The True Malcolm X Parts 1 & 2 | Historic Speeches

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some of the following speeches and actualities by Malcolm X were not shot or stored under the best of circumstances over the years almost all scenes are black and white some are not up to current standards of video or audio quality but we're too important to omit we never initiate any violence upon anyone but if anyone attacks us we reserve the right to defend ourselves [Music] don't blame Georgia for your in justices the government is responsible for the injustice when you're in your own nation in your own land you're in a position to get justice but when you're in another man's country in another man's land under another man's flag and under another man's government and under another man's corpses you have to look to that other man for justice and you'll never get it the re-educated so that the racism that they have in their heart can be eliminated and they and our people have to be read so we will know how to do something for ourselves instead of waiting for others to do it for us all the time and you wouldn't need any legislation you wouldn't need any amendments to the Constitution you wouldn't be faced with civil rights filibustering in Washington DC right now they'd only have to pass civil rights legislation to make a poll out in America [Applause] no I'm not an American I'm one of the 22 million black people who are the victims of Americanism [Applause] one of the 22 million black people who are the victims of democracy nothing but this guy's depressing so I'm not standing here speaking to you as an American or Patriot or quake salute Iran flame we know I'm speaking as a victim of this American system I see America through the eyes of a victim I don't see any American dream might see an American Nightmare [Applause] what is your real name Malcolm Malcolm X is that your legal name as far as I'm concerned it's my legal name would you mind telling me what your father's last name was my father didn't know his last name my father got his last name from his grandfather and his grandfather got it from his grandfather who got it from the slave master the real names of our people were destroyed [Music] [Music] and names which identifies him as being the place master/slave we believe that if we are free indeed we should go in their home people's name the black people appear the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that the black man is the original man and has the independent ability to produce brown man red man yellow man or white mare which the very fact that he can produce all of the others and none of them can produce him makes him a man far superior with far more potential than the other men and mr. Mahmud says that in the end the same black man who ruled in the beginning will rule in me the black man by nature is divine now does this mean that the white man my nature is evil by nature he is other than divine well now does this mean that he's evil can he do good by nature he is diesel our prayer that we can have a peaceful intelligent rally here this afternoon but at the same time we see that they have surrounded us with many of their own agents in uniform and out of uniform who have spent much time here in Harlem closing as peace officers and at the same time breaking up the piece of black people so we hope that they will be peaceful and we will be seized we are here to tell you to love the white man you have come to the wrong place [Applause] and those of you who think that you perhaps came here to hear us tell you to turn the other cheek to the brutality of the white man I say again you came to the wrong place but no matter what happens we don't teach you to turn the other cheek we don't teach you to turn the other cheek in the South and we don't teach you to turn the other cheek in the north we teach you to obey the law-- we teach you to carry yourselves in a respectable way but at the same time we teach you that anyone who puts his hand on you do your best to see that he doesn't put it on if we bring in trust into this country the pikemen brings it in the white man brings it to harlem the white man makes you a drug addict the white man didn't put you in jail when he catches you a human truck [Applause] who is it that controls the prostitution in Harlem dis the white men who controls the bars not sale of whiskey in line just the right man you don't have any distillery no secret you don't put the seal on that bottle of whiskey just the white man who gives you the attacker Kazem the dice that you lose to gamble with Vince the right hand and after he's fed him - he catch you with him and put you in jail for using this earth in a vicious cycle of poverty of ignorance of apathy of disease and they make no leaders come into Harlem telling you and me the times are getting better your times will never get better until you [Applause] any time the enemy you'll fight just like this what did he tell you to fight in Korea or fight in Berlin or fight in the South Pacific to Lucy's face tickle you'll fight anybody he point the finger but right here in this country in this country under your nose with tea legged right dog's sick and four-legged dogs on you and my mother you and I don't know how to fight sticking dogs on your head Mary's sister and you and I don't know how to fight second dogs on our children and dogs on our baby then you don't know how to fight you can't fight nor bark until the white made us a farm for fight in the South you are segregated by that dog in the north you integrated with this dog and there's no difference I'm not getting too wet the dog is that closes relative we got the thing turning here the thing kind of skin in the same kind of Smith [Applause] bring the other mobile device to Mohammed finishes opening urine my eyes and making it possible for us to see this tape made it like he really is he don't have to worry that's integrating with him we don't want to be around [Applause] we don't want to be around another thing we don't