The ULTIMATE Beginners Guide to Midjourney in 2024

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mid Journey has changed a lot in the past year especially with this newest update known as version six in this video I'll give you a breakdown of what has changed I'll explain all of the different features of mid journey and I'll tell you what else you can expect in the next 12 months there will be time stamps below the video so feel free to click around all right first let's talk about prompting prompting in version 6 is very different in order to start a prompt you're going to hit forward SL imagine let me show you an example of a version five prompt it would look something like this a blue sports car in Monaco comma pink Road comma overcast weather now the first thing you'll notice is that it didn't really listen to what I asked for sure we get a blue car in some of them but no pink Road and then in images one and two we actually get a pink car even though we specifically asked for a blue sports car this was mid Journey capabilities all the way up until version 5.2 just a couple of weeks ago now you could write this exact same prompt in version six and it will look something like this we definitely have a blue sports car now on a pink road but this isn't exactly the best way to speak to the AI instead in version 6 we would write something more like this wideangle product photo of a sports car in Monaco the sports car is bright blue the road is painted pink the weather is overcast it's not very poetic but look at the results the details all get picked up by the bot that's how powerful mid Journey version 6 is another result of the same prompt just look at number one here look how pink that road is now it might take some time to get used to prompting like this where you have to sort of add as much detail as you can think of any details that you do not mention are going to be filled in by mid Journey let me show you one more example of the difference between version 5 and version 6 here's a prompt from version 5.2 a horse running through the field oil painting Double Exposure glitch core aggressive inertia and it's going to create something beautiful like this version 5 was amazing in its own right but if you use this prompt in version six you would get something like these first of all it doesn't really look like how it did in version 5 and these aren't very great I mean I don't like the look of them so how would you rewrite this prompt in version six well in my opinion I would write it similar to this an oil painting of an aggressive horse the horse is running through the field with intense inertia there is a double exposure effect with a glitchy nature and I think we get results that look a lot more like what we wanted in version 5.2 I'm just trying to show you that rewriting a prompt is necessary when transferring your ideas from the old bot to the new bot and if you're new here my name is Nolan and it's my goal to teach AI in a digestible way I want to make this easy on you and if you think I'm helping so far please consider leaving a like on this video so we can share it with with more people now how much detail should you add to your prompts well if you've seen my previous introductory video on version 6 this process might seem familiar but we're going to go through it again here what I'm suggesting you do is start small start with a very simple prompt and then elaborate add as much detail as you can think of but consider adding these details one at a time so you can see whether the AI is following along with your vision I want to thank a YouTube comment I got from Alec here I don't want to mispronounce your name but they said if you wanted to test the coherence of a prompt start at the top and work your way down so here we have the idea of a full body shot of a man wearing a Celestial Crown beautiful work so far mid Journey but what else can we add well honestly anything you can think of and I'm going to stick with colors for now just so you can clearly see the differences so we have a full body shot of a man wearing a Celestial crown and blue sunglasses perfect mid Journey Nails it now you have to notice that they're not the same crowns as before and that's because anytime you add to your prompt the whole generation changes this example is just to show you that mid Journey will listen to each detail you add and I'm also showing you here that I like to rate these prompts pretty matter of factly no poetry is really necessary I ended the first part with a period and then I say the man has red earrings sure enough we have everything we've asked for so far but we can keep going the man is wearing a green sweater mid Journey Nails it different look of a person though that's for sure I went on to combine the next two details in one sentence the man is wearing blue shorts with a red belt again I'm just using colors to emphasize all of the details you can add but this really is Limitless you could think of anything to put in your prompts I added that the man is wearing golden shoes didn't show up in number one but we have gold shoes in two three and four the more details you add the less of a chance you're going to get a four out of four perfect grid and that's okay honestly I think even 25% 1 out of four is going to be good enough for everybody all you need is one perfect picture I even added afterwards the man has pink socks on now we have everything we've asked for Golden Shoes plus pink socks that is so funny and to be completely honest I think you could add details as into what type of clothing they are maybe pattern socks maybe you could specify the material on the sweater I'm telling you there are kind of Endless Possibilities now and it's only going to get more powerful as time goes on so try your best to start thinking in this new way of prompting I then added in an extra accessory the man is standing on an all-white skateboard in number three and four the proportions of the body aren't quite right but I think number one and number two look okay and we have a white skateboard next I set my sights on the background and I wrote it very simply the back background is a decrepit space station and the first thing I noticed at least is that some of