The Truth About Trading Gurus - My Research

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ive been watching cofeezillas channel today and he covers a similar sort of thing. The funny this is, every youtube ad that plays in his videos is for exactly the kind of stuff heโ€™s exposing LOL

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/shebangal ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I don't stop loss. It'd rather inherit my bad choices to the next generations.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KARMA_HARVESTER ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Where is the guy who throws money at the screen and says โ€œthatโ€™s nonsenseโ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/fly-mcmarty ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
look if you've ever tried to learn anything about trading on youtube you've probably seen some of these youtube trading gurus if you support your favorite youtuber there ask yourself a simple question can you trust him and why and leave it down in the comments and tell me what exactly do you like about his content in this video you will find out the results i found out who wants to teach you something i want you to be a better trader who wants to make money off of you by selling you some courses and wasting your time with rented supercars and flashy houses and selling the trading lifestyle but basically the only real trading experience they have is selling snake oil to you guys and whose videos are simply a waste of time two things it's money and time we only think about money here we're going to get our money right and we're going to get it right right so come on in we've got some crypto trading here some news of course in our news european indices super model trading working for us obviously the face is classified but right now we have the u.s markets open european markets are just about to close and basically this is the station this is where we make the money this is where the business happens in this office so if you want to learn how to do this very straight forward buy my course live like this see and i just wanted to mention at the end of this video you will also find out about my dirty secrets and behind me there i will have my own finance illustrated ranking which category the trader belongs to either educate entertain or avoid at all and the snake on ranking so a snake on ranking of zero means that's an honest trader he just wants you to be a better trader while watching his videos and learning from him and of course the snake rating of five that means this uh youtube guru all he wants to do is just get your money out of your pocket and into his is just full essentially selling an illusion about what trading is there's gonna be facts there's gonna be reasons why each trader fell into that particular ranking and of course i don't want anyone to feel appended so in the end it's just my opinion you guys ready you guys ready let's go hey hey what's up my friends of course it's none other than reiner tail and first of all i really like this guy's videos i think he's funny i like his accent hey hey what's up my friends of course the information he provides is also it means something i mean 728 000 subscribers kind of tells you something but when looking at his background like looking at what is his own experience with trading well in his own words after the mandatory military service in singapore which you have to do if you're from singapore he studied at the university of london and then he worked for a company called united alliance capital as a futures trader so he says he's been trading for 11 years now that's all cool but i cannot prove that only rainer himself knows the truth about it but what made me trust him is that he's been posting consistently like the same type of trading video since 2013 just explaining the basics like like best forex entries what is support and resistance things along those lines very straightforward i also respect the fact that he's trying to answer some of the criticisms about him he's posted this video about like exposing himself he literally took his shirt off to expose himself but in that video he's actually showing the truth about him like his history what is his background things along those lines and also he has showed his real trading account with like almost like three hundred thousand dollars but ironically the link to that broker is missing usually in his videos his face is somewhere down here or here but in this video put his face over the link and of course naturally some of us especially me when i'm investigating these things i would love to know what kind of broker this guy is using because personally i can tell you straight up uh i could pay like 2 000 to a web developer to basically write a simple code for a trading platform and i could just enter whatever values i want like 10 million 100 000 whatever and show it as my real trading account with proof of my trades and how much profits are made and things like that it's very easy to do so i was a bit bummed out that rainer covered the link to this trading platform that he's using did he do that on purpose only he himself knows that to be honest i don't think anyone is paying rainer to make these videos it's not like doing paid promotions and advertising for some other people i don't think that's the case what it looks like to me is that he has created his own brand by presenting a lot of information for free here on youtube and also his website and then at the end of it if you're up for it you can sign up this pro traders edge program that he has it's priced at 49 and 99 dollars a month so one is the premium one is the elite version and you will get like the premium trading strategy guides weekly trade alerts uh live q a sessions with him something like that personally i won't pay for it i don't need it but i like the fact that this product is not like shoved down your throat and it's not presenting it in every video it's like sort of a matter-of-fact thing next to