Essential Gear Check List For Overlanding & Car Camping. What We Pack For Two Days Or Two Weeks.

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in this episode we're going to share with you our complete car camping over landing gear list and how we pack it all in there this is all the necessary gear to make our adventures comfortable enjoyable and safe our list works with any adventure we go on from a couple of days to a couple of weeks it also includes some optional equipment we'll show you what gear we use brands and why we prefer it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's start with our kitchen gear now we happen to have a set of drawers that we built in the back of our 4runner but you can easily use either totes or even boxes we have a couple of videos on our channel that would show you exactly how you can build a set of drawers like this and a set of drawers that's a little bit simpler to make we're going to start with the middle drawer first a cutting board a collapsible sink [Applause] two plastic plates a frying pan two frying pans actually we prefer cast iron when we're cooking it's really heavy and bulky but we prefer it so it's one of those things that we put up with the inconvenience of packing it just because we like to use it so much another frying pan this is a stainless steel model made by msr what's nice about this is a detachable handle we don't usually use this as much as the cast iron of course but what we do use it for is a drip pan for our crock pot this is great when you're when you have a road day when uh you're on the interstate or highway or something for most of the day you can fill this thing up with something that around noon by the time you get in the camp plate you'll have a nice hot meal ready for you we have it secured onto the top of our drawer system with these eye bolts and a strong bungee and then when we're ready to cook we'll just plug it in over here into a 12 volt outlet good to go a couple of stainless steel pots these are two different sizes as you can see again made by msr what's really nice about these is for one thing the handle folds up like this and latches but they nest and this really saves on space whenever you can get anything that will nest together that's perfect this is a scorch plate or a diffuser plate what we use this for is putting it on top of the burner of our stove our pot or pan on top of that what this does is it reduces the fire right on the bottom of the pan so it prevents scorching and this is especially useful if your stove doesn't throttle down to a low simmer a couple of cups actually this is four cups because and these are made by gsi outdoor they're plastic they're relatively inexpensive but what's nice again nesting there's another cup inside here on quick mornings what we'll do is put coffee in one cereal and milk in the other and hit the road a coffee pot this is just a cheap aluminum one made by coleman this can also be if you're really short on space you can also take the guts out and use it as a pot cook a meal in it or just boil water for mres or freeze-dried meals a couple of potholders keep your hands from burning and also it reduces rattles in the back here while you're driving this is a splatter shield for the frying pan we don't have a traditional lid for it but this keeps your stove a lot cleaner you don't have that bacon grease just flying all over the place so here we have our kitchen clean up area and this lid doubles as a cutting board i have a green scrubber which i usually keep in a ziploc bag because it's always wet i put the dish soap in there so it's double bagged because there's nothing worse than opening the drawer and finding dish soap and bubbles all over everything [Applause] we take along towels like these think sham wow because they're quick drying we keep ziploc bags for stinky leftovers and we put the zip blocks into garbage bags garbage bags go in the treasure room and some hand sanitizer now for the top drawer this is our coleman triton stove it's a two burner and it's not very expensive it'll turn down to a low simmer it's really easy to clean just don't forget to take along the gas regulator tube for fuel we have a five pound tank mounted here but we always take along an extra bottle just in case we run out or have issues in the front we keep a couple of stackable bins and in the first bin we keep a can opener a little military can opener just in case of can opener failure most important to me a corkscrew the handle to that frying pan a little whisk and some tongs in the second bin we keep a spatula we cut the handle off to make it fit better in the bin we have the serving spoon which also doubles as a measuring cup it has lines inside that regulator tube for the stove we have a couple of knives some hand sanitizer silverware and we always like to take along a little olive oil but we make sure we put it in some ziploc bags so that it doesn't leak all over the pump for our air mattress goes here next some toilet paper we always keep it in a plastic ziploc bag because there's nothing worse than soggy toilet paper even if you're planning to camp in a campground never depend on an outhouse having toilet paper always take some extra long next our big knife and our lighter some paper towels salt and pepper and extra batteries for our air pump okay on to the bottom drawer in it we have our big toolbox and some recovery equipment winch controller here's a cord this is the winch controller is wireless but just in case the wireless fails we can hardwire it to the winch we have this blow up light it's a solar light you see there's a little solar panel on the bottom here we prefer uh subtle lighting like this around camp at night instead of the big bright lanterns and base for the high lift jack this is great for uh when you're in sand or soft ground so the high lift doesn't sink in this is an adapter for the high lift that will fit on our tubes of our rock sliders tire deflators we usually keep these up front once we get to a place where we're going to be airing down a couple of shackles this is an air nozzle for our onboard air compressor this is great for cleaning stuff up blowing dust off of everything cleaning out the engine air filter and especially just in case that air pump for our mattress fails we have a way of filling up our mattress we have a saw which we rarely ever use a hammer this is a mosquito coil burner thing you put these little mosquito coils in there light them up it sends out with a smoke and that keeps the mosquitoes away pretty much and