want to integrate with that old pale thing we don't want to sleep so we can do without it you find that oh hey old thing lean out in the firm trying to get them up like you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Rhianna bombing drew we do we are taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to be to obey the law to respect everyone who respects us we're taught to display courtesy to be polite but we're also taught that at any time anyone in any way in flicks or seeks to inflict violence upon us we are within our religious rights to retaliate in self-defense to the maximum degree of our ability the charge of violence against us actually stems from the guilt complex that exists in the conscious and subconscious minds of most white people in this country they know that they've been violent in their brutality against Negroes and they feel that some day the Negro is going to wake up and try and do unto them as they have done unto do unto the whites as the whites have done unto us Muslims have accepted the religion of Islam and follow their religious guidance of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad have never bombed any churches have never murdered any little girls as was done in Birmingham have never lynched anybody have never at any time been guilty of initiating any aggressive acts of violence during the entire 33 years or more that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has been teaching us we never initiate any violence upon anyone but if anyone attacks us we reserve the right to defend ourselves so to accuse us of being violence is like accusing a man who is being lynched who is being hung on a tree simply because he struggles vigorously against his Lynch ur the victim is accused of violence but the Lynch Service never accused the violence and I only point this out because the various racist groups that are set up in this country by whites and who have actually practiced violence against Blacks for 400 years are never associated or identified or made synonymous with the term violence but speak of Muslims almost synonymously with violence whenever the Muslims are mentioned by them balances brother but not but it's not connected with any other group this is a sort of a propaganda tactic or what I would call psychological warfare to in some way make the image of the Muslims in this country be a violent image rather than a religious image I think you'll find sir that there will come a time when black people wake up and become intellectually independent enough to think for themselves as other humans are intellectually independent enough to think for themselves then the black man will think like a black man and he will feel for other black people and this new thinking and feeling will cause black people to stick together and then at that point you'll have a situation where when you attack one black man you are attacking all black men and this type of black thinking will cause all black people to stick together and this type of thinking also will bring an end to the brutality inflicted upon black people by white people and it is the only thing that will bring it into it no federal court state court or city court were bringing into it is something that the black man has to bring it into himself you say then that the United States is not the black man's country definitely no another black man's law no American laws are not the black man's law all the laws here in America were made white white white people for the benefit of white people the Constitution was written by whites for the benefit of whites it was never written for the benefit of blacks and when you read the Constitution I think in article 1 section article 1 section 2 or section 1 article 1 someone of the truth and it's in the Constitution it says that it classifies black people as three-fifths of a man three-fifths of a man subhuman less than a human it relegate sus to the level of cattle Paul's chicken cows a commodity that could be bought and sold at the will of the master no it was written by whites for the benefit of whites and to the detriment of blacks and when our black man stands up talking about his constitutional rights he's out of his mind if the white people really passed meaningful laws it would not be necessary to pass any more laws there are already enough laws on the law books to protect an American citizen you only need additional laws when you're dealing with someone who is not regarded as an American citizen but whites are so hypocritical they don't want to admit that this black man is not a citizen so they classify him as a second-class citizen too to get around making him a real citizen if he was a real citizen you'd need no more laws you need no civil rights legislation civil rights that when you have civil rights you have citizenship it's automatic white people don't need laws to protect their citizenship because they're citizens but they want the UH I didn't want to tell us we're not citizens and at the same time they don't want to pass laws that are meaningful enough to protect us as if we were citizens and the Supreme Court desegregation decision is the best example I know that's a law from the Supreme Court ten years have gone by no no desegregated schools but it hasn't been implemented beyond I think nine percent in ten years so this just shows you the hypocrisy of the American white man they talk out of both sides of their mouth and for this reason we who are Muslims that is who believe in the religion of Islam who believe in God we don't believe that black people will ever get any laws hit any problem with laws being passed or new persons being put in office white liberals being put in office there is nothing that the white man will ever do to bring about tree their citizenship or civil rights recognition for black people in this country nothing will they ever do they will always talk it but they won't practice it and with the Supreme Court if the n-double-a-cp can tell me that they want a desegregation decision for me 10 years ago but