Professional Stock Trading Course Lesson 1 of 10 by Adam Khoo

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I welcome to this professional stock trading course I'm Adam Koo and in this course you're gonna learn the exact skills and strategies on how to trade stocks like a professional how to achieve consistent profits so you can create another source of income for yourself or you can grow your savings at a much higher rate of return so you can build a web a lot faster and really reach your financial goals a lot sooner and I can tell you that if you are committed to mastery skills to apply what you learn into practice you soon have a life skill that's gonna guarantee you a source of income for the rest of your life so you know nothing about the stock market or stop trading let's begin of less than one so let's start with the fundamental question what is a shelf star so if you buy a share in facebook what are you actually buying well you're buying the right to owning part of the company and its profits so before you buy a share in facebook you got asked this question how many shares are they important so Facebook for example has two point nine five billion shares outstanding that's the total number of shares that are available in the market so if you were to buy for example 295 million shares you would own 10% of all the shares you own 10% of the company and be entitled to 10% of all the profits if you're like most retail investors you don't be able to afford that amount that amount right you maybe buy 10 shares 100 shares a thousand shares and you can start with as little as one share so currently one share Facebook is priced at a hundred and seventy seven dollars and of course these prices change every single moment every single day so if you take the total number of shares and you multiply this by the share price of a share you get the total value of the company which in this case is 501 billion dollars and this is known as the company's market capitalization or market cap so Facebook's one company their total of 7,000 companies listed on u.s. stock exchanges and the tree main stock exchanges would be the New York Stock Exchange NYSC the American Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq Stock Exchange so a stock exchange is kind of kind of like a super market of companies where companies are on sale every day at different prices so every day you can go in through the stock market and buy shares of any company that you want whether is it Facebook McDonald's Alibaba coca-cola or Visa and now if online trading is so easy to buy and sell shares of companies you can do it within seconds all you need is a stock broker so you're gonna use online low-cost stock brokers they'll allow you to access the stock market so again as long as you have got a computer you can be anywhere in the world you're going to internet you connect with a broker and can buy and sell shares of any companies in the US exchanges so to get some quick information about the share trading you can go to a website life in this where most of the data is found on one page so I'm looking at Facebook and on think this the first thing that you can see would be the charts right the stock chart so this tells you the listen price performance of the share and you can see that it's currently selling at a hundred and seventy seven dollars per share it was at a hundred and fifty dollars about a year ago so it has appreciate that quite a bit since then and you can see the stocks on a very clear uptrend so we have bullish on the stock there is a clear strong support at a hundred and seventy dollars so we'll talk more about chart patterns in a short walk so down below you have got some of the key information about the stock your training and so common question people ask would be so Adam what's important that I need to look out for well it depends if you are short term trader then you only consume the short term price movement and for that you are only concern really about the price action pattern of the chart the trend if you will and as far as fundamentals are concerned you can just look at for example earnings growth for the next five years earnings growth this year as well as sales growth in the last few quarters all right because obviously when a company has got strong earnings growth and sales group that gives the stock a momentum to move up faster all right so again it's a short-term trader you're only concerned with growth earnings growth and sales growth if you're more of a medium to long term investor like Warren Buffett then you have to look more at things like the price earnings ratio right that tells you what's the share price divided by the earnings per share so if you take the p/e ratio divided by the earnings growth rate which is 27 percent if you take 32 divided by 27 you get one point to one and this is known as the PEG ratio so PEG ratio tells you is to share over value or is it under them is it expensive or is it cheap and this is only important if you are a long term investor as a short term trader it doesn't matter if you buy a stock means expensive because in a short term expensive can become even more expensive high can become higher in fact the short term trader you do not want to buy cheap stocks because cheap can get cheaper because of the downward momentum but it's a long-term investor you want to buy as under value as you can so it's really different whether you are short-term trader or your long-term investor I am creating a stock investment course in a couple of months which is more focused on medium to long term investing but for the purpose of this video is really about short term swing trading okay again as a long term investor you'll also be concerned with things like current ratio and depth to equity ratio over here that tells you the company's leverage on that position you also look at things like gross margins return on equity and even insider transactions okay but not really important for shotgun trader now as a short-term trader it is also important to look at the average for you trade it today so how many shares are traded in a single day for Facebook and sees 21 million shares traded so you want sufficient liquidity so you can get in and out of the stock with the minimum slippage in the bid to us spread okay as you can see over here you have got the number of shares outstanding we talked about that a while ago so Facebook has two point nine five billion shares so if you multiply the number of shares again of the share price you get the market capitalization which is 500 in two billion dollars all right so that's a big information that you can get from most websites and fin this is a pretty useful site where you can get most of this data on a single page the most important question is how do you make money from trading stocks how do you calculate your profits and basically they all need two ways to profit from the stock market the first way is by going long and the second is by going short so let's start with going long what is going long me going long simply means buying at a low price and selling at a higher price that's what it means all right so you buy low sell high or buy high and sell higher so obviously you can only do this if the share price goes up okay so you have to look for a stock whose share price is likely to go up we are bullish on the price of the stock so bullish means you are optimistic prices will move up and that's when you go along buy low and sell high right so for example this is FBC this stands for FPC and when the stock was selling at $29 if you were bullish and you thought it's gonna go up what would you do you would buy right you would buy at $29 so when you buy what happens is a debit okay so money goes out you're investing so it's a negative $29 per share and we also call this bike to open because you're buying to open a new position so once you buy 29 and if the price goes up as you anticipate that you would then sell at a higher price so the price in this case goes to $36 over here and you decide okay I'm getting out you sell it 36 so when you sell it's a credit right so - 29 + 36 the difference is $7 per share so when you sell you are actually closing your position okay and you just made $7 per share so from $29 to $36 is a 24% price increase so that leads to a 24% increase in your investment returns now the second way that we can make money in trading stocks is by going short by doing the complete reverse by selling high and buying low so remember that not all stocks go up in price in fact there are more stocks that go down in price than they are going up in price and be a successful trader you have to know how to make money regardless of the price direction so as a successful trader you have to know how to profit when the share price is going down and we do that by going short which again means selling at a high price and buying it back at a lower price so let's take a look at General Electric so this is a stock that has been on a downtrend for quite a while and so you are selling at $26 as you can see over here between 6 bucks so at $26 it was very obvious that he was on a downtrend