The Best Overlanding/Camping Gear from Amazon

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hey everyone i'm matt with ozark overland adventures and today we're going to take a look at all the amazing stuff that you can and probably should be buying from amazon there's a ton of places to get gear there's actually some things that i would recommend not buying from amazon but a lot of us are on a budget and so we can't necessarily afford some of that really high dollar gucci stuff so this is some of the things that we have accumulated over the last few years that we've purchased off amazon so in this video i'm going to talk about the top i think i think 12 things that i have purchased off amazon over the years and kind of run through them real quick and you can decide if maybe you need some of this for for your over landing camping off-roading whatever you want to call it set up number one sleeping bags you can get some really awesome sleeping bags off of amazon now if you watched a couple of my latest videos you'll see that i actually just got a new one from enlightened equipment it's a high dollar bag and it is phenomenal but before that i had some cheap ones from walmart and in between i had this one it's a teton zero degree bag it's full size this one is the extra large version because i don't like to be all confined up in a mummy bag and all that sort of stuff so this is an xl i've got plenty of room to move around in this thing it's super comfortable it has the piece that wraps around your head so you can stay warm and cozy and that i absolutely love the sleeping bag it's not as comfortable as you know a super high dollar equipment but that sleeping bag was over 300 and this one is 79 so you know if you're on a budget this is the way to go this sleeping bag has been incredible they've got a couple different styles they've got a couple different sizes but i really really love this bag because it's kept me warm and cozy on many nights in my hammock it does fit in this handy-dandy compression sack that you can make even smaller but i mean we're living out of our vehicles not backpacking this will fit number two water storage there's a bunch of different options out there on amazon these are some of the ones that i've used over the years standard five six gallon jerry can style container these reliance square jugs have become my favorite because they've got the little spout on them you can lay them flat use it to you know dishes or toothbrush or whatever but super handy seven gallons and then these have actually been really handy if you don't if you're just going out for one day or something and you don't want to take all this these bags actually work i've had this one for i don't know five six years and no leaks no issues so water containers are very good i will say reliance just released a new version that looks like this so it's much taller and narrower instead of a square jug but it has this type of cap here and a nice wide opening so you can lay it down like that on your table and i'm gonna get one of these one of this style the new style very very soon maybe tomorrow number three staying on with the theme of water this is my hot water shower doing the dishes around camp setup it's made by mr heater the same company that makes the buddy heaters that i'm sure you're all familiar with but this is called the boss the battery operated shower system i've shown this in a couple other videos just kind of highlighting it it looks really big but this that's because this case is actually bigger than it needs to be but i love this thing and what this is it's a fully contained all you need is in this kit hot water shower system it runs off one pound propane bottles or you can get an adapter to run off of bigger bottles it has a battery inside so you don't have to worry about hooking up an external power source for the pump no jackery no you know extra battery in your vehicle type of thing everything is in here and i know you want to know how long this battery lasts and i honestly don't know i've had this thing since i think september or october of last year and it's still on the full charge now i don't take this on every camping trip i go on if i'm just in my jeep this stays back but when we're in the camper this thing goes with me because obviously it's there's plenty of room to store it and it is so nice to be able to have hot water and take a shower if you're on an extended journey at camp it's fantastic in the bag you've got your shower nozzle that attaches right here it's got an on off switch it's got multiple spray styles so you can have a little massage at camp not really but you know different different water patterns it comes with the pump which plugs in right back here and then plugs into there you just take this pump and i've got water in this jug and it just happens to fit great down inside this this opening and you just drop it in your water storage thing let me turn it this way [Applause] i'm going to come around front and on the display it tells you the temperature of the water that you're starting with and then the output temperature that it's giving you it also has two outlets so you can use the sprayer or it's got this handy dandy little like a kitchen sink style faucet that you can put a bucket under you can use it to wash your hands brush your teeth that sort of thing