The Ultimate AI Film Platform: LTX Studio Deep Dive!

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hey everyone I'm really excited today to give you a first look at LTX Studio this is a platform that we took a look at a few weeks ago that offers you an unprecedented amount of control and features to generate AI films and since I've partnered with them they've given me the go-ahead to take you on a tour of the platform and I think you're going to be really impressed with the amount of features that they've managed to pack in here as a quick caveat what we're looking at here today is Early Access basically I have been Alpha Testing for them so a few things might change on Final release but what's more exciting is that even with everything I'm going to show you today there is still more to come okay let's dive in when you first log into LTX Studio you will be greeted with the AI Storyteller module I know this is fairly minimalist right now don't worry we're going to end up populating this out pretty quickly so clicking on that from here you have the option of writing down your own film idea or you can generate from a few of the different examples um for now I'm just going to use one of the examples we'll be taking a look at General rating something on your own in just a minute uh so let's do Shadows whisper here a detective with supernatural abilities investigates Eerie murders discovers a ghostly connection that is my wheelhouse from here LTX Studio has not only given us the title of our story ghost in the shadow a story overview and actually casted our characters and a big selling point of LTX studio is the fact that these will be consistent characters throughout our story here's the plus side this is all editable so very minor but I'm just going to change the title to a ghost in the shadows I like that better uh and then for Jack Benjamin Rivers here um you know it's okay if we want we can sort of roll him a few times but ultimately if we don't like his overall look we can come down to this edit button and now we can change Jack's overall appearance by prompting so I'm going to swap out Jack to having short dark black hair uh and then for his clothing I'm going to put a black T-shirt and jeans apparently Jack shops at the same store I do there are a number of different options for Jack's voice they seem to be adding new ones all the time too for now I'm just going to leave him on default which is Josh deep and if you hate the name Jack we can change out Jack's name if we want to although in the last 20 seconds I really feel that we've bonded with Jack so I'm just going to leave uh you know I'm going to take the Benjamin out he's just going to be Jack Rivers now so from here we just hit confirm and in a few moments Jack Rivers has repopulated to our new specs Jack seems pretty intense there so let's try rrolling him one more time oh there you go Jack is a very handsome dude um as a note you can even swap out Jack's face if you want to for like a photo of yourself we'll take a look at that in a little bit uh but for now I'm just going to hit start and see what we get from here you will find yourself in storyboard mode which is kind of an overview of your entire film this is where you'll probably be spending the most amount of time in LTX studio uh you can see individual scenes are broken down uh and then individual shots work vertically across so let's take a listen listen to what the narration sounds like for scene one as a detective I've seen my share of Darkness but nothing prepared me for the supernatural it's a little hammy so let's rewrite that so swapping that out for 10 years on the job and I've seen my fair share of the other side but I still wasn't ready for this case still a bit hammy but hey it's a first draft so now that we have our narration we can begin manipulating our shots um for example we have a lot of shots of Jack backto back which I don't particularly love so what we can do is just hit this plus button and uh we'll have a new shot generated and I can just drag this shot over to the front to make this an establishing shot which actually is it kind of already did an establishing shot so that's pretty great we can also come up here and change our various locations so right now it's in a police station I'm going to change this out to detective office and as you can see everything begins regenerating based off of that location prompt uh let's swap the weather out to uh raining as well we'll go full like David Fincher on this one so I've also changed out the shot type to from above so that you know we kind of have that sort of dramatic angle of the rain falling and and the camera tilted down and yeah that looks pretty cool so from here we can move into shot one which would be you know Jack at his desk I don't overall love this shot in particular either so uh again we can begin swapping around uh the shot looks good of course we've got some morphing problems happening here so I'm going to turn down the motion scale a little bit and try to to regenerate that uh obviously these shots don't work that great so I'm just going to delete them then adding in a few more shots I gave a file cabinet of old files here to represent his old Case Files uh followed by Jack sitting at his desk reading an old case File worried uh I can also prompt for an overall scene sound uh so for example while it's raining throughout here uh I can either individually go through and add in sound effects to each one of these shots or I can give an overall you know scene sound that runs across this particular scene so in this case I'm going to put a distant sound of rain and there we go some nice rain sounds that will add some atmosphere to this particular scene uh so let's move on to scene two again we have some kind of canned dialogue here so we'll swap that out in just a second we can also change our lighting too if you'll notice we have moody down here so I'm going to change this out to Moody uh blue hue let's say uh oh that actually looks pretty nice so swapping out our vo to this it started with Eerie murders seemingly unrelated except for one thing that no one else seemed to see and so since through this sequence it's pretty much just going to be Jack uh investigating murders unfortunately I'm going to have to ditch out my favorite shot here of the ghost um so that was just as simple as coming up and deleting him uh if you'll notice here this actually isn't Jack as well uh again the build that I'm working with here is pre-release so there are still some things that they're working out out so but all we have to do is actually come up here and call him out by just hitting at Jack um Jack Rivers he's Tagged so now this will repopulate with an image of Jack so because we have this longer dialogue sequence here but only these two shots uh what we can do is a bit of a time saer here is that we can just simply come up and duplicate out these shots uh maybe give it uh four shots here slide our Jack shot over to become shot two again uh rename this to shot three for consistency and then just change the angles up a little bit um to give us sort of a variety of shots maybe we'll call out Jack in another one of these for the final scene of our example I've changed out the naration to this a woman standing on the outskirts of every murder a stone expression and she never spoke but who was she yeah I'm not winning an Oscar for best screenplay there but you know whatever um so again we just ended up tagging at Eleanor the character that we generated up earlier uh standing away from a crime scene in the city um again our location is various crime scenes so it knows that already uh and then I popped her into two shots uh with having intital shots between just to kind of break it up a little bit so that it wasn't just her face uh and then her face again and then her face and then we round out this