The Truth About Overlanding Gear - Budget vs Premium

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what's up everyone i'm matt with ozark overland adventures and in this video i want to talk about gear um i see a lot of comments on social media with uh you know people bad mouthing the gear people use people making fun of people with high-end gear people making fun of people with budget gear um and it just got me thinking how much of a difference is there is the you know you hear a lot about the overland tax for you know any gear that's got the word overland in it it's going to cost three times as much that sort of those sort of jokes um but i think some people actually believe that i've been very fortunate on this channel you know when i first started out doing this i i was and i still consider myself very cheap i don't like spending a lot of money especially unnecessarily but as the channel has grown i've gotten the opportunity to work with different companies and companies reach out to me ask me if i'd be willing to test stuff i can afford better gear now and so i i've run the gamut of starting out with just super cheap budget stuff even things purchased from you know garage sales and you know facebook marketplace and that sort of stuff to i mean now i i've got some really great stuff and so it it just made me wonder is there is there a difference and so i started taking a look at a couple different things you know you um the subject always comes up when you talk about cookware you know cook stoves that sort of thing so i've got some cook stoves that i've been checking out some sleeping bags camp chairs totes and then of course the you know the ground tent versus rooftop tent debate and so i have been spending the morning just kind of piddling around in my garage comparing things and so that's what i want to do in this video this video let me be very clear this video is not me telling you that if you're going to do this over landing car camping whatever it is you want to call you know vehicle-based adventure travel but this is not me telling you you you've got to have the high-end gear because that's not true at all this is also not me telling you that the high-end gear is not worth it uh because i'm going to show you some areas of how it is worth it and why um so this video is not those things so i do not want to see in the comments about how you know any of that crap so just uh walk with me on this let me let me show you what i found and you know at the end of the day you've got to choose the gear that's right for you you've got to choose the gear that's right for your budget and there's definitely some good use cases pros and cons for both you know the the budget gear and the high-end gear so that's what we're going to get into ozark overland adventures is proudly supported by the moore expo the midwest's number one adventure travel consumer expo artemis overland hardware they have one of the largest selections of over landing gear available big iron overland rally where overland expo meets music festival shop overland apparel your source for ozark overland adventures merchandise and more open road four wheel drive makers of affordable high quality winches and recovery gear outback rv of texas the best place for overland adventure trailers and moon makers of the moon shade portable awning [Music] so when you're looking at the difference between you know budget gear and high-end gear typically the higher-end gear is going to do one or maybe all of four things it's going to save you time it's going to save you weight it's going to save you space and a lot of times but not all the times but a lot of times it's going to be higher quality and so therefore it will last you longer and i can kind of demonstrate some of that with uh with the camp stoves so this is the ozark trail just your basic everyday camp stove uh got it at walmart and um honestly it's a lot thinner than i remember these things being my first camp stove i got through facebook marketplace for five bucks it was an old ozark trail camp stove and that thing you know served me well for about say about a year um until it started to fall apart but uh but this i i went and spent 34 dollars on this this is the ozark trail camp stove um it's uh like i said it's very thin but there's some there's some weird things about it um first of all um this uh it it is nice that it has a holder for the for the gas connector um but uh it it actually doesn't fit flush there's no way to there's no way to fit that flush down in there so as you you know if you're packing this if you want to set this down flat well it it won't because that's that that sticks out which is which which i find to be odd and you know clearly a design flaw you know when you're pinning 34 bucks on a camp stove you can't expect for it to be perfect but it uh it is it is quite thin and compact you just fold that out and then fold these and very firmly push those down in there there we go let me get my let's see that's on this side i this is not unique to this camp stove it would be super handy if camp stove companies would either standardize which side um your your your propane connector is gonna gonna go on so you know before you buy it how that's gonna work um or if they somehow made them where you could put them on both sides so any any propane manufacturer ozark trail coleman gsi jetboil if you're listening that's great just just let just do both sides or standardize y'all y'all all get together in the meeting and pick it's gonna be on the left side it's going to be in the right side or it's going to be in the middle i'll show you that in a minute um so let's take this and here's um i mean this thing it's it's all three of these stoves are total 20 