The Try Guys Make Star Wars Legos Without Instructions

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what in Harry Potter looked like this welcome to without instructions Lego edition today we have a bunch of LEGO pieces but we have no idea what we're making no instructions how to do it and probably no shot hour and I've only done this finger this temple needs to be beautiful I'm looking at the pieces there's some green some tan some Browns feels like a bank [Music] let's see what I'm doing today 3 2 1 oh my god oh the first without instructions we did was an Ikea set and I really focused on trying to create what it was supposed to be but this time I think I'm going to try to put a little Eugene energy in this and maybe lean into some creativity we have two hours to try to figure it out and put it together and whoever gets the closest to the actual thing or just does the best job in general will win joining us today is seventeen-year-old jack the jackhammer a Lego maniac in his own right hi my name is jack and a handful of people will know me as the jackhammer here on YouTube but I'm a 17 year old kid who lives in eastern Georgia in a small town and I build with Lego know a lot of people when they were kids they played with Lego I was one of those kids except I never have grew it today we were actually building this Lego Yoda set we're gonna try to figure this out now what is this take me to the blurriness will help hey where do you start as you can see it's it's a big Yoda and this brick builds it's actually got 1,700 pieces so it's almost up there to 2,000 pieces I feel like has to do something with land because these taupe to tan pieces make me feel like they are terrestrial I really don't know what the hell is this for the instruction manual here you definitely want to use this I'm just gonna go ahead and say it is going to be nearly impossible if you try to jump in without an instruction booklet especially for something of 1,700 pieces okay let's do it I'm ready two hours on the clock three two one Legos this is feels like a good clues at a flag is a flagpole this is supposed to go through this it fits was this an avatar is this an avatar based Lego set do they have avatar based LEGO sets been watching a lot of Avatar Netflix [Music] maybe it's a necklace I know that we talked about dipping in a pop culture talked about Star Wars we talked about Harry Potter those are also very expensive though so I don't know if we actually did that all of this tan reminds me of the Star Wars Episode one but I don't see any attack drones from Star Wars Episode one so that's probably not it maybe this is gonna be a robot it's like a little skull yeah and what's this this looks like a like a like some sort of spaceship base when in doubt I'm gonna build a spaceship what in doubt make a spaceship I'm making a spaceship I'm just gonna go for style I'm coming for creativity I'm very inspired by Avatar right now I'm going to make an earth Kingdom temple why is there so much green oh I know what it is a mini Yoda right this is his cape this is his other part of his cape this is all of his face good at Legos what do I think it is how could I possibly know it's a bank of course Ned no within seconds what told him anything so what I've done is I've actually organized all of these bags in front of me because the nice thing about Lego sets is that it doesn't give you every single part just in one big box it's actually organized into bags and the reason why they do this is so you can build certain sections that it's fine and you can put them to the side and I would never recommend opening all these bags and dumping them into the same pile I don't I just don't I don't I'm not gonna follow these mounds I'm just gonna I'm sorry who organized things was it you Jonathan was he Myles was it you you organized them I'm sorry all right I'm gonna grab all the flat pieces and these are gonna be my base use these to kind of tape them together it's not a very attractive cultivate but it does look like just like sand so I'm gonna make this my my dirt okay let's just here we go let's just make some decisions this obviously goes there then you've got water yeah what is the blue from what could it be it can't be a train I love Legos I played them a lot as a kid I built all sorts of spaceships and I remember I had this giant mother ship that was like this big with ten little tiny Flyers that would go boom and like fly off of it I was a subscriber to Lego magazine every month I submitted my creation to that freaking magazine and I never got featured as a kid when I play with Legos I usually just had the big buckets of Legos and I would just make whatever was in my imagination hits the painters and I was more of a lego paint one year for Hanukkah I got the Steven Spielberg lego movie maker kid there was a camera that you could do stop-motion and it connected into basically like a version of iMovie it's how I learned how to edit but my entire passion for moviemaking and storytelling really started with that kid you know I was a kid I had Legos but I didn't have a Lego set where I was like trying to build a specific castle I just had Lego mishmash passed down for my brothers I made boats I put them in my bathroom sink and they float until they didn't I'm creating a base I think look very into symmetry so