The Truth About White Ichigo | A BLEACH Character Analysis

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You know, one of the reasons I love Kubo  so much is that no matter how much I   think I know about the content, he still  manages to blow my mind with new, interesting   details. The latest of these mind-blowing  revelations is White Ichigo or White for short.   The character archetype of White has become  somewhat of a staple in anime and manga.   People see White and think, “Oh, it’s the cliché  dark side of the main character archetype”.   Think Naruto and Kurama, Asta and Liebe,  and Itadori and Sukuna. But even though   Ichigo and White along with Naruto are the  characters who popularized this archetype,   I came to find that I did not understand White as  deeply as I thought I did. I believed White to be   the hollow embodiment of Ichigo’s raw instinctual  battle instincts. Even though we later learn that   he is the embodiment of Ichigo’s hollow and  Shinigami powers, I internalized that demonic   image I had built into my mind. He was a monster,  craving power and control over Ichigo’s mind and   body. He was a threat to the world and a pariah  meant to be fought back and subdued. And I know   that there are tons of videos online that give  their own unique perspective on why this is true,   but I implore you to hear me out. I will not claim  my opinion to be the one true interpretation of   White’s character but at the very least,  I can offer you a different perspective.  To understand where I’m coming from, we have  to go to the very beginning. Not chapter   one of BLEACH, but rather the chronological  beginning- the everything but the rain arc,   where it all began. Now, the prelude to this  flashback arc is quite simply- Ichigo has   been thrown out of the Royal Palace by Nimaya  Oetsu because he failed to subdue the Asauchi.   Nimaya tells Renji after kicking Ichigo out that  Ichigo needs to find where his soul truly lies.   Upon returning home, his father seeks him out  with the intent to tell Ichigo the truth about   the nature of his mother’s death. As the story  goes, Isshin heads to the world of the living on   a mission and encounters a hollow. This particular  hollow was clad in black armor with white hair   and a white mask. This hollow as we later find  out is called White. He looked like a hollow,   but his hollow hole was blocked. And as Isshin  fights it, he notes that it has the appearance of   a hollow but fights like a Shinigami. The battle  raged on and white ends up firing a Cero. At that   juncture, Isshin upgrades his theory that this is  not just a hollow but a Menos. Now, fast forward a   little bit and Isshin enters his shikai stateand  gets cut by Aizen who is cleverly hidden using   Kisuke’s camouflage cloak. As Aizen prepares to  leave, Kaname and Aizen have an exchange that   is extremely important. One, he asks Aizen  to call the hollow by its name- White. Two,   he notes that White is on a completely different  level from the other hollows they created because   he is the first hollow they created using the soul  of a Shinigami. And three, Aizen explains that the   reason he is called white is because despite the  jet-black armor that covers him, what lies within   can only be described as white. Now, I have a few  things to say about these three facts. Firstly,   in my personal opinion, I believe that White  within a literary context alludes to purity in its   uncontaminated form. It is neither good nor evil-  not necessarily, the point is that it is pure,   and that is what white is. Secondly, Aizen calls  White a prototype- he’s not the final product,   in fact, if he is indeed the first hollow  formed using the soul of a Shinigami,   he is most definitely unperfected. In other  words, the white we see now, is a failure. He   wasn’t good enough to meet Aizen’s expectations.  Keep these ideas in your mind as we progress.  The next scene of importance is Masaki’s  intrusion. Masaki tries to save Isshin   and gets bitten by White. After being bitten, she  calmly blows its head off. In the coming chapters,   Masaki succumbs to the hollow hole being  formed on her. Ryuken and Isshin are then   approached by Kisuke who has a plan to save her  life. Now, on the first page of Chapter 535,-   in what might be the most important part of  this video- Masaki is falling down a deep,   dark abyss, and she’s thinking to herself, “I’m  falling. Falling down a peaceful hole, quiet dark   and lonely. But strangely, I’m not scared.  I know somebody down there needs me. Who?”   She opens her eyes and gazes upon the shape of a  hollow mask but this time, White is not covered in   black- no he’s in his purest white form. The White  soul trapped in Black Armor is no longer bound.  