so we anticipate that it's gonna go much much lower so what we do at $26 we click sell so when we sell the share $26 we get a credit of $26 now no stop you're thinking where we were hold on a while Adam how do I sell something which I don't have yes you can we call that short selling let me write it down for it's called short selling short selling means you sell shares that you do not own and how do you do that by boring the shares from the stock broker and this happens within a few seconds it's an automatic process right now provided the broker does have the shares to lend to you so in the course of teach you how you check if the broker can lend the shares to you right now but for most major companies the brokers will lend you the shares yeah so again at $26 you click sell and the stock broker will lend you the shares so you boil the shares and you sell it at $26 you get a credit of $26 in your account now of course this is not your money yet you can take this money and celebrate right because you bought the shares to sell you have to return the shares to the broker so how do you return the shares when you've sold it well by buying it back okay so you want to buy it back at a lower price so what happens is after a few days a few weeks the price in this case goes down to $20 from $26 the price drops to twin dollars you're a happy camper so what you do you now buy back from the stock market at $20 so when you buy it back it's a debit right - $20 now you already have a credit of $26 so when you debit $20 that leaves you the net profit of $6 per share so you've just made a profit of $6 per share as the price went from $26 to $20 so in this case when you sold it initially you are selling to open a position and then you subsequently by to close the position and you make a profit in full sex now some questions people ask would be number one do I need a special account to do this yes to do this we need to open a a margin account of the broker okay you have to open call a margin account in order to do short selling and in order to short sell a certain amount of shares you must have some collateral or deposit in your account and I'll talk about this in the next part of the training course next question would be is there deadline in which I have to return the shares and the answer is no there's no deadline right so you could borrow and sell the shares and could buy it back in a week in two weeks in two months in two years all right now what's the catcher catches when you board a shares you have to pay interest to the stock broker so obviously the longer you bore the shares the longer you think to return it the more interest you pay now if you use a low-cost broker you should not be paying any more than 2 to 3 percent interest on Boehringer shares now most of time as a trader you will do a short sale you buy it back within one or two weeks so the interest you pay is actually pretty negligible right so that's how you make money as the price comes down all right so if you go long on a store that increases in price by 24 percent does that mean that your return on capital is also 24 percent well it depends on whether you're buying with cash or you're buying with margin and buy with magic means you're buying with borrowed money you're using other people's money to make you money and that leverages our return on capital so let's take a look at how that works for example let's go back to the FBC tree so if you're buying it $29 and you're buying a hundred shares what's your total investment costs well it's $29 multiplied by hundred shares so the total investment is two thousand nine hundred dollars and eventually you sell it at $36 right so 36 bucks multiplied by hundred shares that have been bought is three thousand six hundred dollars so three thousand six minus two thousand nine the profit is seven hundred dollars now to make that seven hundred dollars you used up two thousand nine hundred of your money so the return on investment or ROI is 24% so you can see that when you invest with your own cash for your own money then your return on investment is the same as the actual price increase percentage right now you may have heard of certain traders that are able to make 20% a hundred percent return when the stock market only went up 5% so some people wonder how is that possible how's it possible that a stock market goes up by 5% and a great trader can make 50% return well the way to do it is by learning how to leverage your investment capital and we do that by investing with margin or with contract for differences so let me explain what that's all about so we can use leverage to magnify our return on investment in two ways and the first way is by using a margin account so when you open account the broker again you can open a cash account or a margin account so what is a margin account mean imagine account means that for every $1 you put into the account you can buy $2 worth of shares or in some cases for some brokers you put in $1 and can even buy up to $5 worth of shares so that magnifies your buying power by five times okay another way to look at it is with a margin account of 50% it means that for example if you're buying $1,000 worth of shares you do not actually need to use $1,000 you just need to put a deposit of 50% of the amount and that deposit is called margin so the margin that the broker gives you is 50% that means to buying $1,000 worth of shares you need to put down 500 dollars in capital okay now if you're not a US citizen you're able to trade using CFDs see if these stand for contract for difference and this allows you to buy shares or to short sell only require quite requiring 10% margin or 10% deposit so we CFDs if you want to buy a $1,000 worth of shares then you just need to put down a deposit or a margin of $100 so one of the that's why I'm able to get a very high return on my capital every single year is because I treat with CFDs so that allows me to Navarrete my capital so let's take a look at how it works using an example of FPC again right so again imagine you are buying a Hummer shares of FDC but this time you're using a margin account so your investment is supposed to be $29 multiplied by her shares which is 2009 but with a 50% margin account we only need an investment capital of one four five zero or 50% of the actual amount okay now when we sell it at $36 we still make a profit of $7 multiply my hammer share so our profit is still $700 but this time you're making $700 out of one four five zero so our return on investment is now 48 percent so a twenty four percent price increase leads to a forty eight percent return on capital so we have effectively leverage our return by two times we call this two times the leverage okay now if you again are not a US citizen and you're able to use CFDs this means that when you treat fvc you're buying 29 shares certain you buy a hundred shares of three nine dollars so your investment is 2009 but the only require ten percent of deposit imagine so the actual capital use is two hundred ninety dollars to buy a hundred shares so again you sell it at $36 you're making $7 per share multiplied by her shares $700 profit so you're now making $700 out of an investment of $290 so your return on investment is now two hundred and forty-one percent which is ten times the actual increase in price so you can see that by using a margin account or using CFDs were able to leverage our returns by two times to ten times now of course leverage is a double-edged sword which means if the price went down instead of going up we will lose double the returns okay so instead of losing twenty four percent if you went down by twenty four percent we're losing forty eight percent if we went down by ten percent we are losing a hundred percent of our capital and that is why you only use leverage as a short-term trader with very strict risk management moves where you have to place a stop loss if you're more of an investor where you don't have a stop loss and you're buying holding for the long run you should never ever use magic you should never ever use board money because you could blow your account and end up bankrupt okay so again leverage is very powerful but it has to be used responsibly with very strict risk management criterias which means if the trade doesn't go the way which you anticipate you have to quickly cut your losses you have to cut your losses so when you're losing trades you lose very little but when you've been winning trade you leverage two times through ten times of your returns and that's the key to achieving high returns in your trading portfolio now if you're doing short-term trading then leverage is essential to growing your account fast why because when you do short-term trading you're in and out of the market within a few days or in a case of intraday trading within a few hours so in a few hours and a few days the price can move that much so in order to have a good return on your capital you have to leverage the price increase so going back to the example of FBC and if you enter the trade add for example $35 right here and you'll do that quick swing trade which is a couple of days right