000 btu each burner's ten thousand btus so all should be the same you know same heating performance cooking performance that sort of thing but um this uh this doesn't have a clicker this doesn't have a way to self light so you if you're gonna get a stove like this you gotta um you gotta bring a lighter or something i actually looked all over the house this morning for a lighter could not find one so i'm i'm lighting my stove with a with a flint there we go now i highly doubt you can see that flame very well but it is it's on high but the the frustrating thing to me about a lot of camp stoves is the flame control i'm going to turn it all the way down all right so if i turn it anymore it's going to be off but watch this look at look how much the doll turns all right that that's all that's that's all the flame there is so i've got from from there to there maybe a quarter turn not even a half turn and look the dial keeps going without it just keeps on going and there's no extra flame control to be had there this is all just a whole bunch of nothing it does absolutely zero for you so the only flame control you have if i can get there there we go so there to there i mean quarter turn that's all you get and then and then it goes off so depending on what you like to cook at camp um it can be frustrating if you need like a good medium heat or just want to turn it down to to low and simmer um you know going with the cheap camp stove can sometimes be a challenge but does it work yes it works great it has the same you know the same 10 000 or 20 000 btu performance that the higher end ones have and uh it you know it looks nice it's it's compact it's it's well made but let's let's look at the next one this is the relatively newish gsi pinnacle pro we did not buy this one gsi did not send this one either my wife actually won this in a cooking competition if you didn't see our big iron overland rally video uh where she won the dessert cooking competition and won this go check that out it's a man big arnold rally fun event but this one is i mean it is like i mean it is super thin this thing takes up very little space when it's and it even comes with a really nice bag that this one is super thin so my wife she you know throws this in the back of a wrangler um you know just wedge it between you know wedge it on top of something just slide it between totes and stuff i mean it just fits great back there and you've got these little legs that pop down and you've got this that comes up it is uh i mean it is very nice very well made um and there we go and one of the things i love about it this is another thing is uh it comes with a nice little flexi hose i mean that's that's awesome for for connecting and i talked about the whole left and right standardization well gsi put theirs on the back right there we've got a little handy-dandy little cover to protect it too so and then boom it doesn't matter where your uh where your gas line is this is long and flexible and it is absolutely fantastic and so i love the fact that this is in the middle and includes a flexi hose because that makes you know depending on how you've got your rig outfitted it doesn't matter where your propane is it's uh it's gonna work now the gsi look it's got a it's got a clicker so you don't have to you don't have to have a lighter to start this just turn it on there we go i don't know if you can see the flame on the camera because i can't see it very good out here but gsi very nice stove very small and compact saves a lot of space has the nice bag so definitely you know build quality thinking through it's definitely a major step up from you know the little 34 ozark trail but you still got the knob doesn't turn near as far so gsi is being a little more honest with you but there's there's low if i turn anymore it's going to go off and then you know there's high so i mean again maybe a quarter of a turn then it's got a little bit more that it can go but that's that's worthless that right there is useless turning let's just get an exercise in so the same thing this doesn't have a lot of flame control here so the price of the gsi pinnacle pro 250 bucks i mean this one is not a cheap stove 250 bucks you are saving some space you are getting better quality it is a much better stove than the 34 dollar ozark trail is it 220 dollars more 220 215 dollars more better i mean i'll let you make that decision but um like i said we won this one uh we actually were going to buy it for my wife's rig because in the back of a wrangler space is limited so the fact that this is so thin means that she could fit you know fit it better in the back of her wrangler which you know when you're going out for longer trips space saving space maximizing your space becomes very important so for her this was worth it to have a stove that is this thin and comes in a nice bag has the the nicer touches of of this stuff and so for cara that this stove was definitely worth 250 bucks but then we got lucky and she won it now let's get to my stove the jetboil jetboil has been a high-end name in the backpacking world for very long for a long time and they came out with this uh genesis camp system a few years ago uh my wife actually bought this um a few years ago and i kind of i kind of took it over because i was going out on more trips than she was and i really liked it and it fit my stuff really well but as you can see this is uh you know definitely thicker but that's uh that's it right there that's uh that's the jetboil genesis and you fold it out you can see mine is well used i need to clean it but that's it it packs up a very compact um compared to you know even these other two they may be thinner but they're definitely not as small of a of a form factor and i'll show