scene with uh Jack looking off into the distance presumably at Eleanor for the police tape shot I ended up repr prompting and got this uh which isn't perfect but it looks pretty decent there's some a nice you know movement happening on the police tape that kind of makes it look like it's blowing in the wind uh yes the spelling is still wrong and I do think as a larger important note yes you are going to have to roll that roll button is there for a reason um you know generally if you prompt pretty solidly you'll get some decent results but you know obviously it's still AI video you're still going to be hitting that roll button a lot and then I ultimately did end up rrolling our problematic Jack sequence here uh one interesting thing that I found though is that if you hit this edit button up here you can actually get taken to the shot edit edor where you will have access to all of the shots that you generated uh throughout this sequence so this is our current one uh we could also use this one which actually I like might like this one a little bit better so uh I've equipped that as the current one now and when we return back to our storyboard over here you'll see that that shot is now our current shot shot editor also has a number of other different features in it as well including you know the ability to change the duration of a shot uh bringing up or down your motion scale but interestingly as well you'll have controls like camera motion this isn't available yet as far as I can tell um but you know you'll be able to click and drag the cameras to different angles you'll be able to scroll zooming in and out and click to drag negative prompts are here as well and then probably something that a lot of you I'm sure are very interested in is the fact that you'll be able to bring in images to image prompt as well so let's start tying this whole thing together uh with the soundtrack so we can come up to this tab for our background music and prompt for that currently it's set to haunting suspenseful Supernatural uh let's give a listen to [Laughter] that don't love that sounds a little too new Agy to me so uh let's swap that out and actually haunting dark actually just sounds pretty cool so uh let's give that a listen real quick uh you can also upload your own file obviously if you want to as well so let's try rendering this out and see what this whole thing ends up looking like so to do that you just head up to the preview and Export button and you'll have a couple of different options here you can actually render it out as an animatic so it would just be the Stills with the voice over underneath it that will obviously render very quickly uh you can render in standard mode which could take up to 20 minutes uh and then coming soon will be an upscaler so after playing around with it a bit more and you know tinkering with the opening shots and a few other shots because that's what I'm going to do I'm just going to endlessly Tinker with this uh I ended up with something that I more or less like 10 years on the job and I've seen my fair share of the other side but I still wasn't ready for this case started with Eerie murders seemingly unrelated except for one thing that no one else seemed to see a woman standing on the outskirts of every murder a stone expression and she never spoke but who was she so yeah that's pretty cool there are are some rough spots and we'll take a look at how to fix those in just a second but overall I mean we were able to do that in a very very short amount of time and we stayed all in one platform I didn't have to bounce back and forth between a number of different tools so just to give you some more ideas of the things that LTX Studio can do uh we'll come back to AI Storyteller here and I'm going to provide it with a story that I wrote uh this is uh very much a Twin Peaks inspired piece we're going to move off of the whole like you know dark crime thing in just a minute but uh so this is uh Willow Creek uh where agent Dale Harrison investigates The Disappearance of Laura Goodman it's a murder so adding in Pacific Northwest to the video reference gives everything sort of that twin peaksy sort of vibe um we're going to take a Dale Harrison here who does not look very much like an FBI agent and edit him out and now we've got this guy but I'm going to take things one step further by actually face swapping my face here so uh taking this picture of me dragging it in me as Dale Harrison so let's generate this up and see what the story comes out as and after a few moments we do have our storyboards for Willow Creek including uh agent Dale Harrison there starring me what if we didn't want to do Willow Creek in a standard cinematic style well you could just come up to project settings here and change the video style let's just see what it looks like as an anime um I don't know a weird David Lynch anime and after a few moments we actually end up having our weird mashup David Lynch uh anime hybrid thing where the town of Willow Creek now you know looks like it's uh stepping out of a gibli movie uh I will note that not all the shots will one to one here uh like this one in particular um let me zoom in here a little bit you can see there's like a hint of anime stylization but I think the underlying cinematic uh video Source ended up sort of overpowering or you know coming through that said I would not exactly call this the idea genre to match aesthetically to so let's try something more in line for example generating up something like the secret of the enchanted map which is about three kids finding a magical map and uh you know going with the comic book style we end up with characters that look like this uh another aspect might be 3D model where they would look like this and there's also a ton of other really cool Styles in here like retr futurism psychedelic those kids got on the bus or even watercolor so yeah there is definitely a lot of really interesting ways that you can go about telling a visual story with LTX Studio cyberpunk watercolor actually ends up looking really cool I did forget to mention you can in and out paint as well if you come to this edit frame here uh we have in painting and Magic erase so I'm just going to hit the magic Erase here and zap this character out making sure to get the reflection here as well so let's give that a second and boom character gone so that's a look at LTX Studio as it is right now but believe me there are more features coming and by the time it is in full release I'm sure there's going to be a ton of of quality of life updates from what I've seen from the team and believe me I know you're probably thinking of like 200 features that you would like to see added trust me they are aware and they are working on it as well they're really committed to the idea of making this the best AI film making platform and given the amount of features that you can already do from imp painting to face swapping to generating sound effects and background music uh it's hard to argue that they aren't already there and it really is only going to get better from there LTX Studio has begun letting people in from the wait list so do make sure you are signed up the link is down below and you can get access pretty soon I'm really excited to see where the team ends up taking things from here and I'm really excited to see what you end up creating with it I thank you for watching my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 30,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LTX Studio, AI Film, AI Filmmaking, AI Video, ltx studio videos, text to video ai, ai video generator, ai video editing, text to video, lightricks ltx studio, ai text to video free, ai video generator free, ltx studio lightricks review, lightricks studio
Id: fy7abqk292g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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