The Turning Point! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] i want to welcome you to get your bibles and go to the gospel of saint luke chapter 2 verse 41-50 and there we're going to go into the word of god i'm so grateful to have all of you that are joining us online streaming with us today good to see you your beautiful faces smile at me amen yeah we need a happy church yeah you got to be my happy church my amen corner you got my back you got my back amen amen that's good that's good that's good that's good now we're going to begin reading at luke 2 41. and though we've had worship and though we've had praise and though we've had interaction as best we could in the times we're living in we now step into the sanctity of hearing what god would speak to his people this is the opiate of why we have gathered here today we did not come to entertain ourselves with ourselves by ourselves explode our gifts and talents in the presence of each other lavishly interacting one with another we come ultimately that we might hear what god would speak now god comes to hear how we will worship because he already knows what he will say we come to hear what he will speak so in as much as we have worshiped him your worship and your giving and your sowing opens up the door of utterance that god might speak god will not send fire where you will not present sacrifice but wherever there is a sacrifice the fire will follow now as we open up the word of god we want to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church every year jesus parents went to jerusalem for the festival of the passover when he was 12 years old when he was 12 years old they went up to the festival according to the custom after the festival was over while his parents were returning home the boy jesus stayed behind in jerusalem but they were not aware of it thinking he was in their company they traveled on for a day a day then they began looking for him among their relatives in their free jesus jesus jesus jesus anybody seen jesus christ when they did not find him they went back to jerusalem to look for him anybody looking for jesus after three days they found him in the temple court sitting amongst the teachers listening to them and asking them questions everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers when his parents saw him they were astonished his mother said boy happy son why have you treated us like this what are you doing your father and i have been anxiously searching for you [Music] why were you searching for me he has didn't you know i had to be in my father's house king james version said i had to be about my father's business but they did not understand what he was saying to them so says the word of god i want to talk to you over the next few moments and all of you that are listening from around the world and all of you that are zooming in from the subject the turning point the turning point there is a point where things begin to so we don't always know when it is we don't know where it is but there's a shift that can come and when you get to the point of a shift it's a turning point you're gonna peter only sink so low before jesus snatched him and the whole story turns around there's a turning point in your life anybody ready for a turning point i said anybody ready for a turning point i want to experience the turning point of god let's pray while we're spending eternal god and always father as we stand in your presence today and as we gather and tabernacle around your glory from all over the world we are tabernacled in front of ipads and laptops and computers but nonetheless we are tabernacled around your glory then we might hear what the spirit of the lord would speak to the church i thank you for what you're going to do nobody can do the stuff you do like you do it nobody can move like you move when you move nobody can heal like you heal when you heal nobody can bless like you're blessed with your blood can't nobody do me like jesus can't nobody do me like the lord i thank you in advance for what you're going to do have your way in this place in jesus name let us say amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord now when we think about this story that is before us today it is impossible to escape the fact that we are dealing with a chaotic moment of abandonment of separation and and when you study the word of god you must realize that you always bring your perspective to the word of god because we cannot divorce ourselves from our positions and our experiences in life so i bring my experiences to the word of god i was raised in the 60s uh by a mother and father from alabama mississippi respectively and and yet raised in west virginia where our parents kept a tight leash on us but my mother said sit down you set out and when she said it's time to go it was time to go it was no rebuttals it was no pleading your case it was no negotiation when it was time to go it was time to go she didn't let us get on the bus and run all over the bus i've seen other kids do it and to this day when i see other people do there may not be anything wrong with it but because of the way i was raised when i said i kind of have a disdain i kind of want to just kind of pinch their ear just a little bit to say sit yourself down only because it might not disrupt other people but my experience with good parenting also includes accountability and so when i read this text i bring all of that to this text and i am astounded because i am amazed that they have come to this point that they have gotten separated from their son their 12 year old son their 12 year old special son their 12 twelve-year-old son that was given to them by god and by the auspices of the holy spirit the twelve-year-old son that was so valuable that they hid in egypt for two years to keep him from being killed has now been compromised to the point that he has been exposed to a situation i've been to jerusalem it's a fairly large city by himself i find it troubling i can't