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[Music] [Music] I am making the iconic fish from Aladdin homemade bread and homemade butter from the bit of the beginning where he steals that baguette don't even have possibly they did it very Merry unbirthday to you and you and you and you and you and you and me welcome to my mad I think tea party when everything is not quite as it seems the jam tops are savory and the sandwiches are sweet shall we get started my dear then let's get on with the jam tart pastry I as you can tell of everybody's favorite lovable Captain Jack Sparrow and I'm tackling the arch enemy of every pirate the kraken with a spiced rum crack and cake right let's get started with the cake itself we're going to cream together some butter and some sugar let's jump ahead of the bread prior to the butter recipe I'm whisking yoga dibs a double cream in the room temperature to 24 hours said what was then what was your favorite part of the film Aladdin oh the magic carpet the shoe wet went all solutely good all the end the genie seen my images indicate Wayne never had a friend never had a friend you ain't never a friend never had for the president step 2 children our then whisk until it splits now watch me strain away the liquid babe ice-cold water apple butter sweet until it maybe no his doesn't look that tasty fill it right out then I episode holy crap I am a genie the first after making a pastry is two bits together some flowers and butter a pinch of salt until it becomes into a brick Caramba submit and then we're going to drink like closed buildings we're going to drip into the opening a little bit time and said it falls a dough and then we're going to roll that though out just a little bit so it's flat put in cling film Chuck into the fridge for a while and then we come up well you can't just jump in our character of course you can I'm not bad pop up to my creamed sugary buttery mix I've made five eggs and stabilize that with a little bit of flour every time and then I've added my flavors some cinnamon allspice vanilla paste The Wrestler flour and a magic ingredient a bit of limeade which going to counterbalance with the run adding a little bit of sweetness a little bit of deliciousness to the cake let's make some cake for our son Ricky we're going to cream together some sugar some butter we're going to add two eggs with some flowers some vanilla extract and some baking powder bring it all together and cook it in an oven for baby and B that's a different Nursery Rhyme I needed any to another now while a the greens for 25 minutes yeah ran about yeah or the diamonite if you do really good bread and you do really good butter yeah you go every chance of winning it all so don't forget in the Ladin he was down he was down luck while the beginning the net loss and there what happened he met a genie well actually he met an old man who was really too far and they went into a tiger cave and got a magic carpet I can show you my flowery salty and yeasty guys can you see my bee stings through this movie J feet mix it all in a bowl stir in water that happened I really hope Johnny Depp is proud cause this is all his fault now knead my dough it takes ten minutes then it's rise cover and pre-burn our dancing flower and Hobbit into sausages now roll my song all make it even and it's with then let it prove again I think the friend who dares my bag add lovin once it's baked in the oven the next part of my recipe is comes in two parts firstly the syrup of rum base there which is rum water and sugar into a pan bring back to a bubble then it goes past five years and then on to my treacle sauce which is butter golden syrup dark treacle some double cream for some brown sugar stop sign there and let our bubble away for the one as well [Music] now what kind of maid hasn't seen party would this be if the teacups we're edible we're going to cut the top of some ice cream cones attach them to convenience which gives with white chocolate and if we're going to use crystals as a little t-handle and a little bit later on what default setups we're going to see 400 milliliters of double cream with not one but two O'Grady bags and some sugar bring it up to a simmer and then let it cool down before whisking it back into the rest of our double cream until it's nearly soft peaks but still horrible freak important to our teacups which are perfectly sealed and worthless anything spill everywhere just for this one battle I think we should lay off the abuse on James right because you have done it to himself he's done all of the banter Bob I just I just have be here and dropping like that important I have time all that's going to example yeah the sacred sorta most hostile slack back yeah petition can definitely dispel otherwise my cakes have cooled on taught them in half I want to spoon over my rum syrup and now it's time to create some cream to sit in between the layers and my delicious sauce do that it's simple with Hobson cream but as I'm sugar [Music] let's head back to our table we need to roll out our pastry cut the pastry with a fluted cutter put it into our jam tart tin we're going to add some blue cheese into the bottom and then cover that with some chili jam and then puts our hearts on the top and then we put them into the oven for 10 to 12 minutes James give me betel Disney battle-ax something for so long for this time he didn't even