The All-In-One USB Tool | Medicat

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in a bunch of my recent videos we've talked about some really great tools that you use and a bunch of them are USB bootable and I've led to the fact that I was saving one of the Ultimate Tools for a later video and that is today we've talked about rescuezilla we've talked about chocolatey we've talked about ventoy and today's tool that we're going to be talking about is basically ventoy on roids it basically it builds off of the ventoy base um it actually uses ventoy as a Baseline and just adds a whole nother level of functionality to it and the tool we're going to be talking about today is called Medicap now medikat is a perfect tool for anybody in it but also anybody who likes to build a lot of computers on their free time likes to help their friends troubleshoot issues an incredible tool and very helpful for all these purposes medicat is filled with a ton of features and we're going to be going over those once we get booted into it but first let's walk through how to get it installed now before we go ahead and do the installer I highly suggest on the main page going down to downloads and downloading the actual files themselves if you go through the Medicaid installer and you don't have the stuff downloaded it's going to kind of yell at you so choose whichever method you like best you can choose direct download magnet I do magnet I'm just going to use Cuba torrent and have that file ready so if you go to the medicat page we're going to go ahead and go to installer and we're going to download the installer here now the creators of Medicaid advise you to use any drive over 32 gigabytes I'm going to be using a 32 gig drive here this is one that I normally use but they highly suggest using something that's USB 3 and above and they even suggest using something like an SSD enclosure in order to speed that up even further especially if you're using this on a regular basis I've done a video on converting an nvme drive into basically a portable USB and you can check out the video right at the top here um but yeah I'm going to be using an Autodesk USB that I have wiped clean and will be using this for the tool so once you have the download done and the medicat installer done you can go ahead and launch that now if you don't get the user account control windows or your antivirus is going to be blocking that so you can whitelist it now you can choose whether or not to trust this program I am choosing to trust it and I think it's actually going to be telling me that in a second so exactly right here Medicaid contains tools that may trigger your antivirus due to how some of the tools work we can't change that if you don't trust the tool don't use it I'm going to repeat that so we're just going to press a key to accept it's going to start downloading some things we'll go through press another key this is kind of I'll write up on the license we're going to continue now we're going to do install now you're going to choose the drive that you want this to go to so we're going to choose the one that I named many cats and we're going to press enter we're going to use GPT we're going to use secure boot and now it's just going to quickly go ahead and install ventoy as I mentioned medicat does use ventoy as its foundation [Music] so we selected no there because we do have the file and we're going to press the key to open up the file prompts and we're going to go ahead and grab our midic cat this is the 7-Zip file and we're going to direct it there now it's going to go ahead and run through the installation process this may take a while depending again on the speed of the drive that you're using so just let this go ahead and run and come back to it when it's finished if at any point during the installation process you do get stuck you can watch their installation video it is great and walks you through all the steps very very well you can also rely on the documentation the documentation is very very good I may have sections for almost everything so once that's done we can go ahead shut off Windows and we're going to boot into our bios and then we're going to go ahead and choose medicat from the boot menu I will show you how we're going to do that now we're just going to hop into our bios if you can get into your boot menu using something like F12 you can go ahead and do that but I'm going to hop into the BIOS and just override from there I do have to change secure boot as well so we're going to utilize that so I'm going to go ahead and go to the boot menu I'm going to go to secure boot now if your OS type here says Windows UEFI mode or anything Windows related you're going to want to change it like I do to other OS this is going to allow the secure boot to latch onto midikat if you selected no in the secure boot menu earlier you're going to want to make sure that you disable secure boot if you change your secure boot settings you have to save and reboot into the BIOS first and what we're going to do is go back to boot and now we can select midicap now once we're here you can see a ton of tools and you can navigate it this is the tree view right now so you can just navigate it with your arrow keys so an antivirus we have Malwarebytes and backup and Recovery we have a Cronus we have Naomi back upper and I've talked about Naomi products before we have easyus macrame reflect we got mini tool back here we got rescue Zilla which we've used before as well and I really enjoy it and then we have some tech ghosts if we go into boot repair we have boot it we have easy ufi we have Super Grub which is great and diagnostic tools we have mem test which super big I use this all the time when troubleshooting people's issues on their computers spin right you got a bunch of really good ones in here the live operating systems mini Windows 10 this is huge active studio is also a pretty popular one as well I don't use it nearly as much mini Windows 10 though we will hop into in a second and system rescue as well those are these are all really great if you're having troubles getting into your windows environment and you want to try to do something we have some partition tools again we have iomi partition assistant which I did a video on a couple weeks ago we have a Cronus we have ecos we got mini tool uh Paragon we got shred OS as well so those are all great you have some password removal tools um in case you're having issues getting into windows and then you have some Windows recovery tools as well so again as I mentioned this USB is basically a do everything for you have all your tools in one place USB so super super super handy and I mean I have this all on a 32 gig USB so if we go into the live operating systems we're going to boot into mini windows 10. [Music] now mini Windows 10 really is one of the meat and potatoes products of medicat and what makes it so great having this thing built into the USB um amazing for Disaster Recovery amazing for troubleshooting and as you can see here we just popped up the Medicap menu is what makes this thing awesome it contains so many different pieces of software things from bios tools the disk tools you know CC Cleaner you've seen a defragger crystal mark um the ability to update all your drivers some quick games if you're getting bored graphics and picture stuff hardware tools Imaging Tools installation tools you can access the internet Discord use any desk it's got office stuff in here so it's got a bunch of stuff to help with disaster recovery and troubleshooting but it's also got a bunch of stuff to just be used really easily as a portable and easy light version of Windows um so I mean this has so many things here are a bunch of ransomware uh decryption you have registry tools you got security you got more utilities and I mean it is just incredible the amount of stuff that is baked into this mini windows 10. so with all this said I really highly suggest you check out medicat you try it out for yourself take a look at all the tools that are built into that windows that mini Windows 10 I think it's a really really great tool and now instead of bringing multiple USBS with me when I go and troubleshoot someone's computer or help them build something I usually only bring this and possibly eventually as a backup that I talked about last week but medicat has basically just made my life so much simpler when trying to troubleshoot and help people build computers um I couldn't be happy enough about having a tool like this available to us and available to us for free so I really appreciate the Developers for this they've done an incredible job and uh I'm just really happy about the product now I do hope you found this video helpful or at least interesting if you did I'd really appreciate if you like subscribed if you have any questions comments or feedback go ahead and leave those down in the comment section below I'd be curious if any of you are interested in trying out medi-cat and if you are let me know I'm I'm curious how many people watch my videos would be interested in a tool like this big thanks my patreon sponsors thoughtslime and step back and thank you for watching to the end of this video if you do want to check out any of the other computer tools and stuff that I've talked about in the past you can go ahead and check out this playlist right up here and as always stay safe out there I'll see you next Saturday
Channel: Caddac Tech
Views: 6,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate, audio, beginner, beginners, broadcast, caddac, caddac gaming, camera, computer, console, dimitri, followers, gaming, hardware, help, how, how to, lights, mic, microphone, money, new, partner, pc, review, save, setup, starting, streaming, studio, subscribers, tech, to, usb, webcam, youtube
Id: 627oSs_H1E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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