so you're in there at 35 bucks one two three four five six six days you exit of $38 so in six days the price went up by two thousand fifty cents which represents a seven percent increase in price so again by using leverage margin a town of CFDs you are magnifying your capital by 14% to even up to 70% there's a 2 to 10 times leverage so again let me just say that leverage must only be used with street risk management rules which means placing a stop-loss right below your entry so that if it's a losing trade you have to cut your losses and get out really fast and the winning trades when they appear will modern make up for the small losses one of the reasons why many people go bankrupt is because they use leverage when they buy and hold investments no stop-loss and that's how you can destroy your account so only use leverage in shop them trading and not long term investing it's really very important ok so one of the things to understand as a successful trade or investor is that there's no such thing as a good or bad market and there's no such thing as a good or bad stock you know many people ask me Adam this year would would it be a good stock market and I and I said what do you mean by a good stock market right if the price of the market goes up this year is it good it's good if you go long if you don't go along it's not good right if the stock market crashes this year is that good well it's good if you go short if you didn't go short it's not good so whether something is good or not has nothing to do with the external event and starting to do the market is got to do with your investment strategy it's got to do with whether you go along you go short or you did nothing and again there's no such thing as a good or bad stock because a stock that goes up can be good if you go along on the star but a stock that goes down can also be equally as profitable you go short on a stock so once you understand this mindset you take responsibility for your trading results every single year you do not blame the market you don't blame laughs you don't blame the Federal Reserve chair person on the Chairman all right whether you big money on or not depends entirely on your skills as a trader because you profit as long as you although that direction of the stop rhymes so this makes it a recession-proof skill to make money so here's the million dollar question which is how do you know where the stop price is going for a particular star or for the whole market how do you know whether to go long to go sure so there are two ways to determine the stop price okay the first way is using fundamental analysis so fundamental analysis means you are studying the business behind the stock is it a good business is the business growing in terms of its sales its profits or sales and profits declining so logically a business is a money-making machine so if the business makes more money it's more valuable so the value of the company goes up the share price should go up logically doesn't make sense so at the same time if the company's losing money profits are falling sales are falling the company's worth less and less and the share price will eventually go down in value so in other words fundamental analysis is really studying the company's sales and earnings growth as well as the company's amount of debt versus its net assets as well as knowing the value of the company so is the current price above valuation is it over value or below valuation is it under value so that tells you like me where the price is going to go right so in general when a company has high growth right when it when it's showing high sales and earnings growth cashflow growth and when it's got a high valuation that would lead to the share price going up and that's when you want to go along logically right at the same time if the company's growth is slowing down or it's got negative growth or the company's actual value is really look for better the share price we expect the share price to go down in value so how important is fundamental analysis in determining price action well it is really important for the medium to the long term so if you're more of a medium to long term investor you have to focus a lot on fundamental analysis but I gotta tell you that for short-term traders which means anything less than a year fundamental analysis is not that important because in a short term stock prices are not driven by logic in a short term stock prices are driven by emotions market sentiment and that's why sometimes you may see a company with sales growing profits growing by the short term the price goes down why because simply the whole market sentiment is bearish its negative at the same time you can have a company that's losing money company's sales and profits are falling but the price keeps going up why because the whole market is bullish right so giving a short term it is all about emotions in a long that is all about fundamentals so it gives you more of a medium to long term investor you can pick good companies to go along on in the long run by screening for good fundamentals and let me show you how that can be done with thin this so let's take a look at how important fundamentals are to long-term price performance so again I met fill this and I'm looking at the stock screener they thought of 7,000 stocks in the US and I'm gonna select only the stocks with really great fundamentals in the long run right so for example earnings per share growth above 10 percent so this will filter for companies whose earnings growth is over 10 percent a year for the last 5 years right seals growth in the last 5 years over 10 percent earnings growth for the last five years over here 10 percent over 10 percent right so again sorry this is earnings growth in the last five years for but 10 percent sales growth over the last 5 years 10 percent and this projected earnings growth in the next five years over 10% company good fundamentals has got return on equity above 15% has got no debt to equity ratio which means it's got no debt compared to its equity so you can put this over us or under one current ratio tells you the company's current assets always current liabilities we put it above one there we go so once you put in all these criterias it has filter 84 companies out of 7,000 so these are the 84 companies with the strongest growth in its sales and his profits and it's know as dead alright so you can see that the typical there any of these companies you will show you really great long-term stock price performance alright so the first one is a BMD alright a BMD and if you look at a chart and select for the last five years you can put it in a BMD there you go you can see in the long run over five years that company will increase in value and the share price would go up in the long run okay the next stop is Adobe a DBE so again if you punch that in you can see in the last five years it's again a very strong performing stock okay let's take a look at the next one which is a LGN align technologies and again if you punch in a LG and once again in the long run you can see that it is going up okay so again this is important for medium to long term investing and I'll be coming up soon with an investing course which is focused on fundamental analysis and stock valuation all right well focus a lot more on the fundamentals and so that's how you can find good companies to hold for the long run so you can see that in the long run fundamentally good companies will always increase in value so the price would always increase in the long run but in the short run you zoom into the short run you can see that the price will go through ups and downs as well okay so sometimes a good company can have a fall in the stock price in the short term and this again is due to the short-term market sentiment of the bullish of bearishness so as a swing trader we are more concerned about the short-term price movements and that is why it's a short-term trader where you're trading more for short-term income we have to focus more on technical analysis so technical analysis is really studying the emotions that drives the stock price in the short term because in again in the short term prices are driven not by logic not by fundamentals are purely by emotions of fear and greed of demand and supply so as a short-term trader we have to focus on reading price trends with structures candlestick patterns support and resistance levels the Telos supply and demand zones moving averages certain indicators that tell us overbought oversold strength of trend conditions and by doing this we can anticipate short-term price movements so let's take a quick look at how do we analyze short-term price movements so as mentioned in the long run a good business will always see its share price increase but in the short run price is good through market cycles or phases so any stock any market will go through three main paths the cycle so the some time when the price is on an uptrend cycle like so okay where prices tend to move higher in the short run and then it goes into a consolidation phase where prices tend to move in a sideways fashion and then there are times it goes into