All Bleach Openings
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Channel: Crunchyroll Collection
Views: 12,368,003
Rating: 4.948338 out of 5
Keywords: Crunchyroll, anime, anime trailer, anime preview, anime full episode, crunchyroll collection, bleach, kubo tite, opening, op, theme, song, official, all, bleach all openings, all bleach openings, 1-15, all bleach ops, bleach all ops, compilation, bleach opening
Id: ofvaakyqiF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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Bleach had some of the best openings in anime
Wishing for a complete Bleach anime without fillers feels like a never ending dream.
Asterisk will always be one of my favorite anime OPs. Felt like it was ahead of it's time in centering it's theme around being fun.
I had forgotten how much I loved the original opening of Bleach
Timestamps for all the impatient lazy-butts like me who just want to listen to Velonica:
The opening that started my interest in anime, and I absolutely love this song to pieces. 😍
However, the full version of this song sounds completely different to me.
Bleach had a ton of problems but damn if it was cool
it's difficult to pinpoint but in the great big 3 debate of the end of the '00, One Piece got points for the world building (if we only knew how massive it would get), Naruto for its character study (if we only knew how shitty it would get), and Bleach was.. cool
I mean everything from the paneling to the way character dress to the titles, the imagery, the openings, even those fucking stills with the number of the episode... it was simply cool as fuck
Bleach OPs and EDs had so much style. When I first started getting into anime post DBZ, that first and 3rd OPs were the coolest to me
Here's the thing about Bleach: it always had style. It's what differentiated it for me from all the other shonen shows at the time, and even the ones now. I'm not saying that other shonens are bad--hell, even Bleach ain't great--but there's just the right amount of style and flair in character design and music and certain fights and it all just comes together in a way that will remain forever in my memory.
Take a look at Velonica, for instance (best girl, btw. Rolling Star is probably second-best). At that point in the show, which I think was the end half of the Heuco Mundo (spelled wrong) arc, things were starting to pick up and there were some great fights (was Ichigo v. Ulq in the span of this intro? I know Kenpachi v. Scythe dude was). This intro used established characters with a wide variety of colors and cool posing and angles and it was awesome! It really got me hyped for the show, even if the episode itself was just 'eh'.
I'm really just rambling at this point. I can't even really think of what my real point was. Bleach was cool, is what it was. Even if the show strayed from that strong, interesting style that Kubo used to define Bleach in the early manga, all the intros really managed to sustain it.