Replay: The EASIEST way to create AI Cover Songs!

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welcome back to the channel where we explore the creative uses of AI and we have been on a voice cloning and music kick lately haven't we boys and girls well I am not going to stop now because somebody told me about replay now if you don't know about replay and you have an interest in voice conversion specifically taking the voice of any song and changing it with whatever voice you'd like to put in there I've been showing all sorts of tools the past several months really about how to use different pieces of software to get various parts of that task done use this software to download and separate the tracks use this software to convert the audio on your computer and then more software to put it together and while this is not a 100% total voice cloning and conversion solution it goes a long way to making the process super super easy and I'm a person who likes to use tools local on my machine but this is a tool that I have become completely addicted to and I spent way too many hours converting songs all weekend long I'm going to show you why and I'll bet you you do it too if you haven't explored it yet the first thing you need to do is go get replay and it is free boys and girls every aspect this project is free isn't that nice there's no subscriptions of any kind to do what we're about to do here it's pretty mind-blowing actually when you get here you've got choices you can download it defaults to Windows on my platform but you can also download to Mac and Linux pretty simple install be aware that as you're running this program it may occasionally download models from the internet and slow the process but all those model downloads are a one-time operation and it appears that most everything is taking place on your machine which is fantastic if I'm wrong somebody correct me because this is all about replacing vocals in an audio track and because I don't want to deal with copyright restrictions even though I'm so tempted to play you all the stuff I did this weekend I just am not going to take that chance and luckily with sunno we don't need to worry about that we can go generate our own song and it's going to be great so here in sunno I've already created this song just to eliminate all the trial and error that's going to be perfect for our example I'll play a little bit of it here basically it was a kuner male solo Jazzy upbeat swing quartet brass Summer Breeze in the city I was taking a bunch of Franks and atra titles and Mish mashing them and see what they come up with and this is what we've [Music] got okay we won't listen to the whole thing now so we're going to go ahead and download the audio track from that particular song and then we're going to go to replay now your screen won't look exactly like this because I've been filling it up with stuff all weekend including models that I've downloaded and I'm going to show you how to do exactly that but let me just give you a quick demo of how this basically works you select any song you'd like music track with audio on it and drop it right here or you can record your own vocal track or the most fun part is entering in a URL for YouTube and it will download the video separate the audio do the conversion for you all in one step it's really quite amazing as tempted as I am to play you demos of all the stuff I did this weekend I just don't want to risk it so let's just play with what we did so we're going to drop the song we just downloaded from sunno right in here to select or Drop Audio here we can preview it to make sure it's the right one it's the right one and now we choose our our models but Bob I don't have any modelss I just downloaded this thing where do I get these models from of which you speak look at this it says right here if you just would relax it says right here looking for more models yeah 20,000 plus available on weights. let's click that link right there and then boom so when you get to weights. G the first thing you want to do is to create an account and it's free so all you got to do is Click login up here and then you can continue with any of these ways to get in I generally use Google once you're in now you can search for and download these models the easiest way to do that because the organization around here is questionable at best just click on the magnifying glass to search and just type in the name of the voice you'd like now they have a lot of singers here they also have a lot of characters for example all the SpongeBob gang is here if I just type sponge you'll see that and let's say a singer like Billy Alish if we just type Billy you'll see that we've got lots of choices to choose from so you can spend a lot of time here just finding and playing with models you can preview what the model sounds like by the way by just clicking this Arrow here as a speaking sample for awaits GGA and it gives you a speaking sample as you can see we can dive deep into this side let's get a voice that I have not used just for the purposes of this let's get Dean Martin because he's a kuner and this is a kuner song let's see if we got Dean Martin up here we seem to have one let's listen to it as a speaking sample for awaits GGI voice model sure sounds enough like him let's give it a try so we're going to download the model and what we're going to get is a ZIP file and when you open it most of the time you're going to have something like this sometimes you're going to have a little bit of a directory structure but you're going to have a pth file which is the actual voice model and you're going to have an index file which kind of tells the voice model how to behave first we're going to extract this into a folder with the rest of the voice models that we have I'm actually going to create a folder for this flect folder and extract once that's extracted we're going to want to rename these files because they all come down as model and that's going to get quite confusing so let's just rename this to Dean Martin pth and Dean Martin index and these are all being saved in the default model file for replay which is defined under the app drop down click on show settings and here's where you define the current APP directory once we have that model renamed it's ready to drag right into replay so we just take the pth file and literally drag and drop it right where it says and it says successfully added Dean Martin and now Dean Martin shows up in this growing list of model files that I have and let's pop in on the settings real quick because we want to make sure of a few things stem only means it's going to skip the voice conversion and output the vocals only so it's just going to take the vocals off of this track and create a file that you can download of the existing vocals not anything converted