help but picture in my mind a child wandering around without its parents without his support without his base and i am concerned about that i become disturbed about that it makes me think about the feeling of being abandoned it makes me feel that feeling of abandonment you know when we think of abandonment let me just talk about abandonment for a few minutes and then let us suppose that he was in fact abandoned but but let us talk about abandonment if you have a house and don't do anything to demolish or destroy or or to any way devalue the house itself except abandon it abandonment alone will lead to the deterioration of the house no water running through the pipes no toilets being flushed no lights being turned on doesn't sound like it would be abusive but actually the isolation of leaving the house to itself by itself causes it to deteriorate at a far more rapid rate than it would be if you used it abandonment has an effect on a house abandonment has an effect on a car if if you put your car in the garage and you don't drive it for a couple of years and try to start it you'll find out that it doesn't start it that the battery's gone down and little things have gone wrong with it because there's something about using it there's something about moving in it there's something about it being used for its intended use is helpful to its survival but if you stop using it for its intended use it begins to deteriorate for the absence of your attention and it suffers from abandonment now if a house or a car suffers from abandonment let's talk about people the one thing that god said was not good out of all the things that he created is he said it is not good for man to be alone because when we are left alone there is a feeling of abandonment that overwhelms us that is dangerous that can shorten our lifespan not because of our heart disease not because our lungs disease just because we are isolated and confined we begin to deteriorate much like the house of the car it is so important that you don't even need a person to be with you it is a statistical fact that if you have a pet if you have something living in your house something you have to take care of something that you have to feed and laugh and play with that it begins to build a certain amount of resilience and strength in your life it is not good to be alone it's not good to be alone that feeling of abandonment can affect all of your life not just to the elderly but to the young to be abandoned by your mother it's something that that stays with you all of your life there may be a good reason for it but it stays with you all of your life to be abandoned by your father affects you all of your life that affects how you see things it affects how you need people it affects how far you will go out to get their attention and keep their attention to how you want to please them because you have in fact been abandoned it affects your approach to life itself some of the symptoms are you always want to please others you become a people pleaser or you're giving too much in your relationships anything to get you to stay with me an inability to trust people some people lose their ability to trust other people i'm not talking about you i'm talking about other people pushing others away to avoid rejection you won't let anybody in because you don't want to go through that kind of disappointment again and so you find an excuse to push them away they weren't even there for the abandonment but they get the punishment for the abandonment because you won't let them in feeling insecure in romantic partnerships and friendship creating codependent relationships are all a result of being abandoned it's a scary feeling it's a scary feeling it affects every other feeling you have the rest of your life the good news is there's healing for it there's there's help for this there's things that you can do to build back the absent places to finally bring yourself to a place of healing and therapy and theology in concert help you to know that you were never alone you only thought you were that god had a plan for your life and it may have even included you going through a period of abandonment to create a thirst in you for god in a way that you would not otherwise have that thirst for him you have to be able to translate the bad into good the oil into fire the pain and the purpose you have to be able to translate it but some people get stuck in the pain of it and they never get to the power and the purpose of it if they can't translate it so when i look at this text today i can't help but put myself in the place both as a parent and a child as a parent i'm almost critical i'm almost i'm almost angry i'm frustrated i think how in the world do you let this happen how did you let go what was going on so big that you let this happen to a 12 year old you don't hardly want to turn the handle loose because you are responsible are there any responsible people left in the world today who take on responsibility people who feel responsible people who have the responsibility to the point that you're looking back and you're checking around what are you doing where you know who are you talking to what's going on in your life responsible people will get on your nerves oh yes responsible people will hold you accountable responsible people will ask you a question you don't get to grunt at me and go to your room i want to know what's going on you're looking funny what's going on with you why you got an attitude what's going on where did you get that what is that you got a responsibility don't have nothing you're not going to take care of don't have anything that you're not willing to invest in don't have anything that you're not going to focus on because you are accountable for whatever god has given you you're accountable for stop asking god for stuff you're not going to take care of you don't need a house you don't need a car you don't need a child you don't need a man you don't need a woman you don't need anything