the generations turned into a cartoon and I have found that that happens with the more details you add so now what you might want to do is add some specific terms that reflect a photo realistic environment I changed the background part of the prompt to a decrepit old spooky cinematic space station and we get these which are all present in reality but now I want to show you that there are different ways to write The Prompt there is no exact formula I showed you how to do it one detail by one detail but you can mix up the way you express those details like take a look at this first sentence I turned it into a full body cinematic still of a man standing on an all-white skateboard wearing a Celestial crown blue sunglasses and red earrings the exact same idea just worded a little differently you could even try mixing up the order of the details in this case the background full body cinematic still of a man standing in a decrepit old spooky space station he is wearing the crown the glasses and the earrings he is wearing the green sweater the blue shorts the red belt he has pink socks underneath golden shoes and he is standing on a white skateboard and look at number two here like that that's what we described that's how powerful mid journey is and these were just examples of showing you a lot of detail plus showing you that you can write it in a few different ways again there's no right answer be as descriptive as you can or mid journey is going to fill in the blanks for you I have a few more examples of different prompting techniques but first let me show you how to add text to your images in mid Journey version 6 you can add text to your images by putting words in quotation marks so here we have an old timey computer screen that says hello world don't worry about C4 for now we're going to get to that in the parameter section what I want you to take away from this is the fact that you can express certain words inside of your Generations now number one worked really well number three kind of didn't work at all text is a bit Hit or Miss at the moment first it's way easier to accomplish with short words however I do want to point out there is an expected update to the text generation coming very soon probably by the time you're watching this which means that any limitations you see now might not be a problem in the future just keep that in mind the main point is that you can now add text to your pictures by placing words inside of quotation marks in your prompt one little extra trick that you might want to try with regards to text and honestly any prompt is by using Dash Dash style raw this is a variation of the mid Journey bot that will have a more literal interpretation of your prompt style raw is recommended in two situations first is when you've written a longer prompt you know what you want and you want mid journey to listen to you style raw has a good chance of getting you there the second time you might might want to use style raw is when the base mid Journey bot isn't working it's just not listening to you there is no harm in trying style raw and in this case when generating text style raw might give you better results it's sort of the first thing I experiment with when I'm trying to figure out a promp here's a cool example of text a neon sign on a dark black wall background it didn't include everything I wanted I wanted that little heart symbol at the end and it just couldn't fit it in although mid Journey worked out pretty well here and it's not quite front-facing but maybe I just didn't describe that in the correct way and I wanted to show you just how cool this generation is that the J extends below turning into the V for the version 6 like that's that's art right there that is so cool if you want more tips on generating text I suggest you check out one of my videos I think it should be maybe right here but make sure you come back to this video after we have a lot more to go over and with regards to text the more complicated your prompt is the less likely it's going to to work for now again these limitations might be erased in the future a beautiful woman with mid Journey tattooed across her forehead kind of V6 is tattooed on her left cheek kind of and a heart symbol is tattooed on her right cheek now with version 6 you can specify where things appear in the picture however maybe I'm getting confused I was under the impression that when we say left we're getting it from our perspective so her left cheek would technically be her right cheek you know if she was facing us you know what I mean but in this I asked for V6 on her left cheek and it interpreted that as her real left cheek I don't know if that's a glitch I'm pretty sure it's all from our perspective so maybe this complicated nature of the prompt just made mid Journey bug out a little just wanted to point that out and now the last thing I want to mention to you with regards to prompting is what to do when the bot just isn't quite getting what you're asking for here's a prom from version 5.2 we're going to take that sports car in Monaco same idea as before but at the end we want some double exposure we want some glitchiness and we're going to get results like this some pretty cool looking images the details like the color of the car they're not really important here I'm more worried about the overall aesthetic and if we Tred to generate that same effect in version six by using words like there is a glitchy Double Exposure effect on the photo it doesn't quite turn out at least how I had in my mind so what do we do we're going to use multi- prompting multi- prompting is quite powerful in mid Journey version 6 maybe a little too powerful right now it involves a process of splitting up your prompt by using two colons and then adding in different weighted values so the first part would look something like this there is a double exposure effect with glitchy elements on the photo colon colon and then we're going to use this sort of call back effect where we're going to repeat what we wanted similar to the cowbell method or maybe the slider method as it used to be known in version 5 similar we're basically going to repeat what we want and add a small weight to it in this case it's the words glitch core Double