yet the schools haven't been desegregated as I say this is a victory with no victory it's a victory that you can talk about but it's a victory you can't show me so if you represent the n-double-a-cp and you were telling me about this great victory you won for me when I look at you I have to conclude that either you have been duped yourself or else you are trying to dupe me and in most instance instances where the civil rights struggle is involved there is no civil rights leader can point to me one concrete gain practical gain that black people have made in the civil rights feel in this country not always arrested the brothers who were arrested come up here behind these chairs [Applause] made one stay at the rear of the car when the other go to the front of the cover and while he was taking the one to the front of the car the polite attitude the humble air the submissive intelligent peaceful spirit that he unexpectedly found in this negro infuriated you and he began to pee-pee he told her brother put down James brother was talking he's not a criminal a man has a right on the sidewalk to talk with his hands put down your hand don't talk with your hands and when the brother continued to gesture with his hands the officer grabbed his name twisted it around Brown behind his back hung him up against the car and then that's when the hell broke loose that was when the hell broke loose a struggle ensued shots were fired by the police and by a Negro their shape and alarm went out when the alarm went out instead of the police going to the place where the incident occurred the police went one block away to the temple when they arrived there they got out of their cars with their guns smoking you would have thought it was Wyatt what is new right there I'm telling you they came out of those cars and we have enough witnesses to hang them with their guns smoking chief papa knows this mayor yard he knows this and every police official in the city knows that they didn't fire no warning shots in the air they fired warning shots point-blank at innocent unarmed defenseless Negroes one of them who was being taken to jail in a police car as the ambulance sirens were coming to the place one of the policemen said to the other what are the ambulances rushing for not investing [ __ ] so he looked in and saw the Muslim brothers sitting beside him and he said and he shut up but after he got to the jail the same officer that said this turned to the Brotherhood said I hope that you didn't get offended by what I said back there under the heat of emotion because some of my best friends are colored [Applause] is what he said that's his password some of my best friends are coming dead after here was shot one quarter of an inch from his heart and he tell you something and I'll tell you it why you say we hate white people we don't hate anybody we love our own people so much they think we hate the ones who are inflicting injustice against them so the only way we're going to get an exploitation away from us or a safe from us is come together against the common enemy control the control press the white press in flames the white public against Negroes if the police are able to use it to beat the Negro community there's a criminal element the police are able to use the press to make the weight public think that 90% or 99% of the Negroes in the Negro community are criminals and once the white public is convinced that most of the Negro community is a criminal element then this automatically paves the way for the police to move into the Negro community exercising Gestapo tactics stopping any black man who was in the Sun on the sidewalk whether he is getting or whether he is innocent whether he is well-dressed or whether he is poorly dressed whether he is educated or whether he is done whether he's a Christian or whether he is a Muslim as long as he is black and a member of the Negro community the white public thinks that the white policeman is justified in going in there and trampling on that man civil rights and on that man's Human Rights [Applause] when mayor yard called for a government investigation of a religious group that has the highest moral failure of any group in the Negro community mayor yardie was giving you an example of what pepper did in Nazi Germany when he began to go on the rampage [Applause] let us remember that we are not brutalized because we're bestest we're not brutalized because we're a Methodist we're not brutalized because we're Muslim we're not brutalized because we're Catholic we're fertilized because we are black people in America when someone comes at you with a club when someone comes at you with a room when someone comes at you with a gun despite the fact that you've done nothing he tells you to suffer we have people Malcolm more controversial remarks was call for black people to rifles and form rifle clubs some time back do you still favor that or self-defense I know ADA I don't see why that should be controversial I think that if white people found themselves the victim of the same kind of brutality that black people in this country faced and they saw that the government was either unwilling or unable to protect men that the intelligence on the part of the whites would make them get some rifles and shotguns and protect themselves now Negroes are developing some kind of intellectual maturity - and they can see that by having waited upon the government to protect them has been a weight that has been in vain so any of them who live in areas where the government is not able to do its job then we do a job and you got integrated where the white man has been on you I'd like to ask a question in that regard what's interesting is that the members of the Nation of Islam have not used violence even when black Americans were attacked how do you account for this but that does this in any way contradict some of the basic premises of your movement I don't know how you mean well you maintain for example that that you will not or that you should not use violence unless you are attacked by the