his content which he posts for free so there won't be any pretty chicks here no lamborghinis no ferraris just simple information about trading and in the end you can go to that members club if you're up for it i don't think that's anything bad so i will give brainer a snake or rating of one because of that broken link thing and i'm gonna put him in the educational section so the next guy i found is something in between a video editor a wizard a cardistry master and somewhere along the lines also an investor of course it's none other than andre jake you see what i did there andre magician too i cannot deny that andre has some really cool videos they're very well made very great editing on them actually funny and interesting but should you learn from him i don't think so and that's because andre is first and foremost a very good entertainer he actually comes from a family of circus performers i just found it somewhere sorry andre that's not true so he's a great entertainer but he's not sharing any like practical methods on how to start investing or how to learn investing and how to make money he's basing it on his own experience and what works for him might not work for you because he has a whole different life you know whole different story how he even got to trading how did he even get the money to get the trading also while digging on the dark web i actually found out how andre made his money when he had only a hundred thousand subscribers now he has a million so back then how did he make money even better how did i find it well he said it himself on reddit so he made money with adsense revenue patreon amazon affiliate store some business of selling playing cards dividend income investments that's basically buying dividend high dividend yield stocks and then making money from those dividends and then stock affiliate signups this is not a paid or a promotional advertisement by weeble or anyone else because they're so in essence andre has been making bank for a while he's a financially clever guy who's gained a lot of success on youtube he knows how to sell the idea about financial independence and investing based on his own experience trading stocks since he was 19. of course you won't get any dumber watching these videos that's for sure i want to emphasize that they're very well made but i don't think that you will find any practical methods to actually get you off the ground with investing sharing his own experience and also on reddit he said he's making money with paid promotions but in some of his videos he's saying that he's not affiliated with a certain platform now maybe it was just that platform but smells a little bit like snake oil so i will give andre a rating of one no offense and i'm gonna put him in the entertainment category [Music] you know what that smile says i don't give a damn about what any of you say i'm the youngest millionaire in arizona he's happy he's making millions i mean look at him name's ricky gutierrez like four out of six of this guy's most popular videos is just straight up flexing a day in the life with arizona's youngest millionaire the boring life of stock trading millionaire how i became one of the youngest millionaires all is just about millionaire money mclarens nissens and the cool trading lifestyle so without even looking at the rest of his videos i could already get a sense of what this guy is all about basically loads of money fast cars properties that's a trading lifestyle and you can live like that too simply buy the 10 hour learn profit and profit learn plan profit the learn plan profit of course and you can learn how to live like this it's only 360 dollars sounds fairly simple right believe me most of the people that i know are actually professional traders with trading education like financial education guys who work for stock exchanges and investment banks i mean they're overstressed they're overworked and they drive a five-year-old audi not the newest mclaren like ricky does it's simply not as easy as it looks of course you can make money day trading like him but making millions at a young age day trading starting from zero that's super fishy now to get to my point i think ricky does actually trade he's like making live trading videos where he's trading with a hundred thousand dollars per day and he himself has said that he consistently makes one percent profit each day you go with one percent a day five percent a week that's trading with a hundred thousand yeah so one percent profit that means one thousand per day as we know there are 253 trading days in a year so if he's making one percent profit each of those days that means he's making 253 profit per year my goal on a weekly basis is 10 to 15 and i've been doing this for years i can tell you straight up if that was true the world's largest investment banks and hedge funds the stock exchanges will be running after this guy so he can make them money those results are simply ridiculous in my past five years of trading i think the best year ever was 2017 and i think i made like 27 28 return over the course of the year and i don't think i will replicate those results anytime soon because that for me was quite quite a big result actually and so 253 reiki i'm super bearish on that i don't think ricky made his millions by day trading this kind of lifestyle hasn't come from trading but from selling the courses maybe some properties real estate other things now when ricky was asked himself why does a millionaire trader need to sell courses he had a hard time answering the question in three sentences or less if you're a millionaire why sell a course okay um [Music] there was there was never like okay of course that doesn't mean he's a scammer because technically he's not doing any scams he's just selling a course like every 10 seconds of every video and if you think about it he only needs to sell 2770 courses for 361 each and he's made a million basically that's 0.3 percent of his subscribers that bring him a million he's a great marketer great salesman cannot deny