some spare steaks these are some special steaks that just in case we have extra hard ground we can pound these in with a hammer for our tent or our tarp [Applause] and that oh we have a spare 12 volt cord just in case and that's about it how you turn it off there we go this is the trasharoo brand bag we're looking to upgrade to something a little more durable in the near future now the treasureroo can be used for multiple things sometimes we put firewood down in the bottom or dirty clothes we have this little kitchen garbage can that we line with a garbage bag and it fits down in there nicely this is our trusty old toilet and don't worry that's just dirt it's not poo the inner ring snaps out and you can put bags in in case you're in a delicate area where you need to pack out your waste this folds down just like a stool and it fits right in behind the garbage can inside the treasure room these are the toilet bags i was talking about we put them inside with yet another roll of toilet paper and some hand sanitizer and we just tuck it away in a side pocket this is an inexpensive shovel you can use to dig your waste hole and you can also use it to dig out around your tires if you get stuck the shovel folds down just like this and you can stick it in another side pocket we have bug spray and sunscreen that we also keep in a pocket just so we can get to it easily from outside now on to what we put in our cases we have mounted up on our roof rack this side holds the two things that usually get put away wet the tent and the tarp for a tent we use one that we got at rei it's relatively inexpensive i bet you it didn't cost over four hundred dollars it's a pretty decent quality though comes in two pieces the main body is mostly mesh that's really great for ventilation in the warmer months and we also oftentimes sleep without the fly over the top that way we can see the stars really easy that's a great way to sleep the fly itself is totally waterproof and covers the whole thing comes all the way down to the ground that's an important thing to look for in a tent tent poles tent stakes don't forget these for tarp we use one from slumberjack it hooks onto the back provides a tremendous amount of living area really nice when it's pouring down rain stakes and lines and a couple of collapsible poles they go down pretty small that's what three feet or so and it goes out to what seven feet yep seven feet thing you want to watch out for when you put stuff in these types of cases is make sure that nothing gets along the edges right here and gets pinched now the box on the other side is where we put a lot of our camera equipment um tripods uh steadicam gimbals all that good stuff okay a couple of alternative tarps um we have one that we sometimes use especially when we take the fj out and it's just a small nylon tarp i think it measures nine by nine but we hook it on to the side comes out this way another tarp that we have that we often use when we're going up north to michigan minnesota northern wisconsin where the bugs are really bad the nylon tarp with bug netting on all four sides this is a lifesaver uh in those conditions this is made by a friend of ours dan cook he has he heads up cook custom sewing out of minnesota give him a shout out go to his website i believe this is called the tundra tarp i might be mistaken on that this we've had this for gosh probably 15 years on the bedding uh 30 plus years ago when mary and i first started out doing this all we had all that was available was that little half inch thick blue foam pad that you rolled out and then therma rest came out some years later and they had the self-inflated pad like this then they came out with this style this is about inch and a half thick and this is really nice very very comfortable to sleep on but since we have the room for it we carry along a full-size air mattress this is heaven okay for sleeping bags we use north face down bags there's two of them in here these are rectangular bags so they can be zipped together makes a nice bed this bag here this is just for storage with the mesh sides and it doesn't compact the bags very much the thing with sleeping bags and mattresses too is you don't want to store them for a long time compressed because then they won't decompress as easy the longer you have it stored that way now the reason why we like down so much is because it's super comfortable incredibly warm it compacts down this will compact down to a quarter of this size here the downside of down is if it gets wet it's no good anymore the feathers clump up and it doesn't insulate anymore and it takes forever to dry out so if you're using a down bag you have to make sure it stays dry pillows we've got the room so we use full-size pillows alternatives to that is this is made by therm-a-rest what it is is there's a bunch of foam stuffed in this bag and then it'll kind of kind of come back to life when you open it up to a decent pillow if you're really cramped on space you take a cloth sack like this and just stuff a fleece jacket in it or your spare clothes and that'll serve as a pillow here's our sleeping bags in a compression sack now what i forgot to mention before is our sleeping bags are rated as 30 degree bags which is fine for most of the time but if it gets a little colder or we're expecting colder weather we take along a nice heavy wool blanket this is actually an antique hudson bay blanket this is warm now what to pack all this in we have two options and it depends on how much room we need inside if we're bringing another person with us if we are then we need to put it up on the roof rack to do that we use one of these this is made for canoeing and kayaking it's waterproof it's vinyl coated and what you do is fill it up with all that good stuff and then up at the top here you fold down the closures and you roll it and then there's some compression straps here that makes it nice and water tight then we just strap it up on top but if we have room inside we use a tote like this we use another tote for all of our clothes jackets and hygiene stuff okay onto chairs now we've used this type of chair forever and i never really did like them um the back you kind of slouch down in it it's really not very comfortable and you have these pressure points right here on your legs you kind of feel all cramped in up in there and they don't compact down very easy or very small they're kind of cumbersome so we've moved on to this type of chair it's a king camp i don't know who exactly makes it but i'm sure there's a lot of manufacturers that