that you're not gonna take care of everything you bring into your life requires something of your life you say you don't have time to raise no man and i don't have no time to be raising a woman they don't get one don't get one i don't have time for these you don't have one i don't want to change the oil in the car don't buy one i don't want to change the tires don't have a car everything you have requires something of you now you must realize my brothers and sisters just to put the text in context that they have come to the feast of the passover and the feast of the passover is an annual memorial moment for every respectable orthodox jew to commemorate the great escape that god gave them from the oppression of egypt this is their point of reference the rest of their existence am i not the god who brought you out of egypt you read it all through i am the god with my own hand that brought you out from under pharaoh this is to help you remember where you came from so you never forget it is the feast of the passover the celebration of the fact that an innocent animal gave up his life so that you might live and as you understood that and you took the cup and you broke the bread and you recognized the lamb that was slain that paid the price for your escape and it has become a feast and the problem with a commemorative moment becoming a festival is that it becomes commercialized it's much like christmas we're supposed to be celebrating the birth of jesus and jesus is the last person on our list we put more attention on getting a turkey than we do on getting jesus and somehow in the process of the festivities the real meaning is often lost in the ceremonies and the rituals and the routines and the festivities and the and the snowflakes and the and the roasting over an open flame and all of the things that we do around it sometimes subtracts from it until the meaning gets lost so was it with the feast of the passover it had become a tradition and every year they got together all their families and all their friends and it was a time for them to convocate and socialize and interact and meet other people in jerusalem and have a wonderful time and so they came every year until the 12th year and the 12th year was a turning point the family comes every year to worship this is not jesus first feast the first thing the bible tells us is that this is not just a national tradition this is not just a tradition for believers this is a tradition for our family as for me and my house we will serve the lord and for every year they came up as a ritual to jerusalem to honor the passover at first blessed seems to be no real message here most parents have had that that moment of displacement where you look around and you can't find your kid for a moment and you panic and you get scared and you disrupt at first it just seems like that sort of thing but but but but normally in a moment or two you lay your hands on them or oh i didn't see you go to the don't go in that store without me you get it straighten it out but the problem i have here the problem i have here is that the family has become so engrossed in peripheral things that they have forgotten the main thing and the problem i have here is that in this case not only have they forgotten their child jesus is the passover oh you didn't hear what i said i said jesus is the passover so while they are celebrating the shadow they are bringing the reality to the shadow the reality is always greater than the shadow i have a shadow up here but my shadow is not as valuable as i am i cast the shadow the shadow don't cast me they are bringing the real passover to celebrate the shadow of which the lamb was only a representative and a substitute jesus is the real deal ah give me a minute let me praise it i want to praise him for being the real deal he's not a shadow he's not a caracature he's not a joke he's not an image he's not a reflection he is [Music] my feast of the passover he is my feast of unleavened bread yes my feast of pentecost he is my kinsmen redeemer he is my day star he is my bulwark he is my mighty god he is my everlasting father i wish i had a church that knew something about praising that he is of god he that cometh to god must first believe that he is somebody say yeah [Applause] it makes me think from a theological perspective that what they were bringing was greater than where they were going [Music] [Applause] think about that with me they were bringing the lamb of god to the feast of a substitute so what they had with them was more important than where they were going i want you to think about that because there's something i want you to get out there what you have with you is more important than where you're going i understand you got goals i understand you got plans for 2021. i understand you got strategies i understand you got purpose i understand you got visa but what you have with you is better and more important than where you are going and if you lose what you got going after what you want i said if you lose what you got going after what you want your feast is going to turn into a disaster what good is it to have a feast if it costs what i got going after what i want that's what's wrong with us too many unscrupulous people are willing to sacrifice what you have to get what you want the bible says it this way what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul what does it mean for you to advance economically if you lose your soul what does it mean for you to end up running the business if you lose your soul what does it mean to have a bigger house if you lose your soul what does it mean to collect more degrees if you lose your soul i want you to value what you have not just what you're going to but we have an age of people that have no appreciation for what they have they're so excited about where they're going that they have lost sight of what they have and like this family they fall into the fallacy the fallacy of failure of reasoning which makes an argument