What is the significance of this scene? We  may not know everything, but we do know a few   things that are factual. Masaki’s soul is now  in the same location as white. In other words,   when Masaki claims that she’s in a deep, dark  abyss that is lonely, we can assume that white,   who shares this location as feels this emotion as  well. Beyond that, when she claims that she’s not   scared- that someone down there needs her, who  else but White could be the one who needs her?   And if White truly was this evil, demonic  monster fueled by instinct and lust for power,   would Masaki conclude that he needed her?  Now, before we go on, there’s something we   have to understand. Between Kaname and Aizen’s  description of White along with the timeline of   White’s creation- which is not very long ago-  you could very easily think of white as a baby.   A blank slate only acting on survival instinct. So  between his attacking of Isshin, the soul reapers   and Masaki- he’s operating on the only logic  available to him- Instinct. So right before   Isshin comes to save Masaki, just like a baby who  cannot comprehend his own thoughts and desires,   he reacts on instinct and seemingly tries to  swallow her whole. Before anything happens,   Isshin arrives and slashes him with  a getsugatenshou, saving Masaki. Now,   there is an important detail to understand  about Masaki and White’s relationship.   As explained by Kisuke Urahara, her soul and the  hollow inside her must be tied together with an   incredibly strong reishi that ties the soul. In  other words, Masaki and White will be bound. Now,   this might be a little bit of head canon, but  I’ll let you decide if this holds any weight. I   believe that based on Urahara’s explanation of the  bond that will form between Masaki and White, this   reishi tie is very similar to the bond between  a Shinigami and zanpakutou. The zanpakutou is   born from the soul reaper and the two are one. So  while this isn’t one soul breaking into A and B,   it’s a soul (A) being bound to another soul (B).  SO the origin is reversed but the end result is   the same. If that is the case, that means that  the rules that apply between soul reaper and   zanpakutou apply here as well. In other words,  when Old Man Zangetsu describes that he is able to   share in Ichigo’s emotions- and feel the effects  of Ichigo’s despair which is the rain falling and   the skyscrapers crumbling, it’s very possible that  White, in this new bound relationship with masaki   can share in her emotions as well. If White  can indeed do this, that would mean that the   subsequent life Masaki lived, filled with love,  warmth, light, and joy was shared with White.   I’m not saying that White will automatically feel  the same thing Masaki feels-but now he knows. Now,   the naïve baby can learn. He can experience, he  can decide for himself what he wants and desires.  So, what does White desire? How  does he interact with ichigo?  If we move forward chronologically, Ichigo  charges into Soul Society and battles Renji. After   defeating Renji, Hanataro finds that a hollow  mask shielded Ichigo from the fatal blow. Now, I   ask that you not assume anything yet. First, let’s  lay out the events as they transpire. After that,   you can decide for yourself. So, Ichigo moves on  to battle Zaraki and after snapping Zangetsu in   two and stabbing Ichigo through the chest, Old Man  Zangetsu arrives and takes Ichigo into his inner   world. This is the first time we see White Ichigo.  Now, there are some very important things to   consider here. First- what does White Call Ichigo?  Partner. He doesn’t call him by a condescending   name- he calls him partner. What does he do  as they battle? He starts instructing Ichigo.   He starts teaching Ichigo about the folly of  his notion and perspectives. Here is a hollow we   think to me motivated by his desire to take over  Ichigo’s body and soul- if he truly wanted to,   why bother teaching Ichigo at all? I’ll let you  answer that after considering all the details.   Their battle rages on and ichigo has a resolution,  earning back Zangetsu’s blade. After he leaves,   White and Old Man Zangetsu have a small  conversation. Zangetsu apologizes to White   and White responds by saying that Ichigo is the  king of this world. I’ll help out anyway that I   can. (Again- this is the White who supposedly  wants to take over Ichigo’s body and mind).   But here comes a line spoken by White that really  threw me for a loop. He tells Zangetsu as he’s   fading away and he says “Raise him well.  Because his power will eventually be mine.”   