Is a Falls View Hotel Room Worth it? (Hidden Costs) | Niagara Falls Canada

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for the next 24 hours I'm gonna be exploring Niagara Falls I'll be staying in a fancy Falls View room and doing a few of the various activities around this iconic Landmark if you wonder how much the hotel room and activities cost and whether or not they're worth it and maybe pick up a few travel tips while you're at it stick around to the end of this video [Music] [Applause] Hands in the Sky I think we've saved the best until last okay so destination number one the White Water walk [Music] well that certainly doesn't look very Savory you could potentially stand and watch this for quite some time was it worth 19 plus five for parking it's nice experience and all but something like this not gonna lie I kind of feel like it shouldn't cost so much I mean obviously they've got to charge for something because you have to use the elevator and they've got to maintain the boardwalk I don't know I don't know it is defense it's one of the most spectacular walks I've ever had to pay for just to give you perspective on how long the boardwalk actually is it's this long you know maybe if I ride one of these boards somewhere it would tell me exactly how long the walk actually is if I can find that I'll caption it in okay where to next uh more parking fees I just paid 35 parking here I have to pay 35 parking at the hotel hey guys Sam from the future here it's bringing you a little bit of advice I didn't learn until day two about the parking situation there's a lot of parking spaces right here next to the falls but they are ridiculously overpriced and expensive even the larger parking lots further up there or further down here costs 35 all day parking but that short 10 minute walk that I just came down from the Skyline Tower there are parking spaces there for ten dollars for the whole day or the one that I'm at just now at the skyline was 15 all-day Park just that little bit of knowledge can save you so much more money so much for coming on a weekday and meeting the crowds it's insanely busy [Music] and that folks is what we're all here for Niagara Falls that is the center point of the entire attraction to this area is not Niagara Falls which is arguably one of the most scenic locations in all of North America natural locations that's called the Maid of the Mist the one's the Canadian side they're the ones in the red ones that's called the hornblow I'm up to that one next [Music] oh [Music] to the skin so then I was stupid enough to stand at the front of the boat so I've only got myself to blame really 32 I think it is plus tax for an adult ticket I think that was definitely the most worth one so unfortunately I can't check into my hotel for another two hours and I am completely soaking wet so I guess I'm just gonna have to walk it off [Music] oh don't fall for it don't fall for it [Music] that's what the snow was [Music] yeah yeah I fell for it among other things of the Clifton Hill is the Sky Wheel go ahead thank you [Music] okay so next up is that one near the wax museum I've been reading about this place online apparently it's like considered one of the worst in the whole world which makes it funny thank you [Music] [Music] and what have they done to you Sean any guesses with this one I know that the robe is kind of giving it away a little bit it's Rupert Grint ah yes Emma Watson who could forget Daniel Radcliffe yes [Applause] any guesses try and guess this one [Music] oh no foreign [Music] touristy Carnival kind of feel to the whole thing makes you feel rather sort of artificial which I mean I guess if you're into that sort of stuff then it's great but I'm not kind of more like The Falls side of things okay so it looks like check-in is now available so I'm just gonna head over pick up the car and then I can go and check into the hotel okay [Music] this is nice this out of the way out of the way and the face marks that are all over the window gross this is what I paid all that money for this is gonna be my view tonight isn't that incredible but I have to go put this in my car first before I can get comfortable and enjoy the room so I'm gonna go do that now and then I'll come back for the grand tour a little longer than a few minutes later [Music] one hour later okay so after I got in I just crashed and chilled out for a little while because I was exhausted from all of that walking in the sun I think I'm actually pretty bad with sunburn as well and then what I did was I got a magira and get them all charged and stuff so that I could start recording again because all my batteries would come flat basically it's not as you would expect that they have any other room in fact I would say probably for my experiences of staying in the Marriott Hotel this is actually pretty average you get two beds you've got the really I don't know why they're always uncomfortable with couches and then there's not even really a desk here you usually get some sort of like desk you know it is what it is a little teen coffee making facility and then a little kind of Pokey kind of dingy bathroom I will agree that the view is fantastic but this thing here has all the pressure and power of someone dripping a glass of water over your head like there are smudges and stuff on the glass where people have been like touching it it's kind of gross the room is also filled with a lot of other people's hair pretty sure that's a toenail clipping the bedding has a few questionable stains on them too so for now all I have left to do is go get changed and then go get something for dinner there we go easy there's something always really awkward by going out and dining by yourself but whatever I think we're gonna have to go back to the hotel and lie down and just I can't go into a bit of a food coma and then start again with the adventure tomorrow morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning for day two in the lovely Niagara Falls how about that Sunrise eh the time lapse doesn't do it justice watch this video I woke up to that streaming game see the problem with the Shoppers there's no pressure whatsoever that's more like it [Music] I love me breakfast but this is my favorite things [Music] thank you snap the price breakdown the cost of the entirety of my stay at the Marriott Hotel it cost 412 the charge for the room itself is 244 while you're scrolling looking for a hotel price you'll see a bunch of different prices but that's never what you're finally going to pay you have to add tax to that additional to that I had to pay a amenity fee of 15.95 Plus 2.07 about 18 worth of amenity fee and that meant if he gets you a pass on the bus and spirits and beer sampling you have to pay for this but if we didn't particularly want to use any of those we still charge for it yeah so on the bill there's also an LF Ampersand dollar symbol to mat fee which according to the summary charges the bomboy app is actually the convention and tourism fee so not only are you paying for the view you have to pay for the convenience of being close to it the buffet breakfast including taxes cost a total of 42.62 cents [Music] so in my personal opinion I don't really think that it was particularly worth it they're a lot more affordable and good quality places that you can stay and with the money that you're saving you could afford to do way more things here the room being super expensive only comes down to one thing and one thing only that viewed and now I think we're ready to go barking the Skyline Tower was 15 but they did give you a dollar off Thatcher as well so yeah [Music] that's a long way to drop something valuable [Music] so the Skyline Tower has an upper view open air deck which is considerably nicer than watching it from indoors I'd say that the view from here is definitely better than what I had my hotel room it's definitely better than what I had on the Niagara Sky wheels that little thing down there I'm probably gonna list this in my top three things to do in Niagara so far I think this is one of the better ones so the tower also has a restaurant as well but there's a tax on food that's served really really high up and that's why it costs so much hi the open air deck is actually quite a nice thing on a hot day like this but I can imagine the winter might get a little bit nippy and that's our time pretty much over here in Niagara Falls but you know I think I might have time for just one more thing [Music] I definitely think that we saved the best a lot that's the end of our 24 hours in Niagara if you like this video and you want to see more like it don't forget to like comment share and subscribe and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Samwhere Anywhere
Views: 64,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GoPro, travel, travel tips, travel advice, travel destinations, ripleys, Tourist, Niagara falls, Niagara, what to do in niagara, fallveiw, falls view, fallsveiw, falls veiw, marrott, Marriott, travel hack, things to do, tourist traps, tourist trap
Id: dU2hHpN22lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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