Exposure 0.5 as a weight when you don't specify a weight like for the first part of our prompt the default value is one if we would have made this value 1.5 or anything above one glitch core Double Exposure would be more important to the bot and we don't want that we just want a little bit of an accent a little bit of salt a little bit of spicee and we're starting to get some results like these which maybe is a little closer like here in number two we're starting to get some sort of effect so you could bump up that value a little glitch core Double Exposure 0.8 and like look at number three look at number four that is so cool and that's the power of multi- prompting when you're not getting what you want you can add a little bit more of it to the end with just a little bit extra weight it's really powerful but it works in these specific situations now what happens when you find an image you really like what options do you have well let me show you we'll take a look at this prompt Chrono Trigger character concept pixel art scene of a galactic Knight in sparkling armor I was a big fan of image number two I'm going to hit the U2 underneath the generation this stands for upscale which means it's going to send us a singled out version of this picture boom right here and now what options do we have well for version six at the moment we're given four options underneath the picture first I'll explain the variation buttons we have very subtle and very strong now if you were to click one of these variation buttons mid journey is going to send you four more images based on this picture very subtle we'll turn into these which is like 89% the same image a night gold armor red cloth nighttime background two columns on the right side some sort of a ruined castle and that's a very highle inter interpretation of the image but the image itself is different you're getting four different subtle variations on the image you chose and you're going to want to choose this when you're mostly happy with a picture but you want to see what small tweaks could be made to it this is also good for creating like cool slideshows on social media where it's just one small change after the other but back in our image if you click very strong this is what you'll get now these are quite different okay maybe like 85% the same Maybe 80% we have the same idea of a nighttime background some castle ruins golden armor red cloth but the poses are a little different like in number three he's looking a completely different weight so this is known as a strong variation because most of the time it's not going to resemble the original picture it's going to be quite different as different you can get while keeping the general ingredients the same does that make sense this option is really powerful for fixing small imperfections in a picture you're basically giving the bot a redo and it can often create something you like a lot more than the original but we are not done with the variation buttons If you go into your settings by typing in forward SL settings into the prompt box on Discord you hit enter first of all I want to point out that you can select the subtle or strong variation to be your default from here in this case I have high variation mode selected which means strong variation and now if we go back to the original grid instead of up scaling number two if I hit V2 variation for image 2 I'm going to get a strong variation of that picture if you go back into your settings and you put low variation mode on and then you hit V2 a subtle variation will be generated every time if you're curious I suggest sticking with strong variation but as always you can upscale the image first and then choose which type you want from there just had to let you know now I don't want to confuse you but there is an extra thing we can do with with the variation buttons back in your settings if you click this button right here remix this means remix mode will be turned on and this means every time you hit a variation button a new prompt box will appear and you have a chance to regenerate that image with a change prompt let me show you how it works so variation buttons will be blue when remix is turned off but when remix is turned on and we hit very subtle The Prompt box will appear and we can change this prompt however we like you can erase the whole thing but I don't necessarily recommend that in my opinion you should just add to the prompt so we'll say a galactic Knight in sparkling armor standing in a field of flowers you'll hit submit and we'll get something like these a subtle remix of that image it's not the same as variations remix definitely changes the picture we are not getting the exact same night in these images but we're able to change things and you can do this for time of day you could do this for eye color honestly any detail you want to add and the bigger details you do change can often result in some of the coolest images you'll ever see there's just really no Rhyme or Reason you're going to have to experiment on your own but I want to point out that the results will differ if you use very strong we'll do the same thing Galactic Knight standing in a field of flowers you hit submit and we get these maybe similar looking kns but quite different results from the original like I said you can take remix in a bunch of different different directions this was just to show you that you can access the remix feature first through your settings and then through the variation button each variation button has two jobs one without remix and one with blue is without green is with I hope I'm making that clear now the other option you have beneath one of your upscaled images is two more upscales again this may change in the future you might see a 2X upscale or a 4X upscale but for now at the launch of version 6 we have upscale subtle and up scale creative let me show you both clicking upscale subtle will turn this image into this image just a higher resolution version of our picture you'll want to choose upscale subtle when you're really happy with what you already have however if there's any wonky parts of your photo you might consider hitting upscale creative and that will turn into this it's going to change your image