so you can select which outlet you want it to go from this controls your temperature i've got it all the way up and this will raise the temperature a good 30 degrees maybe even more above the ambient temperature of the water so if you want it even hotter than that you can disconnect this drop it back into the bucket recirculate it and this will get your water temperature up to 120 degrees at that point it has a safety shut off and it won't go higher than 120 degrees but the pump still works but you won't get any hotter water that's freaking awesome i don't know if you heard that you can hear the the flames kicking in it's currently raising the temperature up 82 86 87 89 degrees 93 95 at 64 degrees input 95 degrees output that's not a bad shower right there you can see it's got good flow 98 degrees yeah that's nice and turn that off but the boss the battery operated shower system highly recommend there are other hot water systems that you can buy off amazon joolka i think is a other well-known brand but what really sets this one apart is that it has the battery pack and everything in it if the battery does go down you can recharge it with obviously a wall outlet they also include a car charger so that while you're driving you know on the trip on the trail if you need your battery recharged just plug it into the car charger hook it up to a jackery or a blue yeti or a goal zero or you know any of those portable power stations this thing is fantastic sticking with the whole camp shower theme these are both pop-up privacy shelters we have two different kinds because sometimes we have two different needs this one is one of the you know pop out and it has the wire things in it and it unfolds and then you gotta figure out how to do just right to fold it all up really like this one it works great if it's not very windy but it's super simple to set up now there's anchors you can you know secure it and stuff like that but if it's if you're going somewhere windy this is not the best solution but if you're going somewhere not windy or just need something really quick these are the way to go the just the pop-up shelters this particular one is great this is a kelty it's called the block house it's a privacy shelter but this one's kind of more like a tent it's got metal poles that you have to secure around it and then you take the material and clamp it to the pole like you would a tent this one does really well in windy environments but it's kind of a pain in the butt to set up not near as easy as this i mean it's it's not bad it's like a tent but it's not near as convenient as having this one so that's why we have two there's options both have been great both have served us well but these type of privacy shelters super great thing to purchase off amazon next on the list five pound propane bottles these things are awesome to have i got so tired of dealing with these little one pound tanks not knowing just how much is in them not sure how many i was going to need on a trip so i've got you know maybe three or four stored away they roll around i do not like these and one of the reasons why i don't like them is because when i was showing you this the boss shower system this was attached to it and when i tried to demo it for you turns out this was empty not cool and i don't have another one so i actually did that whole demo on this little five pound propane tank they're like 60 bucks these are super cheap to get filled i can get this five pound tank refilled locally for five bucks they charge a dollar a pound for propane these cost four bucks 350 if you get them in a multi-pack so it doesn't take long for this to replace five of these and you get your money back get a little adapter hose like this and you can hook this up to your camp stove hooked it up to the boss hook you can hook this up to your buddy heater any things that normally take these use this hose five pound tank i took this to colorado last year we were going 10 days i think i didn't even come close to using all this so these are super handy to have they don't take up a whole lot of room i mean this if you had five propane bottles it would take up more space than this five pound tank so these are awesome there's a couple different ones that amazon has there's one that my wife actually has that comes in like a whole nice carrying bag and all that sort of stuff kind of a kit but this is the one i've used it's uh actually very dirty and been beat around and i love it these things are fantastic next continuing with the whole shower theme that we've got going on is this cradle i think it's pronounced cradle pressure shower this you can see how small this is this is great for if i'm out just in the jeep not taking the camper just for a couple days or maybe on a longer excursion but this is a portable three two and a half i think to three gallons water container hang on let me show you i'll be right back all right there we go got it all filled up oh it is two and a half gallons of water this bag is super heavy duty so it won't rip or tear it's got a see-through window here so you can check your water levels it's got a little i don't know how accurate it's going to be but you can set this out in the sun to warm up before you you know if you could use this to take a shower like the other but you know much smaller and easier so it's got a little temperature