Many people see this line and just like myself,  assume that White is talking about taking over   Ichigo’s mind and so on and so forth. But consider  this. In Chapter 541 entitled the Blade and ME 2,   Old Man Zangetsu reveals his true intentions. He  tells Ichigo that he is the source of the quincy   power inside him. He is Jhwach but he is also not  jhwach. He reminds Ichigo that the one who came to   his aid whenever his life was in danger was never  him- but his hollow. He goes on to say that he did   not want Ichigo to become a soul reaper. And for  that reason, suppressed his power that was not yet   mature so he could personally become the center  of Ichigo’s power. Why did he do this? Because   if Ichigo continued to walk the path of the  Shinigami, he would head into conflict and have to   eventually be killed by him himself. If you want  to know who he means by “himself”, he’s referring   to Juha Bach. But I’ll make a separate video  breaking that down so don’t worry. But moving   on,we know that Old Man Zangetsu has a change  of heart and that’s all good but the point is-   White Knew that Old Man Zangetsu was the center  of Ichigo’s power because he was suppressing him.   And for that reason, when he says the power will  be mine, he’s not talking about Ichigo’s mind-   but rather, he’s talking about becoming the center  of Ichigo’s Spirit energy. And why does White want   to make sure he’s the center of Ichigo’s power?  Because Old Man Zangetsu before having a change   of heart, would have inevitably led Ichigo to his  death. Again- I won’t force my belief on you but   hopefully, you are beginning to see the trend. We fast forward to Ichigo's battle with Byakuya   and there are more fascinating details to go  over. In one of the most iconic moments in BLEACH,   as Byakuya strikes his blade down at Ichigo, White  catches it and says a few words to Ichigo. He says   "fool. I told you, I can't allow you to die". Yet  again, there are two ways to interpret this. This   is either White looking out for his own personal  preservation or- he actually means it when he says   I cannot allow Ichigo to die. There's an extremely  important detail hidden here that we will come   back to. We head into the Arrancar arc and with  the arrival of Yami Llargo and Ulquiorra Schiffer,   Ichigo heads into battle. He makes quick work  of Yami but feels his hollow start to take over   and Ulquiorra makes the comment that Ichigo's  reiatsu is fluctuating. When it's low it's   garbage but when its high, it's stronger than  mine. Luckily for Ichigo, Urahara comes for the   save. White's next manifestation is when Ichigo  fights against Hiyori in the Vizord hideout. Now,   Hiyori fights with the intention of drawing  out Ichigo's hollow and Ichigo is hellbent on   preventing himself from hollowfying. White does  manage to take over Ichigo's body once he blacks   out but he doesn't just black out, in the manga,  she actually slashes Ichigo right across the chest   and Ichigo is profusely bleeding. Hiyori  put his mortal life in danger and that   draws White out once Ichigo blacks out who then  chokes Hiyori until she's saved by the others. So we move forward and Shinji has Ichigo train  to overcome his hollow. Ichigo enters his inner   world and sees White. Now, what does White call  Ichigo here? King. He calls Ichigo KING. Ichigo   asks where Zangetsu is and White says a line that  we did not believe until a lot later in the story.   He says "I AM ZANGETSU". I won't reiterate the  plot specific details here. You guys know the   story. White gives his instinct speech which I  will assume you already know but there are some   important things to note from their encounter this  time. 1. I'm conscious of the fact that this is a   manga and sometimes that happens in battle but why  does White explain to Ichigo what he is lacking?   Why does white point out, yet again like he did  against Zaraki, the flaws in Ichigo's mental   perspectives. First it was believing the only one  he had to train was himself and now, it's this.   Why does White Ichigo constantly assume the  role of teacher when interacting with Ichigo?   Think back to their previous encounter. He swung  Zangetsu by the cloth on the blade and what does   Ichigo do on Sogyoku hill, he imitates White and  does the exact same thing. White uses the black   Getsuga against Byakuya and what does Ichigo  do? He copies White and in this very battle,   White accuses him of merely copying  his move. During this battle,   White clashes with Ichigo and then, while  their swords are clashed, he releases a   Getsugatensho. What does Ichigo do against  Grimmjow the very next time they see each   other? He clashes swords with Grimmjow  and THEN uses Getsugatenshou. As White   and Ichigo fought, White flash steps to Ichigo  and palms him in the face before hurling him away.   