invalid they had a failure of reasoning that this is more important than that somebody is wrestling with a decision and the lord sent me here to tell you that this is more important than that what you get right now is better than anything you're trying to go after in your life and in the long run it may not look good right now it may not seem valuable right now it may seem unimportant right now because it hasn't got through growing up yet he's just 12. it may not seem consequential it may not seem relevant it may not seem majestic it may not seem central to what you're trying to create in your life but give me some time [Music] he's just 12. has god placed inside of you that's just 12 that you don't think is particularly important because you have evaluated it premature and created a fallacy so we have the festival we have the family and then we have the fallacy of making a bad decision we had the festival we had the family and we have the fallacy of making a bad decision the festival the family and the fallacy of making a bad decision because what god has given you needs time to grow up wow i feel like what god has given you needs time to grow up it needs time to grow up it's just 12. it's just 12. what god has given you is significant despise not the day of small beginnings [Applause] he's just 12. he's just 12. just 12. you were bringing your redeemer to celebrate redemptions but you didn't recognize that the redemption is not in where you're going the redemption is of what you already got despised not the damn small beginnings it's just 12. but it's going to grow it's going to grow what god has given you is going to grow it's going to grow not just to bless you but to bless you and your children and your children's children and your children's children's children i heard somebody in the spirit say it's too late for me i'm too old baby girl it ain't about you what god has for you is going to affect generation after generation at the generation after generation so enjoy whatever you got to endure and do it because it's just 12. i spent 10 years of my life driving over an hour back and forth to pastor 20 people 10 people teach bible class for seven people for 10 years an entire decade nobody called me to be on cnn or cbn or tbn or anything or anything yes [Music] we cooked dinners for all the members fed them out of our own house for 10 years i scuffled and struggled and it would have been easy to throw up my hands and say this doesn't work but it was just 12. what have you got [Music] that's going to be amazing but you're trying to rush the process and you don't understand it's just 12. they brought the lion of the tribe of judah to jerusalem they brought the king of the jews to jerusalem they brought the mighty god to jerusalem they brought the prince of peace to jerusalem they brought the ancient of days to jerusalem they brought the i am that i am to jerusalem they brought elohim to jerusalem they brought the everlasting father to jerusalem but they didn't recognize it [Music] because it was just 12. so we have the festival and we have the family a family is supposed to be an incubated place of safety that's why when we are abandoned by our family it leaves the deepest womb because we go from the womb of our mother to the womb of our family where we are further incubated and developed through our adolescence and developmental years we are just in a bigger womb and when that room rejects us it aborts a process that leaves us in pain and even jesus was incubated in a family environment he was not known as the mighty god in the everlasting father they called him the carpenter's son is not this the carpenter's son god allowed his vision in jesus to grow up so why wouldn't he allow his vision in you to grow up god has already proven to us in the book of genesis that he is capable of producing a grown son when he created adam from the dust of the earth he didn't create a little boy he created a grown man he created a grown man and god has proven i can have a grown son if i want to but if i'm going to come in the flesh i'm going to grow up like you grow up i'm going to nurse on the breasts like you nurse on the breasts i'm going to learn how to walk and stumble and fall like you learn how to walk and stumble and fall and i am going to be kin to you because i am going to share the human experience with you so that at whatever stage you pray to me i can be touched by the feeling of your infirmity adam couldn't do that he couldn't take a prayer from a child because adam had never been a child but we have not a high priest who cannot be touched by the feeling of our infirmity because he went through everything that we went through we were born he was born we were nursed he was nursed we were circumcised he was circumcised we grew up he grew up whatever you want to talk to him about even your abandonment and how it feels to be forgotten they forgot jesus have we as a people forgotten jesus the god that brought our parents and our ancestors through the ages have we forgotten him have we gotten so busy with jesus things and jesus cliches and jesus slogans and jesus colloquialisms that we have lost sight of jesus has jesus been lost at our feast have has the church today become so engrossed in politics [Applause] that we've forgotten jesus have we become more republican than christian have we become more democrat than christian what has happened to us that we've lost our message our message wasn't the white house our message was the blood of the lamb have we lost [Music] have we lost jesus at the feast at the festival of our own humanistic celebration before you got that great job you prayed and you fasted and you sought god and now that you're making money you you've been enlightened you've moved away from the theology that brought you to where you are you've been enlightened are you enlightened i'm enlightened because it's fashionable when you arrive at a certain level of aristocracy not to be hucking and bucking and talking