white man and I think we can note in the last several years certainly dozens and dozens and dozens of instances in which Negroes had been attacked killed in some instances I mean in these demonstrate demonstrations and the bombings for example recently in Birmingham where they killed four little Negro girls and what interests me is the fact is that the Nation of Islam has not done anything to retaliate I think you should be happy does your lack of action though contradict any of your basic things I'll explain it you should be happy that Muslims who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad number one don't believe in any form of integration and who Belen and believe that every mention of the word integration by whites whether it be from the mouth of Kennedy on down to the mouth of the lowest raggedy white liberal in the street who is beatnik like involving himself in these integration efforts if we believed in it we would integrate and we would fight anybody who got in our way you know all made any effort whatsoever to stop us from integrating if we really believed that the law of the land the Supreme Court and other so-called judicial bodies were for real when they talked about integration we wouldn't agree and knowing that the law was on our side and any effort we made to demonstrate toward integration why we would know the law should be on our side if law of the land if it is the law of the land then the demonstrators are within the law and the discriminators are against the law but to show you the hypocrisy of the law when the girls demonstrate for integration instead of arresting the discriminators the law arrests the demonstrators so this is a foolish move on the part of Negroes and when you foolishly get yourself involved with a enemy then whatever comes upon you that's your business as Muslims we believe that separation is the best way and the only sensible way not integration and on but on the other hand when we see our people being brutalized by quite bigots white racists we think that they are foolish to allow themselves to be beaten and brutalized and do nothing whatsoever to protect themselves they are foolish that if they should have the right to defend themselves against any attack made against them by anyone if a dog is biting a black man the black man should kill the dog whether the dog is a police dog a hound dog or any kind of dog if our dog is sick on a black man when that black man is doing nothing but trying to take advantage of what the government says it's supposed to be is then that black man should kill that dog or any two-legged dog who sticks the dog on it I have no argument with dr. Martin Luther King he's doing the best he knows how but what he what he's doing is out of style it's out of date and anybody who teaches Negroes today to turn the other cheek is actually committing a crime when our criminal starts misusing me I am going to use whatever are necessary to get that criminal off my back and the injustice that has been inflicted upon Negroes in this country by Uncle Sam is criminal don't blame a cracker in Georgia for your in justices the government is responsible for the injustice ease the government can bring leaders I'm one of 22 million black people in this country who is absolutely impatient and disenchanted and fed up when I have to look at the television every night and see police dog biting our people cost the policemen clothing our people or see our women and our children being washed down the sewer with fire hoses simply because they want to exercise their rights in a society and when mr. Montes has never read from the white man you teach the public love the white man integrate with him in the white men six dogs on mine Luther King so what'd you find out here is the hypocrisy of the white whip your draw away from him he refused you of he and if you jump up to him he'll accuse you of trying to get close to him too soon and he puts his dogs on if the black man leaves on his sign he's wrong if the black man leaves on his back he's wrong if the black man stands up he's wrong so the only thing in face of all that the black men can do is get away from the [Music] [Music] [Music] negro Mastan oh the face he ate the same food his mistake and wore his same clothes and he could talk just like a smack smack good diction and he loved his master more than his masters up himself that's why you didn't want it maps to hurt if the master got sick he'd say what's the matter boss we sick [Applause] [Music] trying to play around he didn't want to master house burn he never wanted his master's property threatened and he was more defensive of it than the master but that was announced Negro but then you're asking fetal negroes who lived in huh nothing to lose they they they grow strong wind to come along between the two and still have hot Negroes and feelings [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mr. muhammad state up you mighty race you can accomplish what you will build your future on these foundations freedom justice and equality what is the definition of freedom justice and equality for the black man and where and when is it to be attained well take equality first the Honorable Elijah Muhammad doesn't teach us to associate equality with whites equality has nothing to do with waste we want we don't want to be equal with the white man he's not the criteria or yardstick by which equality is measured he's not in a position to tell us we are equal it's not his right it's not his to do equality we want equality we had equality before the white man was created we have we had equality before the white man came into existence then we want equality whether the white man is on this earth or not equality means the opportunity to develop all of our dormant potential all of our dormant capability and in in developing this dormant capability the rate and the ability to stand on this earth on some land of our own and bring about a civilization and a society and we will in which we will be completely independent complete freedom to