Medicat Bootable USB Review: Ultimate Diagnostic & Recovery Tool! 🔧💻 Best Free Software of 2023?

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[Music] hey guys welcome to my video today we're going to take a look and do a review on metacat USB this is a great tool that you can boot from a USB stick has multi-functions built in whether you're diagnosing a PC or troubleshooting or maybe you're trying to recover from ransomware or do a virus scan or maybe some Diagnostics on memory or hard disk or maybe you forgot your password you need to get into a Windows computer and you don't know the password you name it this tool does just about everything before we dive in guys do me a favor hit that thumbs up button and please subscribe to the channel it's absolutely free to you if you didn't know that and it really helps me out because I am trying to grow the channel and your support is very much appreciated all right guys today we are using an HP laptop so we're going to go ahead and do a boot from USB in order to do that we're going to reboot the laptop and we're going to hit the F9 key maybe different on your computer you need to look that up how to access the boot menu you may need to get into BIOS on your computer as well to enable different boot settings to get in but for the most part just access your boot menu and then select the USB drive so let's Jump Right In Here guys all right so I've hit F9 as you see at the bottom left there we are entering the boot menu and now I'm going to select the USB drive all right we've done that now we're just waiting for this to load up into memory this is a 64 gigabyte USB 2.0 drive so it's not the fastest in the world but it was relatively relatively inexpensive excuse me all right so here we are at metacad you can see there are many different tools antivirus backup and recovery boot repair diagnostic tools you've got a category for live operating systems partition tools password removal and even Windows recovery this is Tree View guys so this is more like the different categories if you will [Music] so if we look at antivirus I think metacad only has a single one that's built in here guys it's going to be Malwarebytes which is a very good tool which they would have included a second or third choice as well but hey you know is what it is we've got Malwarebytes backup and Recovery several utilities included under that category I won't list them all but there's a few here uh Cronus cyber backup we've got Naomi backer upper I've used this one before ezus data recovery wizard needs us to do backup and so on and so forth guys there's quite a few here so if you're looking for a utility to back up and or recover data you've got quite the variety and quite the selection to do so [Music] by the way guys I am trying something new oh there's a couple clone tools there at the bottom too you see rescue Zilla and semantic ghost familiar with both those trying something new here guys since the kids are in the house a lot I'm doing a voice over after the fact so let me know how it comes out okay boot repair we have multiple options we have Boot It bare metal we have boot repair disk we have easy UEFI we have rescateucks and then we have the super grub2 disc [Music] all right guys going back to the main menu we have a lot of diagnostic tools here as well we have the HDA T2 this will allow you to diagnose USB set of devices mem test 86 this will be on Legacy BIOS devices you can do a memory test this is going to be the same thing pass mark But on new UEFI systems and then we have spin right I haven't used that one but it looks like it's for mechanical hard drives and then the ultimate boot CD if you want to get in there and have multiple tools that's the one next one we have guys is live operating systems it comes with three built in I believe you can drop other isos in there you have the active data Studio mini Windows 10 boot into a Windows 10 live environment and a system rescue ISO so again I think you can drop more in there and then they would appear under that um part of the tree view okay so for partitioning tools we have quite a few here as well Chronos I've used this one aomi I've also used that one we have disc genius ease us or esus partition master I believe I've used that one mini tool Partition Wizard I have not used that one I don't think I've used any of the rest of these shred OS I am familiar with one this is a DOD style wipe where it'll make multiple passes and write zeros to the hard drive to ensure that your data is completely wiped out I'll probably do a video on something like that in the future guys a lot of people don't know when you delete a file it's not really gone password removal there's a single utility but this utility I have booted into it it's called J Rose lockpick comes with a lot of different tools it's pretty nice so you can remove reset recover passwords in a Windows environment so here's a Windows recovery and this has a Windows 8 10 and 11 recovery environments so if you need to boot into a recovery environment that's your subject in the tree view there so let's go ahead and boot into the live operating system let's take a look at the mini Windows 10. this is really cool built-in boots into a Windows 10 environment and it has a lot of built-in tools right inside of this thing so we'll give it a moment of boot up here guys okay guys that took a second to load the files now we see my HP splash screen here like I said I'm using a USB 2.0 so not the fastest thing in the world but you know what gets the job done really good price on eBay all right guys so it's going to load the mini Windows 10 again really cool environments gonna load that up into memory here we'll give it a second it's going to elevate to administrator or log in as administrator to that mini environment and let's give this a second to get fully loaded up guys [Music] all