The Easiest Path to Demigod - Dark and Darker

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so you want to be a demig god huh you want to get that sweet sweet Cape that's coming up right I did too and uh I'm going to be honest with you guys I kind of suck like not bad but like I'm not cracked like some of these people you see on YouTube or twitch so what I've done is I found the easiest path to demigod not the best but the easiest for scrubs like me this isn't a guide on how to get good at dark and darker there's many other much better content creators who can show you how to do that uh if you're looking Ry 6 days a week is fantastic for actually learning how the mobs attack and how to dodge or block those otherwise go look up your main on YouTube or twitch and plenty of the top players have guides on how to PVP and other tips and tricks for you before I get into the path itself on how to get to demigod let's go over the system that actually gets you there Adventure points also known as AP is essentially the experience points that you're getting for going through High Roller dungeons you can view this on the highroller leaderboard page you have your different ranks it starts at neoy goes up to Apprentice Wanderer so on and so forth up to demigod if you view details on the High Roller leaderboard you'll actually see the different total required amount of AP and then also the dungeon entrance fee of AP basically Ally you have a running total of AP you're trying to reach 36,000 in total and every time you enter the dungeon a certain amount of AP is extracted from your AP total and so what that means is you want to get as much AP in every single run as physically possible in order to actually reach demigod in the later stages 300 to 500 AP or more is getting taken out so you really got to make the most out of every single run Poss possible you can see how well you've done with the screen at the end of every single run um it'll lay out all of the things you did that gave you AP which is everything every kill interaction all of it gives you AP which we'll break down further in just a little bit however if you die you don't get any of your AP and you lose your entrance fee the last thing to note is that your group size has a different rank so your solo your Duo and your Trio all have different ranks so stick with one and keep going with it so jumping right into it the first tip to get to demigod is to play on the Ruins map the ruins leads to the Crypt and the Crypt leads to Inferno so more floors which Grant AP when you go down more enemies better loot faster demigod if you're able to survive Inferno go for it make sure to kill everything you can keep ranking up that AP if you can't it's not the worst thing in the world you will have to take longer especially during those later stages of the grind if you're playing Solo or Duo using the rotating map is definitely the easiest way to get AP when running this map on rotation you know that every single rotation happens every 30 minutes and each level lasts exactly 15 minutes so you go into the ruins you extract as late as possible you go into the Crypt you extract as late as possible and you are ready to go for the next round refill on your potions bandages anything else you might need to sell all your loot and you can keep running it back to back if you want to cheese you can try to ready up at the last second possible to get almost completely empty lobbies many times what I'd do is I would have a website like timeand on the side so I could ready up at the last like 5 Seconds possible I've had times where playing this solo I've had me and just one other guy in the entire Lobby and we don't see each other the entire time we're grinding if you're playing solo the runes map will spawn at every 20 minute and every 50 minute every single hour because the map rotation is every 30 minutes so it'll last for 5 minutes you're basically waiting for 12:54 to ready up moving on the second tip I have is to avoid PVP as much as possible most people here are playing passively we're all grinding out that cloak not everyone's going to be so make sure to be careful don't turn your back people don't immediately trust them but most people are just trying to get this if you don't have to PVP then don't the more you PVP the more risk you have to lose AP if you do have to PVP you know and you can't run away from it try to know your matchups you know Fighters beating rogues rogues beating warlocks warlock speeding Fighters it's not going to be a guaranteed you know rock paper scissors every time but it does help help knowing who you can kill and who you can't kill if you are a PVP player though go for it kills are great they Grant around 30 to 40 AP and you'll get a bunch of free loot speaking of loot tip number three collect as much good loot as possible both lootable items what you could sell to The Collector and gear Grant you AP the way I always see it is purple and blue lootable are the best then go for purple items then green loota bles then blue items then white loota bles if I have to keep white loota bles or blue items I am having a bad bad run that only goes for items that are in the looted loot State rather than the handled loot State the reason why is anything that's handled anything that's brought into the dungeon either from a previous run or purchased will not give you any AP whatsoever ever this is another reason why you should not bring coin bags into the run because coin bags actually turn all the gold handled rather than being looted which you shouldn't really be picking up gold and silver