The ONE Camping Bin To Rule Them All *UPDATED* - Overland Camping Gear NEEDS

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hey guys how's it going hope you've been well this video we're talking about the good old camping bin the kind of everything you need to go camping in one bin grab it and go it's kind of the concept that i live by just quick easy trips so i'm going to be breaking this video into chapters down below because i'm going to be talking about a variety of things why the camping bin exists why i think you should have one why i use it why i like it obviously the contents of the camping bin and then we're gonna go over the tailgate at the tacoma and talk about a few other pieces of kit that you'll need in addition to this but very simple stuff actually hey in the shadows here real quick interruption happy birthday america i think it's i think i'm uploading this video this weekend july 4th weekend so happy birthday america i'm having to say on my website llod.u.s to celebrate it and if you just use code america i'll make it that'll save you 10 off of my whole website vertex actually is also having a sale and code last line i'll put these down below will save you 30 off of everything all weekend until monday trying to think of what else oh cbi and prinsu prince iraq everything is on sale 10 off this weekend made an america sale if i think of anything else i'll put it down below but just wanted to let you know all right back to the video so camping bin this is kind of camping bin v2 i guess though it's probably you know the 100th revision of my camping been through the years but i did one other camping vin video before and that was using the bigger plano sportsman's trunk this is the smaller one this is the smallest ones i've actually reduced the size of my camping bin quite a bit and reduced the amount of stuff that i keep in it because i go through phases where i'm kind of a gear junkie and i want all the stuff all the time and then sometimes really at my core probably i'm more of a minimalist and i want less so i've kind of consolidated all the stuff that i definitely use or definitely want to have on hand into one camping bin here so yeah conceptually let's just let's just talk a few concepts here the bin why it exists i have a series on my channel called weekender lander and that that series is we're busy we have monday through friday jobs whatever and we want to go on some quick short weekend adventures just to get that adventure fix hang out in nature and whatever so the the concept behind that is quick trips i have another phrase that i like to use with my friends called 18 hour adventure i shorten it to 18 ha actually in text messages hey you want to hit a quick 18 ha 18 hour adventures so the concept behind that is you leave in like the afternoon like a friday after work pack your stuff grab your bin head out to the mountains cook some dinner hang out by the campfire sleep under the stars wake up maybe cook a little breakfast and you're back before lunch or maybe you get lunch on the way home quick easy so the concept here is making adventure quick easy accessible you don't have to think a whole lot about it so a bin is a crucial aspect of that unless you have a fully dedicated overland rig that has a full camp kitchen you just leave everything in there that's that's awesome if you have that more power to you for the rest of us that are just kind of like we want to throw this in the suv on the weekends and then throw it in the garage when we're not using it a bin is crutch for that and then for me also i have a bunch of different vehicles so i just want to grab one bin so i can throw it in whatever vehicle i'm taking out so that's kind of the concept behind it another big concept is you don't want to have to pack stuff you don't need a checklist every time you go camping you're like did i get the silverware did i get the spatula did i get the pot did i get the pan did i get you know all this stuff you go through a checklist it makes it more stressful it takes more time to get out there and adventure rather than just having everything and you just great you don't even have to think about it you just grab it maybe at the end of a camp trip you're like oh i was low on whatever so when you get home you restock it into the bin but then you don't think about it you just grab the bin and you just go so if you have the ability to buy this stuff sweet i'm gonna show what i use obviously there are alternatives to all of this stuff so yeah basically it's just make your life easy make your life efficient and drop out of confusion and eventually you'll have your own camping bin that you've kind of configured to have everything that you need you can use mine as a starting point this is what works for me will you want to add a little bit more stuff maybe will you want to take out some stuff maybe who knows but a good place to start so let's just get into it all right so let's just see this may be the best way to do it so again this is this plano sportsman's trunk these are relatively affordable relatively lightweight pretty robust you can use this around camp as an extra seat you can use it as a step to get up into your truck or whatever so kind of i like this because it's a versatile piece of kit and it doesn't have a whole