we're not going to do that pre- stemmed means that the vocals have already been separated from the audio so if I was to record my voice here and the record your own option that was up here I would use the pre- stemmed option because there's no music to separate the relative pitch you change when you're drastically changing the voices from one to the other for example if I'm going to change to a female voice and the female voice is probably an octave higher than mine I need to tell Replay that my voice is an octave lower the easiest way to do that is just to click on minus1 12 in this case it's a male voice to a male voice so we're just going to leave it right where it is the instrument pitch this allows you to change the pitch of the actual music track so if you change the vocal track to sound a little bit more real you might need to change the instrument track to transpose the audio to meet that vocal you can leave the stem method here alone and you can leave all this alone you can take a peek at advanced settings but I literally have not changed any of these things except to set the microphone input value for when I do record my own thing everything else I leave just where it is you won't have Cuda here unless you have an Nvidia card in here but uh you just go with whatever you've got you'll probably have the option of CPU or some sort of GPU if you have one all right now we're just going to click on create song now the first time it separates the audio it takes a couple of minutes but once that's done that separated audio is on your system so it's really easy just to go through a bunch of other voices and audition them which we will do so you can see what's happening here it's separating the track it's about 16% of the way through your GPU definitely determines how fast this goes right now I'm running this on an Nvidia RTX 2070 super and on another system I run it with an RTX 390 and it's way faster on all processes but for the purposes of this demo I'm using this and it will take a little bit longer for the track separation to occur you can by the way cue jobs while this is doing this I can go ahead and start another job completely beautiful dreamer I'm going to back to replay which we're still separating the track instead of changing Bing's voice out with Dean Martin why don't we change it out with Squidward all this stays the same and we're going to go ahead and click on create song and now you'll see two songs cued now we're waiting for the first track to finish separating and do the conversion and then the other one we'll start while we're having fun with the first one our track is finished so if we click on it up here we'll see that in addition to the finished conversion we also have the ability to download The Source tracks we have the original song track the converted vocals only the original vocals only and then the instrumentals only it's great if we want to remix this which is what we're going to do let's just take a listen real quick again to what the original song sounded [Music] like now let listened to it with Dean Martin's voice put ink awesome so let's just click remix again and let's just quickly choose another voice this time we'll choose a billy eish voice and because her voice is higher we're going to go down here to relative pitch and we're going to click on plus 12 and we will click on create song and you'll notice there's no separation going on we're just loading in the voice conversion model real quick changing the voice creating audio files and it's done a lot quicker already done to New York in the summer that's a little high for her voice what we could do is try and change the relative pitch and try the instrumental pitch pitch which I've never actually done so this is a good opportunity to do this since that seemed a little high for her I think the zero would still be too low let's go down about six steps here all right but that means we're going to also have to change the instrument steps down to six so let's just see what happens when we do that definitely transposed much better right I think that's great it sounds pretty good but if we want to sweeten it up a little bit this is where the beauty of being able to download those individual tracks is so now we just go down here and we just want the instrumental track and the converted vocals now that we've got those two audio tracks I'm just going to download each of them into my favorite multirack editor you can use whichever one you want to provided you can do effects and other basic editing I have already created a very simple effects rack with Reverb that I put the vocal track on and I've left the music track alone let's just play it how it is and see how the levels are hello again this is the original instrument track now with the Billy eish sample on top I took off to New York in the Summer Breeze I did it my way that's great let's do the same thing but let's download the Dean Martin tracks that we did originally now with the Dean Martin one we're going to have to redownload the instrumental track because that one was not transposed like we did for the Billy ish ones click that and now click the converted vocals those are both being downloaded and I'll just drag those in like I did before and click play I took off to New York in the summer RS we don't want to forget about Squidward and Beautiful Dreamer so let's just click here we'll download the instrumental track we'll download the converted vocals go back into audition we'll take these out we'll drag the instrumental in here we'll drag the vocal in here sometimes when you get these downloads you'll see that there's some noise here in the vocal track which is basically not really singing what I'll do in my case is I'll just go into these files make sure that it's noise and I'm just going to silence this in my case I'm just going to go under edit insert silence and click okay and it just replaces that whole piece with silence I'm going to do the same thing here and then let's peek here what this is yeah that's noise too we also silence that okay and here in audition those changes are automatically applied here in the multitrack so now you can see that's all cleaned up so let's just go back to the beginning and hear beautiful dreamer with Squidward Tentacles all under fair use because we are significantly changing the original by changing the main vocal here he is now Squidward Tentacles beautiful dreamer why for me Starlight and doom gaps are waiting for the I'm your hero right now aren't I so hopefully your mind is already sufficiently blown because you could just sit here and do this all day with the ease that it is to download these models and play these out and once you separate it it's really super fast it's really cool so have fun with all of that let's take a look at another little feature