a downtrend where it makes downtrending move it goes in a consolidation pattern again over here and then another up tread pattern over there so again it doesn't always go to these sequence of cycles it could could be on an uptrend and then a downtrend or downtrend and optional consolidation so it's critical when you're trading to know which cycle is the stock or the market in so let's study the three different cycles so the first one is an uptrend so stocks are normally on an uptrend when a market is bullish so how do you define an uptrend and option is defined when the price makes a series of higher highs and higher lows so an uptrend price still comes down for a few days but every time the price goes down it makes a higher high right comes down makes a new high comes down makes a new high comes down makes a new high comes down mix the new high so again as an uptrend is when the stock makes a series of higher highs as you can see and a series of higher modes and when the price is on an uptrend the probability is that prices will move higher because the market is bullish or optimistic so on an uptrend you always want to go long okay you always want to belong on the uptrend because you is going to buy when prices are more probable to go up and go down so question is when is the best time to buy on an uptrend would you want to buy a here or at B yeah once again would you want to buy at a at this point or at B at this point well the answer should be obvious B right because you always want to buy as low as possible right buy low sell high so you always want to buy at the lowest point of an uptrend and we call this a dip right so prices move in wave patterns it moves in an impulsive we call this the impulsive wave and then the corrective wave or we call it a dip as well so this a dip impulse dip empowers dip so you always want to buy at the dip now the question would be how do you know where is the lowest point of the dip how would you know you would not go lower right now you can know for a hundred percent certainty but you can make a pretty good guess because whenever the price makes it did it tends to find support at one of the moving averages so in this case you can see where I'm putting in a tree really major moving averages the 50 moving average which is the blue line the hundred and fifty moving average the green line and the 200 moving average which is the red line okay now different stocks tend to respect different moving averages and moving averages egg as levels of defense so in the stock trading and stop investing course in the lessons to come out on mobile which moving averages to use for different stocks and for different time frames so you can see in this case on the uptrend when price moves up and it gets a bit too fast moving average it will retrace to the moving average goes up retraces goes up retrace the scores up retraces goes up beat races so whenever the price gets very near the moving average or it bounces off the moving average that is the optimal time to buy so we always buy the dip on the uptrend okay so this would be a buy point over here this would be a buy point and this would be a buy point when it bounces off the moving average and this is also known as buying on the retracement came by not a retracement what you never want to do on an uptrend is you never want to buy at the high they never buy the highest of the uptrend why because when the price goes at a high eventually it would have to retrace back to the moving average okay now will there be times when they are traders who sell on an uptrend where they go against the trend yes they are and you only do that when the price is overbought on the uptrend which means the price has gone up okay and it's kind of like gone too far from the moving average you would eventually snap back to the moving average so again in the stock trading course in the lessons to come I'll show you when is the point when the price is over stretch it's not like a rubber band you stretch it too much up you would snap back before continuing higher so if you can show traders who sell short over there you are taking what is known as a counter trend trade because you are shorting against the uptrend but if you shot over there you have to quickly buy back over here to take a profits before the trend continues okay so up trends don't last forever eventually up trends would reverse it to down trends so what's a downtrend downtrend is when the price makes a series of lower highs you can see and a series of lower lows so on a downtrend prices go up as well for a few days or few weeks but every time the price goes up what happens it goes north it goes up it goes lower it goes up it goes no he goes up he goes lower okay so the downtrend you never ever want to buy you never ever not hold a stock so on a downtrend the probability is prices will continue going lower price always follows trend so on a downtrend what you want to do you always want to sell or you want to short during a downtrend okay you wanna sell sell short so you make money as it goes down so when it's the best time to sell on a downtrend would you want to sell at a at the high of the downtrend or sell at B at the laudanol track once again would you want to sell at AAA or sell at B right obviously logically you always want to sell at the high of a downtrend right sell high below so always sell the high of a downtrend never sell the law okay so again the question is how would you know it's the high on the uptrend how would you know it's not going to go higher right so again when we are shorting on a downtrend we are looking for resistance levels and again the best kind of resistance to use would be moving averages and again I've placed on the major moving averages the 15 the 100 in this case the 150 and the 200 moving average so again notice that price moves in weight patterns right it's on an impulse it rarely impulse rallies impulse rallies okay so let me write that down again notice impulsive way so the impulsive wave is the wave in the direction of the trend so the trend is down impulsive wave is going down and then we have what is what is known as a corrective wave which is the wave opposite the trend direction and in a downtrend the corrective wave is also known as a rally so you always want to sell the rallies or the downtrend okay so again the best of the cell is when the rarely hits a moving average and finds resistance and continues going down so you can see over here it rallies kids the moving average goes down Randi's kids the moving average goes down Rani's gives the moving average that is the ideal time to short to sell before the next collapse so always sell the high never ever sell the law of the downtrend okay now again other times when traders or even investors by doing a downtrend yes there are times you do that when the price is oversold on a downtrend and you expect it to snap back up so remember is again back to the rubberband example when you stretch the rubber band to more it's over so you will snap back so notice over here if you gets too low you snap back too low snap back to low so when it's over so that's when traders would buy at all the salt condition so you buy there quickly Gazza take your profit before the trend continues okay so you know teach you exactly when you buy right at the bottom of a downtrend to catch the temporary bounce before I continue on down in the mix come up lessons in the stock trading course so let me summarize how you trade the trends using my favorite metaphor the metaphor of breathing patterns alright so again on an uptrend think of it as the market needs to breathe out and breathe in before it breathes out again alright so the market breathes out you can't breathe out forever right eventually you have to breathe in all right and after you breathe in then breathe out breathe in breathe out and the pattern continues okay and again we use moving averages in this case this blue line is one of the moving averages could be the 50 moving average so again the moving average you use depends on the bliss stock and the time frame and I'll go that in amount of depth during the next part of this course so the moving averages helps us to tell when the price has breathed that too much and it's due to breathe in before breathing out again and again we want to answer at the breathing in stage and we can then exit to take profits at the breathing out stage as a swing trader okay so again on an uptrend we call this the impulsive way and this is known as the corrective way okay so we always want to buy over there we want to buy at the dip or at the end of the correction by the dip that's the lowest respond the pie and you could sell when the price has moved too far from the moving average it's gonna snap sell snaps back and you just repeat this process so on a downtrend is the opposite when a downtrend we have got an impulsive wave breathe out breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out and so on and so forth so again on a downtrend we have the impulsive wave oops right to the wrong hand okay that's impulsive wave and the corrective wave and so on and so forth right