I mean obviously it's the same but you can clearly tell that they're different it made changes to it and again there's really no rhyme a reason for what it's going to do it's basically just going to reinterpret your prompt again and it's going to make some corrections now because you can't control these Corrections I'm not sure that a creative upscaler will always be your first choice but just keep in mind it's there if you want to experiment this will raise the resolution of that image by twofold or maybe even more now if you've learned something so far I have something special to tell you about for the last 6 months I've been working on a mid Journey Master course where I'll teach you everything I know in a more structured setting I'm not sure when it will be completed and available to you but if you're interested in an exclusive discount you should consider signing up for my newsletter I'll leave a link to that in the description below okay now we get to move on to the fun stuff parameters what are they well there are things you can add to your prompt that will change the outcome things that will move you away from the default look of mid journey and the first parameter we're going to focus on is the stylize value I use this a ton the stylize value basically deter determines how beautiful your image is going to be and I know that might sound simple but it's a little more complicated than that the styliz value is a tossup between how much the bot listens to your prompt and how much creative freedom it has the values go on a scale from 0 to 1,000 with the default being 100 if you don't mention a stylized value it's going to be 100 if you place a value lower than 100 mid Journey will follow your prompt more closely and if you raise the value above 100 you're going to get more beautiful images that might come at the cost of some coherence or prompt accuracy let's go through a bunch of examples I'm going to show you this prompt in all the different values a cartoon bear dressed like a firefighter the bear is wearing a red firefighter uniform there is a small yellow duck in the right corner the duck is wearing a blue police uniform no mention of the stylized value so the default is 100 and this is what we get some cool looking pictures I love these now you can trigger the stylized value by adding dh- s and then the number in your prompt like right here I have it highlighted and we moved it all the way down to D- s0 and what's the first thing you notice that these aren't very goodlooking the default is 100 for a reason it's the perfect blend of listening to you and creating beautiful pictures a lower value style Z is going to get you some ugly images it's going to follow your prompt more closely but you're going to lose some of the aesthetic beauty that mid Journey can bring to your prompt you're really only going to want to lower the stylized value when you find that mid Journey just isn't listening to you at higher values I hope that's making sense same prompt at stylize 25 I think these are still on the ugly side of things but it's around s50 where I think you'll be comfortable you can still get some pretty cool images this way and then we have s75 just to show you what it looks like as you approach the default once again I'll show you the default here S100 but now take a look at what happens as we raise the value here it is at 200 and you can already notice some straying from your promt in terms of the duck no longer having a police uniform on in two of these pictures 300 is very interesting number one and number three is what I'm starting to expect from the higher values a much more opinionated mid Journey like I asked for cartoon and it's giving me these sort of 3D graphic look but number two and number four are just beautiful cartoons so it's around this value where you're going to start to see the biggest differences here we have S400 and it's honestly starting to look like some sort of real life movie like these are beautiful you can't deny that 500 we definitely lost most of the police uniform like look at this Bear right here that's so cool these are just gorgeous 600 yes mid journey is ignoring most of our prompt except for the main character the firefighting bear and it's placing it in these exact same scenarios what I mean is moving away from the cartoon effect into this more 3d viby effect the higher the stylize value the more you see what midj Journey thinks you want 700 look at number two that wet fur that's so cool 800 again a very similar look in all four of them 900 more of the same I love number four here and 1,000 look there's a police duck in the corner I was not expecting that I think number four is really beautiful I think they're all really beautiful now am I suggesting you use a higher stylized value honestly no unless you don't know what you want and even if you do know what you want maybe a higher value is just fun to experiment with to see what mid journey is thinking on its own but if you're looking for prompt accuracy you're going to want to stick to the default or consider lowering it even more all right now we're moving on to my favorite parameter the chaos value you can trigger it by adding D- C to your prompt and then a value between 0 and 100 the default is zero keep that in mind and we'll use this ProMed as a template vintage Polaroid photo of a small alien dressed like Optimus Prime very cool mid Journey it listened to us it listened to what I wanted I like these images and one thing you'll notice off the start with no chaos value is that they all look kind of similar and what the chaos parameter does is it brings variety into your grid meaning each of these pictures is going to start looking different than one another and what are the costs of raising the chaos value honestly chaos a little bit of Chaos chaos is going to get you some really cool pictures a lot of chaos and you have no idea what to expect let me show you same prompt at chaos 4 and honestly it's around this digit that you're going to want to stick to it just adds a little bit of spice to the generations while still maintaining what you wrote in your prompt I'd say even going up to chaos 8 might be okay in certain situations it's fun to at least experiment