that and if we just assume that great marketers have around two to five percent conversion rate it's pretty clear that most of his money most of his millions most of this lifestyle has come from selling this course it's a very basic principle in his case it's obviously working because people are watching people trust him but the main reason why you're on his channel is so you would buy that learn plan profit of course i think i've heard it about a thousand times for the past few days so ricky slithers on rank four on our snakehole chart you're doing great then why bother selling court exactly the next guy we're going to be looking at is a real estate agent self-help motivator investor personal finance guru everything in between and i'm not saying that in a condescending way i really like graham's energy he's a successful guy but the question is can he teach you how to give you some practical knowledge about trading and i think the answer that is 50 50. so the first thing you need to understand why graham may come across as fishy because he really is a salesman that's what the real estate business is all about selling something to other people in his case he's selling houses to other people and he was quite good at that by the way so the feeling never left me that he's trying to sell me something even if that's not the case i don't think he's trying to lure you into any courses or sell you something he's pretty open about where he makes his money where his money is coming from how much he makes on youtube so in that regard he's very transparent aside from the photoshop broker thumbnails graham does have some solid device about money management saving money personal finance and everything in between and although his style is not as entertaining for me as his good buddy andres he does offer a lot of common sense personal finance tips and it's catchy for people who just want to make some extra money or maybe save some money that they already have but they didn't know they have it you can definitely learn something from graham in the personal finance aspect he can help you save money understand how to think like an investor but he's not talking about basics of trading i keep going back to this the basics of trading what is it buy and sell what kind of strategy do you need to have and what you should be focusing on because most of his videos are actually concerning personal finance and real estate so we'll give him a low snake rating but we'll put him in the avoid category no offense graham avoid only means regarding learning how to trade [Music] if you dream of being a real estate agent or maybe you just want to save some money you can watch away graeme is a good choice you know i was thinking about something the other day how cool would it be if you could just avoid going to finance schools and universities and just hire a professor who could teach you something for free and you know while i was thinking about it i accidentally stumbled upon this video if you really really really want to buy something you're going to find a way to buy it and i decided to give it a look and turns out this sir has a whole collection of these type of videos things like valuation approaches fine market mistakes you're almost home right so let's give the market valuation basics aspect of investing that always puzzles people is there lots of investment strategies measuring risk passion we want to build on the concept of risk by going from risk aversion which is what we talked about okay i agree maybe not the most fun thing to watch but in this case the guy who's telling you this is exactly what i was asking for a professor of finance at stern school of business at the new york university and you know what sometimes the stuff you want to hear the least is the stuff that you need to hear the most i mean this guy's for real his work speaks for itself and just to get a better idea of why you should listen to him he has a bachelor's degree in accounting a master's degree in management a master's degree in finance and a phd in finance just to put it in perspective that's like 15 years of school for a regular person and with his youtube channel he gives you the opportunity to study this stuff for free that's absolutely amazing you should definitely watch his videos if you want to understand more about stock trading stock market valuation how to think about companies or trading in general if you're skeptical no worries you can just spend the 119 000 dollars per year and have him teach you in person at the stern business school or just watch the vids man seriously zero questions no snake oil pure education [Music] next up we have adam coo now this guy is basically like the tony robbins of singapore he's an entrepreneur an author a trainer an executive chairman asian human man the list is too long to name but for me he's another youtuber who teaches stock trading strategies and in my opinion he's doing a pretty good job of course the way i look at these videos my experience is gonna be a little bit different because i know most of the things that he's talking about for you i think he's doing a pretty good job explaining it simply and so that you could understand i get the sense that he knows what he's talking about he actually understands all the things that he's explaining so that's pretty good my biggest problem here is that i really like adam's approach the information is great but of course only lesson one is available from this stock trading course want to learn more adam's got you covered just buy the 800 piranha profit stock trading course it's nothing bad it's just the way it is so this guy claims he was a millionaire by the age of 26. he's 46 now so he's lived the last 20 years as a millionaire the question just perplexes me why does a millionaire need to sell courses exactly when you have other businesses that bring you millions it only makes sense if selling courses is actually the million dollar business and perhaps he was selling some courses before youtube just differently whichever way