you why this one matters to me so much but jetboil standard fairly standard connector here on the left side not the right side and not in the middle again you got you got clickers to to get your to get your stove started so let's turn it on there we go and that is that is all the way now the amazing thing about the jetboil is if i'm turning this knob i'm actually impacting the flame there's there's no dead space on this knob and the amount of adjustability that i have with this thing to dial in my flame is unlike any other camp stove i've ever seen so if i keep going i'm gonna turn it off but that is just a very very low flame every time i turn it there now i had to go all the way to actually get it to be all the way every bit of this is usable the jet boil base camp just the the basic base camp here 270 dollars so this is definitely the most expensive camp stove that we have and for me it is absolutely worth it just because of how small it packs up how good of a quality is i am the primary cook at camp and so i love the the fine tuning of the the stove heat that i can get and to me you know for something this quality this compact and this awesome for the things that i like to cook at camp this is absolutely worth it to me now let me i should have said this at the beginning if you are you know a weekend warrior yeah at most you're going out four times a year um and you know maybe sitting at base camp wheeling in an area that sort of stuff you know if you're a weekend warrior type of if that's your style if that's what you have time for um the gear probably doesn't matter to you um you know if you're just going out a few weekends a year yeah having something like this um is is gonna be great because honestly you're not going to care if you are like us or like me where i'm going out sometimes weekly multiple long extended trips in a year that's when this stuff really starts to matter and the benefits of the higher end gear comes into play and for the jetboil i'll show you why this is my stove above any other this is one of my totes i keep two of these in the back of my gladiator i'll actually get into totes next but this is my this is my tote they're identical the uh the the cheap walmart it it doesn't fit in my tote which means this thing is going to have to be loose and just you know out banging around somewhere the gsi pinnacle very nice stove doesn't fit it it won't fit my tote so i would have to have that out laying around somewhere the jetboil genesis fits perfect so that the the fact that i can put that in my tote have it handy protected from the elements and from dust and um you know clinking around that uh that's the number one reason why the jetboil is what goes in my gladiator does the does the 34 dollar ozark trail stove work yes is there a solid use case for it yes absolutely is anyone going to look down on you because you pull out the ozark trail stove versus the jetboil no no no one's going to care it depends on what works for you for your budget for your style of wheeling and i mean even if you you know own own a jetboil and you never use it but you can afford it and you like to have nice gear who cares who cares so if you own a jetboil and you've never used it but you like it and so you have it and you got the money and you bought it good for you do you spend your money your way if if you have a million dollars in the bank but you're thrifty and this this works for you for your you know couple wheeling trips a year awesome but if you're going out on longer trips multiple times a year um and you need quality you don't want to hear this you know in the back of your rig all the time you want to make sure that at the end of the trip it's going to last it's got you know it fits in the right spots then yeah get get the good stuff it that actually has there's reason to own a jetboil or a gsi pinnacle versus those art trail so they're stoked let's let's go to totes totes is another thing that i see get asked a lot on all the social media facebook groups forums that sort of thing uh comments on youtube videos um people ask me what totes are you using what what works what doesn't that sort of thing and totes is definitely something where you can you know get the job done with something very cheap and inexpensive or you can spend a ridiculous amount of money on totes um and that's where a lot of people you know get in they see people with uh you know the rome cases those are the the famous the pelican cases and people just go bonkers about how expensive that stuff is and why would you use something like that that's just that's just yeah so this is this is a plano a a plano um sportsman's trunk i use this in the back of my wrangler back when i had my my jk and this this tote served me very well the i mean plano totes i mean they just they work they're not fancy they're they're fairly thin but they're straight fairly straight walls and you can put a lot of stuff in here and if you are you know wheeling out of the back of an suv like a wrangler or a forerunner or something like that then something like this makes a lot of sense because of one thing you don't have to deal with the elements all your stuff is protected so this is what i used this one was mine i think i paid like 40 bucks for it that academy or somewhere i don't remember where i got it but it's uh i mean it works but i switched to the gladiator all of my gear is in the bed of my gladiator if i was using this one this one is not dust proof this one is i mean it's i don't think water is going to get in here because of the way the the lip is designed on it but it's definitely not dust proof so i did not want to be going down the trail and all of my stuff get to get to get dust all in it so i got this this is the 