take care of the needs to take care of the wants and the likes and the dislikes of our people to establish our own nation our own society our own heaven our own future this is what we mean by freedom by equality and justice means as you sow so shall you reap if you do wrong you'll get wrong in return and if you do right you'll get right in return when you're in your own nation in your own land you're in a position to get justice but when you're in another man's country in another man's land under another man's flag and under another man's government and under another man's corpses you have to look to that other man for justice and you'll never get it and Negroes in this country probably are authorities on that let me let me return to the Nation of Islam per se Minister by raising a question which struck me as a result of reading some of Baldwin's work namely the fire next time Baldwin pointed out that in Harlem for many years he had passed the street corners and the soap boxes and heard people speaking from these platforms who were known as black nationalists and nobody was listening and he said all of a sudden he realized that people were beginning to listen to the Muslim speakers on the street corners in Harlem the message essentially was the same but was that now many many people were listening to what this message was and you pointed out that the Nation of Islam has been in the picture for about 33 years what is it in your judgment that has caused this tremendous amount of support that the Nation of Islam has garnered in the Negro community in say the last 10 years when you put a seed in the soil it remains beneath the soil until the season changes and my spirit conditions ring about a seasonal change but makes that seed come up or crop growth in its appointed time and all over this world today God himself has brought about political and changes a political atmosphere sociological social atmosphere economic atmosphere these economic conditions these political conditions and social conditions combine to bring about a situation that is making black people in America more receptive they're mine more fertile to the seed of truth that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has been planting for 30-some years and this is springing up today and causing our people to see and understand now what they couldn't see and understand before what is the nature of this situation which is making black people more receptive see well you take the in the past say 15 years how the nations have emerged doc nations have emerged in in Africa prior to 10 years ago most Negros associated identified Africa with a savage jungle length plays and whenever you mentioned the word African in their minds I they could see the image of a someone running around with a spear with no language you'd say I'll go Bugaboo of Juana or something and would be in a jungle running from lions or chasing Lions but then when after the war when the United Nations were set up in New York City black people begin to look at men like Tom Mboya they began to look at men like UNMIK Roma they began to see men like Lumumba they began to see men like NASA they began to see these bellow aaaaahhhhhh in a sick way who could exchange intellectually with whites on an international level in a political form and hold their own this made the black people in this country real is that what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had been teaching all the time actually had substance and they begin to turn it over in their mind and see that what he was saying more than what the negroes were saying and they begin to identify themselves with the black world in the black struggle themselves with [Music] men and women were nothing [Music] that it it's not our people from getting drunk and taking drugs and things of that sort which is not enough after you sober up you feel Paul the main objective of the movement was land but they know within the movement were told that God would come and take them to that land well for time this was all right for this no visible means were ever detected by anyone in the movement that would enable us to see that a plan was afoot to make this objective materialize it cause dissatisfaction it called definitive which eventually developed division we realize that we were black people in a white society we were black people in we were in a society was a racist system whose economic system was nourished with racism we were black people who wanted to be religious who wanted to practice Brotherhood and all of that who wanted to love everybody and all of that too but at the same time that was a dream you know as my good friend the doctor and we had to also realize that we were in a house so we knew that this was a problem that was beyond religion and we formed another organization that was non-religious and this organization was called the organization of afro-american unity or the all AAU and leave it the weed so we got the idea for it from travels and observations of the success that our brothers on the African continent we're having in this struggle for freedom it has been well known fact though only in the form of rumor that there has been a great deal of apprehension at my being out of the Black Muslim movement on the part of the black Muslims themselves and I had stated in a newspaper article about an effort to take my life back in January and at that time the Muslims denied it in fact they tried to make it appear to my brother that I was insane but on a program in Chicago called hotline this motherf er moderated by Wesley South John Ali the national secretary admitted I think about Wednesday or Thursday one of these days last week that they absolutely people going to kill me why are they threatening your life oh well primarily because they're afraid that I will tell the real reasons that they've been that I'm out of the Black Muslim movement which I never told I kept to myself but the real real reason is that Elijah Muhammad the head of the movement is the father of eight children by six