USB Installer For Windows 11 Unsupported PCs

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okay I was wrong and I admit it maybe Rufus is the best way to install Windows 11 on unsupported hardware and today I'm going to show you how to do it stay tuned every single time I make a video on a new method to get around the windows 11 system requirements inevitably I have tons of people in the comments saying Rufus is easier now I'm pretty sure I've done a video on how to install Windows 11 using the rofus method at least I think I have I can't remember now if I have it was way back when Windows 11 was still in beta so maybe I haven't however if we go all the way back to my first video on installing Windows 11 on unsupported Hardware my goal was to update Windows not to do a fresh install in fact every one of my videos has been on upgrading and keeping your programs and data and the reason why is because because once you install Windows 11 you have to upgrade to the new builds so it's best to have an upgrade method instead of a method to do a fresh install so every time someone wanted to know how to do a fresh install I would just tell them to use the Rufus method because that's for fresh installs the method I'm showing are for upgrades but turns out I was wrong so that's what we're going to be talking about today but first I got to pay some bills so check out today's sponsor is your copy of Windows 10 unactivated well it doesn't have to be because with today's sponsor vipd key you can get a valid Windows 10 license for under $20 stop dealing with that stupid watermark on the desktop the valid license for Windows 10 also with an activated copy of Windows 10 you can upgrade to Windows 11 for free just go to the link in the description below and pick up a valid Windows 10 license key during checkout use the code cyber SE CPU for a 25% discount once you have your key go to your activation settings in Windows 10 and click on the link that says change product key enter the product key you just purchased and hit activate now you don't have to deal with that stupid Watermark that come with running an unactivated copy of Windows 10 now on with the video now I've made lots of videos on installing Windows 11 on unsupported Hardware you can kind of say that I'm on a crusade to make Windows 11 available to everyone because Microsoft system requirements just kind of piss me off and I totally get the fact that if these system requirements stay in place I'm going to make a lot of money selling new systems that point does not Escape me but this isn't about the money this is about the fact that these system requirements are simply unprecedented and kind of stupid Microsoft has never had this stringent or even enforced for that matter system requirements for Windows so I've made lots of videos showing people how to get around them I don't know maybe that's the American Spirit in me I just don't like to be told what to do or told that I can't do something it just makes me want to do it even more so then does that mean that I don't think Windows 11 should have any system requirements no I'm not saying that at all however I believe a system that can run Windows 10 then it can probably run Windows 11 just fine with that said though since I get so many people saying that Rufus is easier I set out to make a video to show people how to use the rofus method to do fresh installs for Windows 11 if that's what you wanted to do unfortunately or fortunately depending on the context during the research for making this video I found out that I've been wrong this entire time the Rufus method does work just fine to upgrade to Windows 11 and the reason why I thought it didn't was because when I first did my first video it didn't work in fact back then it didn't but now I I I guess it does so then today I'm going to show you how to perform the Rufus method and kind of eat a little crow because it very well may be the easiest way to install Windows 11 on unsupported Hardware so let's jump on the computer and I'll show you how to do it okay so here we are in Windows 11 and obviously this is Windows 11 on a system that's currently running on supported Hardware but this is just to make the USB thumb drive so that we can use it on an unsupported system so obviously the first thing you're going to need is a thumb drive so once you get one go ahead and plug it into your USB port now it doesn't matter what's on this thumb drive obviously as you can see this thumb drive is already a Windows setup but it's going to be used to create another one so just make sure that you know that everything that's going to be on the thumb drive is going to be destroyed so the first thing we want to do is go ahead and open up our browser and go to rufus's website and this will be down in the link in the description below but if you search Google for Rufus it's pretty easy to find find so go ahead and scroll down and download Rufus you can either download the installable or you can download the portable I typically recommend downloading the portable one but you can download whichever one you want the portable one is nice because you can put on a thumb drive and you can use it on any system you want so go ahead and click here to download and then once it's downloaded you can go ahead and go into your downloads directory and then from here we're just going to run rofus and then go ahead and hit yes to the user account control and then right here this is actually a really important question cuz if you answer no to this then parts of this how-to aren't going to work for you so make sure you hit yes to allow the application to look for up updates online and then once you do that you have Rufus open right here and we can go ahead and close our downloads folder now now the reason why I told you to say yes to that last question was because it gives you the option now to download instead of just select an ISO file if you don't say yes it won't give you this selection right here but it's okay if you did say no and you don't want it to have the ability to update that's fine too I'll show you another way to be able to do this before we finish this video so the first thing we want to do now is push the download button it's going to download an informational file that it can use to show which isos are available so obviously we want to pick Windows 11 and go ahead and hit continue and then it's going to go through and we have to pick all of the different aspects of our Windows 11 because obviously this is available for people in different countries that have different languages as well and sometimes this might take a minute all right so we want to select our build the only build it lookss like is available here is 23 H2 and that's okay cuz that's the one we want anyway so go ahead and hit continue and then you have a choice between nothing but home Pro and education and that's fine go ahead and continue and then from here we want now if you're in the United States I would recommend changing this from English International to English United States but you can choose any language that you want from here I'm going to choose English United States and then go ahead and hit continue and then at this point It'll ask you for the architecture and obviously Windows 11 is only available in 64bits so that's going to be the only one available and then you can choose to either download it in your browser or just push the download button and if you do push the download button then it'll go ahead and ask you where to save this now as you can see I already have the iso downloaded so I'm not going to waste time downloading it but now I'm going to move on and show you what to do if you don't want to download this with Rufus and to do that I'm going to go ahead you would hit save at this point but I'm going to go ahead and hit cancel now your other option is to go into your browser and go to the Microsoft download page because all we want is a Windows 11 ISO it doesn't matter if it comes from Rufus or if it comes from Microsoft so if we scroll down here you want to make sure to get the iso