so again we use one of the moving averages which again could be the 200 moving average depending on the stock okay so the best of the cell is when you have a breathing in right you sell over there you sell short good sell shot over there so we can have to breathe in sell poop goes down and again you could take profit by buying over there right you buy when the price is over salt and it snaps back to the moving average so in a nutshell that's how you trade trends you buy every traceless and sell at retracements on up trends and down trends respectively okay so the next thing that can happen is that a price goes into a consolidation period so in the consolidation the price is moving sideways and often times the price wants to go up but it's meeting a resistance level right so the price wants to go up but it hits a certain level in this case is $49 and boom it comes back down again price goes up again hits 49 comes back down again price goes up he's 49 comes back down again so it tells you that $49 there are many sellers waiting to sell supply exceeds demand so the price can't break this level at the same time when the price goes down to a 7 level in this case it's 37 what happens it reverses our goes back to 37 V vs up goes like 27 meters up so it tells you that 37 dollars there are a lot of bias waiting to buy the demand exceeds supply that's unknown as a support level and the price comes Ding Dongs between support and resistance okay and whenever you see the market or stop in a consolidation the best time to buy would be at support right so you buy a support by over there and you take profit the moment it reaches resistance okay again comes back down by its support sell it resistance so you just wash rinse and repeat and you can make a lot of money just playing stocks in ranges okay so in the next part the cost I'll teach you how you find stocks every day which are in our range they are always stops and erase you're always markets in the range and this is known as trading the range okay so by its support sell it resistance now one of things that you never want to do when the prices in a consolidation is you never buy near the resistance okay so don't ever buy over here okay some people think hey that's an uptrend and they buy over there goes up boom and they lose money right it's a it's going up set up trendy bar over there boom it's funny because they're buying right at the resistance level okay now eventually a consolidation will end so how does it end there two ways um number one a consolidation could eventually be brokered into a new Uptrend so what happens is you have a strong resistance resistance resistance resistance resistance and eventually is enough demand they will break thus the the supply level at that level and once it breaks it starts a new Uptrend okay so that is also a great time to start going long on a stock when it breaks a consolidation and starts a new Uptrend and traders who buy oops traders who buy these prices are known as breakout traders they are buying the breakout so you could buy the breakout when it breaks a berth or there are some traders who don't buy the breakout they wait for breakout and they wait for the price to come back to the resistance and resistance will eventually become support if the price comes down and bounces of the support they will enter at the support level on the bounce so this is known as a retracement trader so you can again by on the initial breakout a buy on the retracement to the previous resistance 10 support and enter here before I continue going up so these are two styles that traders use similarly a downtrend or a consolidation can also end by breaking down into a downtrend so in this case you can see support support support support support eventually boom it breaks support and starts a new downtrend and that is a great time where traders would short with sell short so traders who sell over there they sell short and profit as it collapses they are known as breakout traders as well so they are buying the breakout to the downside or Brett buying the breakout to the upside okay now some traders don't buy honor on the first breakout they wait for the breakout and they wait for a retracement to the previous support that would become resistance right so then we refer to go up there kit be resistance come down and they will sell it only at the retracement so again you could sell and breakout or sell and retracement so there are many styles in which you can enter and exit the market being a swing trader now a common question that I'm asked is Adam when you are looking at markets what time frames do you use you look at Bailey candles or you know 5-minute candles and lookup duration you look at on the chance well it all depends there's so many ways to make money from the markets and it depends again are you an investor a swing trader day trader scalper so I'm going to be a rundown on basically the four styles of approaching the markets and the first style is known as position trading also known as investing so if you look at someone like a Warren Buffett he's known as an investor because he holds for many years writing course of pursuit for many years and it's also known as position trading so for position traders or investors they tend to look at weekly and daily candles in analyzing a chance and some long-term investors like Warren Buffett they don't even look at chance at all or they look at is really the fundamentals of the business so in investing we tend to focus on fundamentals sales profits debt so and so forth and again holding period would be months - very often years and it's a position trader you tend to look at a market less frequently you tend to review your investor investment probably just once every quarter when the company announces its earnings report or you could take a look at a chance once a week and in investing as I've mentioned you never use the leverage you never invest with for money you always invest with your cash because you are gonna bar and hole to the ups and downs okay and it's a very low intensity because you don't have to watch the market that frequently so this is great for people who don't have much time okay the next approach is known as swing trading and primarily when I trade stocks I tend to focus on this approach known as swing trading so in swing trading I use day candles and end of the market data I don't look at a market when it's open because that's when I'm asleep the u.s. time it's when I'm asleep in Asia okay so in swing trading typically my trade lasts for about a week to maximum two weeks or put it less than two weeks more often than not the trait lasts for a few days so I'm in and out for a few days and I just look at a market for thirty minutes to an hour a day before it opens I do my research before the market opens and place my orders when the market opens I'm not there the broker will execute the buy and sell orders automatically so it frees up a lot my time in swing trading I've mentioned you have to trade with leverage and it's still relatively low intensity because you already look at the market for thirty minutes to an hour a day that's it now what's a bit more high intensity would be day trading so day trading involves watching the market throughout the trading day to the ups and downs and usually for day traders we use one to five minute candles okay and the entries and exits are obviously within a trading in within 24 hours so usually buy and sell within a few minutes or few hours and you to constantly monitor the market when it is open okay now if you are day trading stocks there is a law that says you need to have a minimum of $25,000 in your account to be a day trader if you're not a US citizen you can get around this rule by trading using CFD or CFDs you can circumvent the $25,000 rule now in day trading you need to use again high leverage as well as it's pretty high intensity because you are watching the market move by me okay now personally as a as a person who lives in Asia is challenging for me to be trade during the US market hours so when I day trade it's only in the first hour of the market open okay I tend to day trade a lot more in Asia using currency trading or forex trading which is 24 hours finally you have what is known as scalping so scalping is basically entering and exiting a trade within a fuse seconds or 1 to 2 minutes so often we use one minute candles and again with the monitor the market before I open so nice car stops there are announcing earnings and we stopped the earnings news and again you need a $25,000 minimum to to be a scalper or you CFDs so you do not need to have that minimum amount very high leverage and very high intensity I do scout the stock market to a technique known as the gap up new scar or the gun strategy whereas cup stocks that are announcing earnings and I sculpt the earnings news so let's take a look at a chance and let's look at how we approach the market under these different styles so let's take a look at one of the stocks we identified earlier which is Adobe so we know that Adobe is a fundamentally really good company so if you're more of a position trader