in tongues and jumping but when you was broke and you was down and you was out and you needed a god to deliver you you were calling on the name of the lord but now oh god have you lost jesus at the feast of your own dreams and the attaining of your own goals back when you was really singing for him and living for him and loving him before you got your deal before your contract was signed have you lost jesus at the feast of your own human celebration i came to ask you and they lost him anybody could lose a child for a minute or hour the police won't even allow you to file a report until it's been 24 hours so some people want to file a report in six hours and the police won't take it because it's got to be 24 hours they couldn't file a report in six hours because they didn't even notice that he was gone and i'm afraid that i'm preaching in an age that the church doesn't even notice that jesus is gone they're so busy rallying and fighting and bickering and arguing that they haven't even noticed that he's gone now i understand what he said to the laodicean church behold i stand at the door and knock he said notice i'm not even in your house anymore i could never understand how did the one who stood in the midst of seven golden candlesticks which represents the church come to stand outside of it and knock at the door but i see it now we've gotten so tied up in our man things that we've given up our god mantra changed our entire message and we have lost jesus at the feast the greatest tragedy of it all is not in losing him the greatest tragedy of it all is that we didn't even notice it jackie he was gone all day and neither his mother or his father even noticed that he wasn't there they packed up and he wasn't there they got their luggage and he wasn't there they started traveling and he wasn't there and they were gone an entire day before they even noticed that he was gone this text tells me that it is possible to lose jesus and not notice and still be copping your hands and still be sitting in front of your computer and still be going to church and still have easter sunday and still have christmas morning got my turkey got my dressing got everything ready and my notice that you lost jesus we got the amendment passed we got this done we got that done and not even notice [Applause] that you lost jesus you've lost jesus and he's the whole point of the festival you've lost him you totally lost him you started out going to a festival you started out as a family then you fell victim of a fallacy and you spent a whole day before you even noticed that he was gone and then three more days on top of that three more days to get back and to locate him there are four days into absence from jesus four days they left him alone four days he was by himself four days a 12 year old was in a city party what did he eat where did he sleep where did he stay what all else was in the city four days a 12 year old is wandering the streets of new york city 12 4 years 4 days 12 years what in a city without the incubation of a family some of you have been on your own when you weren't supposed to be you've had to fend for yourself when you shouldn't have had to it's distorted your perception of how life ought to be because you were abandoned too soon and now your guard is up and you don't know how to bring your guard down and you're so self-protective that you're disoriented because it is not natural for a 12 year old to be in a metropolitan city four days means four nights he was alone but when they found him when they found him when they found jesus this is one of the few places that it is appropriate to use the term i found the lord because most of the time when we say we found the lord we really mean the lord found us because the lord wasn't lost we were lost but in this case they found the lord his mother found the lord his father found the lord their family found the lord can i go deeper they found the lord and it wasn't when you when you lose somebody and you find them you have a conflict of emotions i lost my wife i couldn't find her i was looking all over the place for i was looking high and low everything went through my mind i thought she'd been abducted i thought she'd been taken i went over there and knocked on the door told my son come help me look for your mama i can't find your mama i'm running all over the place and then he found her she was upstairs just just just luxuriating taking it easy and i was i was happy and mad i was glad to see him i thought about choking her i didn't i just looked at her when they found jesus it had been four days can you imagine what goes through a parent's mind in four days and they found jesus and jesus is in the temple like yo what y'all tripping about i'm good and they said what have you done to us they blamed him for their negligence i want to talk to people who are angry at god when it was your negligence you say tithing doesn't work but you don't admit the fact that you overbought you lived above your means you bought what you want you beg what you need and then when you get in trouble you say god didn't work for you and you don't assume responsibility for your own accent i want to talk to somebody who is blaming god for a marriage you lost but you didn't do what it took to keep the marriage going you didn't put your attention on it you didn't focus on it and now you act like the word don't work when in truth jesus didn't lose them they lost him he's 12 they're the parents the word doesn't work when your responsibilities are derelict god's not going to bless over your abandonment and your self-consumed egotistical habits your destructive habits that are creating your own hell the devil didn't do it satan didn't do it the demons didn't do it the witch didn't do it your fallacy your loss of focus did it i know that hurts i know that's strong but you did it to yourself you lost sight of what was the main thing and you got to own that if you don't own that you won't get better you'll never get