lot of wasted space you see a lot of bins and stuff now that are much bigger on the outside than they are kind of interior volume this has relatively straight sides and you get a lot of the area for storage inside without sacrificing a whole lot of exterior size so you take the lid off here and you can set it aside whatever you can use this as another kind of flat surface space you know it's a lid inside i don't even have this in here but i figured i had some extra room even though the bin is pretty small i would throw a camp chair this is a little cheapy generic moon lens there's you know a million different brands if you want to be true to form by the helenox they're kind of the originator theirs are a little better i have a couple helinoxes but i kind of throw these chairs everywhere so a chair just folds out obviously gets super compact and i just wanted to show that i can fit all this stuff and also a chair technically i could probably fit two of them if i if i moved a couple things around the only other thing that i would put in here i'll talk to it a little bit later is depending on your stove fuel whether that's butane or propane or whatever i've moved to a bigger propane bottle that i'll show you over in the tacoma and i'll talk about why i did that later so in here let's just talk about some things i have a roll of paper towels obviously paper towels you understand the uses of paper towels i don't really need to go through that this is a little fire extinguisher so fire extinguishers are important this one is just some random kind of cheapy one i have like two fire extinguishers in pretty much every vehicle i have them all over the place so i figured i might as well throw an extra one in the bin they have some other high dollar ones called element that i really like and these ones will work as well and that's just obviously if you get a little fire and you need to put it out don't start forest fires you can prevent forest fires so a little fire extinguisher in here then i have a can of bear spray bear spray is super important depending on where you live where i am in colorado we don't really have grizzly bears or anything too scary black bears are usually pretty spooked but i like to have it on me just because it's compact lightweight you can use it on other critters other than bears as well if you need to if you have a crazy wild dog that's after you or something it's nice to have a non-lethal option for that kind of stuff you know me i carry a gun every day as well but not all bears deserve a bullet so bear spray is nice to have this is a little gsi cutting board with little knife so there's a little knife in here and a little folding cutting board it just kind of fits down in here real nice so it's always nice to have i always have a million knives as well on me but this is just one kind of dedicated that i always keep in the bin no matter what so if i give this bin to ashley and she goes camping with her friends or whatever i know she's got a knife in there i'll talk about this this is my cooking setup this is the jetboil genesis base camp or something like that really nice this is a high dollar item definitely this is the most expensive item in here it's a it's a very nice relatively expensive stove but i like it because it's so compact i'll open that up and get it to it here in a little bit but let's just go ahead and make it through the rest of the bin this is just some random yofi nurture yourself this is like a um i think it's like a toiletry kit i think this is something that i think actually i got from my friend i didn't get this but got the idea from a friend i think brad maybe i gave brad the idea maybe brad gave me the idea i don't really remember but just it's got a little hook in here so you can hang it on the side of your truck or anywhere and have access to all of this stuff so i've kind of loaded it out with the essentials so up top here i have various silverware and stuff like that so i got some longer spoons and sporks so these i like eating out of the mountain house bags and stuff whatever this random thing this is a really cool thing from gerber it's a kind of a spork a spoon a spatula a bottle opener all in one and it also converts to a set of tongs one of the coolest little cooking kind of sets i'll i'll link to everything down below i appreciate you using my links to their affiliate links it's kind of how i support uh giving you guys free content here on the channel in here also i have a bic lighter i think i have a couple of them in here and then a couple little skewers as well in here this is just some wet ones you can put whatever kind of wipes you want in here and then behind it i have an assortment of different kind of batteries double a's and aaa's and stuff just if i need to power whatever a lantern string lights things like that in here i have a set of tongs these are the silicone type tongs because the jetboil stuff is a nonstick so i want to keep that non-stickiness as good as i can so opted for a set of silicone tongs and also a silicone spatula in here and then in here also i have a set just like of disposable stuff some of this is like from wendy's or something but this is if i'm with a group of people and someone else forgot their silverware or whatever i can just give them a set of this