70 liter tote by 23-0 very similar to the roam cases i mean almost identical to the roam cases the 23-0 boxes their own boxes almost identical but this one is a lot thicker material sturdy metal latches lid that is on hinges and has a strut to keep it up it's it's just a lot better constructed than the plano boxes this thing sliding around in the back of my gladiator going over big obstacles because i like to take the hard lines uh when i'm on the trail i think getting bounced around and you know all my gears in here moving around this thing is crazy tough and most importantly it is fully water and dust sealed so i know i mean my gear has been in here on many many trips and there is no dust getting in my gear which is what mattered to me it's got you know real strong metal handles it's got a drain plug so if you're got stuff in here and you know it spills and you need to wash this out it's got a drain plug so you can you can drain your stuff pretty easily but i have been i've been using these since i got the gladiator so about a year now and these things are incredible now the plano tote 40 bucks this one 270 dollars for a box but it is a really good box and if you are wheeling in the back of a truck bed i think you know where totes like this are worth the money um i would never just use plano totes in the back of my my truck bed with the trips i go on because everything's gonna get dusty and it's just not gonna hold up for the type of stuff that i do now um yeah can you use plano totes in the back of a truck bed yeah absolutely my buddy nathan when he had a zr2 he loved his plano totes had i think two or three of them that lived in the back of his his truck bed but he didn't go as many trips as i do he wasn't out as often as i am and so you know weighed the pros and cons and forty dollar tote made made sense um he did actually upgrade to roam boxes later on um but then he actually sold them because there was too much and went back to the plano totes so there's there's no right or wrong way it's what works best for you and for me this works best for me if you're in a wrangler my wife doesn't have the fancy the fancy totes but they're all waterproof weatherproof and everything she didn't need them so she's got cheaper totes so whatever works for you but for my case this this is fantastic um did i buy these i i kinda um i traded a buddy of mine is a 23 zero dealer he had two of these i had a jackery 500 that we weren't using anymore and so i traded i traded a jacket 500 for two of these and it's a win-win so we we bought the jackery 500. so we kind of bought them but what would i spend my money on these yes because for my setup it's worth it up next let's talk sleeping bags because this is an area that i have evolved in over time um you know you can get sleeping bags at walmart the number one thing you're going to be looking out for is the temperature rating and you know how you're going to be using it you can stack multiple cheap sleeping bags and stay nice and warm and cozy on a cold camping trip but that takes up a whole lot of space what i've got here are three different uh three different phases of my camping life this is i don't even know what brand this is i think ozark trail but i got this at a garage sale for 10 bucks and it's a 40 degree bag and it uh you know when i was you know springtime camping uh in my hammock this uh this thing was fantastic if uh you know if if you're sleeping in a ground tent and just need a basic cover to to keep you warm you know a cheapo sleeping bag like this works great it absolutely works great i was starting to venture into more colder weather camping and i had bought a mummy bag personally i hate mummy bags i don't like my feet being all cramped up so i bought a decent mummy bag from like academy and used it for a little bit but i hated it how confined it was and then i found this one on amazon it's by a company called teton and it is a 20 degree bag um no i'm sorry it is a zero degree bag the celsius xl is what this bag is called um i am not going to pull this thing out because it is so big it is a huge sleeping bag i got i got so ticked tired of the mummy bag and just being all confined and i couldn't i like to twist and get on my side and sleep on my side and stuff and so i just i so i got the xl and i loved this sleeping bag for sleeping in my hammock because it was just real warm and cozy and i could sleep in really cold weather in it and absolutely loved it but it is a big massive sleeping bag and when you are you know in something like a wrangler which is what i had at the time space becomes a premium and as you can see this is a this is a big sleeping bag and it can it can compress a little bit more than that but not a lot but that's i mean that takes up you know if you're on a long-term trip in the back of a wrangler um that takes up a lot of space and you gotta find a place to to stuff it and it's not exactly you know packing a friendly because it's a soft little tootsie roll shape and so this is one of those things where i never would have spent the money on this but now that i have it i'm never going to live without it and that is this guy right here this is this is a quilt it is a down quilt it is a 20 degree quilt and it is a custom quilt and oh my gosh i've shown this on a couple other videos but i just love this thing it feels so warm and cozy the down inside just is so lightweight and it is so warm and so comfortable i actually when i first started getting serious about my youtube channel i just randomly reached out to them and asked if they would send me one to review and they said yeah sure and i have just since fallen in love with this and it packs down so tiny and in the little stuff sack that it fits just about