with but you'll see in number two we're already moving away from what we asked for I don't really think this is an alien dress like Optimus Prime but it is a small being at least maybe and at chaos 12 12 out of 100 is honestly too much these are amazing images I think they look so cool but you'll see that we've just strayed so far from The Prompt that is this really worth it I don't know to me it is I like seeing what mid Journey can create but I I don't recommend using this very often you might be more frustrated than normal chaos 16 is pretty hilarious like look at this little guy down here I'd say it'd be hard to get these images on their own and the cool thing about chaos is that you can just add chaos to any promp and get some really varied Generations like these 20 love number three that's so funny we'll jump ahead a bit here to 25 what can I say except uh except laugh honestly you're barely going to get what you asked for but they're still pretty cool to look at chaos 30 we get a vintage Polaroid but no real sign of Optimus Prime although I do like number one that's that's a cool Transformer picture 35 we straight up just get Optimus here and then I have no idea what's going on in these 40 number two is cool look at this reptile alien thing like that is hilarious 45 love them and just take a look at how different they are from each other that's the key point of the chaos value chaos 50 you'll still see Optimus Prime come out in some sort of way in these generations and then you'll get something like number four which is just just somebody in a field like okay like I said I don't recommend anything over like chaos 8 probably at the most 55 number four here is awesome 60 we got two Optimus that's good I guess 65 only one slight Optimus picture and the rest are nonsense 70 is kind of cool I like number one 75 one clear example of a transformer and more nonsense chaos 80 notice Optimus is number to and then look how strange the other ones are like what does number four have to do with anything that is how much variety you can get inside of your grid I'm not suggesting you try this this is throwing darts with a blindfold on completely 85 still two pictures of Optimus that's kind of cool chaos 90 just making me laugh 95 I like these a lot especially these stacked Stones here in a field and Chaos 100 somehow Optimus shows up twice one is in a hotel room those are just some examples of what a chaos value you can do to one prompt and feel free to use this at your own risk it is one of my favorite parameters like I said though and the next parameter I want to show you is called the weird parameter you can trigger this by using d-w inside of your prompt and then a numeric value between 0 and 3,000 zero is the default by the way and what does the weird parameter do well it just makes your images look more weird it's honestly the perfect way to describe what happens I will note that it sticks to your prompt a lot more closely than the stylized value and definitely more than chaos but I don't know how often you'll want to use the rear parameter let me just show you the examples we're going to start with the base prompt a cyberpunk dolphin made of mechanical Parts swimming in the fluorescent Caribbean Coral I think these turned out great but what happens when we add dash dash weird to The Prompt at just w50 we're already getting these and again I don't know how you would describe them other than more weird weirder you know weird 100 I like number three that's sort of reminds me of a disco ball 200 you can still get some cool pictures 400 look at number two that's hilarious and I like number one a lot but these are weird right 600 H I don't know why you'd want to be getting this high and keep in mind it goes all the way up to 3,800 honestly the different parts of the picture are starting to like blend together in my mind 1,000 and maybe one out of four is appropriate I like number one and then the rest are just hard to tell what's going on we'll jump ahead a little more here's 1300 I like number three 1,600 reminds me a lot of Lego like literally this is oh man these look so funny 1900 and these are starting to get really difficult to look at the color palette just awful is a good word weird is a good word we got lucky with 2100 and I think these honestly look more normal than the prev previous one 2400 and as you can see there's really no way to know what you're going to get with the weird parameter 2700 I like number three a lot that light coming off of the tail that's that's really cool and then weird 3000 the highest value I don't even mind these that much but I can't in good conscious suggest using the weird parameter inside of your prompts although you could see that it still sticks to your prompt fairly closely but the results are just not ideal they're not beautiful in any way they are weird however I do think it's fun to combine the parameters I previously showed you that being a styliz value a chaos value and a weird value there is no perfect formula you might try something like this chaos 18 stylize 700 weird 450 and I used the prompt futuristic sports car on the moon I think number one is amazing I like number two a lot that's a fun little combo of parameters to try or you might might try portrait of an Instagram model old Hollywood style surreal nature with the combo of chaos 6 stylize 80 and weird 35 some low values just to add an extra element of spice to the pictures I think these turned out great but now what do you do when you find a recipe of parameters you like you'll want to save it as a shortcut and here's how you do that in the prompt box on Discord you're going to hit forward slash prefer and then we're looking for for prefer option set when you click on an option box you'll see a list of shortcuts you've already created we don't want to deal with that for now right now in the option box we want to create the name for our shortcut what do we want to type into our prompt that will then expand into the parameters we're looking for I don't know about you or how your memory Works keep in mind you can name this shortcut anything you like for me I like to sort of stick to acronyms so if I'm doing a chaos value a stylized value and a weird value