better blaming anybody especially god for things that you let get out of control see law i'm gonna let that sink in they blamed jesus for being lost at the feast when the truth is they lost him and they didn't even notice he was gone and most of the time by you by the time you wake up and realize what you lost it's gone this is a wake-up call for somebody and i don't know who it is it's a warning sent from god himself to say check what you got value what you have right now don't be so goal-oriented that you fail to invest in what god has committed into your keeping right now and don't you dare blame god when it all falls apart if you haven't kept the hand on what he gave you he's only 12. who's quiet now it was shouting a minute ago but if it got quiet now but but none of that that i'm talking about none of that no no none of that is my point because my subject is the turning point so we talked about the festival and we talked about the family and we talked about the fallacy and we talked about the four days but we have not talked about the fathers you see this 12th year is the last year that we have record of jesus until he pops up at 30. what we are reading is the last accounting of the boy jesus before he shows up the man at the banks of the jordan river to be baptized of john 18 years he will go into obscurity 18 years he will hide in historical mystery 18 years unaccounted for this story is the turning point and the turn is in the text the turn is in the text can i preach it like a feeling the turn is in the text every turn you will ever make every turn you will ever make is in the text every twist on the road to destiny is always in the text every decision you're trying to make right now the answer is in the text every change paradigm shift in your life is in the text the times we're in right now the the whole vaccine that we're talking about the whole curse of the virus the whole plague we're in is the secret the mystery is always in the text but we've raised a generation that does not examine the text we're trying to find the truth without the text and there is no truth outside of the text the truth that prevails is always in the text and it is so obscure serena that we almost don't see it the father and the mother come rushing into the temple and they started fussing at the boy and he turns to his mother and his father and says i must be about my father's business how do you tell your father that i must be about my father's business don't you know boy do you know who you're talking to yes i do know who i'm talking to i know that you are not my father i don't need maripovic i don't need a dna test i know who i am and the reason you can't stop me from my destiny is because i'm about to shift good god somebody is about to shift and i feel a change coming in your life somebody wants it right now is in the middle of a shift what you used to be satisfied with you're not satisfied with anymore because now you've discovered who you really are [Music] and you have come to a turning point everything in your life is about to shift everything in your life is about to change a new order is about to break forth in your life and the holy ghost said get ready for the shift a turning point is coming a shift is coming a change is coming a reformation is coming a restructuring is coming and jesus is standing between two daddies he's got his earthly father over here and his heavenly father over here and he tells his earthly father i got to go i must be about my father's business and there is a [Music] shift you know who you are there's always a shift you can't hold me like you used to hold me you can't do me like you used to do me you can't control me like you used to control me because while you was gone i figured out who i was i want some liberated people to give god a crazy praise right now you thought you belonged to me you thought you belonged to them they had you under their grip but they left you alone long enough that you found out you could make it without them and now you know who you are and you'll never be bound like you used to be bound if i'm talking to you i dare you to give god a praise a praise of praise a sanctified praise our holy ghost praise i dare you to open your mouth and give god some glory give him the praise right now i said give him the praise right now i said give me the praise right now i said give me the praise right now [Music] somebody texts i know who i am somebody comment i know who i am i come to myself i recognize that you are the temporal he is the eternal you are the shadow he is the reality you [Laughter] about to hit the kingdom i feel a term i decree and declare there shall be a turn i need 30 seconds of crazy praise i need 20 seconds of people praising god like you get ready to turn like you got turning on your mind like you got turning in your spirit i need 15 seconds of somebody that's going to turn and give god if i feel a turn i'm turning my finances for turning my ministry of turning my life and turning my spirit of turning my preaching and turning my building a turn [Laughter] [Music] i'm turning call my old friends and tell them i'm turning call my haters and tell them i'm turning her tell every liar i feel a turn somebody turn around god's getting ready to turn [Music] all of a sudden i stopped them reading pastor venture at the 50th verse i didn't take them down to 52. verse 52 says and jesus increased in wisdom and stature and favor with god and with man and jesus increased in wisdom and stature and favor with god and with man and jesus increased in wisdom and stature and favor with god and man and you're about to increase in wisdom and stature and favor with god and when can you receive it you're about to increase in wisdom and stature and failure with god and with man i speak increase over your life over your body over your mind [Applause] [Music] so [Music] the moment he told his surrogate daddy about his real daddy the moment he told his mama love you thank you but you were