I don't really know what I'm doing I just know that I want this to look symmetrical here we go this is his cloak and his lightsaber it's coming together so these are his fingers and these are his nails there we go live tiny fingers four little claws hehehe here's some circles maybe it's just Harry Potter maybe I'm overthinking it maybe it's just Hogwarts do some guys with heads there any faces on there no there's no heads why would that be why would it be no heads is it the famous headless ghosts part of the Harry Potter world okay so I've got a nice beige base you know what's really weirding me out about this is how there are so all these long flat pieces I can't even build height with this [ __ ] so these are technical arts they're not system parts like this so a system part is pretty much the Lego you were used to but there's something called Technic parts which are parts like this with axles and gears but if you're trying to jump into this blind using parts like these it's gonna be near impossible and I'm pretty sure if you try to build this without an instruction manual these parts you probably won't even use this okay hey hold on we got arms akio instructions what in Harry Potter looked like this way so it's Star Wars kind of created like a base for my bossing say structure my earth Kingdom structure and I'm just deciding how I'm gonna build up this temple I know the greens because they have these curved faces would be good for an Asian roof I wish it this way but the black looks like an only a flat piece so I'm gonna make this the bottom we're just gonna start building something because that's what Lego is I always like in my spaceships making little secret compartments here it is so far it's like hold man he's like do or do not there is no try only shift gears in absolutes I saw you on that you know in power and I've only those fingers okay okay you guys I'm a little overwhelmed right now I am pitting out this camp what could it be is it r2d2 let's just put all these on the thing let's just do this huh something shoots a laser I don't have enough the pieces I want for the base I want but I think I accidentally actually made part of a roof this is basically you building the skeleton where the frame of Yoda himself so now you can start to see this is going to be a Yoda you can start to see you got two feet and a skeleton body basically they don't have that I don't even think they're gonna build a Yoda I think they're just gonna be even more creative and find something else to build then it would come down to who built the most creative thing in that begun interesting making sort of a bossing say earth Kingdom pagoda so I took one pile and I said it I'm making a spaceship orange hell yeah this I know I'm saving these these got to be featured pieces my new thinking is that all of the beige is gonna be the desert landscape on which I build so we got this done that's looking good the lightsaber oh no what's this all right so I've got his two hands on this little thing which comes up and then can come in to grasp lightsaber detector up Yoda holding a lightsaber this is what I shall submit to the judges why was lightsaber be this big do you guys think let's think Matt for a minute a lightsaber this big won't mean a person this big yo [Music] it's Jana okay we can that looks like a structure of some sort bed and trying to make the curved edge of the like East Asian style roofs hey cool that's Asian this is folk' first of all this is pretty dope I put this in here it's like a little seat belt or maybe a control panel it's gotta be from a Star Wars maybe it's from the new shitty one where they go to the desert Coachella Festival you guys remember that scene and then they find Lando Calrissian very convenient starting to take shape you know what you're building now looks like you ooh we're gonna connect this to the skeleton it's funny how this is actually like white like the actual bones this is what we call it's not technique because we're placing it sideways so the studs are not on top so it's a snot building pecking and look at that it's starting to shape up at this point I just gotta start putting stuff together so this will be the top of his head there's some of his hair pretty good do you like it's do you like it let's just build yoga what does the author look like to you hi I'm Jimmy he's a little man let's just let's just do it lower again we're making Yoda up these are his feet okay I'm trying to get him a nice set of feet and we're gonna give him these as his little freaky toes and we got to start getting grays green boy great all right so I've got his face in a pretty good shape gave him some Groucho Marx eyebrows mm-hmm there's time okay look there's a little little feet okay this is obviously complete obviously perfect put that aside wait it's orange on it maybe this is like a landing port I am now invested in 20 million this temple needs to be beautiful the next objective is building a second tower and then once I get the general structure I'm just gonna start filling it in with details because Asian temples are very colorful so actually the color scheme here is gonna be really fun to play with I like how he looks so far not a lot of people have a sexual attraction to Yoda not a lot of people so what Lego does to make it easier to find certain parts is that