The Tunnel| New Attraction of Niagara Falls| Travel - Road Trip Canada

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hello friend welcome back to escape from the desk if you are new to our Channel Welcome to our Channel and today we are heading to the newest Niagara Falls attraction called the tunnel and is located at Niagara power station so right now we are on our way there before that we need to buy the attraction pass for admission so last time we bought the ticket at this station but it was summertime so what we find out is during the winter time there's not a lot of the ticket boots are open so we just find out that this ticket of food is not open during the winter time too so like we just going around to get out of the uh this uh the discount ball but we just wondering that the the gates will be open or it will be closed during the winter time uh we're not sure about it so we will see hopefully it's uh it's open otherwise we will have to go back up all the way around so let's see if it's open please open [Music] yay it's open we on the road again and as you can see like you can start seeing the other house you fall from here it looks like it's raining out there but it's not raining it's actually the uh the uh mist from the waterfalls and it's always like that whenever there's a lot of mids and trees at the there's a wind the Springs are coming on the road and it looks like it's raining but it's not raining and also like you can see that the uh that is called the the Brown building is called The Table Rock which is the visitor information center and they have the restaurant and also the souvenir shops there and also like later we find out that yeah you can buy the uh the attrition passes there too so now we are getting close to the power station and we will cross this bridge which is crossing over via Niagara River one thing for sure is even though it is in winter time all the plugins there you have to pay for it so now we are at the Niagara Parks Power Station we're gonna buy the tickets right now uh the package tickets because right now is the winter so it's kind of like an off season so we went to the uh ticket station but like nobody is there so hopefully we can buy the tickets here foreign right now we can see from here oh it's open now oh I think we can buy the tickets here we got the ticket we got the package finally so we're gonna start showing the uh tunnel we were there before it's open so we were the uh one of the Fest to enter the building so uh we decided to start with the uh tunnel instead of throwing the power station so we will show the power station later so right now like let's go to the tunnel Fest which is the our main event here okay thanks thank you our first use the breast deck you just get a quick lens there that's where the thrust bearings and the Arches are to support the 90 times to the generator bring your attention to the back windows attaching the upper and lower guide deck and the brake deck and wait to see in the center is on the inside of these blue generators and the turbines [Music] so now it is time for the tunnel hi guys it's long too um is this the new attraction of the diagram also like it wasn't it was open like just um a few months ago I think yeah this is our first time here and uh we enjoying it so far yeah and I don't know how coal is gonna be outside it's quite a long tunnel and this is a new attraction So like um like we're here so early so later on probably like that will be a lot of people and we've been like yeah we've been working for like quite a while now but we haven't got to the end of the tunnel yet hopefully it's not in Poland and not too windy outside it's already been cold even without being away so okay let's see what's waiting for us outside okay and it will be up close and near to Via Niagara Falls just seeing the light we are getting closer to the uh end of the tunnel oh my my [Music] it's not so windy this is my first time seeing the Niagara Fall with all the snow look at it [Music] foreign [Music] foreign this is incredible what an experience and they even give you the um raincoat here it's like a raining outside [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hope you enjoyed today's trip thanks for watching wishing you all the best and if you haven't don't forget to subscribe our Channel and I will see you in next video bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Escape From The Desk
Views: 3,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escape from the desk, travel videos, travel vlogs, travel, road trips, travel ideas, travel tips, canada, Niagara falls, the tunnel niagara power station, niagara power station canada, the new attraction at niagara falls canada, things to do in niagara falls, niagara falls attractions, ontario canada, horseshoe falls, best niagara falls attractions, niagara falls attractions canada, getting around niagara falls, niagara power station
Id: VkWwLyP8h-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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