anywhere for me it fits in a tote with with other things so that is a huge deal for me when i'm packing up and going on a 10-day trip or you know multiple trips this type of stuff then matters and then i now camp year-round so i'm camping when it's you know i got eight inches of snow on top of me like i did last year in kentucky and this thing kept me so warm it was incredible so this ten dollar garage sale sleeping bag this one 80 85 from amazon big bulky but comfortable this custom down awesome blanket 380 bucks 380 dollars for this guy and i if if something happens tomorrow i would drop 380 bucks on this in a heartbeat because i never want to live without the sleeping bag ever again in my life it is it is that awesome and it packs up so small and takes up so little space and it is so warm and so cozy um you know i've got friends that are you know die hard hammock campers and you know they swear by stuff like this for backpacking and that sort of thing and i after getting one i absolutely love it and so if i ever have to pay my own money for another enlightened equipment quilt you betcha i'm going to because this is worth 380 bucks to me enlightened equipment high dollar but high awesomeness sleeping bag top quilt um teton 80 bucks from amazon i think it's an ozark trail 10 garage sale all of these work but you just got to figure out work what works best for you if you got the space and go go with this if you just if you just don't you know if you need to pack it up into something really small cinch bag and have something that is just super warm and cozy and top of the line like this go for it no i don't care what you bring out at camp if it's this this this uh or you know your mama's your grandma's crocheted blanket um nobody's gonna care you just get what works best for you and last but not least let's discuss the subject that has been beat to death and continues to be beat to death on all the facebook groups and that is ground tent versus rooftop tent and i mean there there's a lot of reasons to pick one or the other that uh that is completely irrelevant to budget uh some people just you know can't stand sleeping on the ground and uh critters being able to potentially get in their tent and they feel much safer up high in a rooftop tent there are people who um have bad knees and so climbing up and down a ladder in a rooftop tent is just not an option for them so they choose to go ground tent but in every one of those discussions price always comes up and so whoa we don't want to spend 10 times as much on a rooftop tent as i would a ground tent and there's there's some valid reasons why me personally hate ground tents absolutely cannot stand them i don't like sleeping on the ground i don't like all the extra gear you have to take with you um you know the cot or sleeping pad and you know just taking everything from your rig to the ground tent you know for the trips that i go on um i i just absolutely hate the thought of a ground tent having to you know find a nice smooth level um level ground to to sleep on just so many things making me pick a rooftop tent over a ground tent but i mean if like i mentioned the colorado videos that are releasing as this video has come out there were six of us on that trip three of us slept in rooftop tents three slept in ground tents nobody cared the ground my ground tent friends they didn't care that we were sleeping in a rooftop tent my rooftop tent met friends you know nobody looked down on them for sleeping on the ground um as if they were you know you hear the term ground dwellers that's just stupid it's just so stupid i get so sick of it but um you know i this is uh attempt uh coleman coleman's been a trusted brand and intense for for years this is one of their new ones they're carlsbad it is labeled as a fast pitch setup i'm not convinced about that as i actually have set this up it is a fast pitch setup and we'll see um but you know i i'm going to set a timer set this up as fast as i can and then i'm gonna come you know set my rooftop tent up and tell you why i think a rooftop tent is worth 10 times as much or actually i guess 20 20 times as much as something like this this one is a hundred and forty dollar tent from walmart um which is middle of the road i think for a decent ground tent you know something like a gazelle tents like four hundred dollars three four hundred dollars for a gazelle tent which primo tints by the way if i was going to be sleeping in a ground tent it'd be a gazelle most likely um but um twenty twenty four hundred dollars for my rooftop tent so uh let's let's go set this one up all right here we go let me get my phone pull up my stopwatch reset it it's uh it's at zero someone i'mma lay it on the the trunk of of my daughter's car here because i'm a timeline i'm gonna speed this way up so you don't have to actually watch me set this up um in real time because that would be painful uh so here we go start and we'll put this right here see i'll maybe you know kind of keep an eye on it hopefully but i'm not gonna touch it and here we go six minutes 38 seconds obviously i'm not done i haven't staked it down i have not put cot or air mattress or anything on the inside of it so probably another good four minutes to uh to actually finalize this so we're going to say we're gonna we're gonna say 11 minutes um for the ground temp now imagine you get to camp it's raining that's 11 minutes spent setting this up in the rain and dealing with with all that let me show you my rooftop tent all right starting the timer again here we go put that right there two minutes 38 seconds and i'm ready to get in there and go to sleep because all my bedding's up there my pillows are up there it's ready to go and and that much time so imagine