different teenage girls different six different teenage girls who were his private personal secretary four of them had one child apiece by him had two children and one of those two is pregnant right now in Los Angeles with in his third child and one who first made me aware of this was Wallace Muhammad mr. Muhammad's son and it was their fear that if I remained in the Black Muslim movement into the knowledge they would leave him and follow me so a plan immediately was set in motion to take me down put me out and the statement that I allegedly made or not that I allegedly made I didn't make it statement that I made about Kennedy but do a pretext to take me down but in reality it was the it was because I had come to New York and hold Joseph the captain in New York and about these children and it was and we need someplace to work whatever kind of action program can be devised for that kind of action no matter what the action is today I'm speaking for myself formally I spoke for Elijah Muhammad and everything I said was the Elijah Muhammad teaches us nothing so the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is a religious name and his teaching is religious and his solutions are religious is the original man the black man by nature is divine now does this mean that the white man my nature is evil nature he is other than design well now does this mean that he's evil can he do good by nature he is diesel the Honorable Elijah Muhammad doesn't teach us to associate equality with whites equality has nothing to do with whites we want we don't want to be equal with the white man Muslims will follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad number one don't believe in any form of integration the Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that the hour all the time is running out right now and the America is facing judgment just like Egypt was judged for enslaving the Hebrews and Babylon was judged for enslaving the Hebrews and because they refused to let the Hebrews go along with Moses God destroyed them this was the Judgment Day in their day today America is faced with the same thing she doesn't let us go with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad out of this country in America will be destroyed just as surely as Egypt was destroyed in Babylon was destroyed I'm speaking now from what I think from what I have seen from what I have analyzed and the conclusions that I have read but I judge a man by his conscious behavior I am NOT a racist I don't subscribe to any of the tenants of racism then there are good whites and good blacks and bad whites and blacks it's not a case of being good and bad good or bad blacks and whites it's the case of being good or bad human being I think you'll find that if Negroes ever have to resort to any kind of physical action to defend themselves many white people will be on the side of the group any white people are fed up with it with what the Negro suffered and this is what I had to become aware of on my pilgrimage to Mecca I could see then that there are many white people in this country who will side with the Negro in whatever he has to do to protect himself when I was in on the pilgrimage I had close contact with Muslims who in within America be classified as white and with Muslims who were themselves would be classified as white in America but these particular Muslims didn't call themselves white they looked upon themselves as human beings part of the human family and therefore they looked upon all other segments of the human family as part of that same family they had a different look or a different air or a different attitude than that which is reflected in the attitudes of the man in America who called himself white so I said that if our Aslam had done this have done that for them perhaps if the white man in America would study Islam perhaps they could do the same thing for him so instead of legislation in my opinion it takes education if the white self to be re-educated so that's the racism that they have in their heart can be eliminated and they and our people have to be reeducate 'add so we will know how to do something for ourselves instead of waiting for others to do it for us all the time well how will that reeducation be brought about all right well just as in the in World War two this country could use its news media to propagandize and make art makes the whole American public love the vote of the Germans in the Japanese errata love the Russians and the Chinese and hate the Germans and the Japanese and then after the war they changed it and made the American public love the the Germans and love the Japanese hate the Russians and hate the tiny which shows that they can make the American public love whom they will in hate when they well and that same process can be used to re-educate the American public and show white people how to love black people and show black people how to do something to stand on our own feet and solve our own problems the black man doesn't have to be taught to love the right man the right man has to be taught to love the black man at least do you think these civil rights bill when it's passed is a sign of better times for Negroes in this country no as I said before the legislation won't solve our problems New York City has all of the laws it has fppc until there's job discrimination in their city laws doesn't solve that that type of law doesn't solve the problem and it's the same with education well it actually it's the thing that's the same with the segregated educational system it exists here the families that exist in the south now the law here is on the side of an integrated school system but you still don't have an integrated school system what do you think of Senator Goldwater stand on the civil rights bill for he's probably being more honest then the other politicians are he's it even though his fan is the wrong stance and the anistar an unjust stand still he's being more honest and the other white politicians are I don't think that in his part lyndon b johnson