and they don't have to worry about trying to wash it or where they can just throw it away and it's free you can even get sporks from kfc if you want and then here i just have another thing of string lights actually a couple little individual string light guys and then in here i have paper plates so i've gone ahead and opted just to go with paper plates i've used metal plates and plastic plates and this and that and i may get some environmental hate for using paper plates but it's just so much easier it's a natural renewable resource i'm not against using paper products i mean the environmentalists wanted to move to paper straws from plastic straws so there is an argument obviously to using a metal plate or a plastic plate that you wash and reuse best best case scenario but again i'm i'm kind of fast and easy and i don't like cleaning a bunch of stuff at camp and having to clean it when i get home and put it back in the in the bin so i just have a stack of these when they get low i put more in i like the square ones obviously because you get maximum plate volume for kind of how it fits into the bin here and then i just have some i guess i just have some other paper towels that i must have not used and folded up and then a variety of ziploc bags so that's for trash or it's for food waste or whatever i just keep a handful of quart and gallon ziploc bags in there and then that's it that's this whole bin a lot of good stuff in here a lot of functionality from this little thingy i think i called it a bin but a little toiletry bag compact and the height of it makes it fit perfectly in here so it's nice and tall and the lid still fits so here i have a little uh like kind of microfiber hand towel that has a little snappy guy that you can clip onto the corner and i just use that to dry off my hands and stuff if i'm washing my hands or whatever this is a little string light that i like it's my favorite one solar powered or you can charge it from usb and it even has a little power bank in it so you could charge your phone from this device as well it's a little battery bank has a little light here it opens up and then this string light is a string light but it kind of wraps into itself so it's kind of nice and handy because you don't have a big tangled jumble mess of string lights so my favorite little set of string lights this they don't even sell anymore i was gonna not even put it in the video because i like to link to stuff that you guys can buy obviously not like oh i got this limited edition thing that you can't even buy but this is a lantern bluetooth speaker from clarus and it is magnetic so you can stick it on the side of a car it provides illumination and sound it's the best thing it has a little hook as well this is also usb rechargeable and also has a little power bank so you can charge your phone off it as well all linked to the amazon listing i just don't think they make it anymore but this is a clarus product and it's compact it's a great lantern i like the color temperature of the light and the bluetooth speaker obviously it's tiny it's not like the highest quality but it's a little bit better than just trying to listen from your phone or whatever so these are just some random a lot of times they'll just have little snacks in here these are some honey roasted sunflower seeds and then in here i have a couple dog bowls and stuff like that so i will restock dog food in here i don't take my dogs camping all the time sometimes they'll stay home or whatever so i could keep dog food in here all the time and i usually do but i think i just took it out recently but i do keep the dog bowls in here all the time and in the dog bowl i also have some human bowls these are uh kind of your enamelware type bowls from gsi so if i need to use a bowl thing i have two of these that i can wash or whatever i have a little sponge that i can wash stuff with a little thing of dr bronner soap so this is you can use it for hand washing you can use it for dishwashing it's all natural biodegradable everything like that so this is what i'll use to clean the dishes and pots and pans and just a little little sponge like this and then this is pretty clutch piece of kit here this is a coglins multi-spice this has i'll just read it off to you real quick curry cayenne garlic salt black pepper salt and paprika all in this little container here so this is kind of a nice little spices to have everything you need looks like the spices leaked out a little bit into my bowl here but also this should i should probably put it in it's just like a little little titanium or aluminum spork from tocs but this will go back into the toiletry bag and then this little thing i think it's from gsi as well it's a little scraper so this is a cleaning this is a pot and pan and dish cleaning device allows you to scrape like the big chunks off it really makes your life way easier i highly recommend this little tool then under there i have a kettle i like kettles i don't know if this is rated for a fire but i've boiled water over the fire or it works with this just stove here i opted for the bigger taller one because there's rarely a time where i want to make just a tiny bit i'm usually just boiling a bunch of water and you know giving hot chocolate or whatever out to people inside i kind of