Udio: The FREE AI Music Creator That Changes Music Forever

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hey everybody well I've got some great news remember udio the AI music generator that we looked at like two days ago well it's here and I've got some big news about it yeah the past 24 hours have been a little bit weird for me I went from joking about not having an NDA to having an NDA to now being free of the NDA and being happy to announce that udio is now open in beta and it is free well free in AI terms at least you know free for the beta you guys know how this works any let's jump in I've got a quick tutorial for you to get you up to speed plus some answers to your questions so once you've logged into your account you will obviously be met with the udio homepage trending Generations are down here and I do urge you to check some of these out cuz they're pretty remarkable let's listen to udio the Disco Funk track cuz this is going to blow you away guess we need some kind of introduction oh yeah all right here one two three hit it Fe The Tapp can't deny the grouping who yeah feels so good got to wind it back [Music] wo that's pretty ridiculous that is 100% pure Soul Trin solid gold right there and if you notice the track actually runs 3 minutes and 48 seconds there's a little bit of a trick to get to that length I'll show you how to do that in just a second as a quick note as much of a banger as udio Let the Groove be your guide is I know that some of you in the previous video's comments had mentioned that both of those samples kind of had a lower Fidelity quality to it so as a counter to that I wanted to play something that was a little more modern and Cris so uh we have Metropolis part three which is sort of appropriate considering in our last video we had Jordan rudus from Dream Theater this kind of leans into the area of progressive metal something like Dream Theater or more like animals' leaders or pfia so depending on your musical tastes either crank this up or turn it down though I vote Crank It Up [Music] [Music] listen as someone that has been playing guitar for a very long time that is insane there a quick follow-up to audio quality from our last video if you remember I ran one of the sample tracks through it EQ and noted a really harsh cut off at around the 12K Mark uh well I'm happy to say taking our prog rock Masterpiece here and running it through an EQ again you'll note that it's full spectrum there isn't that hard sloping cut off from before so that definitely was the Twitter compression in terms of prompting there's actually a couple of different ways that we can go about it uh we can just prompt for a song and let udio take over so let's try a song about a Carefree fish who was always dreamed of being being a race car driver yes it's completely stupid it doesn't matter uh from there you have a number of different suggested tags that you can hit I see race car driver I'm thicking country from there you actually get additional tags that are populated as well we're also going to add in tags for Bluegrass and alternative country cuz modern country sucks that's right I said it I'll take your Johnny Cash and I do love me some Billy strings but you guys can keep your Tim McGraw and after a few moments we have two iterations of that idea the first is dreams of speed you'll note that this runs 32 seconds again I'll show you how to extend just a little bit this one sounds pretty cool [Music] though freeing of [Music] a Glide Glide baby through the waters FL little fish is feeding leaving us one more yeah that's pretty remarkable those vocal harmonies were really really on point and as a whole like dreams of speed is 100% a better song than that Carefree fish deserves now in terms of extending this is where things get pretty interesting uh I prompted for a punk rock song American Punk energetic and ended up with riots Crescendo which I actually really like Rage Against the [Music] grave and scream man if you're hoping for the quiet you better start a riot going to hit the stage and break yeah we'll push it to the limits so just quit or you'll be finished I actually really like that song a lot I don't know if I have to turn in my punk rock card now that I like an AI generated punk rock but I don't know who's Punk what's the score so anyhow if we want to extend this all we have to do is hit this extend button and that will generate up another prompt box from there we can either choose to add an intro add another section before this section or add another section after the section or an outro so for now we're going to take the add section after so instead of having it write lyrics for me in this case I'm going to hit the custom WR Your Own lyrics tab uh and write some stupid lyrics so I decided to give it the shot of going with the bracket Horus closed bracket and yeah some really dumb lyrics that we're just we'll push you to limits we'll push you to limits we're going to set this world on fire I am not a Lyricist okay and as you can see we have now gone from a 30 second song to a 1 minute and 5c song interestingly and I don't know why this is May it might be just a beta issue but the title of the song changes I don't know it's not a big deal let's listen to the important part uh what the extension sounds like we'll push you to the limits we'll push you to the liit [Music] we're going to set the world on [Music] fire kind of makes me want to stage shive but I am also old enough to know that is not a good idea now a quick note on generating lyrics udio will actually not allow you to generate copyrighted lyrics that is totally not a big deal to me and if you are not great with writing lyrics I mean we do have have llms now so in terms of musical artists one of my biggest influences is a band called Primus they are probably most well known for creating the South Park theme and Primus is kind of Primus I mean they're sort of their own musical genre so as an experiment I hopped over to Claude and gave it the prompt if you were prompting an AI music generator to sound like Primus how would you describe it please use 700 characters Max you can use a comma prompt style to avoid full sentences it came back