or investor you just buy and hold the stock for the long term alright and for investors they normally care about the short term price movements as long as the stock price is below the intrinsic value it is under value then they will just buy and you just hold it for the long run so you can see that for an investor you look at 5 to it to 10-year time frame you don't get daily candles and again in the long run it would be going up and you not be concerned about the short-term Corrections as a long-term investor as a long-term investor you may also look at the weekly candles so from the weekly perspective you can also see a very clear uptrend again these temporary Corrections will not concern you in fact these people good buying opportunities when the price becomes temporarily undervalued and again in my stock investing course I'll talk more about how do you value a company and how do you tell when the price is undervalued or overvalued so investors typically the our main goal is wealth accumulation to grow their savings in the long run now if you're someone who wants to trait for a living to earn the jury income from the markets then you have to be more of a swing trader or day trader or even a scalper and again as a swing trader now focus on the short-term price movements so we go to maybe a shorter time frame like a six month time frame we look at daily candles and we could put in some of the moving averages like so there we go right so for a swing trader when would you enter again you wait for a corrective retracement right so you see the impulsive wave is over there and then you see a corrective wave and again is finding support at the 50 moving average and we also use candlestick patterns so in this case you can see this is a bullish pin bar candlestick pattern which is a bullish candlestick pattern so as a swing trader you probably put a buy order somewhere here you would buy the stock somewhere over there you place a stop loss right below okay so this is the risk which you're taking on this tree and you probably have a profit target somewhere there this is your profit target or take profit so you buy the price goes up for one two three four five six seven eight and before ten days it hits the profit target and you exit with a profit of two are so again what does our represent it represents your risk per trade so if you are risking for example 2% of your capital on the trade you will exit with a 4% return on capital for this particular trade so this is what how you would trade as a swing trader and I'll talk about this in the slides to follow if you're more for intraday or day trader you will then zoom in to for example a one-day timeframe and look at maybe the 5-minute candles okay so you can see that this is one day so from here so here this is 24 hours and each candle represents five minutes so you can see that on this book the day it was on a clear trend as well impulse correction impulse minor correction and continuous right so as an intraday trader you could see that the price was bouncing off this line and this line happens to be the 40 exponential moving average so it could have been up here bounce I couldn't before put a buy order over there all right to put a stop loss just below the moving average and when it reaches somewhere there you could actually take your profit so again you're risking 1r to make to our for example so in this case you can see that on an intraday timeframe you would buy at say two hundred and five dollars stop-loss is at two hundred and four dollars let me just get up to old five forty and two oh four sixty right so you're buying two or five fourteen cents and stop-loss have two oh four sorry this is about sixty cents two or four forty cents right so essentially your stop-loss is about two dollars away okay and the moon moment the price goes up by save four dollars or five dollars you could take profit for a quick trade all right so this is how you trade it as an intraday trader so again for swing trading intraday trading your trading for income a monthly income Quadling income but for a long-term investor Warren Buffett you're actually holding for long term wealth accumulation so you have many ways to trade and now let me take a show you a closer look at how you would set up your swing trades all right so you can see that for investing the approach is to really just hold the shares for the long run and to just write the trend for as long as the trend goes and that's because for investing the goal is really about wealth accumulation growing your capital over time but for swing trading day trading and scalping the main objective is to create a regular income for yourself so because of that you always enter with a set profit target so once he hits a profit target you exit the trade and go for the next trade and just keep repeating the process so whenever you do a short-term trade especially a swing trade you're always tree points in every tree or three orders that you need to place at once so when you are going long so going long means right buying low and selling high so when you're going long for long trades winning traders always place three orders first you place the entry order where you enter the Train the place which you buy basically you must also place a stop loss order which is the price that you will exit with a loss because any trade could turn out to be a losing trade you never know so you always have to have a point of cutting your loss okay at the same time you also place a tick profit price which is the price that you will exit with a profit so let's take a look at it graphically so you can see over here for example for certain stock we buy and $90.00 all right and again it depends on a strategy on where we place our buy order so you buy 90 dollars and you place your stop loss at 87 dollars okay so again I'll show you Nashua a where you place your stop loss so when you place your stop-loss again depends on that specific strategy based on the price action of the chance so in this case your risk per share is $3 for every share you buy you're risking $3 okay so the key to trading is always to risk $1 to make $2 or more so for example your target is double your risk your profit target will be three times to be $6 per share okay so again this is known as the one hour distance and the profit target will be a to R and R represents your risk so questions how many shares do you buy so you have to calculate the number of shares to buy so that when it hits your stop loss a losing trade results in a fixed loss of capital a fix small percentage loss so for example it could be you're risking 2% of your capital and if it hits your profit target you should make double or more so in this case if you're risking 2% you make 4% returns you know if you're risking 3% then you are making 6% and so on and so forth so how much risk you take depends on your individual style okay so I'm gonna give an example of how this works on an actual trade so this is a trade where we are basically buying as it retraces finding support on the moving average so you can see this the impulsive way and then that's the correct if we are wait for the dip you can see they find support at the 50 moving average and at that point is gonna bounce up and we buy right at the bounce so in this case we buy and $90 that's the buy price okay so where you put a stop loss so for this the strategy we place the stop loss right below the moving average support so right below the blue line we place a stop loss somewhere a few cents below that line so in this case the stop loss will be at 87 dollars okay so again that gives us a risk per share of three dollars every share you buy you're risking three dollars if it hits the stop loss if it does not you're losing trade and our profit target will be two times our risk for share so six dollars okay so $90 plus six will give you a profit target of $96 okay so how many shares do you buy so let's take a look at the mathematics and so assuming you have a capital of $5000 okay that's your total capital and you decide to risk 2% for every trade you take remember this has to be a fixed risk per trade so we decide on 2% to be 3% we want the same let's just take 2% okay so how many shares do we buy well you take your total capital which is $5,000 and you multiply it by 2 percent that gives you $100 right so in other words for every treat you take the maximum loss is $100 which is 2% of your total capital okay now so your total risk is $100 but each shade by is tree dollars of risk so how many shares you buy well you simply take $100 which is the total risk of the trade divided by 3 dollars which is the risk per share you get the nutritionist so there you go you by 33 chance okay so what's your position signs so you're buying 33 shares at $90 okay sorry this is a bit of typo this should be $90 and my new bucket so $90 times 33 is let me just do some math not very good and member math okay so 19 times 33 is two nine seven zero okay so out of $5,000 you're using two thousand dollars for this tree now this if you're buying cash again if you use a margin account or you CFDs you don't actually need two