do make these we really like this because it doesn't have the pressure points here you sit more upright in it you're not all slouched in like the other type of chairs has a really nice table on the side and it compacts down and folds down to a nice little unit like this and this is a little easier to fit into the vehicle now if you're really cramped for space an alternative to this is this type of chair and we use these a lot when we're out canoe camping because it does come back down to just a little tiny unit like this this is an rei flex light chair now these are much more comfortable than they look you do sit low to the ground and it doesn't have much of a back on it but the light weight and the size really makes up for that a table we don't use this all the time we usually just use our countertops in the back and the side tables on our chairs but if you need a little bit extra table this is foldable compactable kind of thing this is uh really easy to set up you just simply screw the legs in after you put these crossbars across the bottom of it and this is it's got a nice little pouch here for all the legs and the crossbars this is camp time it's a camp time table it's fairly sturdy i think there's aluminum slats inside that vinyl and it does come in handy just like that something else that we take is a small pack that is filled with our rain gear and something else that we find very nice to have is bug shirts here's mary modeling one we keep this right behind the passenger seat so we can grab it really easy throw a water bottle or two in it and go off on a hike real quick there's some things on our gear list that we list as optional and most of it pertains to cooking one of those items is an oven now baking when you're out camping is great fresh baked bread you can't beat that pastries cookies and such it's great but we're not going to be doing that in this upcoming trip now if we were going to bake something on this trip we would take one of these this one is a reflector oven it's made by a friend of ours scott harris he goes under the website old scout products i believe it is google old scout you'll find the reflector oven this is wonderful you have to have a small fire in front for it to bake and you have to turn the the pan every you know half hour or not not half hour you burn the crap out of it but every now and then you have to turn the pan but that's that's no big deal this works great this is probably our go-to oven uh the next one is a dutch oven and these have been around forever and they work real slick and a lot of people swear by these i really like it but it's big and heavy and what you do is you put coals on top coals on the bottom and it works great but like i said heavy and bulky this is a this is more like a backpacker oven it's an outback oven how it works is this is a fire retardant i think it's nomex it's a cover over it and it's got the lid and on top here there's a little uh it just says warm up bake and burn you want to keep it in the bake area there it's got a non-stick pan that can double as a frying pan and you you can do this on your big two burner stove but i don't know how it would work with this because you have to have the burner up a little bit because this full goes over it so i don't know if it worked that well on a two burner but we always if we're going to use this we always bring along our little msr rapid fire a little butane stove that we've had for probably 30 years or so still works great though something else that pertains to cooking that we're not going to take on this trip are pie irons and these are like a cult favorite there are so many cookbooks and so so many websites dedicated to just cooking in these pie irons what they do is this is cast either aluminum or iron and they open up somehow this is a double one and you put your stuff in there and you put it right on the fire and uh like it's kind of a fun thing fun way to cook we've had this one here for a long time something else is a toaster i don't know how many of you have ever seen one like this this design has been around for decades and decades i remember when we were kids mom and dad had one like this you just put it on the stove put your bread on these uh on this wire and it does a really good job toasting bread and then we have a little grill that goes over the fire of course since there are fire bans uh all throughout where we're headed on this trip uh we're not gonna be taking this either unfortunately we won't have any fires traction boards check high lift check gas tank sure in the interest of saving a little weight we usually travel with the gas tank empty until we get to a place where we need the extra insurance water tank check solar panel check full propane tank i forgot to fill it first aid kit check flashlights check fire extinguisher is it charged fully checked air compressor air hose jack long cord for solar panel check extra camera batteries and chargers check permits reservations and itineraries on the clipboard check maps check garmin check tablet with gaia check phone with apps check water bottle check sunglasses check our entire list is in the video description below well that's our list we might have missed out a few little things here and there if you have any suggestions or additions to our list please leave a comment down below and before you leave be sure to hit that subscribe button and ring that notification bell because we're going to be taking footage of this next trip we're going to be going on and you'll be the first one to know when we upload the video so now we've made our list we've checked it twice we've packed and we've double packed and now we're going to hit the road running sucked and some hannah this is all the necessary gear to keep our adventures comfortable safe and something so we moved on to this type of chair this one is a camp king camp king i did it again uh nice nicely packable i ran out of compress turn it off
Channel: Wanderlost Overland
Views: 61,739
Rating: 4.9426866 out of 5
Keywords: camping gear essentials, camping gear list, camping gear for beginners, overland gear list, packing list for camping, gear for car camping, gear for camping, camping gear for overlanding, camping gear, how to camp, beginners camping, check list, gear check list, what we pack for camping, what gear do we need for camping, what do I need to start overlanding, camping tips, overlanding gear, overland bound, checklist
Id: rUgbFYgJPyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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