Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron Take a Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 24 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
set yo charli's today you'll be taking a lie-detector test so traumatic this is pretty dramatic dramatic one of you will be hooked up to the machine and the other will conduct the interview and then you'll switch so who wants to go first this was a terrible idea it's nice to know a computer from 1984 [Laughter] okay hi Seth hi Sharlee Sharlee don't ask me if I've seen that thing is your name Seth Rogen it is you get a real-time results have you ever smoked weed are you nervous I am are you you're Canadian correct I am a dual citizen yeah is it true that Canadians are nicer than Americans I think they are who do you think is even nicer Canadian yeah Ryan Reynolds or Ryan Gosling I'm gonna say Ryan Reynolds and I say that cuz I've never never I mean Gosling who's that true it is true that's true yeah you may be nervous I don't know if I am or not I have that Ryan Reynolds did you feel like 'full he's a lot nicer than a guy that handsome needs to be so he's as nice as a short do you think Canadians are more attractive than Americans modest not as a real Canadian politicians are more attractive than American politicians yes [Laughter] this guy's hard to read are you upset that this Canadian never asked you to be on his show cheap I mean I've hosted his show but I'm not Florin I'm not upset that I am I upset I haven't been a cast member on us built though that I would not do good at that but he is lovely he's been very nice to me Lauren there's not a lot of Canadian Jews so you stick together quit wouldn't you meet one okay focus right his Canadian bacon better than American bacon no return to my own country Canadian Bacon's weird it's ham I'll just come clean it's HAP know is ham it's ham in a pan it's pan ham it's like British bacon that floppy it's like a floppy disk you weren't thinking to be crispy and I'm sorry Canadian you grew up doing karate in Canada yes I did yes did you think karate was cool I did the karate was cool the karate kid was one of my favorite movies were you more of a Danny Larusso or a Johnny Lawrence type fighter you know I got into karate because I liked Danny Larusso but as I did karate more I learned I was more of Cobra Kai yeah we swept the foot we did foot sweeps are you a black belt no I was a brown belt sounds raised did you click it over there what's the click okay do you think you could beat me in a fight no definitely not I truly don't think I can if I'd like an implement a stick bowling pin or something did you begin your career doing stand-up I did is it true your mom drove you to your first stand-up she did you met your writing partner Evan Goldberg in berm it's for class right I did was his bar mitzvah more fun than yours probably because he had fake tattoo guy at his Bar Mitzvah and I had square dancing teacher at my bar mitzvah if you were ever gonna ask a kid what school or fake tattoo guy or square to teach a guy a big fake tattoo guy do you think he became a man after I become okay still your best friend yeah no you and Evan we're also both writers on Ali G show we were yeah is that where you met your wife sort of someone who worked on that show introduced me to my wife was this her first major role it was Trixie geeks a little I am do you stay in touch with the other actors I do I've talked to both of them in the last month I would say do you think it was canceled too soon I do think it was canceled too soon and I didn't yell up the guy who canceled in actually backstage at SNL once is there a reunion in the works no no did I do if you had to set me up with one of your former co-stars who would it be Jason Mantzoukas does Zac Efron or Nick Kroll that's a good question probably weirdly Mantzoukas yeah he's great you'll meet him tonight actually maybe maybe maybe it's a set up but I'm sorry to crawl in sack thanks to young for you right bye-bye sorry son see are you high right now and don't lie on you right now no no I thought I got nervous maybe because I thought I might have we smoked we together I think so probably right you know do you think I'd be fun to be high with yes more fun than this person in some ways that's true it is yeah I that's a compliment yeah that is a compliment you bring different things to the table okay what about this person David Arbor he's amazing he is we flew back on an airplane with him recently yeah yeah more more fun me or him you were more fun than David Harbor he's great yeah what what about him what about this guy post Malone I'm more fun or is he more fun to be high with I would rather hang out with you this is amazing yeah he's telling the truth it is I mean it's fun it's like thank God okay or how about this guy this is a tough one focus is this what Michael Cera looks like now I hope I'm never deposed okay do you think this this person Michael no did he really inhale did he actually inhale do you think he probably smoked weed come on this guy I'm not being constant okay yes I do think Bill Clinton in ales have you given your dark dog Zelda weed once weed smoke in her face and then she stare me in the eyes and