have one of those russian doll nesting dealios this is a gsi mug inside of the gsi mug is some other ninja prepper titanium mug inside of that is a little uh pour over coffee thing i think this is also from gsi i have a lot of gsi products apparently but this is a little guy opens up here sorry i haven't really been looking at the screen hopefully it's been all right and then you can pour over it's got this like fine stainless steel mesh in here so you fill it with coffee grounds obviously and you can plop it over a cup and have a nice little pour over for your coffee so super compact you don't have to you can kind of open this up clean it out get all your junk out of it but nice compact little thing that i don't have to worry about having uh extra little coffee filters and stuff and that all nests inside of this gsi i think it's the hallelite kettle that i really like so that fits there it's basically the same diameter as all these bowls so it kind of takes up a like a cylinder of space in the bin here trash bags always pick up your trash guys pick up other people's trash pick up your trash don't be trash so i have just some kind of regular these are smaller like 13 gallon bags and then i just have some grocery bags as well these are free obviously from the grocery store or whatever and you might as well use them as trash bags so sometimes i'll use like a bigger trash bag if it's a big group of people sometimes i'll just use a little one of those and then in here this is kind of my poo bag in a sense not really but this is like i got some more kind of the heavier duty paper towels wipes biodegradable wipes so this is what i'll use if i need to go poop in the woods or just wash my hands or whatever i do try to change out this ziploc bag and stuff so it doesn't sounds gross it sounds gross in here but it's in a bag and then i always bring some food too these are just mountain house backpackers pantry that kind of stuff in case i forget food my food goes bad i lose my food whatever i always have some food in here so i'm not like completely out of luck if i go camping and something happens i forget my hot dogs or whatever so always keep a little bit of food in here this obviously lasts forever and easy to make because all you need is some water and everything else i have in here sweet so let me pull this out and show this to you so this guy's from jetboil again i think it's called the genesis base camp now i've used other people's of this this is a relatively new piece of gear to me i've only used it a couple times to be totally honest with you but it's it's kind of a proven piece of kit that is very compact it's the main reason i like it this is the fuel regulator you'll screw this in and then screw your propane bottle to this you can use a bigger propane tank or the little one pound propane tanks i've moved to using the bigger propane tank i'll talk about that more in the future so what you get in this is a a little non-stick pan and this is sizeable the thing is most of my kit before used to be pretty small like compact but it's like you got to stick it here or there and it ends up taking up a lot of space this whole system obviously beating a dead horse here but very compact so that's why i like everything is nesting into itself so this is the pan you can use then you have a lid the lid fits perfectly on the pan or it fits perfectly on the pot the pot here let me angle this down just a little bit more for you sorry there's a weird this is sun weird thing here so this is orange it's a bonus i love orange so in here you pull this out well let me pull this out first so you pull this guy out has a little handle if you need to use it but you don't necessarily need need to use that handle so this weird thing here is the stove this is a two burner stove super super compact so here it is folds out two burners has really good btus this isn't like gonna be a whole review of this thing just kind of showing it to you there's a bunch of reviews of it on youtube but you just put it anywhere there's a flat space and now you have a dual burner super good simmer control that's kind of their main claim to fame i'm not good enough of a chef to really notice a good simmer control versus a non-good simmer control but a ton of adjustability so that means you can like turn this a million times and you have like a basically infinitely adjustable flame here so for those of you that really require that perfect amount of btus this has it also built in igniters and those work really well so this two burner setup obviously kind of optimized for its own pots and pans the pot really big pot huge massive pot that's why i like this it's super compact but you get really big kind of cooking materials this is bigger than i would want to boil water in most of the time which is why i also have the kettle this has a little flux ring here that kind of helps distribute the heat make it even more efficient this ring lines up with some little feet here so it kind of locks perfectly into place here and you have a nice two burner setup also in the bag really cool is a little windscreen so the windscreen again putting this on the bumper isn't the ideal cooking spot but the windscreen goes around it like that so super awesome totally self-contained full cooking setup the only thing