thousand nine hundred dollars you just in half on that or 10 percent of that which is tell me what I do okay so if it turns out to be a winning trade what happens so a winning trade would mean a six dollar profit right six dollar profit time's the tree shares that's $198 so $198 out of $5,000 represents 4 percent return on capital in just a few days okay now if it hits your stop-loss you lose $3 times the Nutri shares that's $99 which represents a 2% loss of capital so can you see how by calculating number of shares were able to control the percentage risk and percentage return on our total capital so in the trading cost you'll be getting a calculator and a copy that looks like this and you just bring it up for you then let me go this is the position sizing calculator they'll be part of the course so with this calculator you can key in your capital so again it could be 5,000 multiply it by again be a 1% risk could be a 5% only so assuming you risk 2% betray and you're buying at $90 write your stop loss is 8087 your profit targets 96 boom immediately you can see number of shares to buy 30 treat so this helps you to calculate the number of shares to buy for every trade immediately so makes it really convenient and again you get it as part of the training course so what if you're going short if you're going short is the opposite similarly you place three orders at the same time when you're doing a short trade right you are sell high and take profit lower to make a profit okay so in this case that starts at $50 you and this bit is gonna go down so you sell at $50 that is your entry price okay and subsequently you place a stop loss above your entry price at $52 so if it goes up to 52 you exit with a loss of two dollars per share okay so if you're risking $2 per share you wanna make at least $4 per share so your profit target should be double of that so your profit target would be $50 - $4 and that gives you a profit target of $46 right so again you're risking one arm to make to our and you calculate the number of shares to short so that you risk a small percentage of your capital and you make double of that for winning trade so for a particular store where's the best place to put the buy the stop loss and take profit so it all depends on the trading system that you're using so I use a variety of trading systems that work best under different market conditions for example when the market is trending in a strong uptrend or strong downtrend I use the moving average bounce system where again I buy when it bounces off of the moving average on an uptrend and I short when it bounces off the moving average on a downtrend I also use what is known as the impulse pullback system whenever a stock starts a new Uptrend I wait for minor pullback to enter to catch the rest of the trend so that's known as the impulse pullback system there's also the break out system that works well when the price breaks out of a consolidation either breaking up or breaking down and for intraday I use what is known as a gap up new scar where a stock announces good news like great earnings and stock gaps up at the market open I will scout the price increase in a few seconds or a few minutes at times so these are what what is known as trend following systems so to be a successful trader you need a specific system that tells you exactly what to buy when to buy when to sell and how many shares to buy what is your risk management and sometimes when it stops in a consolidation pattern going sideways going nowhere then I use what is known as the Bollinger mean reversion system where I sell on the minor uptrend and I'm fighting a minor downtrend where I'm looking revert to the mean the center I also use the capitation system for panic selling mine right at the bottom and a sister called trading the range system so it's kind of like in a business all right to run a successful business for example selling you know you're selling clothes you need to sell for example winter clothes for winter and swimwear for summer so similarly you need a different trading systems when a market goes into different phases so if you've got a trading system that only works when a market is going up then when a market is going down you can make money so to be a successful trader you must make money consistently under every market condition so let's take a quick look at some point different systems so again this is known as my moving average bounce system where it looks for stocks that are trending and bouncing off the moving average and we buy as it bounces off one of the key moving averages and again you're gonna learn in the course that different stocks respond to different moving averages so you have to know which moving averages to use for which stocks so again this is an example of a long moving average bounce trade where the price empowers pullback and they give me by 89 and we sell at 98 with a stop-loss right below the moving average and also you will learn how to use certain indicators like the stochastics MACD to tell oversold and strong trend conditions it's an example of a short balance trade where again is a clear downtrend like so impulse and is pulling back to the moving average is bouncing off one of the moving averages and once it goes down we do a short sale and we could get thick profit within a few days so these are known as swing trades with the consistent profits out of the market this is the impulse pullback system when a stock makes a new Uptrend and we find a new Uptrend by looking at certain moving average and indicate the cross over so whenever there's a crossover it tells us that it's a new Uptrend we wait for minor pullback from the uptrend fighting support at the moving average and we buy as if bound is off the moving average and we just our target price and again about four to five days okay and here's another system which is a mean reversion system okay where we buy at the downtrend when it's over so ready to bounce that as you can see there's a downtrend right going on its downtrend pattern and then over here it gets really over sol-type over stretch all right rubberband and we have got like a bullish pin bar so we do a quick buy a stop loss it catapults up our profit target and we exit within about four days all right so this is known as a mean reversion system buying against the downtrend this is a short example where again the price is going up goes down makes a double top so that's a double top it forms a bearish pinbar and we do a quick short sell and it goes down hits our profit target and we exit in three days for quick profit so again this selling when it's over part of a double talk it comes down and we think but quick exit and when prices are in a range going sideways in a range we use a trigger range system where we buy right as it bounces off the support level but tight stop-loss but there and when it hits our profit target we will exit at this area and the great thing about this strategy is usually you're risking $1 to make tree to fold on so it's a really great risk to reward system so every single day I look at the market I look for these trade setups trade the range impulse pullback and the bounce system and people ask me Adam how long do you take to find these trades every single day and the answer is less than 30 minutes how do i do that because i program my screener to find these trades for me automatically so in the trading cost in the cost to come you'll be getting all these trading scripts that I've created that they will help you to screen for traits every single day so I'm gonna show you very quickly how these screeners work so this is one of them I'm using it's for TC mm all right and you can see over here I have a library of all the different systems there we go we have got the bounce long system the bounce shot system and so on and so forth these are the different systems that I use every single name you have to use all of them you can just use some of them to be really profitable so for example for this 50 bounce long system you can see that there's a specific formula that has been written over here to help you to screen the markets for these setups every single day so it just takes about 30 minutes of my time so for example if I go to 50 bounce long right click on that so immediately you scan the market and you show me all the stocks that are bouncing off the 50 moving average for example well let me just change this setting to a bounce don't click on the first one and you can see immediately well that one's not very nice let me click on this one okay there we go right so again you can see that it is bouncing off the 50 moving average right so next one okay okay ah and again you can see it is bouncing bouncing off the 50 moving average right so every single day it finds the stocks there are having that exact system or setup you're looking for and I'll teach you in the cost exactly which ones to pick and which ones to avoid we only pick the ones with the highest probability of winning okay so with all these trading systems they'll tell you exactly what to buy when to buy when to sell question people ask would be you know so can I be