here we try those places or other people are watching this video they can try those places when they come to Athens or when they come to Greece and have no fear we have a week in Santorini and we have a lot of food things planned there as well so we're gonna be drawing even more Greek food yeah so we didn't want to like eat everything today so there's still a lot more stuff for us to try did you guys have fun I'm a blast yeah we've had a good bit of wine and beer at this point so we figure that's probably a good point to end it before we get too sloppy so if you guys want to see some amazing views of Athens check out our previous video if you want to see some cool spots to hit up here in Athens check out the delightful travelers cuz they went all over the city today but I guess it did for us yeah and we'll we'll link to them in like the description and stuff so make it easy to head over there and also if you're new to this channel make sure you hit that subscribe button and there's actually a little bell right next to the subscribe button if you click that then you'll get notifications when we post new videos just like this in that adventure we'll see
Channel: The Endless Adventure
Views: 338,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: americans try greek food, greek food, greece food tour, food to eat in greece, best greek food, greek, greece, athens greece, food from greece, greek dishes, popular greek food, best food in greece, americans try, greek gyro, best souvlaki, greek food taste test, greek street food, travel food, saganaki, kalamaki, meze, moussaka, athens food, food video, The Endless Adventure, vlog, daily vlogger, travel vlogger, daily vlog, travel, Eric Bieller, travel vlog, Allison Bieller
Id: hv6Nk48dcKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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