Dark and Darker ALL Item Stats Explained

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everyone Repose here and today I'm going to be explaining what all the stats you can get on items doing dark and darker a lot of these are going to be pretty obvious but I'm going to cover everything just for the sake of completeness there's an items that you're looking for such as physical healing or magical interaction speed all stats will be time stamped in the description so you can skip to the stat that you want to look at I'm not going to be hyper specific in this video I'm just trying to give you a basic understanding of what each stat does one last thing is that the order that I cover stats is going to be somewhat arbitrary but it'll be based on how similar stats are to each other for instance when I cover armor rating the next step that I'm going to talk about will be magic resist there's someone to talk about the five attributes in the game starting with agility additional agility increases action speed equip speed regular interaction speed and move speed knowledge additional knowledge increases spell casting speed magical interaction speed and Spell capacity resourcefulness additional resourcefulness increases regular interaction speed twice as much as agility and significantly affects the speed of placing campfires and traps strength additional strength increases maximum health and physical power will additional will increase his magical power buff incarceration and Magic resistance all attributes this one increases all your attributes by the amount listed armor rating our armor rating increases your percentage of physical damage reduction magic resist higher magic resist increases your percentage of magical damage reduction Max Health there are two Max Health attributes one is just a flat increase and the other is a percentage increase related to your total maximum health physical damage reduction this decreases physical damage taken by a percentage amount armorating directly affects the stud magical damage reduction this decreases magic damage taken by a percentage amount magic resist directly affects the start projectile reduction this reduces damage taken from projectiles like arrows and throwing knives by their percentage listed headshot damage reduction this reduces damage taken from Hot Shots by the percent listed apparently it's an innate star on most hot armors and it can be increased by stat bonus on pieces of gear movement speed there are two movement speed attributes one increases your movement speed by a flat amount and the other increases it by a percentage of your total movement speed buff duration bonus this increases how long Buffs last On You by the percentage listed examples of Buffs are like the Barbarian shouts or a speed Shrine or a production potion debuff duration bonus this reduces how long curses applied you last for the percentage listed curses include slows or the Buy non-cleric magical interaction speed this affects how fast you interact with portals and shrines increased by the percentage listed regular interaction speed this affects how fast you interact with things like chest corpses and wall torches in the dungeon by their percentage listed action speed this affects how fast you attack and swing with weapons how fast you pull out in sheath weapons and how fast you use bandages health potions and campfires by the percentage listed item equipped speed it speeds up how fast items are equipped to your character by the percentage listed removing items is instant so doesn't affected by the stud spell casting speed this increases the speed at which spells are cast by the percentage listed Spell capacity there are two stats for Spell capacity the first one increases your Spell capacity by a flat amount the second one increases your Spell capacity by a percentage of your total Spell capacity physical healing this increases Health gained from things like potions bandages and cab fires by the amount listed magical healing this increases Health gained from spells like the clarity kill and the Fighter's Second Wind by a flawed amount it's also supposed to increase the healing from Health shrines but I've never seen one of those not yield someone a full HP regardless of this stat weapon damage this increases damage dealt from weapons by the amount listed armor penetration the percent listed is the amount of physical damage reduction that Anatomy has that is ignored by your physical attacks magic penetration the percent listed is the amount of magical damage reduction that Anatomy has that is ignored by your magical attacks so now I'm going to explain the damage system regarding the four stats that increase your damage for example for physical it's physical damage true physical damage physical power and physical damage bonus for Magical damage it's the same thing so I'm just going to mirror the stats on the screen as I explain it so physical damage and true physical damage both increase your damage by a flat amount the difference between the two is that true physical damage always deals the full amount listed because I mean it ignores the enemy's physical damage reduction stat when it comes to physical power even though physical power is a flat number each physical power increases your physical damage bonus by one percent and these are two separate stats that you can get on a piece of gear basically to sum it up easily the majority of the time physical damage the flood amount is better than physical power unless you're dealing more than 100 physical damage before physical Powers factored in in which case each point of physical power is more than one physical damage as always if I miss something or I'm misunderstanding something or you guys have any questions drop it in the comments below I'll try to respond um anyway this video took a while to make and if you liked it or helped you out feel free to hit the sub button but yeah that's all I got for you anyways peace
Channel: Repoze
Views: 24,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker, dnd, item stats, items, items explained, stats explained, dungeon delving, repoze
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.