right all the time can I read all the time the answer is of course not that's not them that wins all the time and you do not need to win all the time to make money so what is the secret of a profitable trading business the secret is really having a trading plan where in your trading plan we always have an entry price a stop loss price and a target price as I've mentioned many many times so when we enter trade when we use a good system we have a sixty to seventy percent probability of having a winning trade of hitting a profit target and a thirty to forty percent probability of having a losing trade that is the reality of training okay so you will win some you will do something you just have to win more than you lose and when you lose you only lose a fixed percentage of your capital again if you risk 2% of your capital when you win you need to win at least four percent you always want to make two or more so I've got some systems where is one to make three or four and I'll teach you those systems in this trading course so think about it if you do an average of 20 trades a month and you have an average win with rate of 60% that means you have eight losing trades and twelve winning trades in a month on average right so every time you lose you lose 2% in this case because you are risking 2% of your capital per trade and when you win you win 4% of your capital right so your winning trades put in forty eight percent your losing trades deduct 16 percent your net return is 32 percent a month with a 60 percent win rate okay now there will be certain months where your win rate may drop to just 50 percent now what if you're only right half the time okay you'll find that in a twenty trick sample you have ten wins and 10 losses again each time you lose you lose two percent when you win you win four percent so again 40 percent minus twenty percent is still a 20 percent return a month with just a fifty percent win rate so beauty of my trading system is you just have to be right half the time and you'll be making a really good whippin every month okay now what if your win rate drops to just 40% now this sucks I can tell you that it does happen during certain periods right where you're wrong more than all right so when that happens you are getting 12 losses and eight wins in 20 trades but this time again you are down 24% but you're up 32% so net profit you'll still up 8% into the money so again even if you've got a win win of 40% you can still make money consistently if you manage your risk to return ratio and manage your money well and that's how we compound our money month to month year to year and achieve our financial goals really fast so I always say that trading is the perfect business and trading is the business because I like any business you're buying and selling things for a profit now in a business you always have sales minus cost equals the profit you can't have sales without cost you need both so similarly in trading a winning trade is a sales a losing trade is a cost so sales minus cost is your net profit so when you look at that way trading is like any other business so trading is a perfect business because number one is really flexible you can do it from anywhere in the world and all you need is less than one to two hours a day and once you master the skill like me all you need is 30 minutes a day and that's why I've got the entire day really free to do other stuff spend time a lot a lot time my family and I can teach which is my passion okay you can work from anywhere in the world whether it's from a beach resort or from the jungles okay so it's got an internet connection you can trade right there are more employees to worry about there's no rentals to pay there no competitors because you know the beauty about this business is after I teach you how to make money it doesn't mean I mean less money we can both make noise so you're not my competitor right we are all trading together okay it's recession proof so even in a down market even if the economy collapses we're still profiting because we are short the markets a great thing about trading is that relatively compared to other businesses it takes very little capital in most businesses to start a shop a restaurant you need at least $100,000 $200,000 my in trading can start with an account as small as three thousand dollar count or five thousand dollar account okay and it's relatively you glorius if you start a business and the business fails you lose everything okay but in a trading business we only risk a small percentage of our capital which is just two percent or even one percent of our capital so even if you have ten losses in a row you're only down 20 percent of your capital and eventually you'll make it back right because the winds will eventually be more than the losses so in a short run you may have small losses in the long run you always make money trading is the perfect business so we have just covered last lesson one of the professional stock trading cost level one let me tell you what's in store for the rest of the course okay so in lesson two you'll be learning the secret to achieving consistent trading profits and basically how you treat like a casino where in the long run the house always wins and how do you develop and use a trading system that is an edge in the markets that has a positive staviska expectancy so in the long run your business is always profitable in lesson three be learning how do you master technical analysis how do you understand what is when it's Dow Theory and the principles of tengan alysus how do you identify trends and when you trade trends you must align the long term trend with the medium term trend with the short term trend and it must be aligned and different interval level so you're gonna learn all this stuff right how to understand support and resistance levels supply and demand zones that will move the stock price how do you master moving averages in Lesson four we go deeper into technical analysis when you learn about how to use the right indicators to tell oversaw and overbought conditions the strength of the trend how to use powerful candlestick patterns to know the the scent of the day is the market likely to reverse the next day of the continued Yulin hub anticipate changes a trend with what is known as divergence patterns and how do you analyze not just a stock but the sector the industry and the market has to be aligned in the right direction lesson 5 we learned about position sizing how do you calculate the number of shares to buy and how do you automate your trading business so you don't it'll be there all the time the broker will buy and sell for you automatically and execute your orders how do you leverage your capital using contract for differences you have these as well as margin okay and lesson six you will learn the first trading system known as the bounce system so in a bound system you learn about again the two candle reversal patterns entry and exit rules how do you identify wave patterns how do you manage your trade once you're in the trade and how do you screen for setups everything using my proprietary software that you're beginning and how do you identify the highest momentum stocks to buy and the lowest to sell so all this be covered in level one of the course okay again you get the entire system performance so you know exactly how the system works you get all these screening scripts but that's not all in lesson seven you'll be learning the psychology of winning traders how do you condition yourself to trade optimally at your p m-- where you learn to manage your emotions how do you manage temporary draw downs of capital which is inevitable how do you program your mind to be a winning trader using neuro-linguistic programming or animal p lesson how do you develop a trading plan when you keep a trading journal just like a business and how do you choose the right stock broker with the lowest commissions lesson 9 how to use the charting software been talking about how do you put in the moving averages have you plan and execute orders okay and it's actually a bonus lesson ten which is how do you treat the range which is one of my most powerful systems and all this will be in the next few lessons in professional stock trading cost so I look forward to seeing you in the lake next lesson Adam COO in a markets be with you hi so you like the video you can subscribe for more videos by clicking the subscribe button you're gonna find our mobile live training courses in Asia go to wealth academy global comm for online professional stop and forex trading courses you can go to purana prophet's calm so this is adam coup and i'll see you soon
Channel: Adam Khoo
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Keywords: adam khoo, adamkhoowealth1, wealthacademySG, stock trading, stock investing, technical analysis, ETFs, exchange traded funds, CFDs, wealth academy, AKLTG, stock trading strategies, swing trading, stock trading for beginners
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Length: 89min 23sec (5363 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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