maybe I'll just call this like csw1 so you type that in here and the next important thing to do is click on the plus one more that appears beside it this is going to open up another option above called value we're going to click on value and then down here back in the prompt box we're going to input what we want the shortcut to evolve into this being the combination of parameters we just found now when I hit enter it's going to set the shortcut of csw1 to expand into the values we set if I were to type in and prompt for a cute dog the way you trigger the shortcut is by using dash dash so we'll say a cute dog Dash Dash csw1 when I hit enter you'll see that it expanded into our values so while you're experimenting and you find something that you really like you save it as a shortcut so you can easily experiment with it across all of your prompts and look how cute these dogs are oh that's amazing and have you noticed that I always get my Generations in a wide aspect ratio 16x9 but I've never typed that into the prompts well that's because I have it saved as a suffix and here's how you can do that yourself back in the prompt box you're going to hit forward slash prefer and you can type out prefer suffix or you can find it here in the menu you're going to see a new value pop up above click on it and then down here in the prompt box you can write whatever you like in my opinion I think this is best to use for aspect ratios so I know that I use 16 by9 a lot I can put that right here and then I never have to type it into my prompts mid Journey will add it at the end of each prompt itself you could add words you commonly use you could add styliz and Chaos values again I recommend just sticking to an aspect ratio and the reason why I like it for an aspect ratio is because it's easily overridden in the sense that I could type a cute dog aspect ratio 2x3 and now even though 16x9 is at the end of all my prompts because I type 2x3 it will appear first and take priority and that's how we end up with cute dogs like these I hope you're not sick of mid Journey just yet there are a few more things you can do inside of version 6 that are extremely powerful one of them that I want to talk about is image prompting the easiest way to do this on Discord is to click this little plus button beside the prompt box and upload a file you can choose the files off of your computer I chose these to experiment with hit enter and Discord will throw them into a little grid right here for image prompting we're going to want to take this picture grab the link and place it into the prompt so mid Journey knows what we are referring to one way you can do this is by clicking on the picture once it will expand now you can rightclick copy image address go into the prompt box and hit paste contrl +v command V alternatively you can just click and drag the picture into the prompt box that's probably way easier and what you'll want to do most often now we can hit space and we can even drag another picture down here and then the beauty of image prompting is that we can add some words I have no idea what's going to happen when I type in the CN tower a Toronto skyscraper I have no idea what's going to happen we'll hit enter and then maybe we can take this picture of the car and say a dragon flying through the sky here's that combination with the CN tower some pretty cool pictures I really did not know what to expect and then here's the dragon flying through the sky from that picture of the car like that is hilarious now I'm not going to go very in-depth into image prompting here there is a lot to know about it a lot of different things you can try and if you really want to learn more maybe that's when you should check out my course again sign up for my newsletter in the description below if you want to be the first to know about it there are still a couple more things that I can share with you here though now if you want to just combine a couple of pictures without adding extra words you can hit forward SL blend that will give you the option to blend up to five images at first you'll just see one and two but you can click down here at plus four more and that will create a popup up here where you can choose images three four and five as well as change the dimensions of the blend let's do image three and then now we can pick any pictures from our computer I'll choose that Spartan we'll choose that scary guy and then we'll add some color there what do you think this is going to create blending is a lot like image prompting it's basically the same thing except you don't have the chance to add words to The Prompt that's really the key difference blend goes a lot quicker image prompting might have more options available to you oh my God these are so cool that is basically a blend of all of those pictures I think I like number one the most and the last thing I want to show you in version six for now is the describe feature you're going to hit forward slash describe this will give you the chance to upload an image we'll try this Spartan again and when you hit enter mid journey is going to give you four prompt descriptions based on that picture now this is an old version of describe this was made back in version 5 but we should be expecting an update to this feature sometime soon so SL describe is going to get a lot more powerful moving forward and that's why I think you should know about it now you can imagine all of them you can click on any of the prompts that you like in fact you can even click on them and tweak The Prompt yourself a little side note an extra special tip that I'll share with you here if you really want to recreate a picture you would run it through the describe function you would then click on the picture copy image address and then we're going to paste that inside of the described prompt that will add an extra reference image to the description super powerful stuff oh like these are so beautiful I basically showed you everything that's available in version 6 at this moment but there are a lot more features we can expect coming soon in order to show you these I'm going to take you back to version 5.2 here we have the prompt moon goddess of the ninth realm we'll choose one of these to upscale and