What does Ichigo do against Aizen?  Palm him in the face and hurl him away.   Why is this happening? White performs a move,  Ichigo copies it. White teaches Ichigo a concept,   Ichigo learns it. This being who is supposed to  be a demonic beast of rage and anger who wants to   overtake Ichigo seems to be doing everything  BUT that. I won't force my opinion on you-   but you can see the hints Kubo is laying down. So, after Ichigo impales white, without even   feeling like he lost andwith a grin on his face,  he just accepts Ichigo as King and threatens   Ichigo that if he shows weakness, he'll overcome  him. And his final warning to Ichigo is this-   If you really want to control my power, until our  next meeting, make sure you don't get killed. Now,   I have a question. More examples lay ahead  but what is the one commonality when WHITE   takes over Ichigo's body? When Ichigo's mortal  life is in danger or at least- when Ichigo blacks   out. If White truly wants to take over Ichigo's  body, why is he telling Ichigo not to die? He's   working against his very desires when he does  this. Remember that- we'll come back to it. So Ichigo masters hollowfication and powers  his way through Grimmjow in their second battle   and battles his way through the prevaron espada  until he encounters Ulquiorra for the second time.   Here, Ulquiorra overwhelms Ichigo and stabs a  hole through his heart. Many people point to this   and wonder- If Ichigo's dead here, why isn't white  taking over. Well, I don't think Ichigo died here.   Before Ulquiorra leaves, he tells Ichigo to leave  this world immediately if you can still move.   If you can't, stay there and die. The words  Ulquiorra chooses alludes to the fact this fact-   Ichigo isn't dead yet. But if he doesn't get  help of some kind, he will die eventually.  So, Grimmjow saves Ichigo, and they have  their final battle but the next time we see   White is against Ulquiorra. Ichigo dies and  White completely takes over ichigo's body,   pushing him to a victory against Ulquiorra.  It’s important to recognize that Aizen viewed   White as a failure. The Espada were all  considered as successful experiments   and Ulquiorra’s second release- Segunda Etapa  stood at the apex of these new creations.   White Ichigo as an entity within Ichigo surpassed  his creators and became a true Vasto Lorde,   one powerful enough to overcome the strongest  Espada- who I believe is Ulquiorra. Interpret   it however you will, but this is yet another  example of White intervening to save Ichigo   and not only does he defeat Ulquiorra, he goes  one step further. Ulquiorra is universally   accepted as the espada with the strongest  regenerative abilities but even he cannot   regenerate his internal organs. Ichigo had a  hole blown through his chest. Without a doubt,   Ichigo’s lungs and heart were absolutely destroyed  but White showcased regenerative abilities   surpassing that of even Ulquiorra to keep Ichigo  alive. Again- you can see this however you will   but we established that if Ichigo is blacked out  or in mortal danger, white is able to overtake   his body. Why is White constantly doing things  that act against this supposed desire of his?   Why heal Ichigo when it only makes your job  harder? Do you see where I’m going with this? Ichigo goes on to battle in the War in Fake  Karakura town and with the help of his father,   fights against Tensa Zangetsu in order  to learn the final getsugatenshou.   Okay, so the important thing to take note  of here is that when White sees Ichigo,   he calls him partner- yet again. And two, it is  no small deal that Zangetsu and White suddenly,   for the first time decide to work together. Before  this point, it was always one overtaking the other   just so the other could do the same at a later  time but here, in this moment- the two become   one. And so, when Ichigo feels nothing  but sadness emanating from their blade,   not only is that Old Man Zangetsu’s  emotion- it’s also White Ichigo’s.   And if it is, why is the supposed demonic hollow  feeling sadness for Ichigo? Why is it that   Ichigo feels that this hollow along with Old Man  Zangetsu does not want to kill him? Why is that? Well, Ichigo goes on to defeat Aizen and we  don’t see White again- not until the reforging of   Ichigo’s zanpakutou where old Man Zangetsu reveals  everything. Ichigo reaches full synergy with the   manifestations of his quincy and arrancar powers  and that results in Ichigo attaining an immense   amount of strength. That would be the last time we  see White Ichigo because he does not appear again. So, what I’ve done is try to refrain  from imprinting my own opinions onto you.   