The Try Guys Take A Lie Detector Test

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so today the try guys are taking a lie detector test if you ever pictured anyone at the office do you think you're better than other people because you have a great marriage you ever wanted to any of us the try guys are gonna interrogate each other and see who are the liars and how much we deeply secretly hate each other right John we will I'm John I'm a polygraph examiner I've tested over 8,000 people if I see one of them lying I will let you know God hates Liars and I hate liars all right let's detect those lies they do lie but it's only because they don't want to hurt people's feelings good morning Keith how we doing start with the softball Keith do you like my chest hair yes Keith his line I wouldn't want it on myself do you ever think I talk about my wife too much oh yeah keith is telling the truth I mean yeah I told ya do you have a really large mouth yes you ever wonder about how many big things you can fit inside of it yeah are those things sometimes penises for comedies sake yeah for sexual sake sometimes no pee fish line okay there's good thing I'm nervous about my results agree like I ain't never boys I do like I lie a lot but if you ask me a direct question I will give you a direct answer porn Diddy if that is your real username is there anything that you're afraid we'll ask today no he's lying do you like being single yeah he's telling the truth sometimes it's okay like I think they're their purse you think you talk too much have you ever stolen anything from one of us other than a pen no he's telling the truth but I've definitely stolen where do they go I'm a pretty bad liar I don't have a problem telling the truth even if it hurts do you think you have a problem controlling your volume no he's lying well I don't think it's a problem do you think I'd make a good husband he's lying can't get anything by you jack picture this you can either save a school bus full of nuns or your wife Ariel do you murder the nuns and cold-blooded murder those he's telling the truth it's an easy question the nuns are typically very old there at the end nobody likes nuns Eugene I was I grew up Catholic I'm not a fan of lying but I do have a lot of Secrets all right good morning Eugene how we feel and today Eugene do you secretly think that Ned and his wife are gonna get divorced someday no of course give us he's lying I could have told you that Zack to be fair I'm a child of divorce so am I the only child of divorce in the try guys yep yep there's some stuff to your brains guys do you believe in true love No he's telling the truth oh wow you believe in ghosts yes he's telling the truth what yeah I would not have normally not admit that but my mom potentially is psychic so I found that out she was her mother was weaned on the teat of the town psychic because post Korean War anyway a lot of women died of disease so we had to use the psychic Eugene do you think that's weird no he's telling the truth well it is Eugene have you ever thought about replacing one of us in the try guys yes he's telling the truth we should have a black member right of course yeah you ever made out with a co-worker no he's lying yeah I could tell that even without being hooked up to a polygraph do you think that I'm bad at karaoke yeah keith is telling the truth do you think you're more handsome than Keith yes he's telling the truth you ever wanted to any of us no he's lying have you made out with two of our coworkers no he's mine you know want to me no telling the truth a boat full of new born Italian babies or a boat with your wife have you ever won and me no telling the truth then we already know who he wants to do you think you're a better performer than the rest of us yes thief is telling the truth have you made out with three of our coworkers he's lying Bob can I have four know who's telling the truth okay so it's a three it's three do you think you're funnier than the rest of us yes peepers telling the truth turn on the really picture do you kill the Italian baby boat Ned yes he's telling the truth yes I believe in his love with her these scenarios I don't know those babies Ned you and Ariel are so cute together is any of it just for show yeah sure he's telling the truth it's like Instagram sometimes you post the photo that's like the cutest version I don't need your explanation let's talk about Becky Oh beautiful fiance Becky you ready to get married yeah keith is telling the truth follow up question there Keith everyone knows you love fried chicken if you had to give up Fried Chicken for the rest of your life in order to marry your fiance would you do it yeah keith is telling the truth Wow I'm so sorry is your hair the product of all your insecurities yes she's telling the truth was the one thing people said was attractive when I was young I didn't even get that do you think you'll ever get married yeah telling the truth then why do you give me so much about it do you ever want children yes he's telling the truth you hated little kiddies you think I'm ever gonna find love yeah teeth is lying Cherokee's eugene do you know how much the three of us care about you no telling the truth we gotta be better about them hey Keith do you like Ned's dog no what keith is telling the truth I don't like any dog do you like Eugene stone I do it's chief is telling the truth then I'm know if you noticed but uh medicine to the left ear also has a wedding ring on do you just assume that you have a better marriage than most people you know he's telling the truth you think you have a better marriage than John I I assume so yeah you know he's older marriages tend to you know not get it's as good as they get older but like I don't know everybody does I'll kill you right here John if you could save your wife for that it's not full of orphans die would you do it I'd kill her there you go out of all the try guys he's your favorite Keith he's telling a curve which of the track guys do you love Caitlin's telling the truth who is your favorite out of the other try guys Keith he's telling the truth so which one of us [Music] Keef is telling the truth jumpy our body I'm the battery do you think you're the best tracker no he's telling the truth but I do think I'm better than some of you do you think you're the best Tryg I know you're telling the truth Ned do you think you're the best in the try guys no he's lying do you think you are the best try guy yes keith is telling the truth sorry you have to have self-confidence so that was great I like being hooked up to machines yeah I tried to lie several times and it didn't really work I don't think I'm self-absorbed but maybe I am huh apparently I want to Zac which is super gross well I just hope this makes us better friends have you ever hooked yourself up to one of these and just like ask yourselves questions in the mirror see what you truly believe it's not a toy no everything's a toy if you play with it [Music] do you think you can ever learn how to answer a yes or no question with just yes or no here's the thing though is that there's complexity right let's see question coming out I feel like you know there's a lot of shades of gray in the world I'll kill you right
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 21,008,664
Rating: 4.9480662 out of 5
Keywords: besties, eugene, buzzfeed zach, keith, detector, challenge, polygraph, buzzfeed ned, buzzfeed, funny, false, buzzfeed keith, secrets, try guys, zach, lie, heartbeat, truth, PSSC, test, ned, buzzfeed eugene
Id: QxhlECJytWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2017
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