The True Story Behind "The Laundry" - Steve Treviño

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hey i'm renee aka captain evil stay tuned to the end of this bit to hear my side of the story nobody cares my wife has jobs she does things you know she does the laundry i know look it's not a woman man thing all right i don't mind doing the laundry she doesn't like the way i do the laundry i pick it all up and i throw it in there my wife has nine different loads the towels go by themselves and the whites and the more whites and the less whites but she complains every day all i hear is the laundry i'm so tired of all the lines in this house i do the trash i don't walk around the house go in the trash there's so much trash in this [Music] let me show it's 2018. let me show you how easy it is to wash the laundry look magic but all i hear the line first of all honey all of this is yours i wear the same jeans all week i use one towel a month you use nine a day but my wife the laundry i could understand if you had to go to the river and wash it on a rock i could understand how you could be a little upset because i watched the discovery channel people and i see women with baskets on their head walking to the river none of them are going the laundry another one of my jobs anything outside if it's outside it's my job if it's outside and it comes inside i take it back outside oh my wife will scream from the other side of the house there's a spider in here i have to go over there in a hurry and act like i give it square show it to me where it's right there kill it go get my weapon the napkin that's what i use i use a napkin and i kick the [ __ ] out of it because i'm a little scared myself sometimes i look in the napkin the spider's not in there i'm like my wife did you get it i'm a good husband i lied to her i got him you go ahead and sleep tonight i'm not that spider saw my face so this is a a great bit and and it's one of those things where the laundry i like hear it over and over in my head well because like you know people don't realize that you know i had been on my own for a very long time and you had no idea that houses you thought houses cleaned themselves oh hush dramatically you thought laundry got clean like where's the mexican lady no i just didn't know i was gonna move in with you for my clothes and yours um so you know you as you get into a relationship you really have to start to divvy up who does what and you know and then renee had this big thing about oh you want me to wash dishes and do laundry because i'm a woman i'm like no because you ate on them no no because you wore them i'm convinced the one time that you did laundry in the beginning you turned my whites pink on purpose so that you would never have to do laundry again no yeah it became and i should have learned my lesson i should have said i'll do my laundry you do yours and we should just split it right down the middle but nope i didn't do it and this is a perfect example that i'm the trash man i don't [ __ ] about it i just do it and renee the last record for the record the uh recyclables did not get pulled out to the curb in time this morning that is a fact that is uh that is someone slacking on their job we're in texas and i told you it all goes in one thing but now you have to separate it make more work for me and it's a whole thing excuses excuses the bit came from uh that idea and then what was really cool was and i remember specifically after a show at rooster t feathers um it was the trash man and the bag lady and then this one of pontius friends came up to me and he goes dude my wife [ __ ] about the laundry and he's like it's 2000 and whatever there's a machine that does it he's like it's not like it's the 50s but every woman knows the machine is not the issue it is the folding and the putting away of all the clean lines okay so by the time okay how do you think my mom felt when she was hanging stuff on a wire outside my mom one generation ago my mom has clothes pins for clothes she probably felt like your dad should have been doing it not diy that's probably how she looks pins so that's where the joke came from and we still fight about it today you
Channel: Steve Trevino
Views: 478,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comedy, comedian, stand up comedian, funny, stand up, steve trevino, captain evil, steven trevino, stand up comedy, podcast, til death, laundry, jokes, behind the scenes, just for fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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