dress up I know I such a shame I don't even think about that quite of the boys in their food what do we think about my bread and butter I think Mike is pleased with strength he's singing the recipe but it's very simple it's a bold choice but you know what everyone loves bread and butter especially warm fresh out the oven if that is done properly the girl window so true when X Jamie Jamie I don't feel like he needs any encouragement to be mad he has been very ambitious I like the fact that the sweet and the savory the savoring the sweet he's just got to execute it but fair play to him homemade pastry no he is making a cake yep and he's doing three different elements it's a tough ask and I'm really excited for her presentation as well and then the fairy yeah who if I'm honest is getting more and more rum-soaked as this recipe goes on he has drunk a lot of alcohol for him the flavors in the cake they're going to work run when iron spices yeah four tiers and he's making two cakes and slicing them in half and they're quite thin sponges so this is all about the presentation really yeah [Music] what happened berries octopus has only got like three days these are my token saving there's a leg there's a leg there's two lakes special legs it's of do opus let's construct our sandwich cakes were going to cut our cake into bread slices we're going to put on that I make sure of cream cheese and sugar with a little dollop of zob shake the leche and then we're going to arrange some apples so it looks like cucumber before putting the top on the other half and then cutting into a rectangle [Music] before we start with the judging I just want you to know that I deserve extra credit because I sought an extracurricular activity and asked an expert to help with my performance I am here with Trevor who is the actual genie from Disney's Aladdin has a Westend a trinket are there any tips that you can give me in terms get finer using absolutely so the wick okay chose a we've got daddy so much like arms I was into rock songs before I go on sale yeah because a lot of like Foo Fighters a single stone age and give it me I like that so let's kind of what gives me like reach pretty far in the moon um kind of shine come and shake the best album perfect perfect [Music] I feel like I found my soul I feel like any experience I really do I really do I really yeah thanks so much sweetness thank you so basically if you don't like my fish than you hate yar and that is a very good very even crumb you made fermented butter a good craft a soft springy Crump very butter mmm beautiful butter good contender now if we get a slice out of this the layers are thin the cream is good at treating sauce it's kind of special that's very good it's a good tank it's a very good cake okay look keep going back for more so good to our three tiered delight what you got here is a really really spongy moist cake who spotted it in the sandwich please enjoy a jam tart very rich buttery pastry I like that thin and crispy and cooked right through on the second bias knife yeah and the real saltiness of blue cheese under there this is a cup of tea but it's completely edible wow that's impressive tasty clever in concept and knowing to eat ah it's well executed the pastry is good the cake sponge moist and delicious this is Barry's usual Aarti self by that I mean make a mess and make it look great the business clever the cake flavor is delicious and this is annoyingly simple and therefore there's not many places you can go wrong but for that reason it's faultless okay here's my thinking Disney battle it's difficult to choose because we all have favorite films they're all very clever and work with Disney film but I've got a face bit on culinary kitchen prowess and therefore today I'm going to give a brownie point to Jamie through spaceman cake and Mike for his bread and butter because the skill is eight sorry can I was terrified with I just beaten by for the button well you made a cake but I can't go it's not your best cake now this it's I tried harder than making bread and butter hi hi making bread is a skill this is a good skill but you know you'd afford the show thank you very much for watching this bound order if you want any vitamins the links are in the downstairs box what you're saying that we will make playing life ready the ultimate place because big squatter propagates the creature is serious work in background you know what all through s we could also I promise you and give them a go the recipes available at salted food it's not entirely up to me you guys get a say - there's a hole in top of your screen I never vote see who you think should have got the brown point and if you want to see next week's mystery box and goes left right now and you can check that out I promise you it's going to be another crystal click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 956,035
Rating: 4.9132152 out of 5
Keywords: disney food battle, disney food challenge, pirates of the carribbean cake, aladdin bread, mad hatters tea party, disney recipes, how to make disney food, top disney recipes, easy disney recipes, DIY mad hatter tea party, cook off, food battle, chef vs chef, disney food, kraken cake, rum cake, rum cake recipe, bread and butter recipe, mad hatter tea party recipe
Id: tyXcPwFpPoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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