with funky quirky Bas heavy Groove odd time signature 78 complex rhythms yada y yada I also as it to give me lyrics about Bob the fisherman and popping those two together oh Bob the Fisher Whiskey on his breath been Out on the Ocean Side cour death like wood eyes like smoke glass so while I say that it does have elements of Primus it also sounds like bad Primus it sounds like like a local band trying to sound like Primus more interesting to me was one of the other Generations that udio came up with chromatic Groove Odyssey again this is the same prompt as Bob the fisherman the primest one uh but this one comes out definitely much more on the Frank Zappa side and listen if you've never heard Frank Zappa before this is about to get pretty [Music] weird fish Whiskey on his Out on the Ocean Side cour death like face War like [Music] what's interesting to me is that prompt generated once again by Claude trying to describe the music of Primus uh and then fed into udio kind of resulted in something that sounded like an influence on Primus there's a cool site called music map I'll link it down below where you can type in any band or artist and it'll sort of populate with kind of like a like artists of a similar musical DNA and as we can see yep Frank Zappa is right there I do want to note that udio is still in beta so you are going to run across a couple of Clunkers here and there this is euphoric Odyssey uh it's just kind of a garbage mess I mean I guess you can slow it down slap a bunch of Reverb on and call it an ambient album but yet not so great or you might end up with something like this where I was trying to go with sort of a more traditional blue song and ended up with a bonjovi song W this morning D like I wased no offense to the Bon Joy fans out there you guys keep rocking your stale horses just not my particular cup of that said the ratio of awesome to Clunkers is somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 to 20 just you know expect that you might have to roll a few times another feature before we move on to a chat that I had with udio is if you see any track in the community library uh that you kind of like you can end up hitting this remix button and that will reprompt for you now you not going to get the same generation as the version that you initially heard but you'll be able to play around with the prompts and well remix it so uh this is hidden with the udio flow East Coast hipop uh it definitely has again that early 90s hip hop vibe to it going to hit them with the udio flow must be about of amesia the way they never know it's when I get low you call me ja when they never 100% props to the Jac custo name drop anyhow let's hit this remix button and as you can see here we now have the entire prompt along with the lyrics uh so we can change out these prompts as well we're going to try to change this out to more of a Beasty Boys thing I don't know if it's going to work we'll see uh so swapping out the prompt in New York east coast hip hop Beasty Boys just calling straight out uh boom bap rhythmic and then I Chang out to three male vocals there's a variance knob here too or slider rather so I'm going to take this down and make this actually more on the different side uh I'm just going to run it and we'll see what we get no no cherry picking so interestingly udio caught that beasty boy keyword and just gave me an artist replace tag uh as you'll note we do not generate artist likeness without permission we've replaced BC boys in the track with and then a bunch of other keywords that said let's take a listen to Boogie Down vaults and see what we got to hit them with the FL must be about Amnesia the way they never know though it's when I get low you call me ja places they go okay so we didn't get the beasty and that's okay uh what was interesting that was hearing that Echo delay on the vocals that is something so yes udio is developed by some ex-members of Google's deep mind but what's interesting to me is that the plan is that the udio platform will be available to non-musicians and people that just kind of want to have some fun with it but it is also being built to empower musicians to that they've enlisted artists to help in terms of feedback during development such as Will I Am common take Kei and apparently me I I don't know what I'm doing there and so I did asked them a number of features that not only I have been hoping for but you guys have asked for in the comments so for one yes the plan is to eventually be able to export stems from each of these Generations stems being isolated tracks like just the drums just the vocals or just the keyboards you are not currently able to upload reference tracks to guide the model in terms of like the output that you're looking for although that is something that they plan to release in the future this will probably work a little bit like image referencing in mid joury Journey where you know you can upload an image and mid Journey does not give you a one to one of that image but rather is something that is influenced by it lastly yes udio is free during this beta period you can generate up to 1,200 songs per month which is fairly generous no word on what pricing will be once the beta is over plan as of now is just to have a wideopen beta so none of you should have issues with you know getting in that said if you're coming in late you might have a little bit of trouble uh I do expect their servers are going to get slagged that's nothing that they told me that's just something that I'm suspecting if that does happen just please be patient I'm sure it'll be all resolved within a day or so so head out and have some fun with udio definitely let me know in the comments what you think of it I thank you for watching my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 52,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai music, ai music generator, free AI Music Generator, ai music production, ai tools, music ai, ai song, ai generated music, ai music generator free, music production, music ai tools, text to music, ai music maker, Udio
Id: KxEbfVmI67o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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