Niagara Falls Power Plant Ruins

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today i'm back in wonderful niagara falls where it's a beautiful day as you can see for october we won't get many of these beautiful warm days like this i'm also at the scorch off power station site i'm sure i said that wrong but uh there's a sign up here i'll show it to you but as i was walking up here the first thing i noticed was the trolley for niagara falls actually comes here and there's also a bus now this site is absolutely free to anybody that would like to come we're gonna check it out a friend of mine a youtube acquaintance uh he has his own channel his name's uh david jeffrey he actually was here and he did some youtubing he took some pictures i'm gonna go ahead and link his site so you guys can check out his site also if you choose to but we're going to explore this and see exactly what it is here here we go [Music] [Music] oh there's obviously a little [Music] diagram showing it looks like this is probably before the collapse [Music] looks like this is pretty much self-serve you just go ahead and push the elevator and go [Music] down [Music] this is a non-functioning power plant actually uh half of it caved in i don't even know when but it was a long time ago they obviously stopped using it but the half of the power station that had didn't cave in they actually turned it into a museum now another interesting fact is the meat of the mist actually docks the boats here it's their dry dock for the winter time i do know this is a very long ways down so it could take this elevator a little bit of time see what's going on over here why we wait [Music] well we've got the elevator all to ourselves i guess we just hit the down button like i said before this is absolutely free so if you're using visiting niagara falls i do know i had a relative that actually walked from niagara deposit here they said it's walkable but it's good hike now also it's my phone but also uh we didn't see the trolleys out there so obviously it's at the trolley route and there's a little bus so if you're staying in there your falls or something to do for a little bit something different something that's not gonna cost you any money come on over here to the ruins of the power player we'll see here together if it's worth coming to visit or not like i said i've never been here i just saw it on someone else's site david jeffrey oh here we go doors open let's go let's see what kind of adventure we can get into oh wow check that out that goes all the way up where that's where we just came from way up there it's incredible well here we go here's some information about the site i'll let you guys read if you want to [Music] let's see what if it tells us here when it collapsed [Music] looks like we got fuel over here for the maid of the mist like i said they do dry dock it here oh look one of them are here right now today guess we got a bonus we get to see the maid of the mist oh okay this is what you guys came for look at that see there where the water used to come down through there wow look at all that old stone they just built it with stone no wonder the thing collapsed way up there that's the elevator we rode on from there all the way down this must be the ruins the side that collapsed over here you actually see right there where the water used to come down too maybe i'm going the wrong way just push me up there maybe let's see sorry guys if i keep clearing my throat i got a little bit of uh cold today no don't worry it's not covet 100 vaccinated i'm good look at this look at this chain fence that they got up here let's we're going to leave the path here hopefully i don't get in trouble well we're gonna go up here look at this got this fence and they got all these round cables through there yeah i mean this is made good and strong though they must still have rocks falling down from there all all the time these rocks must still be continuing to fall i'm thinking it's pretty much unstable oh there's something interesting i don't know what it is i don't know if you guys can see it or not there's a big metal something right there man it would be so nice if we could climb this fence and go over i know if i did that i'd really be pushing my luck but you guys know me you know that's exactly what i want to do right now ah we are going to uh we're gonna break a little bit of the rolls here and see we're not supposed to go past this right here that's where they want you to stop but we are not going to stop we're going to keep touring this adventure here man i really want to get out here and climb these climb up on the ruins here well if you're still in the video we are definitely going places we're not supposed to be hey there's the new uh all fully electric made of the mist boat then you got the old one there still too they don't use that one anymore i don't know why it's still here they actually have two electric boats you go look at my other videos you'll find that i did a whole vlog on the new electric made of the mist the new electric made in the mist boats i didn't know there would be so much hiking here i only wore my regular tennis shoes i never wear my hiking shoes see ah this is so cool i don't know how far i'll be able to go without getting in trouble without someone seeing me and yelling at me we're going to keep going until someone says something actually we can't get in there look at that [Music] that is so cool [Music] i should really come back with my hiking shoes on all right i already have people looking at me i can hear water i think i'm gonna go up to that point right there not many people here but there's a couple down there that were staring at me you were wanting to know what this guy was doing okay like i told you i went off that little path there and it brings you much closer much closer to the ruins i'm sure you're still not supposed to be back here walking but as you can see here here's some pipe from the old power plant here you see the threads there the pipe let's look up in there well i'm going to edit the video i don't know if we see anything what else keep climbing here look at this some old steel beam of some sort some concrete look at how that metal just twisted rivets just popped right out of there that's how they used to construct this stuff with rivets pound them in there definitely got more of the ruins here just some conduit take some melted tar wow still more that metal beam there over here oh i'm sliding i'm gonna fall okay over here you can see part of the old wall made of the concrete and uh stones where they built the old power plant actually i might have to come back here when i have some proper hiking gear on and really hike through there and explore this but for now this is all you get wow if you stayed with me till the end i have something very exciting to show you trying to hide from people so they don't see me i don't want to get in trouble for this but i came across something very interesting of course there's lots of people around right there i'm going to show you the maid of the mist there's people on the may the mist but they have a docked they're doing some kind of training right there if you see them this wide angle camera but i'm glad you stayed with me because i have something very exciting to show you and here it is i was walking around having to come across these i believe they would have been water outtakes take a look look at that [Music] you can just imagine thousands millions of gallons just pouring out of there but we are going to go investigate it this is going to be really interesting if i can get up in here yeah no one cost them cops on me and i don't go to jail cause everybody can see me now wow there's obviously water in there man i tell you this freaks me out just being here now there used to be so many thousands of gallons of water just rushing through here maybe another day i'll come back some waiters and go through that get over to where those things are what's up here i don't know well if you like my videos and you stay till the end you just got yourself one heck of a bonus you know this might be a good spot for a thumbnail i got my front screen turned off so i don't know what anything looks like i take my glasses off i mean i know i'm sweating get the sweat off my face that might be a good spot for a thumbnail i don't know let's try this way i don't know if you guys can see anything back there [Music] i hope this turns out because i really think that would be cool where am i all right larry out
Channel: Larry W
Views: 17,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ppW00ZZkSX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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