the parts that are on the inside that you can't see from the outside when the whole set is complete it'll make them a strange color so it'll be like in this case yellow blue and green which doesn't make sense for Yoda but I appreciate it because so much easier with mine this is like the side it's gonna go in right here I'm accepting the fact that whatever they're building right now is most likely nowhere even close to Yoda so I'm seeing these little things which seem like a real pain in the ass I don't want to do them but if I just kind of drop them in here it's like a swimming pool okay he needs to be taller how are we gonna get that to happen they say that knees are the windows to the soul just kidding I'm pitting out like crazy we're gonna do a mid tier shirt change it's got to be like Nascar super quick oh he's been I'm gay all right so here's what's happening I have got his body kind of started to assemble this is his brain very important he's very smart here's his little arm and I'm gonna figure out a way to attach his hands to his arm now we make the hips looking stylish she's probably got some cool like waist thing so I need to connect his brain to his face and then his arm to is lifesaver and then spy okay I'm just gonna make some stuff and eventually I'm gonna have to create a narrative everybody loves narrative hammers gonna love that no no I'm pretty proud of this and I kind of think I could just throw the rest of these pieces away something lightsaber did I just find a lightsaber is this doors not anymore it's bossing say baby now it's on the top of my temple what the [ __ ] is this oh this is probably a flag Asians don't do flags like that okay I made his mouth now we just gotta go upwards baby upwards okay here we are he's coming together thanks for joining us again look at this do de right now so he's got his little tunic he's got this little cute dress situation and then now his his bare chest is being exposed because he's a strong a co de those are these are his training rectangles and he throws them at Luke all the pieces are flat which is so frustrating because you can't get any height on this guy well I have made his face a little more three-dimensional see I've got this like skeleton little thingy and then this is a piece and then I'm trying to connect it to this but it's got to be a lot stronger than that I can't figure out how to keep his head on his body connect it there and then this pops right into place on the other side and just like that starting to look like a Yoda head nice get ahead that can kind of tilt forward and stuff that's kind of cool oh oh holy [ __ ] this must be right work hard I do figure it out I'm us I don't think I'm gonna be able to use all the pieces and you know what that's gonna I'm gonna lose but I did come up with a very exciting discovery we've got this we've got this together a tasteful boner oops my penis was on the internet again look I'm just gonna start adding more stuff just to make it look or I think it's a more jagged yeah maybe I should give the ship a boner Oh guys we're figuring out what this is supposed to be the dick ship so I'm the structure off so I can put all these nice clean pieces down so I can create my garden what else looks like flowers here he's kind of ours yeah maybe it's a crop top and he's also because I'm running out of greens like I have some beans for his head okay so his torso his shirt is almost done and then we got to get the arms okay that's a robe and very top-heavy it looks like a little shield that slides on just like that boom he's holding a lightsaber I don't even know how the face could possibly work okay hold on yeah okay okay I got it I got it I got it all right I've only got a few minutes left I clearly have not even attempted to use any of these pieces so I'm going with a concept here we've got our dope spaceship he's got a little hot tub of course there's a lifeguard chair here because safety first and then I have this diving board but I have this boner and I don't know what to do with this because if I put it on the ship it's like a dish ship what if or if it's a boner diving board that's definitely what Lego intended nice Oh God okay let's get his belly button oh and how do we get that belly button to work earlier we did this he put his little belts on and give them a little Yoda belly button that's adorable I know I know I know let me finish my pond there we go like this and just need them to climb that looks pretty good supposed to be this belly button - oh yeah yeah I feel very good about this [Music] after hours of perfect building it is now time to be judged I am very excited to see what the this was supposed to be and now we're going to go meet with Jack on a zoom and he's gonna tell us if we nailed it I'm pretty sure I got its Yoda he's kind of got that perplex like he ate something sour kind of face how's it going jack I'm good how are you we're good we're good you are I like to think I'm an expert but by all means probably not well I am so excited to finally find out what it is we have been trying to build this whole time do I only want to see him I also I'm gonna do that yeah okay jack are you knows what we do [Music] this is what it looks like in real life beginners mistake because I automatically only thought of locations and places that's not a bad place