gauge on here so you can judge the general temperature of the water comes with a quite long hose to use and all you do is wait you step on the foot pump and this pressurizes and you've got a water sprayer this is great to have around camp rinse your feet off before getting into your tent or your hammock out on a muddy trail use this to rinse the door handles off and stuff like that this thing is awesome and that's not bad water pressure either rinsing your dishes this thing's great and it i think 70 70 75 not bad at all so the cradle pressure shower there are other brands that are more expensive than this there are some that are less expensive than this but to me this just kind of fit the the sweet spot in the price versus what it is type of thing it's got a nice little sturdy handle and you can keep this in your rig press your eyes like this or at least full of water and when you need it it's ready to go you've got two and a half gallons on tap pretty awesome as you can tell i have got this kind of shower theme going on right now so towels these are very big microfiber camp towels they come in all different colors i typically have not been a fan of microfiber towels but i've used these and these are actually awesome um i mean look how big that is that's a that's a legit towel and they fold up to this small if you've watched in some of my other videos you know i keep a bunch of old towels like this and this is one i mean look how much extra space that saves and if i've got two of them stacked up this saves a whole lot more space than these and they're a little bit bigger than these so crazy excited to have these camp towels they're they're freeland and all of this stuff there's links to in the description um but these things are awesome i love these they're they're actually absorbent it's kind of like a chamois for your body you know if you're used to detailing your car washing your car and uh you know used to shaming to get the water off that's kind of what these are like but these work great i actually started using these in the house to test them out in the shower or after a shower and they work fantastic love these moving from i guess the bathroom for showers and stuff to the kitchen since we've talked about rinsing dishes and stuff all of your camp cookware amazon is a fantastic place to get stuff now there's some really gucci brands out there that you can get elsewhere but i mean for just good general purpose cookware amazon's awesome this gsi cookware you can get off amazon all these nesting pots and stuff my wife just got these they're bowls with lids and cups and mugs there you go cups and mugs with little koozies for coffee so you don't burn yourself plates in here like that personal preference here i prefer plastic plates over the metal enamel plates because if you've got hot food on them those things the heat goes right through them and it burns your lap and it burns your hand these are great i like these but yeah the collapsible sink type stuff for doing your dishes or or whatever these things are great these type of kitchen utensil sets are great this is one that i got it came with some of this stuff a lot of the stuff i've replaced with like these bamboo wooden spatulas and stuff love these these yuko or uco sporks are great um all this stuff i mean just there's a lot of options out there and this is just the one that i bought my wife got this front runner kit that is really nice and awesome you can hang it up comes with all the things knives fork spatulas cutting board just everything you need it's got two carabiners so you can hang it up on stuff on the side of your rig or on the side of the camper that sort of thing but all things kitchen related i highly recommend getting those from amazon there's a lot of cool neat stuff out there that is really good priced so all your kitchen stuff amazon's great if you camp in the summertime these usb powered fans are awesome they do a great job of keeping the air circulating in your tent or your rooftop tent or or you know wherever you're sleeping and really help make those summer nights a little more bearable this you can obviously plug into a big jackery or blue yeti type of deal but we just use these little power banks that you can get for your computers or to recharge your phones these will last a couple nights just on this they've got two speeds high and low and that's high that moves quite a bit of air and at the price point of these things yeah i think they're 20 bucks 25 bucks something like that you know you can get two of them one for each corner of the tent that sort of thing but these things are fantastic and if you're camping in a summertime environment i think these are a must and these little power banks not part of this list but as a bonus these are great off amazon too a little different but tools shovels i got this one off of amazon i honestly thought i i had some questions about it but the price point of this thing was just too good to pass up and it's i'm going to call it maybe a tactical shovel it's a it's a folding shovel but it's not like the little cheap janky folding shovels that you may get at walmart or academy or something this thing is substantial boom look at that i mean that is a legit shovel and it's got a decent edge on it so i mean if you need something for you know self-defense or i i don't i