right so it's done its thing if you see on the right here it loads a ton of tools built in you have bios and yuffie tools or utilities built in we've got a lot of different disc tools and I mean a lot of them guys look at all these this is all baked into that mini Windows 10 environment so if you need to do some Disk Utility or disk configuration there's more than enough options there and then you've got a driver's category if you get bored you can play some games we've got graphics and pictures you've got hardware tools for Diagnostics and testing we've got some Imaging tools if you need to do anything with images maybe you need to clone a drive burn a drive whatever the case may be we've got some installing Windows tools here you can do a win 111 install you can do a ISO downloader of Windows you can do wins to HDD win to USB there's a whole lot of stuff I'm not familiar with all these but there's a lot some internet tools here any desk which is a remote desktop or a remote assistance type of tool openvpn putty BitTorrent Wireshark winscp whole bunch of stuff guys we've got some off office categories and then we've got a lot of ransomware decryption which is really cool I would be curious to know how well these work I'm guessing these are for former formerly cracked cases of ransomware where people have shared the keys here very nice though a nice set of those and got some registry tools and then we've got a category for security with quite a quite a few tools excuse me and then we just have some general utilities there auto run 7-Zip convert error lookups process Explorer quite a few good ones in there guys and these are all baked in again to that to just one of many utilities that comes burned in that metacat USB so this is a subset of a subset of utilities very impressive I'm gonna have to take some more time to really jump into these guys but let me know if there's something in particular you're wanting to see for now we're going to go ahead and do a restart from that mini Windows 10 and that'll take us back to what we'll boot back into our USB again so we'll give this a second here guys I hit F9 now I'm jumping into that boot menu once that loads up we'll boot back into our USB drive and that'll take us back to the home screen of the metacap [Music] here we are guys so if you see at the bottom there there are some options F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 is F6 and F7 those are additional options that give you some more information some of them give you different views and things like that so we can take a look at those F1 is going to be help so we'll check that out that's going to give you the idea of what F2 F3 F4 F5 all these different things do like we said guys guys F1 is the help file or the help information it's going to tell us what the rest of those options at the bottom do as well as can include some Control Plus key commands where you can get into some additional information and additional menus so that was F1 let's take a look at f2 so F2 is going to be um browse and boot files in the local disks so if you wanted to boot to Windows or something like that you could F3 is going to be switching the menu mode between Tree View and list View and then F4 is going to be boot Windows or Linux on the local disk so we can search for and boot using the F4 option and then if we look at F5 that's going to be utilities so we've got different things here in the utilities menu we can go back to the main there if we look at F6 that's going to load the custom grub 2 menu [Music] so we've got some more options here this is a custom menu which will give you a change log any questions list of bootable tools just a different way to access some of the utilities and then F7 last but not least is how you switch between the GUI and the text mode menus so if we hit F7 again we'll jump back to the GUI so that is really it guys I want to do a high level recap or I'm sorry overview of metacat bootable USB which I think is a very impressive tool in 2023 one of the best again is it the best we're not sure we're just starting this series we're going to look at at least three maybe four different bootable USB Solutions and I'll probably put up a survey in the community tab to let you guys vote on which one you think is the best this one I won't lie guys is very impressive a free tool it has a lot of things built in so I want to get your guys's opinion on what you think about it let me know and if you haven't seen the video on how to build this it's really simple I'll link it at the end of this video on how to build the USB for metacat like I said very straightforward all you need is at least a 32 gig flash drive and I have a step-by-step tutorial that walks you through the entire process so I highly encourage you guys to check that out and that way you can follow along with this with your own USB when you're doing the review yourselves and then you can give me some feedback and let me know what you think I hope you guys enjoyed the video do me a favor give me a thumbs up please subscribe to the channel like I said I'm reaching at 1000 and I appreciate all the support I can get guys have a great day and until the next video take care foreign [Music]
Channel: The IT-Unicorn
Views: 97,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Medicat bootable USB, diagnostic tool, recovery tool, free software, 2023, malware removal, data recovery, hardware testing, system optimization, PC troubleshooting, tech reviews, best diagnostic tool, ultimate recovery tool, computer diagnostics, software review, software recommendations, tech enthusiasts, PC maintenance, system utilities, computer repair, data rescue, computer troubleshooting, diagnostic utilities, software tools, tech tips, PC optimization.
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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