you look at it this course stuff is super shady because i'll tell you something the greatest investors don't have the time to make youtube videos and sell courses you ever heard warren buffett sell courses or peter lynch selling courses on youtube of course not those guys are busy beating the market and making money not regurgitating basic information in a different package and then putting a weird name on it and then selling it to the public and this is not a job at adam this is just to make you think twice about spending eight hundred dollars on something that you can google absolutely for free adam you're a great educator but stop selling courses you don't need it if you're a millionaire an adam will get a snake rating of two you've probably seen these guys and i've been waiting for this moment for a long time just share my thoughts about them so we have jeff bishop and jason bond real name jason kovalick and i'm just going to lump these two together because they run the same company raging bull and because they're the same person in a different body and this company is all about flexing and sloganeering and making every single one of you rich millionaire profits money by the way cigars on a plane what is this the 1970s so these guys claim that they will make you rich but i just want to share my two cents you won't get rich and you won't even get back to 3 000 or more dollars you spent on their courses listen i've been following this scheme for a while now and basically they're a team of professional con artists who present themselves as trading gurus but they only have one objective they want to pull you into this scheme by selling you ridiculously priced overpriced unnecessary questionable courses look there's seven different guys in this team of experts that they have there used to be a woman as well but i'll get to that in a second and each of these experts offer multiple courses monday movers booster reporter dollar race option profit accelerator weekend wiretaps profit prism again what are these especially like dark pool profits now 21 courses in total and they cost a ridiculous amount of money but hey someone needs to pay for jeff's private jet rental am i right jeff yes and of course as honest educators these guys just want to help you out that's why the courses renew automatically so you never miss the latest the greatest the never before trading secrets just give me a break now maybe this could just be my bx radar going off and they really are some of the best traders anywhere seriously anywhere show me a guy who's actually made money by trading and calls himself the best trader anywhere i don't think there is a person like that except of course the ceo of this shady business now the reason why these folks are not in prison because again technically they aren't breaking any laws there is a risk disclaimer with all the courses but the refund policy is a joke of course i didn't want to pay for jason kovalek's mortgage so i didn't buy any of those courses but there's literally hundreds of complaints online about the refunds i guess you could say these victims got what they paid for and yeah to put the final nail in the coffin there used to be a woman called petra hess on this expert team but turns out she's retired she's not a traitor anymore what a truly sad day for the markets when that happened except she's a convicted felon and was recently arrested for alleged embezzlement and fraud in canada raging bull of course refused to comment and swiftly retired her i'm going on way too long here but i've been wanting to get this off my chest there is nothing worth your time here there is no proof that any of these hucksters have made any money ever apart from selling these overpriced ridiculous courses snake oil levels should be 10 here but we can only go to five so all seven of them kyle dennis jeff williams nathan bear ben sturgill dave lucas jason kovalek and of course the ceo jeff bishop all of those guys should be avoided [Music] next up we have this shady looking fellow right here his channel is called financial education sounds promising right basically if adam kuhl is a millionaire an author a public speaker an entrepreneur also happens to have a youtube channel for teaching something and selling some courses and this guy jeremy is basically the discounted version minus the entrepreneur part and everything else part so if adam does have some sort of background in business and you know making money and this guy seems to me like just another salesman covering up his course selling business with nice educational investing youtube videos you know what i'll show you this is you and this is where you want to be and in between there is a line a line that consists of patience time learning mistakes and discipline now what these guys are offering are shortcuts basically you course being a trader doesn't happen like that cannot go here if you haven't completed these steps patience you need time you need learning any mistakes practice discipline maybe then just maybe you will be a traitor i want you guys to understand that there are no shortcuts to this no secrets especially not from random youtube salesman as you can tell i'm getting pretty pissed off at this point i mean this guy just picks stocks that are trending up and acts like he's a genius he wants to trick you into thinking that his 9 000 per year of course will make you a trader or is this 1 200 course that will make your trader it's not happening all this stuff can be learned for free you can buy books on investing for a hundred dollars and spend the rest of that nine thousand dollars actually buying stocks you know investing in etfs things along those lines no offense jeremy your channel maybe some sort of a financial education but be honest please be honest the reason you make videos is because you want to make money and the best way that you can make money is by luring people into buying your course and before any of you criticize me i've never sold any courses my app where people can actually