Is Thomas Kralow a Scam? My Perspective as a Student

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hey everybody this is matt thomas at trading and today i wanted to talk about my personal perspective as someone who has actually gone through thomas crawlow's university grade trading education program and discuss in detail whether or not i think that it's a scam so i've heard arguments from both sides of the spectrum the naysayers who claim his program is an outright scam as well as his supporters who claim that it's the best trading education in the world so i think the best format for this video would be to list the top three complaints i've heard in relation to thomas crawllow in his trading program as well as the top three compliments and discuss those a bit in order to get a well-rounded viewpoint and then i'll wrap things up with the details of my own personal take based on first-hand experience going through the standard version of his complete program so let's dig right into the top complaints the first is that he sells a day trading program but no longer day trades i understand where people are coming from on this complaint it can seem a bit suspect for someone to be selling a day trading program without actually day trading anymore but i do want to point out that it's not entirely true he certainly hasn't been trading stocks and futures as actively as he used to but lately he's still been day trading a bit mainly cryptocurrencies and in addition to the day trading that he's been doing he still has longer term investments so he's still actively involved in the markets it's just not as much day trading as it used to be generally speaking i think people are so used to the typical trading gurus that spoon feed them with watch lists and signals and alerts that they build up this dependency for blind copycat trading and i've never really seen a case where this actually helped somebody become a great trader in the long run so i personally like that thomas crawlow doesn't offer a chat room or alerts as part of his university grade trading education program because even though those things are what most people think they want they're generally ineffective at actually helping them achieve success in the markets the focus shouldn't be on thomas crallow or any other trading guru for that matter it should be on your own personal process and development as a trader the second complaint is that you could find all of the information within his trading program for free online to a large degree this is true the video lessons don't necessarily offer a ton of mind-blowing content in theory you could find the bulk of the information for free elsewhere but i think those who make this complaint don't fully understand the distinction between information and skills long-term sustainable trading success isn't just about learning various terminology and concepts that's only the start those theoretical concepts then need to be transformed into effective habits and functional skills through practice repetition and experience i think this is the main reason why so many people go through countless trading courses and services struggling to find success because they're hoping for some magical piece of information like the details of a holy grail system that produces a consistent never-ending stream of income but this sort of thing simply doesn't exist the answer isn't information the answer is the development of specific tactical analytical and mental skills which allow you to adapt within the dynamic market environment overall you could find free information on almost any topic you want these days but there are three major problems with that approach first the information can be time consuming to find second it might not be organized in a convenient way and third and most importantly information alone doesn't automatically equate to functional habits and skills the third complaint is that thomas crawler's trading program is too expensive this is extremely subjective and also depends on the specific program package that you choose there's the basic shortened and complete versions then in addition to that depending on the level of assistance you desire there's the standard assisted or assisted plus packages i can certainly understand the sticker shock on the complete assisted plus package for example but the standard and assisted versions are reasonably priced in my opinion at around one thousand to three thousand dollars just because something costs money doesn't automatically make it a scam it might feel expensive right now in this moment but is a three thousand dollar program worth it if it allows you to build the skills to generate a part-time or full-time trading income to be clear i'm not making any sort of performance claims just trying to provide perspective on what constitutes expensive i've personally subscribed to plenty of chat rooms and alert services in the past that were relatively cheap but added up to quite a bit of money over time and they didn't even provide me with a morsel of value when it came to my own development as a trader in fact i'd say they made me worse looking back i would have been much better off with a program like this in the end you have to decide for yourself if you think the program is worth it for you but in all reality the biggest expense in becoming a consistently profitable trader is your time now let's move on to the compliments the first is that thomas crawlow is completely honest and transparent about everything now i have no way of verifying if this is entirely true but he certainly seems to be an open book on just about any subject even ones that most would consider quite personal topics like mental health issues and even his own personal battles with addiction in addition to that he's extremely transparent about his sources of income including how much he makes from core sales and all the other details of his personal net worth i've honestly never come across a trading guru that was this transparent they're often very secretive probably because they're hiding something so these examples of openness and honesty are a great indicator of thomas crawlow's authenticity the second complement is that thomas crallow offers the most complete and well-structured trading program available online i can't say his trading program is the absolute best with a hundred percent certainty because i haven't personally been through every single trading course in existence but i have experienced dozens of others in the past and his program definitely stands out the curriculum is solid and it isn't just a bunch of video lessons and webinars mashed together like a lot of other trading courses are it also offers homework assignments quizzes and tests and recommends rounds of demo trading for deep internalization practice and skill building it's a highly structured curriculum that covers critical concepts like proper expectations trading psychology risk and money management trade data and statistics technical and fundamental analysis and more so it's certainly much more comprehensive than a lot of other trading courses out there and it's designed to take the average student four to five months to complete the third compliment is that thomas crallow offers a 30-day refund on his program it's crazy to think about but many if not most trading services out there have a no refund policy so if you receive a lousy service you're essentially out of luck this shows the confidence that thomas crallow has in his own trading program so to wrap things up i'll admit that i was extremely skeptical of thomas crallow and his trading program when i first came across them i was 99 percent sure that he'd be just another shady trading guru offering a nonsense chat room with ineffective alerts his flashy youtube intros and some of his advertisements that i'd seen certainly didn't help sway my initial opinion but after digging deeper into some of his youtube videos checking out his website and thoroughly going through his university-grade trading education program i was completely surprised by the real effort-filled approach to trading success that he was teaching it's not about copying his exact approach it's about building your own personal trading algorithm as he calls it based on your own schedule risk tolerance cognitive strengths and overall preferences in terms of markets instruments and time frames and then improving and refining your individual approach over time based on the trade data you collect and the continued cultivation of skills and experience will everyone who purchase his program automatically become a consistently profitable trader absolutely not there's no guarantees because many people aren't willing to build new habits and skills they just want to be spoon fed a foolproof system that doesn't actually exist but in my opinion the core components for success are available within this program so overall i don't believe that thomas crawlow's program is a scam instead i think it's a legitimate program for anyone who's willing to put in the work so with all that being said please leave your personal thoughts and experience with thomas crowler's training program down in the comments section below i'm extremely interested in hearing from others who may have been through the program themselves and i'll talk to you in the next video take care you
Channel: Matt Thomas
Views: 15,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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