The ULTIMATE Dark and Darker Trade Guide

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this is a trade guide designed to give you a leg up on regular players training in dark and darker for those who don't know I am the illustrious Lord the first and to my knowledge only player ever recorded to reach the gold cap in any of the play tests I did this almost entirely through trading with the final leg of my journey resulting in the first ever true quest in the game which you can learn more about here the rest of this guide is split into roughly three sections so feel free to skip past the information you already know to get to the juicy bits Section 1 will cover the beginner level information such as how to get access to and use the trade chat how to link items the functions of the trade window and the basics of NPC merchants section 2 will cover intermediate level information such as what Rarity means for the value of items what item stats are which ones to prioritize and the market for slash uses of candy and rubyzone section 3 is the final section of the video in which I outlined some of the advanced information that should help you save time and more importantly make glorious glorious go to start your journey as a Trader you must first join the Traders game which can be found in the trade tab located here on your screen when you enter the trade for the first time you will be greeted by The Lovable face of the trade master you might not just let anyone join the trades Guild no no no only those who have enough gold to pay the membership fee may join so once you have paid the trade Master his fee he will grant you access to the many trade posts of it originally he wanted us to use the Trade Post based on what because we were selling armor for armor weapons for weapons Etc but now everyone ignores that and uses Trade Post one now that you are in the Trade Post you can see the chat shooting by at a mile a minute that is unless the trade master has implemented some new restriction to keep things readable to use the trade chat like everyone else simply left click on the chat window in the bottom left corner and begin typing what's that zoom in enhance there you see how this fellow's message is colored in that is because he knows how to link an item to do the same simply locate an item either in your player's inventory or within your stash and shift click it will leave behind a colored text copy of the item that will list any relevant information about additionally when anyone hovers their Mouse over the item They will receive an outline of the item's stats just like as if they were looking in their own inventory now with that out of the way we can cover how to send a trade invite if you see someone who you wish to trade with simply hover your mouse over their name and right click a pop-up context menu will appear simply left-click the send trade request option do note that all trades require you to have at least 15 Golds somewhere in your inventory or stash so make sure to have it ready before you enter the trade window this is the trade window I know what like the back of my bony hand you and your trade partner can chat it up here you can view your player inventory and player stash here and any items being offered a trade will show up here do note that the trade window is at the time of recording a mere 5x5 Square so you are somewhat Limited in what you can trade to select items for trade simply locate the item you wish to offer and left click it it should appear in the center trade area do note that items that are stacked can at time of recording not be unstacked while you're in the trade window so you will have to retrade if they are currently stacked that's why it's best practice to have your items that can be split split up before you initiate a trade after you and your trade partner have intimated that you are ready to trade there will be one final pop-up window this is your final chance to make sure that everything is how it should be take it from your friendly trade skeleton who lost about 2 000 gold Duda trade scams that you should probably check each and every time that is all the information you need to initiate a successful trade I would however like to remind you once more that both players are charged to fee of 15 gold whenever they accept a trade and that you should keep that in mind whenever trading the last thing to cover in this section is the different kinds of NPC Merchants as of play test too there are 10 permanent Merchants alongside two seasonal ones the 10 permanent Merchants all specialize in what they buy and sell the 10 of them are The Alchemist who specializes in protection potions and Magic the armor who specializes in armor the leathersmith who specializes in leather gear the surgeon seller of medical equipment and therefore the most important Trader of all the tailor who specializes in cloth gear The Tavern Master specializing in Boots which can increase your physical stats The Collector personal friend and buyer of Trinkets and treasure the treasurer money change extraordinaire the weaponsmith specializing in weapons the Woodsmith specializing in utility items and axes these 10 Traders form the backbone of your money making Enterprise whenever you return from the dungeon you should know exactly who to talk to to get your gold along with the 10 previously mentioned Merchants there are two Merchants who are only around temporarily the first and most elusive of all is the goblin Merchant who appears at random selling rings of all kinds it can be a decently profitable Enterprise to check in with him from time to time whenever he's available and see if he has any plus two or plus three all stat rings for play test two and three there has been a holiday Merchant and they have the best and most valuable gear they seek a seasonal treat of candy and offer in return epic to Legendary gear checking on them frequently is a good way to make money thus concludes the beginner section if you've liked what you've seen so far please make sure to give me a like or subscribe if you feel I've earned items in Dark and darker exist on the scale of Rarity the Rarity of treasure items only really matters when deciding what items you want to keep while looting the value of equipment however is highly dependent on its Rarity as of play test 3 items come in eight ascending tiers of rare starter common uncommon rare epic legendary the legendary side grade Ruby silver and unique quality [Music] as a brief aside items that are rare or below are not really worth trying to sell on the market as you will at most be getting around 100 gold after waiting a long time as an item increases in Rarity its base stats increase alongside it and more importantly it gains