then we'll see a lot more options underneath that image first first of all like I mentioned earlier we might see these upscales in the future that being a 2X and a 4X but I really want to point to all of these buttons down here why don't we start with vary region it is another variation button but this is specifically in painting I'm sure you've heard that term before if we click on this a new box will appear where we can either take the rectangle selection or the lasso tool and we can change individual parts of this image we can basically ask for an entire L new face we could change her accessories we could try to add something in this Blank Space over here imp painting is a super powerful feature it's just not available yet at this time of recording but it's on the table they're working on it we'll see that in version 6 soon here's the generation of her that changed her face you see how powerful it could be other than in painting we also have the chance to zoom out we can zoom out at a 1.5 scale or a 2X scale now those are pretty simil ilar I'm not going to lie you're not going to see that big of a difference but this works amazing when mid Journey doesn't quite get your framing right especially in this case maybe it cut off her hair maybe you weren't happy with that and you want to see more of the image here's what the 1.5 would look like and here's what the 2x would look like but we aren't done there you can also use custom zoom and the prompt box will appear so the zoom value isn't going to change very much I don't think you can raise it too high I don't think you can raise it past two to be honest with you but the main point of this is that you can change your prompt so that when you zoom out you can change what gets added around the image pretty cool pretty powerful in its own right but if this ever comes to version 6 here's why you would want to use it we're going to want to change the zoom from two to one and then we can change the aspect ratio to anything we want let's try 2x3 and what that's going to do is stay focused on this image but it's going to change the aspect ratio like this which means we might see more on the bottom and the top it's a different way of zooming out and it's the only way to change your aspect ratio change the frame of the composition and save any image you've ever made and then we come to this option make square and this is just maybe ideal for Instagram easily make any image into a square aspect ratio you can do that from Custom Zoom for sure but here's just a quick button for you there you go what do you think but we are not done in 5.2 and in the future you should have these options as well these arrows down here trigger the panning feature if I click to the left it's going to take this image and expand the frame to the left and create something new we can do that to the right we can do that up and we can do that down now I do want to note that if remix is turned on again you can find that in your settings or you could type in prefer remix into the prompt box hit enter and that will toggle the remix feature now if you were to hit pan in a direction a prompt box appears and you can change the prompt we could say the legs of an octopus now this doesn't work very well in version 5.2 but you should know that this feature is available and will probably be way more powerful when it comes to version 6 here are the results of panning left we get a larger view of space here it is panning to the right and we get some more of whatever this background circular device is panning up and that's kind of cool I guess I like where her hair is going here and panning down we're going to get to see more of the character wo and then panning down with the remix feature enabled the legs of an octopus we're going to get some tentacle like stuff going on here that is pretty cool now there is one more really cool feature that used to be available in mid journey and you should be excited about seeing this come to fruition in version 6 and I'm talking about style tuning if you type in forward SL tune into the prompt box you're going to be given the chance to write a new prompt in this tuning box you could type in literally anything you want here let's just try something like a tropical Sunset it's going to create a test for you a tuning test where mid journey is going to take that prompt in a bunch of different directions and you get to choose which style best suits what you were looking for you can choose between 16 32 64 and 128 directions I recommend just sticking with like 16 to start until you get used to what you're about to do we'll stick with the default mode hit submit are you sure yes this can get quite expensive just want to point that out I have a whole video on tuning maybe I can link it up here if you want to check that out but come back to this video cuz we are not done yet once the test is done it's going to send you a link and now this is going to open you're going to ask to choose between Pairs keep in mind you don't have to make a selection on every pair if that's sort of the fun with it but let's say you like this style here and then maybe this style down here oh but you like the minimalism scene here and scrolling down you really like this plain color palette here you're going to see that a code gets created at the bottom and this code is dynamically updated anytime I make a selection it gets changed now you can copy the code here take it back in a Discord make sure version 5.2 is set and then you're going to see this amazing outcome get created just using a style code style tuning is so powerful it's one of my favorite features ever unfortunately like I mentioned it's not available in version 6 at the moment and when they do make it available it's probably going to look and act a little differently than what you just saw but I wanted to show you what you can expect in the future keep an eye out for style tuning it's the best I do also want to mention that if you're interested in anime Aesthetics you should be checking out nii journey n ji this is a sort of subsidiary of mid journey in a sense basically it's a model that has been focused trained on anime you can create similar Aesthetics in mid Journey but nii journei is all