I’ve tried to simply present you with  the details and context of the situation   to allow you the opportunity to come to your own  conclusion. So please let me know your opinion in   the comment section below- my personal opinion  when it comes to the character of White Ichigo   is that he has been greatly misunderstood. I do  not believe that White is evil. I don’t believe   he’s a demonic pariah hellbent on attaining power.  I believe that more than anyone in BLEACH, more   than Old Man Zangetsu and maybe even more than  Ichigo’s personal family, White has always had   one goal- to protect Ichigo in his own way. Think  about it. Kaname describes White as a pure being   and gives him that name for that very reason.  When Masaki went into soul suicide she explicitly   says that the hole she’s falling down is dark  and lonely but that she wasn’t scared because   whoever was down there needed her. I believe that  Masaki saved White from his eternal loneliness.   And when Kisuke bound their souls together by way  of the reishi tie, White was never alone anymore.   White was able to share in Masaki’s joy and  happiness. And then, when White was transferred to   Ichigo upon birth, he would have had a front row  seat to seeing Masaki giver her life to protect   Ichigo. I won’t say that this is 100% true- this  is my opinion based on the story as I saw it.   But when I look at the way White protected Ichigo,  when I look at the way he preserved his life by   spawning his mask to protect his internal organs;  when I look at how he chooses to educate Ichigo   on instinct and zanpakutou relationships, White  was never evil- he was only playing the part.   By assuming the role of the demon chasing after  Ichigo, he was able to give Ichigo a reason to   grow in strength and power in order to ultimately  keep him alive. Why would he tell Ichigo to   stay alive if Ichigo’s death gives him what he  presumable wanted- more control. Why bring Ichigo   from the brink of death when a dead- or close to  death Ichigo is perfect for overtaking his body   and claiming control. It doesn’t make sense to me-  not unless he doesn’t actually want Ichigo’s body   and is merely putting up a façade. In a summarized  version- this is what I think really happened.   White Ichigo was nothing but a new born creation  when he was lauded as a failed experiment and   discarded by his creator- Aizen Sosuke. In the  dark pit he existed in, he was lonely, scared and   afraid but that he was saved from that solitude  by Masaki who formed a reishi bond with him.   In order to repay that debt to Masaki who saved  him, he now took on the duties of protecting the   one who Masaki gave her life to protect- Ichigo.  But, being the hollow that he is, his methods   weren’t what you’d expect. Instead of being a  shoulder to cry on to ichigo, he preferred to be   an obstacle for Ichigo to overcome- one that would  in turn grant Ichigo the power to protect himself.   He accepted being viewed as a demon, as long as  it meant that Ichigo had a reason to get stronger.   And he promised himself, that he would always be  there if Ichigo was in danger of dying. He would   step to fight if Ichigo could no longer fight.  White, would become the protector of Ichigo,   the one who protects and throughout the story of  BLEACH, he always made sure to keep Ichigo safe.   Understanding this perspective on White has  allowed me to appreciate his character so much   more. He’s more than the cookie cutter, dark  side of the main character. The white soul   that was trapped in black jet armor, is no longer  bound. He is free. And with his freedom, chose to   be the silent, watchful protector to the son of  the woman who saved him. It’s beautiful. Let me   know what you think in the comment section down  below. It’s ya boy, Rebirth, signing off- PEACE.
Channel: Flame of Rebirth
Views: 435,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, vasto lorde ichigo vs ulquiorra, vasto lorde ichigo reaction, vasto lorde ichigo roar, hollow ichigo speech, hollow ichigo vs ulquiorra, white ichigo speech, white ichigo vs muramasa, white ichigo bleach brave souls, aizen sosuke, masaki kurosaki, masaki kurosaki death, kisuke urahara, kisuke urahara theme, bankai ichigo, tybw trailer, tybw aizen, tybw ichigo, bleach 2021, bleach 2021 trailer, bleach 2022, anime review, manga review
Id: 6ewC92X5Y0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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