to go to because a lot of it a lot of what Lego is is locations in places hopefully you would have gotten a few they it's a lightsaber a popsicle or something like that nope all right well what criteria are you gonna be judging us today there's three factors the first one is accuracy so that's how close you guys got to the actual set the second one is completion and that's how many pieces you use and then the final factor is creativity so if you didn't get anywhere close if you just rolled with it and it looks cool that's just that's a plus in my book how many Lego bricks have you stepped on in your lifetime more more than I can count that your sand or your feet becomes like sandpaper after a while so you don't feel it I believe I'm presenting first I had in the back of my mind that maybe this was Star Wars related cuz that's a lot of Lego [ __ ] I gave up really quickly so I said I'm gonna go with something that's currently inspiring me been watching a lot of Avatar seeing the color scheme I merely thought earth Kingdom which I proudly present to you is my avatar bossing say earth Kingdom but go down Wow very beautiful I oppressed jeez Louise inside is a pond that's where I use the blue there's a pond underneath these pieces that are supposed to be right side up and turn them upside down so that they would create more of an asian-style roof where they curve upwards that is impressive I'm not gonna lie obviously that's that's not a Yoda oh so the accuracy is definitely almost all the way at the bottom and you didn't use a whole lot of parts but you use parts in a way that I would not have expected you to so I'm impressed by that and your completion score even though you didn't use a lot of pieces I'm impressed by a piece count or like the the style of pieces and the way you use them where I was completely blown away by was creativity because if I had to do this same challenge I don't think I would ever want to flock to something like this so your creativity through the roof I am thoroughly impressed and I love the way it looks Jack I don't know if you've ever seen shy guys without a recipe but this is pretty much in line with my typical narrative didn't know what I was doing vaguely Asian maybe I basically kind of used the force Wow all right next is Keith and now I will say that I was able to guess that this was Yoda my approach to this this Yoda was to build him from the ground up so you'll see my completion it gets less and less as the taller he gets but I did give him some style I did give him some Flair I wanted him to be a hottie bow body and this is my Yoda oh yeah is that a belly button or a dick in the movie button yes that middle section that's sort of him wearing a crop top so his belly is out he's feeling good about himself and then as you see in the head I really ran out of times like yo despot life yeah okay as far as accuracy goes you you knew that I was Yoda and you knew that you're building a big Yoda so your accuracy even though it's exact it's not exactly like the sin you built Yoda so your accuracy is pretty much out there you got the idea correct as far as completion you used a lot more pieces than Eugene did like you used a lot of different pieces too for creativity I like what you did by taking Yoda and making him hot you didn't make you know you made a baby girl Yoda girl thank you jack I your your words are very inspiring to me perhaps I do also have a huge career in this jack welcome to my world of Lego imagination now I did not know that it was you actually I did figure out that it was Yoda but decided intentionally to do something else that was definitely a choice and not desperation I proudly present droids day off oh my goodness so what you have here is a troop is a droid that has actually left his life and he's gone to the desert and he said you know what I'm gonna build this scavenging ship and build my own little life so let's take a look at his ship he's got a dope-ass these little things that search for buried treasure and shuck them up I used one of those little connection pieces for a little cockpit if we go over here we see the Droid he's got a mini lightsaber hell yeah in life and of course going back to the wide you see he's got a swimming pool that he hangs up and looks at next to the swimming pool is that a boater diving board that's right he's got a giant dick for a diving board because he's jealous of human what I film okay so for accuracy you didn't build Yoda my horse you still kind of went a Star Wars rounds because you built a spaceship that's a couple accuracy points in my book as far as completion you've made a complete set so you may not have used all the pieces that came in this set but you have three separate portions up to your to your model as far as creativity this is also extremely creative because you still made a swimming pool and a boner diving board so it's pretty cool I think your creativity is really high and your completion is also really high in my book thank you jack your words mean the word world to me well Jack for my creation I was attempting to build Yoda that's what I thought it was but you know I Yodas always so like stoic I wanted to give them some expression some joy some pizzazz so I present to you you know these on that light paper so he's fighting he's not like whoa that's so funny it's like