image downloaded directly so to select the download we want to select Windows 11 and then push the download button and then it'll wait for a minute and then we go to here we pick our language this is exactly the same thing that we did in Rufus and then once it finishes that then then we'll move on and we can hit the 64-bit download and it will start downloading the file and for mine I'm going to go ahead and cancel it because I don't need it cuz I've already downloaded it so at this point what I'm going to do is as you can see in my download folder right here you can see that I already have the windows 11 ISO ready to go so from there I'm going to go ahead and go back to select and this is what you would do if you didn't download it from Rufus otherwise it would just automatically load the iso and be ready to go so once I hit select I'm going to click my window Windows 11 ISO hit open and then at this point it'll give me all the different settings that I could possibly make and the first thing you really want to be careful about is right here by default it wants to set up the USB as a GPT partition table which is fine if you're installing It On A system that supports secure boot if you're not if you have an older system that doesn't support secure boot you want to make sure to change this to MBR now keep in mind though that if you change this to NBR it will only install Windows 11 in MBR mode it will never install it in UEFI mode which is kind of important when it comes to the system requirements for Windows 11 so if your computer supports UEFI then I would make sure to set this to GPT if it doesn't support UEFI then you'll have no other choice than to make it MBR unfortunately with the Rufus method you can't have both MBR and UEFI you have to pick one or the other however you can make two USB drives one for ufi and one for MBR and that's probably what I'll end up doing but just let you know make sure to pick the one that corresponds with the system that you're trying to install it on okay and from this point we can go ahead and since I'm going to pick MBR because I'm going to be loading this onto my potato which does not support ufi I'm going to go ahead and click the start button and it'll bring up this user experience window now this is the one that's important this is how you get around the system requirements now the first one says to remove requirement for 4 gigs of RAM secure Boot and TPM 2.0 that's essentially it however you can also check the second box that says remove requirement for an online Microsoft account now when you do this essentially it makes the installer kind of like Windows 10 so you still have to unplug your ethernet when you're setting it up or it'll try to get you to create a Microsoft account but if you unplug your ethernet it'll let you skip it and go around it now you could also have it create a local account for you automatically by checking this right here however if you're going to be doing this on other people's systems might be kind of annoying having your own user account added every single time you install Windows so use that one at your own discretion and then also there's a lot of other things here like the the set Regional options to the same value as this user or you can disable data collection completely so it kind of gives you the ability to do some more slimming down or at least debloating of Windows during the installer and also the disabled bit Locker automatic device encryption that one's an annoying one for me so that one I would recommend checking if you'd like to encrypt your device afterwards then there's nothing stopping you from doing that this is just going to disable the automatic encryption of a device so if you want to set it that way then go ahead and set this to whatever you need but the one the important one is the very top one this is the one that allows you to install Windows 11 on unsupported hardware and once you decide all the settings you want to do go ahead and hit okay and then it's going to ask you a couple other things it's going to obviously warn you that it's going to destroy everything on the drive and then once that finishes then there you go it's going to go ahead and create the USB drive for you so at this point I could install Windows 11 on my potato like I typically do but I don't think it's necessary for this video and it will just make the video long unnecessarily essentially this thumb drive once you create it can be used just like any other windows 11 install if you want to do a fresh install just boot your system off the thumb drive and follow the normal prompts if you want to upgrade your system then just boot into windows and then run the executable off of the thumb drive and it'll do an upgrade for you it's literally that easy just use this thumb drive like you would any other windows 11 install and it will install on anything just keep in mind though that your results are going to depend on the system that you're installing it on just because you can install Windows 11 on an unsupported system doesn't necessarily mean that you should we are in a battle with Microsoft and at any time Microsoft could make all of these workarounds not function anymore now I'm not going to say that you shouldn't run Windows 11 on unsupported Hardware like many people do however I do want you to understand that doing this is not supported by Microsoft and they could take the privilege away at any time but you know what just to answer some common questions though that I get after doing these videos yes you can can still run Windows update driver updates security updates even quality updates work just fine the only updates that don't work are feature updates these are typically released once a year and they will require a workaround like we discussed in this video or in many of my other videos on this topic essentially though Windows 11 should function normally even though it might be a little slow if you're running it on a potato like the test system that we typically do when we do these videos obviously your experience is going to be completely dependent on your Hardware personally I recommend a minimum of a dual core processor and a quad core processor would be even better you need to have an absolute minimum of 4 gigs of RAM but I would recommend eight I would also highly recommend an SSD drive as your boot Drive yes you can probably get away with a spinning disc but the system is going to be so slow that it's a essentially going to be unusable but you know these system requirements are pretty Common Sense Windows 11 is going to run as good as the hardware you have to run it if your system is currently running Windows 10 then Windows 11 is going to run pretty comparable to the way your system is currently running at least that's been my experience now on the topic of ssds many people will argue that you don't need an SSD and a spinning disc will work just fine and I'm going to tell you right now that they're wrong you seriously need an SSD in fact if you're running Windows 10 currently with a spinning disc then the absolute best upgrade that you could give yourself is an SSD drive and if you'd like to know how to upgrade to an SSD drive then check out this video where I show you how to do it without losing your programs and data believe me this will be the most substantial upgrade that you have ever made I guarantee it as always you guys have a great day oh
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 59,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: is rufus the easiest method of installing windows 11 on unsuported hardware, windows 11 unsupported hardware rufus method, windows 11 unsupported hardware with rufus, create a windows 11 usb for unsupported hardware, create a windows 11 usb for unsupported pc, the last workaround for windows 11 unsupported pcs, the easiest workaround for windows 11 unsupported pcs, windows 11, how to install windows 11 on unsupported pc, how to install windows 11
Id: 7ff8jsOyoIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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