Why Most Traders Lose Money

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you're not where you want to be you're living  paycheck to paycheck you don't have that freedom   or the big house or the nice car it absolutely  sucks but the thing that you really need is   a reality check because instead of hustling  and learning you're probably drinking on the   weekends probably playing video games and probably  complaining and browsing youtube tell me i'm wrong   look listen I ain't no Jordan Peterson that  i'm not here to tell you that you need this   that or the other thing and you're going to  be successful in trading or anything else each   trade that you take is a 50 50 chance of being  profitable now some of you are smart and lucky and   figure it out but frankly most people will lose  at work at trading at life that's just how it is   the world is not fair no i totally understand but  but i really wanted to help this losing group so a   couple of days ago i posted a full proof strategy  of how you can make six to ten thousand dollars   a month within a hundred days a basic six step  program that if you follow and work hard and work   diligently and don't make excuses you can make  these exact type results within that time frame   and by the way it's free it's not some magical  secret hidden behind a paywall but naturally you   do need some money to get started in the markets  that's just how it works so i even offered to send   some starting capital to a bunch of folks that  commented on why they should get it and this is   when something became very clear i sent this money  to a few people that asked but i realized that   most of these people are probably not gonna try to  double or triple this money or even go through the   six steps of the program that are required to make  this kind of money on a monthly basis in fact it   quite clearly and evidently showed me the primary  reason why most people will never see any success   in the markets and by the way i did not pull this  number out of a hat i'll tell you straight up   it is possible my free trading education  apps have over 2 million downloads that is   a pretty big feedback pool and it's literally  showing me how folks who are poor and come from   terrible backgrounds can absolutely make it and be  successful but let me tell you this only about 20   of our students see this kind of success the  rest lack the dedication and the perseverance   that is required to succeed also the data from  online brokers clearly shows the same thing   roughly 68 75 to about 90 of traders depending  on the platform lose their money now of course   it can be difficult to give a single answer to why  that is the case but i'll tell you what i learned   from posting this six step strategy and what i've  learned from the past what six seven eight years   of building trading education apps it might be  a little bit shocking and it might be a little   bit of a low blow to you as well because you're  definitely guilty of this as we all are as humans   we all do this but the good thing is if you  apply a few principles of neuroplasticity   basically changing your brain through your  behaviors i can attest to you that we can work   on this and that your win rate will obviously  increase promise i get to the reason but first   let me ask you this why did you click on this  video maybe you liked the title or the thumbnail   but i think what you saw right before you clicked  this video spoke to you on a subconscious level   you wanted to find the reasons why people fail  at something but more specifically whether those   reasons apply to your failures as well they  apply to you to me to virtually everything   i know all these various unanswerable reasons  can be compressed into one single reason why you   fail and why certainly 80 to 90 percent of the  people that watch that video will fail is this   shortcuts looking for shortcuts everywhere like  you're doing right now watching youtube videos and   while you're losing instead of trading and trying  to get better at it that one thing that one method   the one final piece of the puzzle that will  finally let us make the most amount of money   with the least amount of effort tell me i'm  wrong so when i offered to fund some of these   people with some money they saw an opportunity  for a shortcut most likely without even trying   that method that i've seen personally generate  thousands of dollars a month they saw a shortcut   to money even though step one was to eliminate all  of your unnecessary expenses even though step two   was to complete our full trading course which is  free by the way you don't even have to pay for it   even though step four was to complete at least  250 trades in the simulator before even thinking   about step six you know the one that actually  requires that starting capital that i sent all   they saw was an opportunity to get some bread and  i can't blame them but you can start at step six   before completing all the steps before there's  steps to everything in life you learn how to   count before you learn how to multiply you learn  how to walk before you can run but yet when it   comes to trading or making money online or any  sort of online business because trading is also   a business it's not a hobby people think that they  can suddenly just jump to step 500 and live like a   wealthy person without all the trials and errors  and pains and hardship that the person has went   through you got to be kidding me listen to this  it's not get rich overnight it's not a bitcoin   deal and all that stuff the fact is growing  a business is almost impossible it's going to   take years you're going to have to make mistakes  you're going to have to pivot if you're not lucky   chances are it will take a lot of work a lot of  struggle and a lot of education before you can   become a successful trader that's just the truth  that is why we built the trading game course   so you don't have to be in debt and go to  university to learn about trading or economics or   the markets or whatever that is a valuable  shortcut because it still requires a tremendous   amount of work from you it's not like you're just  going to download our app zip through the course   trade a few of our signals and be a millionaire no  and we built it so that you don't take a shortcut   to the real markets immediately and start trading  with your own precious money and lose it all in   the first week buying trading courses from fake  gurus for thousands of dollars which perhaps is   your last money that's not a valuable shortcut  when you can literally learn anything for free   and use that money that you plan to spend on these  courses to actually start small bit by bit trading   the simulator learn and actually grow your skills  by doing it listen nobody on youtube or tic tac or   including myself will tell you exactly what to  do and how to do it i shared what works based   on my experience and the collective experience of  millions of trading game users you gotta put some   work in start learning start paper trading trade  in the simulator you don't lose anything you can   only gain even from your losses copy trade if you  need to yeah copy trading that is also a shortcut   but only if you treat it like one but if you learn  from the work of somebody else but you know that   somebody else is actually a transparent a verified  trader and if you actually put it in a notebook   try to understand why he does what it  does then that's a valuable shortcut   there are dozens of options to become a successful  trader but you've got to be willing to put the   work in here's a quote from joe rogan kind of  sums up why you're not where you want to be   i always use the analogy it's like you're  making a mountain with layers of paint like   every day paint another layer and it's like and  that is the richest most successful most famous   podcaster in the world telling you the success  is a daily layer by layer grind so to give you   an idea of where to start check out the trading  game we're pushing for a big update soon lots   of new features lots of new learning material  still free as always it's probably the only app   the only valuable shortcut that can help you  become a better trader today complete at least   250 trades in the simulator write down what you  did why you did it try to understand it and until   you've done that i don't want to hear any excuses  or anything like i don't know how to do it trading   is hard it's complicated it's not for me i'm  just not good enough none of that 250 trades   in the simulator and then we'll talk good luck to  you don't be lazy don't make excuses you can do
Channel: Finance Illustrated
Views: 878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yB_v-pNLY44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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