anyways it's not really worth it if you can get blues and purples so what I recommend is right off the cuff when you're in the ruins grab everything that's blue for uh gear or anything that is a green lootable or above and then drop it once you find better loot in your inventory is full that way just in case you have to leave in a hurry maybe you're in the middle of a fight and you need to dip through a portal to escape you still have at least a mostly full inventory when you're close to leaving make sure every single spot in your inventory is full no bandages pots arrows campfires anything if it isn't looted drop it what you get from selling these loota bles is going to be equivalent to or even greater than how much you lose in the value of dropping your arrows your bandages anything like that more importantly you're getting more AP that's what we're focusing on if you have new armor that you can grab equip it and drop your old armor especially if you don't have anything that's best in slot you can then get something that is equal maybe a little bit worse but you're going to maximize that AP this goes back to the idea of items being looted versus items being handled moving on tip number four is to kill everything as fast as you can this seems pretty obvious but you know that's what you got to do killing enemies Grant a varying amount of AP anywhere from 4 to 8 AP scaling on the enemies XP that they Grant so your black skeletons are going to be worth more than your whites with that mini bosses also Grant more AP around 25 to 35 in my experience so kill those cheese them if you know how to just get as much kills as you can maximize it keep moving if you're in a party you don't need to stick together you can take one room your two friends can go take others just kill as much as you can if you are in a party you are going to be sharing all of the kills and so you want to make sure that everyone is just wiping out everything they can tip number five is to interact with every everything imaginable opening chests especially anything that's a higher level chest your golden chest anything like that those are going to Grant you higher AP along with that make sure you're opening every single portal portals actually Grant a decent amount of AP so you want to hit all of them that you physically can and don't forget to also grab all the shrines you see not just the healing shrines but your movement your protection the power all of them all count as interactions but with that you also want to make sure you're breaking boxes barrels and Pots if your class is able to if you're playing Barbarian go crazy with Crush you'll see barbarians who are just sprinting through destroying everything because it can really rack up a decent amount of AP in a short amount of time I even saw some Rogues using the Trap detection perk so that way they could disarm them and get everything they physically can finally and this is going to seem cheesy but remember this is the easiest path to demigod we are getting you there as fast as possible as easy as possible when you're in between floors make sure you're interacting with torches they give you a tiny bit of AP just from turning it off and back on again keep on doing that on repeat every time you're loading in and if you're ever able to just keep on interacting with things it grants a tiny amount but it adds up in the end finally number six the last tip I've got for you guys is just survive and keep on grinding it's going to take time no matter how many tips and tricks you get it will take time but you can get there if you're dedicated you're going to die but you're also going to survive and make a ton of money and a lot of AP on it so good luck out there hopefully this guy is giving you a little bit of confidence on actually getting to demigod I can tell you that you know I'm not the most amazing player I'm good but I'm not amazing but I was able to get to demig God and so can you as long as you have the time and energy you could do it thank you so much for checking out the video hopefully this guy did help you out in some way shape or form maybe you learned something new if you did you know let me know in the comments below give it a like or you know just don't that that that that's fine too go get that cloak I know you're busy no uh I really think that getting to demig God is not the hardest thing in the world it just takes a lot of time and dedication and once you get there hey free cloak baby this is a future season hopefully everything stayed relevant and hopefully we get even cooler Cosmetics moving forward thanks again for watching hopefully you'll check out some of my other content typically I just do montages with funny moments and do a variety of games but a lot of dark and darker recently and I will be posting more in the future so yeah feel free to check me out and otherwise appreciate it have a great rest of your day
Channel: JoJo Trash
Views: 1,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, gamer, xbox, playstation, steam, pc, epic, fortnite, call of duty, twitch, memes, videogames, games, funny, comedy, league of legends, lol, league, valorant, riot games, activision, dark and darker, demigod, how to, how to get to demigod, grind, grind for demigod, level up, AP, Adventure Points, Easy, Easiest, Guide, rogue, warlock, fighter, barbarian, bard, ranger, wizard, druid, cleric, rank up, ranked, High Roller, HR, Goblin Caves, Goblins, Ruins, Crypt, Inferno, Hell, Boss, Loot, Legendary
Id: EIPUI70izkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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