anime we should be expecting version six of nii journei sometime soon in January but for now I'll just give you a comparison between mid Journey version 6 and M5 here's the prompt Gundam Mecca in version 6 and this is what we get kind of cool but if you were to put Dash Das ni5 in the prompt you're going to get these this is the default nii look and what's really cool about what this team accomplished is that they added a bunch more styles that you could choose from what I mean to say is that if you added Dash Dash style expressive with the same prompt this is the type of look you would get you could also try style Scenic for these more expansive compositions lots of background detail and lastly we have style cute which is clearly focused on creating the cutest images possible now I'm not saying all of those Styles will be available in version 6 I don't know if that's the case but this kind of idea is something that we can look forward to in the future the next thing I want to show you is mid Journey's new website it went through a complete redesign in the last couple of months and it is quite impressive you'll notice right here at the top imagine is coming soon we're not there yet but the rest of the mid Journey homepage will look like this the explore page where you can browse the most popular and recent Creations from the entire community in fact you can even search for prompts here's every prompt involving Batman this goes on forever you see how fast that was that search is like instantaneous if you go over here on the left to my images you'll be presented with your entire gallery in order to download you have a few different options you can select all next to a specific day and download everything that you created on that day or you can simply drag and select photos that way alternatively you can hold down shift and deselect or select new pictures now I'm pretty sure they will be adding an archive feature soon where you can look through what you've created on any day ever however until then if you want to search through your prompts you'll click up here and let's try looking for the word Neon do you see how quickly that populated every time I've ever entered the word neon in a prompt it shows up that quickly and you can just keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and it's all there just for you super fast this new website is amazing another feature they have is rate images over here on the left if you click that you'll be asked to choose which image you like more left or right one or two rating these images helps tell the bot what we find most beautiful and we can sort of correct the course of the entire model now if you're one of the top 2,000 people to rate images in a single day you'll be given one free hour of GPU time for fast Generations it's a really good deal it helps mid Journey out and you get a nice reward out of it now I know I said creation will be coming soon but I can give you a sneak peek of what that looks like if you've made more than 10,000 images you have access to the alpha mid Journey website and here is where creation is enabled let's prompt for an underwater rainbow all of your settings will be over here we can make it in portrait landscape we can adjust the slider anywhere in between you remember stylization weird and Chaos known as variety here we can bump that up and down you can use the standard model or raw mode change which version you're on and whether you're generating in private or not we hit enter and it will create our images for us over here these look okay maybe not the best prompts but whatever you get the point image prompting is actually really easy to do from the website all of your image prompts will appear here and then you can drag and drop as you see fit let's just blend those two together oh and it's still has my styliz value the weird and the chaos oops let's see what it turns into here we go these are amazing those are gorgeous now I want to talk about what we can expect in the future as far as updates to the website is concerned we can expect creation to be enabled for everyone pretty soon maybe by February the website will also be updated with social features similar to Discord a place to communicate create with each other and receive help we'll also have organizational features like folders Collections and personal workspaces then as far as overall tools that we can expect from mid Journey they're working on things like consistency tools that's for both style and character consistency they know their audience wants it and they're working on it we can also look forward to some storytelling tools it's hard to say how that will actually be visualized but the team sounds excited about that Prospect furthermore there will be some sort of video generation coming in the next couple of months and 3D generation probably sometime after that right now version 6 was just launched but we should expect version 7 sooner than later I mean within a couple of months and a version 8 after that and I think it's likely we see a version 9 before the end of 2024 I'm confident in saying that because of mid Journey's new strategy and that is a date-based release cycle rather than a feature based release cycle we are going to see constant updates more often there's everything you need to know about mid journey in 2024 I hope you found this video useful leave a like on it so we can share it with more people subscribe so you don't miss all of the tutorials I have planned if you want access to some exclusive prompts you can support me over on patreon I'm Nolan I hope you're doing well take care and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Future Tech Pilot
Views: 153,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney ai, midjourney, ai art, midjourney tutorial, midjourney tutorial for beginners, midjourney tutorial prompts, midjourney prompt help, midjourney tricks, midjourney tips, midjourney 2024, midjourney v6, midjourney version 6, midjourney v6 tutorial, midjourney version 6 prompts, midjourney v6 prompts, midjourney stylize, midjourney chaos, midjourney weird
Id: LsNHsfZFjlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 21sec (2901 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.