here multimodel what does that mean select multiple models to use for one song this is just sort of like a batch processing let's go back to Summer Breeze in the city for example and click remix again click on multimodel I want Darth Vader and I want farth Brooks versions of beautiful dreamer because these are male I need to make sure this relative pitch is down to zero again would not make sense to do a mobile batch with female and a male voice if the ranges are drastically different and then I click create song and again all it's going to do now is it's going to just convert each of those voices now what we end up with when we look over here now we have the number two here now we have have converted tracks for Frank Sinatra and G Brooks now let's try merging models first you have to have multimodel chosen then we have to choose the models that we want let's just say Lily eish and Sheldon Plankton now I'm going to click on merge and I'm going to click on create song and see what we get it's creating an entirely new model from those weights which didn't take long and now we have the Summer Breeze in the city Billy Alis Sheldon Plankton making sure it's still just one track let's listen I took off to New York in the Summer Breeze I mean how are you going to say that that's wrong cuz we don't know what Billy Alish and Squidward would sound like together this is a 50/50 mix as it says right here let's see if we've got the ability to shift who gets how much yes if I click this icon here I can say I want more Billy than Sheldon and it just automatically changes so let's try it with a preponderance of Billy and then we'll try it with a preponderance of Sheldon I took off to New York in the Summer Breeze and I did it no one to so that's odd because I did mix a female voice and a male voice and blankon is way down here and she's somewhere up here maybe if I had done to 12 plus it's okay let's go ahead and change those ratios and see what we get bring Billy down and Sheldon Plankton up took York that's mostly Plankton maybe I need to back it up just a little bit more get a little more Billy in there I did it my way no one to PE I freaking love this so much fun now you don't have to just convert music if you don't want to if you just want to convert speech it works perfectly well like that too for example let's convert my voice into Squidward denticles why is my voice constantly being used for Folly why can't I be taken seriously as an artist want to make sure you click that little save disc there it's not intuitive why is my voice constantly being being used for all right that's me let's go down here to Squidward and this is where we would click pre stemmed and when you record your own it automatically assumes that it's pre- stemmed it already defaults to zero here so let's just click on creates on this should take seconds yep why is my voice constantly being used for Folly why can't I be taken seriously as I'm okay do Darth Vader I've been going over your records it seems you are a little late on your TPS report I'm hoping that perhaps you can get that done for me and yeah I'm also going to need you to come in on Saturday that' be great I've been going over your records it seems you are a little late on your TPS report and yeah I'm also going to need you to come in on Saturday so provided you download or can make your own models this is an amazing way to quickly change out any voice for any voice in any song pretty much hands off except for whatever editing you do on the other side but this again takes what you can do with sunno to new levels because now for any song you create you can use any singer you want and even create Duets there's one other feature that this program has that I'm afraid is kind of obsolete especially with things like sunno but this allows you to create music from a text prompt not songs not lyrics short little Snippets of audio probably not more than 10 seconds unless you have all kinds of time on your hands and it's not going to be nearly the quality that you're going to get with something like sunno at least not yet these are using models created by meta slfb to create music from text and several months ago it was pretty freaking incredible and there is a lot you can do with it here since I don't really think anyone's going to use this I'll just show you an example of what I'm talking about right here so let's say a marching band pop ballad with accordians you're going to click on settings and see that the song duration default is 10 seconds and if you haven't downloaded models or if you have a slower computer this 10-second clip is going to take you a hot minute to get and I just don't know that a lot of people are going to have the patience for it there are different models that are being used and downloaded depending on what you're asking it to do how long you want it to be whether or not you're trying to guide it with a Melody every time you activate a new model it downloads it takes a while but it's a onetime deal and then it all happens on your system right now let's just say a marching band pop ballad with accordion create music running onetime setup which means I've asked it to download a model which I don't get have on my system so that's going to take a little bit of time you'll notice that once it actually starts doing the conversion we get a countdown here 45 out of 500 steps and truly these days the payoff just isn't worth sitting here and doing this but I want to show you anyway cuz it's in here let's see what we [Applause] got now let's just for fun go into sunno and give it the exact same prompt I'm going to go into custom mode I'm going to say instrumental and the the style is exactly what I did there a marching band pop ballad with accordians and click create no freaking contest I am not kidding when I say I have spent hours with replay this weekend just downloading things from YouTube changing out the voices laughing my ass off and doing it again and the quality of the separations is really really good if you isolate the vocal tracks They sound amazing so have a ton of fun with this I'd love to hear what you do with it if you enjoy this type of material anything Ai and creativity related and going down rabbit holes and Mish mashing tools together and being a real mad scientist about it I invite you to subscribe if you subscribe now I will not look for you I will not pursue you but if you do not I will look for you I will find you and I [Music]
Channel: Bob Doyle Media
Views: 148,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: replay voice ai, replay ai voice, replay ai cover, replay ai tutorial, change the voice of songs, voice clone, clone singers, how to clone voices with ai
Id: 2udB-X1OUIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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