being on a 10-day trip and every day you get to camp you either spend 11 minutes plus setting up that setting up the ground tent or you spend two and a half minutes setting up that you roll rolling the camp 10 p.m late you're just tired and ready to go to bed two and a half minutes boom i'm up there going to sleep 11 minutes i'm dealing with that and then add on top of that imagine if it's raining so i get that deployed super fast some of it i'm actually undercover while i'm i'm dealing with it versus just 11 minutes worth of getting drenched in the rain before going to bed so that is the difference between 140 dollar ground tent and a twenty four hundred dollar rooftop tent i want to drive this home again because i want to make this crystal clear to everybody watching this video it does not matter if you show up to camp with a a 140 ground tent or you show up to camp with the twenty four hundred dollar rooftop tent or like my wife's eye camper a thirty four hundred dollar rooftop tent or even five thousand dollar rooftop tennis it doesn't matter what matters is that you're getting out and you're having fun so i mean if you're if you're just going out a few weekends a year you're setting up base camp 140 ground tent makes sense you're not going to care that it takes you 11 minutes to to put the tent up and longer than that to pack it away because i mean getting a tent back in the bag that they give you to put it in i mean that takes some engineering feet right there i'm not even putting that on camera because i don't want you to see that disaster but if you are going out for extended periods of time a week two weeks multiple times a year and you're setting up and breaking down camp night after night morning after morning before you know hitting the trail that's where two minute and thirty second setup two minutes to take it down um three minutes to take it down um every single day starts to add up and it starts to matter and you start to get you know you you appreciate the fact that you know that 2 500 bucks is saving me a lot of headache and a lot of effort and a lot of you know just dealing with crap not having to set up a ground tent every single time you show up to camp with me i am not going to care one bit if you get out of your rig and you open up your 380 enlightened equipment quilt that you purchased with my affiliate link that's in the description you know every if you click on that link and you buy it i make like i don't know four or five percent off that sale i'm not going to care if you get out with that enlightened equipment quilt that you purchased from my affiliate link or you get out with that you know sleeping bag that you purchased at a garage sale for 10 bucks no one's gonna care not not one bit so let's uh let's let's let's try to end the whole given a flip what gear anyone else is using if they're you know just using cheap stuff they bought at walmart great they're getting out if they have all the money in the world and they have rooftop tents and max tracks and high-end cooking gear and never go out they just like the way it looks on their rig yay for them your rig looks awesome or you're like me and you're going out on you know sometimes weekly overnight so multiple overnight multiple day trips multiple times a year and so there's there's value in you know quick setup saving space saving weight higher quality to last through the abuse you know if that describes you awesome you're getting out there man you're living the dream so let's just let's just who cares what people are doing is there is there an overland tax i don't really think so um i i i think there's a case for the gear being higher priced than the other gear um so anyway i would love to know your thoughts put put them in the comments good bad indifferent would just love to know what you think about this subject what you think about the gear that i've demonstrated here some of it there's links in the description some of it there's not so if you if you choose to use it awesome if you don't i don't care but i do appreciate you watching thank you so much for for taking the time to sit through this video and hopefully learn some things at least hear me rant about you know the idiots on social media um you know caring about what how other people spend their money um but if you would give video a like that helps youtube know that this was a good video and gets it out there subscribe i mentioned that already we've got a goal 75 000 subscribers help us out there if you like what we're doing you want to support us you like the content that we're creating you want to get access to special content that we put out events that we hold and access to our gps data check out our patreon that link is in the description check out our patreon and consider uh supporting us that way and uh for oversight overland adventures merchandise preferably not pre-sweated um not you know ground tent setting up sweat you know shirts but good good new clean shirts uh go to shop overland appreciate you see you next time bye you
Channel: Ozark Overland Adventures
Views: 203,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping gear, overlanding gear, overland gear, top camping gear, overlanding gear guide, budget overland, budget overlanding, best overlanding gear, camping gear essentials, how to start overlanding on a budget, overlanding on a budget, camping gear and gadgets, overland gear list, camping gear list, offroad gear, camping gear from walmart, camping gear for beginners, camping gear you must own, overlanding gear on a budget
Id: m9I9igIEGYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 11sec (2651 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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