no probably not if you do do it outside okay at any point during this interview did you lie no and we didn't catch you just be honest be cool if I could be in the lie detector we didn't lie my good skills that one's let me try to beat it has to be something and I just want to see if I can beat this dude do you have a double D sighs breast yeah unfortunately maybe so that's not a good I'm a big B or a small t are you a Russian polish eighty year old woman yes no dice Oh see okay thank God but one day I will okay ready are you ready yes I'm ready is your name Charlize Theron yes yes Charlie stone yes are you nervous right now no I don't think so no you don't care about this let's get started you were born in South Africa is that correct yes but you don't have a South African accent right now yes is that because you have a good pretend American accent and you're just doing it all the time no really I learned English like an American okay what's the most South African thing you could say right now South African or Afrikaans just a South African thing yeah we'll get dog what's the most stuff that for good thing you can say right now let's have a look at Brian tonight I is that is that the most South African thing she could have said in this moment okay good how would the computer it would know if you do somewhere in your head there was a more South Africa moment you should be can offer cons right I do yes can you tell me what you think of me in our pecans I think I said by aleca oh and yes byah byah snarks he's definitely 50 stocks the yen 20 stocks the meat so that I came and yeah how fun a big here to work who's that right ha do i stocks that's right you do snobs do you think it's fair that I'm in the Lion King and you're not I do think that's completely fair Dave Matthews is also South African yes I think so I think he's half South African no I love Dave Matthews and a three-day Matthew songs crash this is Dave is watching this don't worry about it do you like Dave Matthews yes I do but you don't know three of his songs so that's okay what about Diane thwart the untoward yes yes I like the untwist what concert would you rather go see with me Deanne bored or Dave Matthews Odeon would you you would enjoy I would like Deanne toward the end with you Dave Matthews concert they're amazing yeah you can't be married to a Jewish woman and not have been dragged to a few Dave Matthews concert tell me about it these are photos of you in 1996 in 2019 are you aware that you have not aged I just have a live look are you aware that you see yes or no no I've aged okay I have aged are you a vampire no I've aged how can you be a man just know I'm not a vampire a lot of people have been talking about it this whole thing was reverse engineered for us to find a chance to ask you if you're a vampire I am NOT a vampire you won the Oscar for Best Actress in 2004 is that correct yes where do you keep your Oscar in the TV room is your Oscar your most prized possession now but it's not fun right no okay people says if money never got tough though would you consider selling your Oscar that's tough I wouldn't want to right now you can borrow it for okay thank you do you think I would be a good Oscar host yes thank you we share some intimate scenes in our film do we yes am i a better kisser than Vin Diesel I don't want to know the answer to that yes you are thank you God do you have a photo of Vin Diesel just in case nobody knows who we carry them everywhere I have a stack of a door what about this person uh you know she's a good kisser she is a very she Chris christina ricci she's a very good kisser what about this man I would say it's a tie good I'll take it move on don't don't answer that there you go again so I don't give a you don't give a do you think I'm a better singer than this man no good I don't know sorry it's that's mcFarland yes yes no he's an amazing singer yeah sorry have you ever been on a dating app no have you ever gotten too drunk on the first date yes too stoned yes you were mentioned in the German song Omega bike or leg ah I was apparently let's listen to it yeah that sounds like the last thing my grandmother heard by parties miss promise he stars we Beyonce older Charlize Theron which translated means at parties with celebrities and stars like Beyonce and Charlize Theron so have you ever been at a party with Beyonce yes who do you think would win a beer pong me you or Beyonce I think me at any point during this interview did you lie we didn't catch you no I did not lie nice we did mic drop
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 2,836,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charlize theron, lie detector, seth rogen, lie detector test, polygraph exam, lie detector exam, polygraph test, lie detectors, lie detector vanity fair, seth rogen and charlize theron, charlize theron and seth rogen, seth rogen 2019, charlize theron 2019, charlize theron vanity fair, seth rogen vanity fair, seth rogen long shot, charlize theron long shot, seth rogen interview, charlize theron interview, seth rogen weed, charlize theron weed, seth, charlize, vanity fair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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