stand it any different from Goldwater stance lyndon b johnson is taking a stand that is for political expediency and it's the same with all of the so-called liberal element is political expediency politics i believe in brotherhood and i believe in the brotherhood of all men but my religion doesn't make me a fool my religion makes me be against all forms of racism it keeps me from judging any man by the color of his skin it teaches me to judge him by his beans and his conscious behavior and it teaches me to be the right before the rights of all human beings but especially the afro-american human being my religion is a natural religion and the first law of nature is self-preservation the next thing you'll see here in America and please don't blame it on me when you see it you will see the same thing that has taken place among other people on this earth whose condition was parallel to that of the 22 million afro-americans in this country the time is on the side of the oppressed today it's against the oppressor and truth is on the side of the oppressed today if the dean's the oppressor I would just like to say this in my conclusion you'll see terrorism that will terrify and if you don't think you see it you are trying to blind yourself to the historic development of everything that's taking place on this earth today you'll see other things why will you see them because as soon as people realize that it's impossible for a chicken to produce a duck egg even though they both belong to the same family of power so called fowl a chicken just doesn't have it within its system to produce a duck egg it can't do it it can only produce according to what that particular system was constructed to produce the system of this country cannot produce freedom for an afro-american it's impossible for this system the second click system this political system this social systems this system is period it is impossible for a as its fans to Berk to produce freedom right now for the black man in this country it's impossible it goes beyond Alabama thought the Amhara what is it revolting against the power structure the American power structures no the freeze power structures know the English power structure no and what power structure an international Western power structure I had gotten an invitation to visit Ferris from the afro-american community in Paris which was sponsoring a rally in conjunction with the African community when I got to Paris the man said I couldn't come in some man French men they gave me no explanation other than to say we have our orders they wouldn't let me phoned the American Embassy and they tried to imply that the American Embassy was behind it which I told him that I didn't know that France was a satellite of the United States well this made them angry because they like to be independent you know or pretend to be independent they were taking their orders from someone at high up in the French Foreign Ministry who did not want me to enter France and there's a reason for I don't blame them maybe my plane got mixed up and I was in South Africa in the wrong country so this could be past Paris it must be Johannesburg and they got rid and you know how they can get rid there's a large increasing number of dark-skinned people swelling the property the dark population of France in Britain and it is giving them a great deal of cause for work no effort has been made to unite the afro-american community or the American Negro community was the West Indian community and then those two communities with the African community and those communities the Asian community this has never been done and just frighten many powers many interest in this country many people in this country who want to see us the minority and who don't want to see us taking to militant or to uncompromising a stand are absolutely against the successful regrouping or organizing of any faction in this country who fought and whose thinking pattern international rather than national I for one disassociate myself from the movement completely and I dedicate myself to the organizing of black people into a group that are interested in doing things constructive not for just one religious segment of the community but for the entire black community one of the things that's going to help to bring this about is again is the independence of Africa and one of the only reasons is they that we in the West have never organized we have hated our image and our African image and because Africa has been in the hands of people who have created an image of Africa that's negative and hateful and it has been hateful to up we haven't wanted to identify with it because you can't and that beat the tree you can't and not end up hating yourself you can't hate and not beat us up and you show me one of these people over here who have been thoroughly brainwashed but now that Africa is getting independent and in a position to create its own image and it's a positive image those of us in the West look at the African image and see how positive it is we begin to identify with it we become proud of Africa and we become proud of our African blood alright African heritage and this is what is beginning to make the Africans in the Western Hemisphere today they had developed more refried and as it refried to develop sinistairs a tendency to make us want to get together and work together and your Western imperialism let's consider this to be a grave threat Neutrogena archives in 1964 with strides that have been made forward by people elsewhere all over the world only then can you appreciate the great double-cross experienced by a black people here in America in 1964 they succeed the power structure started the new year out the same way they started that out in Washington the other day only now they call it what that's a great profile the great cosine last year just 1964 was pulled to beat the year of comets they opened up the new year in Washington DC and in the city hall and in Albany talking about the year of common cause the black people would make advances in