Midjourney AI Beginner Tutorial for Architecture (EASY METHOD)

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mid-journey is a very powerful AI image generator it's going to be a very short quick and step-by-step tutorial so let's go ahead and Jump Right In all right so first thing is first you're going to want to download an application called Discord so go ahead over to Google and type in Discord all links are going to be in the description below download and then go ahead and download it for Windows or if you're on Mac download it for the Mac after it's done downloading let's go ahead and run the exe I already have it installed on my computer so I'm actually going to skip this part but you're going to click run and you're just going to install it the same way that you would any other normal program now let's go ahead and open up the Discord app that we just downloaded the funny thing about mid-journey is you don't actually use it as like a standalone program that you typically would like maybe Adobe softwares or Google Chrome whatever you actually use the AI from within Discord if you don't know what Discord is Discord is like a voice video and chat app that people can use to communicate with each other a lot of times you'll see like Gamers or people who don't want to use Microsoft teams or Zoom they'll usually communicate over Discord it's really efficient it's actually my favorite communication platform if you choose to use it in the future that's great if not mid-journey is kind of funny because it works from within Discord so you actually do have to get to know it a little bit and you will have to create an account after you have Discord open you're going to create an account okay so go down here to register choose an email username password date of birth and hit continue I already have an account so I'm going to go ahead and log into mine so let's head over to midjourney.com I think they have a really cool landing page it's pretty interesting and over on the right hand side depending on if they update or not when you watch this but you'll have two options join the beta and sign in if you're going to be using mid-journey a lot if you're going to be using it every day I would just recommend clicking signing in because then it's going to give you a choice to create an account if you would like if you just want to create some quick images really fast see if you like it let's click join the beta so here you can see that it actually opened up my Discord you're going to click join mid-journey alright and as you can see we started off in the mid Journey server everything will look very confusing at the beginning you'll probably get some images here from other people that are creating them let's start off by going over how Discord works I'm going to dismiss this image here so over on the left hand side you have something called servers servers are like rooms rooms that you walk into and then people are inside those rooms so that's what a server is right now we are in the mid Journey server you can see because of this white bar right here if I click my all art design with friends this is a server that I use to do weekly live sessions on Sunday if I click that you'll see that it gets activated I'm going to click back over to the mid Journey one now right next to the server column you have different groups that you can hop into support newcomer rooms newcomer rooms for chat and each one of these are like categories so support is a category and within support you have trial support so I'm sure if I go here I can ask questions right and then other people can help you out and you would use it just as a chat see here at the bottom I wrote test test I'm gonna send that they're gonna think I'm crazy so what we're going to do is we're going to create a server that we can use our own mid Journey bot into so go over to add a server let's say create my own let's go ahead and skip this question for now and let's name it my mid-journey images now click create let's head back over to our mid Journey server on the left hand side and at the top next to the search bar you're going to see something called show member list click that find mid-journey bot right click it go to the profile and click add to server next select the server and do the server that we just created my mid Journey images now click continue all this is Okay click authorize I'm human beep beep all right so now we can back out of that and head back over into the server that we created and you will see over on the right hand side if you open up your member list here that mid-journey bot is in so now we can start to use mid-journey you can actually use mid Journey Back in the mid Journey server here in the newbies rooms but I like to create a server for myself otherwise other people's images start to load up on the screen and you can't really see the ones that you created so I'm back in my mid-journey images server and now let's start creating some images the most simplest way to use the mid Journey bot is to do slash imagine and then type in the prompt that you wanted to create so I'm just going to choose something random here like Building made out of flowing curtains let's do fabric in the middle of the desert at sunset so we actually have to accept the terms of service before we do this go ahead and accept it read the terms of service and then you should be good to go so you can see here that it's starting to load and it's at 31 fast 62 fast it's slowly loading and when it's done you'll have a pretty clear image in the end right now we're using version four so version four will give you four images and you can see amazing right it is fabric flowing in the middle of the desert it's pretty good and the great thing is you can make these prompts pretty long if you want to and more specific so for instance if I wanted to do imagine Building made out of flowing Fabric in the middle of the desert with people walking around looking at it like it was like an exhibit or something okay so we can see that it created a new one and it's got people walking around not everything is going to be perfect in the image and what you're going to be left with is this image with four different variations of your prompt right below the image that was created you have nine options U1 U2 u3 u4 means upscale upscale one two three or four and the images are numbered as so one two three four so if you wanted to upscale image one you would click this one and it would upscale this image to this one so on and so forth next is this button that looks like a refresh button this will simply just rerun your prompt and because it's AI it'll come out as a different image each time below upscale one two three and four you have variation one two three and four variation will choose that image and then it will run it through mid Journey one more time it'll change it up a little bit so let's say I didn't like you know two three and four but I loved number one I would click variation one now that it's done you can see that all four of these new variations are very similar to the first image and the first prompt let's say that I like image number three and I want to use it for a project or I want to send it to someone because it created four of them it's somewhat of a low resolution and really this is just to give you options to choose from so I'm gonna go with four is pretty nice so I'm going to do upscale four and what that's going to do it's going to take image number four and it's going to upscale it it will change a little bit but it will be a larger resolution now that your image is complete you can see that you actually have eight more options to choose from some of these are pretty self-explanatory like the four at the bottom ask you pretty much if you like the image so that way you can give the AI some feedback above it you have make variations which will make four new variations of that image light upscale redo will rerun your prompt under a different algorithm the outcome is typically a little bit softer the lighting is a little bit different and the image tends to be a little bit more Airy or experiential beta upscale redo will upscale the image and try to make it a little bit more detailed for you web will actually bring you to midjourney.com where you have all of your own personal images uploaded to let's go ahead and click web click yep and now you're going to go ahead and sign in after you click sign in it's going to ask you to log into your account and now Discord is asking if you would like mid-journey to be able to link to your account and access it go ahead and click authorize now you're going to be given some options so you can do the basic standard or Pro Plan personally I do the basic plan because I don't use it a lot but I do create let's see it says here approximately 200 Generations a month I easily do that because I make content about that if you're interested in seeing some of the content that I've created with it like architecture thesis topics or architecture projects check out this video link up here and I'll also throw some links in the description for you if you would like to subscribe to some of these yearly Billings that's great or you have monthly options as well let's head over to home and now you can see the images that you've created you can actually download them from within Discord but I like to come over to the website and check them all out because usually I create a lot of images at once but likely you'll probably download them from Discord so I'll show you both ways right now we're on the mid Journey website you simply hover over the image click these three dots and click save image if you're in Discord you're going to click the image right click it and click save image if you're interested in learning more about mid-journey I'm sure you'll like these two videos that I have posted up there right now and right beside me is Alyssa patrons from patreon it's where you can support a channel like this and you get a lot of great architecture related benefits like the video if you like the video subscribe down below if you want to see more content like this and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: altArch
Views: 101,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney architecture rendering, architecture ai, midjourney architecture, midjourney for architects, ai architecture, midjourney for architecture, midjourney ai architecture, Midjourney, how to render midjourney, midjourney tutorial, midjourney course, midjourney ai tutorial, ai architecture design, midjourney tutorial for beginners, midjourney architecture tutorial, ai for architecture design, midjourney ai, how to use midjourney, midjourney ai tutorial architecture
Id: U6pRMG08Tk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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