additional stat lines which are generated randomly the stat lines that are generated are known as attributes or roles not all attributes are desired equally however and as such the spread of random attributes you get from having an item of a higher Rarity can highly affect the value of your item I will not be going over every attribute in the game instead I will be going over the four most important stats to be looking for whenever looting the most valuable attributes in general are plus to all stats plus damage plus penetration and plus agility in that order plus to all stats is self-explanatory as gaining one two or three to all stats is insanely helpful no matter what class you're playing plus damage is a good step to have as long as the damage type you're gaining corresponds to the damage type of the weapon that you're using particularly so if you can get multiple of that damage type pluses on the weapon the available types being true damage damage percentage and damage flat plus penetration is much the same as plus damage but as a side effect of the way damage calculation Works becomes more valuable as you get to the higher tier of items lastly there is plus agility agility is the most desirable of the Baseline stats to gain as it increases action speed move speed attack speed and equip speed strength is similarly desirable but I left it out as it serves no use for Wizards therefore it's not universally applicable attributes cannot be repeated more than once so as you get to the higher and higher Rarities it becomes harder and harder to find items with any good attributes at all or all attributes of the same type of damage but if you get lucky enough and find one of the mythical few epic or higher quality items with perfect stats you my friend have stumbled into a god item God items are worth orders of magnitudes more than standard items and are somewhat of a specialty of mine the last thing you should know are the uses of the advanced forms of currency being candy and Ruby silver Ruby silver is available in the dungeon hidden in locations but to get it you need to purchase a mining pick from one of the NPC Merchants whenever you do you will be able to stand still and mine the Ruby silver you need huge amounts of Ruby silver to make any items although the devs have halved the numbers so it should be something worth doing if you can get a team together handy is an item used as a seasonal currency by one of the rotating Traders you can use candy to purchase items of extremely high quality as the items that are in the shop rotate whenever you go into the dungeon so before you go in if there is a seasonal item Trader available you should see if they are trading any items that are of good quality this concludes the intermediate section if you feel I have earned it please click the Subscribe button and remember I'm going to be streaming on Twitch this final Advance section is going to be delving into trade Theory and technicality so if you feel like you only need the the basics you're free to go now heads up this section is going to be mainly streams of Consciousness so I may be doing ums and Oz a lot more in this section the first thing I should cover in this section is the fact that when you're trading in dark and darker you need to make as much as you can in any single trade it doesn't matter if you're selling 1050 gold items as you will ultimately be making less gold if you could make larger trades such as selling thousand gold items one thing it is highly advisable to do is dedicate a part of your inventory into collecting a single item usually a consumable like high tier potions that way if somebody needs them you can quickly trade them and provide them at a large quantity the second subject I'm going to talk about is probably the most important getting noticed in the trade chat is rather difficult but one common technique that you can use is by placing a number of equal signs above and below the sentence that you're putting into the trade chat to force the trade window to give you some space to talk if this is done on Moss it is not as effective but most people do not do this and therefore you will be granted some extra leeway farming bosses can be a valuable Endeavor especially as there are some techniques that allow you to farm bosses with super ease if you have three friends and All of You Can level up the Mage class you are capable of taking down the Lich as long as you have moderate gear and all three of you are good at coordinating if all three of you blast the Lich at the same time with Fireball magic Missile magic Missile and if you are not quite perfectly geared another magic Missile you will kill the Lich boss and be able to get their unique quality loot or at least this was true in play tennis too the Floor 2 bosses like the skeleton wraith and the skeleton Guardian are all very cheeseable meaning that you can find a way to make sure that you can deal damage to them at melee or long range without them being able to hurt you the skeleton wraith is by far the easiest one for players to realize they can cheese them if you are interested in a guide on how to cheese the bosses please let me know as I am open to be making more content in the future I will also be streaming on Twitch so you can stop by there and ask me more the last tip I'm going to be giving is focus towards content creators as a content creator you're trying to get as much footage and much activity as you can in such a small amount of time one of the big things that eats into your time is spending time between raids loading up and selling gear you can mitigate one of those factors selling gear by locating a fence I am one such prominent fence but I know there are more in the community that are willing to sell the items for you and then give you back 80 of the profit making 24 for ourselves and you know paying us for our time if you ever want to deal with me please contact me on Twitch as I am very open to communication this is the end of the video thank you very much for watching and making it to the end if you made it this far I'm sure you enjoyed the content so subscribe and wait for more and if you have any ideas on something that you want me to make a guide on please let me know as I am highly encouraging of this I'd love to make content on this game this game is like practice anyway I thank you very much for watching and in future I hope I can see you in my twitch streams as I like to say good luck and good fortune
Channel: Lord Collector
Views: 52,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark and Darker, Trade Guide, Trade, Guide, Merchant, Lord Collector
Id: wDLbMjd0L2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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