just the source of my flesh thank you you gave me my human experience thank you i must be about my father's business god is calling you to be about your father's business the distractions of your own festivities have blinded your eyes from the valuable gift of his presence in your midst and you've gotten away from the things that brought you through life and you have lost jesus at the feast the party continues and the laughing and the drinking and the partying and carrying on and the doing this and on that and the other but you've lost him how long is it going to take you to notice he's not with you like he was [Music] he's not with you like he used to be when was the last time you washed him till your nose was running and tears were in your eyes when was the last time that you praised him to your hair fail and you make a brand when was the last time you got lost and holy and raptured and there was no crowd and there was no music and there were no worship leaders it was just you and jesus having an encounter with god it's been a while since you really praised him like you used to praise him i loved him like he used to love to and i'm wondering how many more christmas are you going to have without jesus i wonder how many more thanksgivings you settle for turkey and you don't know you've lost him at the feast is not this the time for a turning point in your life oh i'm talking to backsliders and i'm talking to sinners but i'm talking to some of you saints too because you the family and all like that you're the family but you've lost him even though you still call yourself the family of god the god of the family has left the family cycle and you have a form of godliness denying the power thereof you got a routine and a shout and a hoop and a holler but the glory is gone you got eastern jurisdictional council there's some eastern jurisdictional council then the western that and all of that but the glory is gone you can sing like a canary but your anointing is gone [Applause] haven't you noticed you've been doing this without jesus living your life without jesus you need to turn around and go back to jerusalem [Music] jesus turning point was in the temple but their turning point was when they turned around and said i'm gonna go back and get what's valuable and i'm going to search for him till i find him and i'm not leaving jerusalem until i get my baby back [Applause] this sunday morning you need to make up in your mind i am not leaving here until i get my jesus back [Music] he's calling for you [Music] he's waiting on you they found him in the temple the place you stopped going [Music] the place you say we don't need anymore the place you say you got church hurt you got club hurt but you still went to the club [Music] you you got girl hurt but you still like girls you got church heard now you stopped going to church they went back to the church they found me i want to hear from you this sunday i want you to put right in the comments i know i need to be safe i'm tired of surrounding myself myself with jesus things i wear crosses i got a bible in my house somewhere every now and then i play gospel music but he is not the center of my life and i don't even know when i lost my grip on him all i know is i can't find him anymore and i'm not satisfied to go back home without my jesus can i pray for you you might be a deacon in the church you might be an elder you might even be a pastor it's easy to keep talking about him and lose to him you talking about i want to i want to right now maybe god has shut everything down so that you could receive something right now and and find jesus it took them four days to find it four days but they kept on searching they kept on searching till they found him i know we don't say stuff like that anymore because we want instant gratification but we used to sing stuff like i kept on searching kept on searching till i found it kept on searching till i found the king of kings i kept on looking for him i kept on needing him i kept on reaching for it i want him back lift your hands and worship him the awning is in this place oh god i need you [Music] i need you i need you i need you i need you i need you i need you i need you i need you i need you i need you i need you right now [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] in total total come on let's get total come on total total total total come on total total total you are the strength of my life [Music] i surrender i lift my hands up i give you the glory lord you are the strength of my life [Music] i want to pray for you i want to pray for you right now i feel like somebody's heart is opening and the oil of ministry is flowing into your heart and you need to stop resisting it and let it happen [Music] because god is tired of you heaven christmas without christ thanksgiving without thanks god is tired of you blaming him for your own [Music] fallacies and he told me to tell you you forgot who you are you forgot who you are you know better father god in jesus name we bow our heads before you and we repent for getting caught up in all of the other activities and all the things about you without you we repent because we've got all caught up with human things and fellowships and friendships and family ins and outs and gatherings and family fallouts and family complaints and family successes and we've we've forgotten you we got all caught up in where we was going and we didn't appreciate what we had [Music] but this morning we heard you talk to us we heard you talk to us we understand that nothing matters if i lose you nothing matters if i don't have you nothing matters if i don't have i need the friend that stick of closer than a brother i need you we need you so i'm coming back i'm gonna make this turn turn the wagon around pull the donkeys in we're going back to jerusalem we're going back step by step step by step step by step by step by step by step by step we're going back can i come back jesus [Music] can i come back jesus we're