don't know but that's uh it's actually got a decent edge on it it's got a saw blade there these are obviously a little you know gimmicky you're not actually going to take this and use this to to tighten the bolt but you could it's got a rope cutter there i suppose you could even possibly use that to open a can this thing is awesome and then it comes with some kind of some survival gear with it as well like there's a flint rod a striker so you can let's see [Music] make a spark to start a fire and it's got this little insert right here you can use also has a sawtooth has a bottle opener here has a decently sharp blade not bad at all but neat little knife if you need one and this whole kit is just super cool and that will actually fit down in there if you want to leave it as a shovel but this whole shovel is crazy cool it's a gram fire is the brand and it is very well built and really honestly took me by surprise when this came in at how good of a quality it was and it's incredibly inexpensive this whole thing just fits right down here in this little pouch nice and compact this is an awesome shovel if you've seen some of the other gear reviews on my channel you've seen some of this stuff already but i just really have a thing for lights and amazon is a great place to get all kinds of cool lights they've got the solar powered string lights by empowered they've got the inflatable style lanterns also from empowered love this light i used it on the the the recent camping trip to the ozarks that was fantastic luma noodles these things are way cool and then you can get just stupid little cheap lights like this honestly i hate this light but i bought it from amazon it was super cheap and they go see i don't like these lights the output of these things are just very very harsh and there's no direction down here i don't like these i do not actually not recommending this but it came from amazon so other lights this is phenomenal this is my favorite light of all time puts off a great amount of light you can hang it up covers your whole camp area you can set it down on a table like that the sun just went behind the cloud look much better so i love these luminoo's also great this requires a battery pack like i used for the for the 12 volt fan so not really as big a fan of this but puts out great light but these has the battery inside solar rechargeable so you can just leave it out in the sun and recharge the battery during the day really like that i prefer this now over the luminoodle but i do still really like the luminol and what you can do with it so it's actually a a pretty cool light it has magnets here to attach to you know metal things and you can actually throw it in the bag with the battery pack and have this kind of as a lantern so aluminum is great but these lights the lucy lights by empowered they're by far my favorite and when you're done [Music] done anyway lights amazon good well i hope you found that helpful amazon's a great place to shop and there's definitely some things that i wouldn't recommend buying from amazon i wouldn't buy a rooftop tent from amazon that would probably be a big no power stations like a jackery the blue yeti all the other brands honestly you're gonna find better deals on those buying direct from their websites jackery's website's gonna be cheaper than their amazon blue yeti you can get deals i've got a coupon code in the description for 65 off of blue yeti ac50s and you can't get that deal on amazon so some things buy elsewhere if you've got a local shop near you that's got you know different gear than this absolutely support them but here i don't have a local shop i've got to drive a good four hours to get to a shop that's got cool over landing and camping gear that's not you know an academy or a walmart so amazon has some great deals a lot of great gear that you can get there there's links to all this stuff in the description we've got an affiliate store so you can just look at all the gear that we've purchased off amazon and and get it for yourself because if it's in the store that means we like it and we use it so anyway thanks so much for watching please like the video subscribe to the channel this isn't an adventure video but we do a lot of those we've i've actually got two trips the next two weekends back to back super excited about that going to make some epic content there and if you want to see the routes and the camping spots and the waypoints and all that sort of stuff from those trips look at the patreon link that's how we share that information and that's how you can help support our channel and our dream of doing this full-time in a few years so anyway thanks for watching see you next time bye
Channel: Ozark Overland Adventures
Views: 151,706
Rating: 4.9172029 out of 5
Keywords: Overlanding Gear, Overlanding gear 2021, Best Overlanding Gear, Overlanding gear checklist, Overlanding gear guide, MPowered Luci Solar Lights, Solar Lights, Solar Camp lights, Camp shower, camping gear, top camping gear, overland gear, best camping gadgets 2021, best camping gadgets on amazon, amazon camping gear, best camping gear 2021, camping gear and gadgets, camping gear test, teton sleeping bag review, boss water heater, overlanding water storage
Id: pZqBShIqA68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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