The ULTIMATE All-In-One USB Boot Drive you need in 2024

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welcome back everyone so today in this video we will be creating the ultimate all-in-one USB boot drive that you must have in 2024 now before proceeding let me share some benefit so that you can understand that why you should create this bootable USB so with this one single flash drive you can install multiple operating system like Windows Linux or whichever you want to you can repair and troubleshoot many kind of problems you can reset the forgetting password of your Windows you can do any kind of data recovery and you can run even live operating system without any delay let's quickly get started and see that how you have to create it so the first thing that you have to arrange is a USB that should be at least of 16 or 32 gab because the maximum storage you will have the maximum number of operating system and Tool you can download in that particular USB okay so once you have it what you have to do next you need to come to this website of vtoy that says a new bootable USB solution and here you have to click on download now depending which operating system you're using we are using Windows so we will click on the first link and then click on download latest version and very quickly the downloading will be started as soon as the timer just complete and you can see the downloading has been started it's around 15.9 MB of size and it will be downloaded in a ziv file so it won't take much time name and once it get downloaded open the downloaded folder right click on the vent zip file choose extract all click on extract once extracted you will be getting this kind of went folder double click on it and here you will find vent to disk. exe so you will have to make a right click on it choose run as admin click on yes and this kind of ventoy page will be coming up it's a very small page that will be in front of you now here on the very top it will automatically detect your pen drive if you have already connected if not then connect it and from the drop down choose the right USB that you want to create allinone multi- bootable USB okay so once it's been selected from the top menu option you have to click on options and make sure this secure boot support has been enabled okay it should be checked if not then you have to check this option and then finally you have to click on install and it says the device will be formatted and all the data will be lost so if you have any kind of data in the pen drive in the USB then kindly go ahead and take that data back up first because all the data will be wiped out so finally click on yes then click on Yes again and it will take few second to complete the process so you will have to wait and once it will be done it says congratulation when to has been successfully installed on this device so click on okay now you can close it now if you bring up the file explorer so you will find that the name of your pen drive has been changed from Kingston to the venty okay so as of now you will not find anything over here now next what you have to do you need to download different kind of operating system that you want to be used with the venty Allin One USB okay so the first one that I would recommend you is to download the iron boot CD that give you tons of features tons of tool in one single OS okay it's really recommended that you should download this ISO I will leave the link in the description and once you come up here in the file name you will find hbcd P x64.iso so you will have to click on it download it next you can download Windows 11 Windows 10 whichever you want to I've already downloaded all the file let me show you these are the iso that I have already downloaded like iron Ki Linux tiny 11 Ubuntu Windows 7 10 and 11 so for the demo here I'm taking these four ISO so what you will have to do once you have downloaded the iso you need to copy them and then you have to come to the VTO Drive double click on it and paste all the files all the iso in this vent toi USB now this may take some time depending that how many operating system you trying to send to this ventoy USB so kindly wait until it's all been done and once it will be done we are ready to go and enjoy the ventoy all-in-one USB okay guys so finally all the iso has been copied here in the vent toi USB so if I go back so you you can see that the space has been occupied now so the ventoy USB is ready and good to go now so what you will have to do now whenever you need to install any kind of operating system you need to troubleshoot or you want to reset any kind of password you want to do any kind of data recovery on the computer then you have to connect this USB to that particular computer so for the demo purpose let me show you let me connect to another computer so once you connect the USB you you will have to enter the Bios mode and change the boot priority order so that you can boot with the vtoy USB all right now in case if the secure mode option is creating a problem then you will have to disable the secure mode on that computer from the BIOS only in case if you're not able to connect the vent USB okay so once it's boot with the vent USB you will be getting this kind of page and whichever ISO you have pasted in this USB everything will be displayed over here okay so let's say that if you want to uh install Windows 11 so you will have to select Windows 11 from here then you have to hit the enter key then it says Bo in normal mode so you have to tap on the enter key and now you can see that the windows 11 setup page is up so if you want to install Windows 11 or if you want to do any kind of troubleshooting like you want to repair your computer then you can do that using this Windows 11 bootable USB similarly you can install and repair Windows 10 with the Windows 10 then we have the K Linux live ISO that if you want to enjoy any kind of live operating system for the Khali then you can use this ISO image and now we have the most important tool that will be helping you in doing many kind of troubleshooting data recovery and resetting many kind of password okay so if I select the iron that is on the top and hit the ENT key and then boot in normal mode okay and finally once it will be coming up with this kind of dashboard of iron boot CD that looks very similar to Windows 10 now here you can do a tons of thing okay and let's say that if you have any kind of data and your Windows 10 or 11 has been corrupted it's not booting up then you can open this PC option here and you can look over the drive here you can take the data back up you can recover the data from here in case if this method doesn't do work now if you click on the start menu icon here now click on all programs and here you will find all kind of important tool that is required for troubleshooting for repair for data recovery so let's see few of them like if you click on hardk tool you get many option like data recovery and if you double click on data recovery folder you will find many kind of software here like DMD Rua photo through which you can recover the data using these tool okay similarly there are many other tool that you can take the help off in order to take the data recovery then below you'll find many other tool like defrag diagnostic that you can use to test dis and all then you have the Imaging section where you get many tool like AI backuper uh macre reflect and then you have the partition tool so you can create a partition you this tool which will be absolutely free again you have the recovery here and now in the security you get many kind of anti virus like anti virus tool if you double click on it you will be getting the casparis key EET nod Maca and the malare B so if you have any kind of infection or your computer has been uh attacked by some kind of malare or virus then you can use this bootable USB and use this tool to clean all these software to clean all all kind of malware and wirus similarly there is a keyfinder option then in the password section you get uh many option many tools like Windows login unlocker that you can use and this will list you all kind of user ID and if you have forgotten the password you're not able to login in then simply you can click on that particular account and then you can click on reset and the password will be reseted so that you can quickly log into to your Windows computer so these are the benefit of this uh iron bootable USB or I can say the benefit of the ventoy allinone USB tool and that's why it's recommended that everybody should have this tool to fix many kind of upcoming problem and for many other kind of purposes so that's all guys for today hopefully you will find this video helpful and if yes do not forget to like And subscribe and I see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Crown GEEK
Views: 3,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: usb, bootable usb, usb flash drive, all in one tool, all in one usb tool, all in one usb bootable tool for it troubleshooting, all in one usb bootable tool, ultimate usb all in one tool, how to boot multiple os from one usb, how to boot multiple os in single pendrive, how to make all in one windows bootable usb, usb bootable tool for it troubleshooting, how to recover data from windows 11, how to reset windows forgotten password, ventoy bootable usb, how to use ventoy bootable usb
Id: Y5dYkChD81M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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