coming back to you can i come back jesus we're [Music] and jesus increased in wisdom and stature and favor [Music] with god and man [Music] he went on back with his family [Music] but he went back knowing who he was and he went back increasing in wisdom and stature and favor with god and man [Music] and the broadcasters go in in a minute and you're gonna going back to your family and back to your life but i want to leave you increasing in wisdom and stature and in favor with god and we're man i pray luke 2 52 blessing over your life i pray a luke 2 52 blessing over your life jesus i pray a luke 252 blessing over your life that you would turn around and start increasing in wisdom and i just said stuff increasing wisdom and stature and favor with god and with man god is going to do it for you [Music] i decree and declare that this message will not be preached in vain that increase will break out in your life [Music] increasing your wisdom increasing your stature increase in your favor with god and i decree and declare god it's gonna give you favor with man and it's not gonna be long oh he's higher it's not gonna be long [Music] yes lord it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming jesus he increased [Music] favor regarding man honey i want to make sure i know we've given our offering already but i want to make sure we saw a 252 c 252 i want to just represent i want to i want to sow into this luke 252. and if you're out there and you want to join us i want you to join me i really believe that my blessings come from god they don't come from who i know or even what i know how i increase when god says i increase i tried it on my own it don't work when god says i increase i increase in wisdom stature favor with god and man luke 2 52 i want you to read all of those verses again and pray over them and make them your devotional this week and go all the way down to 252. and if you can't so 252 so 52 but i want some recognition and jesus increased and jesus increased and jesus increased and jesus increased he increased he increased he increases jesus me he increased in me he increased in me he increased in me increased me he gave me my wisdom he gave me my stature he gave me my favor he gave me favor with god amen [Music] jesus do it jesus [Music] jesus increased in wisdom why is wisdom first because if i give you stuff and i don't give you wisdom you're gonna lose the stuff i give you give me the wisdom lord if i give you a house and don't give you wisdom you're gonna lose the house if i give you a wife don't give your wisdom you're gonna lose the wife give me the wisdom for the stuff i got i want to be a better steward than i was give me wisdom then give me stature [Music] give me stature raise me up to where you want me to be raised up and then i want favor which is nothing but grace i want favor i want favor with you i am living in the favor of god if it were not for the favor of god i'd be destroyed right now i am living right in the favor of god i am surviving in the favor of god i am enduring in the favor of god i am building in the favor of god i am thriving in the favor of god i am in the favor of god that means i'm perfect that don't mean i don't need to grow that don't mean i don't need to pray they don't mean i need to repent it just means that over top of all of my junk god has decided to increase me he said i'll give you favor [Applause] i'll give you favor you won't earn it if you earned it it wouldn't be a favor [Music] i'm going to give it to you i'm going to decree and declare favor with god and i'm going to give you favor with man i'm going to make people like you i'm gonna make your enemies be at peace with you i'm gonna make your enemies your footstool all of that is in that text i'm gonna do it for you and jesus increased oh yes lord and wisdom stature and favor with god and man i want to pray as we close i want to bless those seeds i want to bless your needs i want to pray for the new converts i want to invite you to connect with our church to be an e-member whether you're near or far away i want to feed you i want to teach you on wednesday nights i want you to develop in the faith until we can all gather again i'm looking forward to it but until then i still want to be your pastor and jesus increased [Music] [Music] wisdom and stature [Music] [Music] i gotta give you the wisdom [Music] i'm going to give you the wisdom and stature it's coming out of me it's coming out of me it's coming out of me it's coming out of me [Music] i gotta pray i gotta pray i gotta pray i gotta pray i wanna pray i wanna pray over this next step you're gonna make i wanna pray over this next step you're gonna be you're stepping into wisdom you're stepping into favor with god and with man he's stepping right into it praying for you right now father god in jesus name thank you for your word thank you for your church thank you for your people thank you for the people that turned today thank you for the turning point hopefully we all made everybody needs to make a turning point we make a commitment over these last few weeks of this year [Music] we gonna seek your face [Music] we're gonna seek your face and you will not be lost in our feast not gonna happen i'm sorry i abandoned you you never abandoned me thank you god so i'm coming back to jerusalem here i come get it ready for me get the fatty calf get the ring in the road i'm coming home in the mighty name of jesus say with me in the mighty name of jesus amen amen from the party's house to your house we give you love we give you joy we give you peace we give you jesus you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 891,405
Rating: 4.8474231 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, sundayservice, tdjakes, TheTurningPoint, the turning point, the turning point sermon
Id: 9MAUNqS1-O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 59sec (4799 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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