learn to trade is totally free it always has been it's got over 2 million downloads people that can actually learn trading there and i haven't even asked them for a single cent not even collected a single email you make up your own mind i think financial education is snake oil at its finest but it's not shoved in your face as much as the previous team of experts did so snake all rank will be at number four [Music] now i have one more guy on my hit list and he's none other than ross from warrior trading this funny looking guy his channel says learn to trade live your dream and this guy offers some truly amazing knowledge about trading such as how to set up a simple day trading station for penny stocks very good for beginners right definitely a big fan of keeping it simple how to find the best entire and exit positions and how to use risk management principles he will also tell you why you need an edge and of course all this ties into his gap and go and end of the day squeeze strategies now to be totally honest with you guys i'm not sure i want to see what this guy's end of the day squeeze looks like but okay i'll do it for you it's probably under one of these links don't really feel like visiting this website but you got to do it for the video right so what are your trading let's look at the success stories i mean student success stories ah of course some articles not like a real unedited unfiltered comment section where people can leave their feedback just a couple of pre-made articles vague statements about success but no actual proof i'm not buying it but i get the idea just set up a couple of screens behind you just like i have here and you look professional somebody's got to believe it right ah educational programs courses of course how surprising although i'm not really sure i want to take some course from a guy who has basic spelling mistakes and as far as i know he's a native speaker so i can become a warrior starter or a warrior pro the starter is 999 dollars per year and the pro is 6 000 for one year's access i can tell you listen i'm done with this video this is the biggest waste of time you could ever imagine all these courses they're simply ridiculous how come a phd finance teacher can teach you for free on youtube and this yogi is charging you six thousand dollars for some snake oil that's just beyond me it's a five do not waste your time [Music] i really don't want you to think that i'm anti-courses or anti-learning or anti-teaching so i did my best to find the perfect guy to close this video with i had two prerequisites i wanted someone that does sell courses and i want someone who's qualified to sell them and i found this channel value investing with swen carlin phd just like oswald over there now some of the key details about this guy his phd was for creating a risk model for investing in emerging markets he's been investing since 2002 he's been an assistant finance professor at the amsterdam school of business and by the way also he's been a researcher at bloomberg and this guy surprisingly does offer some courses it costs 422 dollars to apply for his stock market research platform that's per year in a nutshell an in-depth stock analysis focused on where others don't look you can get full access to his portfolios his analysis i mean his youtube channel is simply amazing i've been watching his videos for a while now actually i just didn't know that he also sells courses so that was quite surprising but to be honest if you want to buy a course if the money is like pressure in your pocket if you have nowhere to spend it and you simply want to buy some trading course to make you feel better about it this guy swen carlin is who you should buy it from just think about it cost 60 more compared to ricky's course who's basically like day trading millionaire arizona's millionaire the straight up flexing youtuber this guy's for real he's a phd should definitely listen to him he's going together with oswan in the educational section and a snake ranking of zero [Music] so take a look at the chart guys i don't know any of these guys this is just my opinion and maybe i'm wrong on them who knows but i see maybe two or three that you should seriously consider watching that would be oswat and suen and maybe some rainer and okay you can watch all of these guys i mean graham's good for real estate and saving andre is just funny and entertaining adam's a millionaire selling some courses teaching you some stuff for free and these guys obviously i like them so on these guys yeah skip it avoid it burn it with fire close your windows hide your wife hide the children just don't watch them avoid their courses just joking just leave them alone they're doing their thing somebody will buy the course and as you can see we have a lot of free space left there so if you want to find out more about some certain youtube trading gurus or maybe your favorite youtuber who also happens to be selling courses or trading i can do some investigation if you want it just leave it down in the comments on a final note remember people who make money don't make courses they make money and of course now you've been waiting for my secret so this is my secret guys i don't have flashy supercars running mclarens all i have is this bike saving the planet cycling everywhere and having a grand old time while at it stay safe guys finance illustrated we are out you
Channel: Finance Illustrated
Views: 486,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fake Guru, Trading course scam, Online course scam, Jason Bond review, Jason Bond Picks scam, Option Profit Accelerator review, Jeff Bishop scam, Raging Bull Trading scam, Rayner Teo Exposed, Learn Plan Profit review, Ricky Gutierrez Scammer, Piranha Profits Adam Khoo, Warrior starter course review, warrior pro trading course review, Financial fortress jeremy review, Financial education jeremy exposed, Trading Course scam, Andrei Jikh
Id: MrX26pjEsPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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