Shrek got shrunk and electrocuted yeah I gave him some Groucho Marx eyebrows and if you look in the close-up I really really focused on getting his claws to grip that like paper I am impressed to say it simply it does actually look like Shrek like like its ears kind of look like strength I I don't know what makes him look like Shrek but he does kind of look like it as far as making the actual set you're the most accurate out of everybody you've got the closest to making a Yoda and you got the closest to the actual positioning of holding a lightsaber first completion I'd say it's definitely up there as well because you made a full Yoda so you completed what you're trying to go for and as far as creativity unfortunately and this is kind of like a double bladed sword because well if you want to be super accurate it's hard to be super creative well you were very accurate incompletes you didn't go SuperDuper creative the most creative thing I see which is actually a good thing is you gave him an expression on his face but I definitely think you excelled and actually completing the thought you're going for and making an accurate version of Yoda I want to put Ned's head on my guy's body I think we'd have a pretty convincing monster so this is the hard part I've got to choose a winner I've got to choose three different losers Eugene he started off I really really like his concept I was so impressed by what it was that I didn't really care that he only used a handful of pieces or that it wasn't Yoda at all for Keith's a very creative route gave him a very flowy skirt in a like you said a tube top so that's very funny Zac I really liked his model a whole lot because he had the most it felt like the most complete model and the fact that he made a spaceship a swimming pool and a diving board that you can visit like position how you want you can fly the spaceship in and you can move the droid around that was something really cool and then finally we had Ned his is probably the most accurate he pretty much nailed the lightsaber in the hands his creativity is a little bit low but it's definitely super duper accurate and SuperDuper cool this is the really hard part because I don't want to do some people dirty but I have to sew in fourth place think Anna's fourth place out last place in fourth place I'm gonna have to put [Music] [Music] the reason carry out the reason I had to put it at the bottom it was right no because it doesn't it doesn't feel complete but I can see that you're running out of time and I can see that you were pressured well we're never gonna be friends now last place I will accept it however our friendship is over you're not Jackie's favorite I actually have a couple of toss me up in the air right now so you weren't sure about second third this is so tough I think I know what third place is for third place I'm going to say Eugene he of course did not build a Yoda um even if you like knew that he was supposed to go that route he went a completely different route and he built something I think it actually looks the best out of everybody it's really creative it may not be accurate but I really like the way it looks I like the direction like that is something that I would actually display so that's why I have to blow my god out there that's the only criticism I could ever ask for thank you I only want people to call me a good-looking build [Music] and then if I were there with you I'd be holding your hand isn't it tight right now dude and yeah me too this one is this one is tough this one's real tough it is this second and first is so close I almost want to do a coin flip right now like that's how close it is I think I got it I think I got because he all said follow my heart and what I would like to see and like her for first place I would crown yeah all right here we go hear me out so Ned he made Yoda he made the best looking Yoda he made the closest thing to the actual set yeah I don't build sets and stuff like that I built set for my own head and that's basically what you guys were doing so I'm tending to lean more towards creativity than I am accuracy so if I were to lean like all the way to accuracy like the most accurate build always Wentz then Ned would have by far one but mm-hmm the reason Zack is on top he hit the mark right on creativity as I mentioned before it's complete because he has three separate portions to his bills Jack thanks for judging yesterday I'm sorry about our friendship for all those who want to see more of your amazing stuff they can check out your channel through the link down below in comment blue what do you want us to see bill next I do want to like give props to everybody because I liked every single thing the idea and every single things too late it's a homer between us is it the Millennium Falcon isn't a dream is it Endor is not hot hey dat No
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,557,280
Rating: 4.9535809 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, legos, lego, lego city, art with legos, star wars legos, lego star wars, lego build, lego building, lego toys, build, without instructions, without a recipe, toys, toy, toys for kids, unboxing, review, competition, winner, loser, challenge
Id: -eCPRON4asA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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