that doesn't fit in here that you need is the propane so you can use a little green one pound bottle or a bigger bottle so that is the setup that i've moved to kind of i'm trying to use that all the time sometimes maybe i'll take out the i camp or disco or sometimes i'll cook on a campfire sometimes i'll cook on whatever else or maybe i want to be ultralight and just bring a little jetboil but this is kind of has turned into my main go-to handles every all of my cooking needs setup super compact and awesome but again i think it is a pretty pricey kit getting like the whole kit it's at least a few hundred dollars so if you're not ready for that be prepared for the sticker shock but obviously jetboil quality product great brand been in the business for a while and super compact and yeah i think i said it earlier but this lid there's one lid only but it works on both the pot and the pan and then the lid goes on pan goes on top of it really clever nesting design beautiful all right so that's basically this is the whole thing we walk through the whole bin so now we're going to talk about a couple other things like water shovel whatever we'll just go over there isn't she just the cutest in her little sundress out here looking at the flowers and our mess of a front porch yeah it's nice all right see ya so there's a few things that won't fit in the bin obviously one is water you can go a simple this is what i used to refill my chicken's water but you go as simple as just getting a gallon jug at the gas station honestly reusing it filling up the tap whatever if it's a super short trip and i'm just going by myself i'll usually just bring like a 48 ounce nalgene and that's like the only extra water i'll bring this dometic jug is really cool has a built-in spigot and or an electric pump i use that on a recent weekend to land if you want to see that in action and the ubiquitous coleman five gallon jug that i've had for many many many many years and that's a that's a great option as well so water for cooking with washing your hands whatever water could arguably if you just brought something small fit in the bin but if you brought a bigger jug it wouldn't fit in the bin then a camp chair i showed the chair that i have that fits in the bin but this is probably my main jam this is a front runner like transformer chairs i like some of the new dometic go products as well those won't fit in the bin so bring something to sit on if you want to but you can also just sit on the bin itself then a shovel i like these ones these are just kind of cheapy ish made in america you're not going to use this for like gardening or real shovel work super minimal thin but nice to dig a little hole for a poop or whatever you need to do so shovel is probably another pretty recommended thing unless you're going to an actual campground and then i talked about it earlier a little bit so this is like a 10 or 11 pound propane tank so it's the same height as your typical 20 pounder but about half the width so i bought a couple of these i just got them on amazon i'll link them down below and i just kind of keep them in some vehicles better for the planet not reusing not having to not having to go through a bunch of those green bottles not having to worry about running out of gas as often can just refill it i can refill it at this local ace hardware to me and you get a adapter hose so you can use this for like propane fire pits that require like a normal propane tank and hose or one of these adapter hoses that kind of brings it down to the one pound propane tank size so that's basically what i bring plus the bin and you know obviously just showing you a few options there sweet guys well i hope you liked the the one camping bin we're here in the back of the sequoia actually so uh we're gonna take the sequoia on a little like very minimal camping trip no rooftop tent no whatever just to you know have a basic lower budget camping trip to show you you know you can have a good time in whatever toyota sequoia so stay tuned for that also some sequoia mods got the lift on the new wheels tires i actually have a prinsu roof rack sitting right on my porch that i'm going to install in the next day or two if i can find some time so i'll give you a sequoia update as well also going to do a tundra update also going to go camping and kind of throw all this out the window and have a good time and do a little we're going to take a portable projector screen a portable projector and kind of have a drive-in movie out in the woods just trying to make it fun so you can look forward to that all right guys well hope you enjoyed it again links down in the video description below if you have any questions comments anything like that pieces of kit you think i should definitely add always open recommendations leave them down in the comments down below appreciate you watching appreciate you hitting that thumbs up button yeah until next time guys take care
Channel: Last Line Of Defense
Views: 161,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overlanding, camping, gear, camping storage, overland setup, camp gear, camp bin, llod camping bin, plano sportsman trunk, jetboil genesis basecamp
Id: TRxl5HQz1L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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