education would get better schools better school facilities better teachers that John would open up there would be less black people in the unemployment line but in areas of the south where we finally had not been able to vote we would think we would be able to register and vote materializing they substituted devices to create the illusion of progress and 1964 was the year of aluminum and aluminum we received nothing for the promise we received nothing that would actually solve the problem that we were confronted by in January of 1964 in 1963 they had used the trick one of their devices to let off the steam operation was the march on Washington they use that to make us think we were making progress imagine marching to Washington and getting nothing part whatsoever but it shows you how strong the power structure is how it is able to manipulate the people through the leaders as long as the people believe in the leaders in 63 it was the march on Washington in 64 what was it the civil rights bill right after they passed a civil rights bill they murdered the Negro in Georgia and did nothing about it murdered two white and a negro in Mississippi did nothing about so there's a civil rights bill it has produced nothing where we're concerned it was only a valve event that will emit what it would enable us it was designed to enable us to let all my frustrations but the bill itself was not designed to solve our problem since we see what they did in 1963 and we fight before what they did in 1864 what will they do now in 1965 if the march on Washington was supposed to lessen the explosions and the civil rights bill was designed to lessen the explosion epaulet was designed to do wasn't designed to solve the problem it was designed to let them be exploited because everyone in his right mind knows this should have been an explosion you can't have all those ingredients those explosive ingredients that exist in Harlem and elsewhere and not have an explosion so these are devices to lessen the danger of the explosion but not designed to remove the material that's going to explode what will they give us in 1965 I just drink with a plan that makes a black cabinet member yeah they have a new gimmick every year they gonna think one of their boys black boy and put him in the cabinet so he can walk around Washington with a cigar running on one hand and fool on the other [Music] and because he will be the one to tell our people in the White House they aren't really Negro leaders these are puppets that have been put in front of the Negro community by white liberals these are parents that have been put in front of the Negro community by white liberals you can't name me a Negro leader who has been a Negro leader who has been but true who has betrayed Negroes who is not who has not been endorsed sanctioned subsidized and supported by the white liberals these leaders that they called leaders this included Lena Horne this included Dick Gregory and this included comedians comics trumpet players baseball players show me in the white community where a comedian is a white leader show me in the white community where our singer is a white leader or dancer or trumpet player is a white leader these aren't leaders these are puppets and clowns that have been set up over the white community and are over the black community by the white community and have been made celebrities then usually say exactly what they know that the white man wants to hear the black people should together and do something about electing selecting and electing representatives black representatives politically who have the rights and the the best interests of the black people at heart that we should also unite together and sweep out of office all of the black political puppets who are used by the white power structure to continue white supremacy in our communities no Negro leaders there fought for civil rights what do you mean point for civil rights they have begged white men for civil rights they have begged the white men for freedom and everything anytime you take another man to set you free you will never be free freedom is something that you have to do for yourself and until the American Negro that's the white men know that we are really really ready and willing to pay the price that is necessary for freedom our people will always be walking around here second-class citizens are what you call twentieth century slaves but price you're talking about say the place of freedom is death white liberal who have been posing as our friends have failed us and once we see that all these other sources to which we've turned fail we stop turning to them and turn to ourselves we need a self-help program I do what I do apathy I'll do it right now philosophy it's already too late philosophy visit what you and I need to get with and the only time the only way we're going to tell my problem is with a self-help program before we can get a self-help program started we have to have a self-help philosophy black nationalism is our self-help philosophy what's so good about it you can see right in the church where you are and Phil take black nationalism there's your philosophy you can spin any kind of civic organization that you belong to and still take black nationalism as your philosophy you can be an atheist and still take black nationalism as your philosophy business a philosophy that eliminates the necessity for division in argument so if you black you should be thinking black and if you are black and you not sing in black at this late date while I'm sorry for you the political philosophy of black nationalism only means that the black man should control the politics and the politicians in his own community when white people can come in our community and get us the boat for them so that they can be our political leaders and tell us what to do and what not to do is long gone [Applause] by the planes woken the time when that same white man knowing that you're on havasu's bar open can send another Negro into the community yet you would need to support him so he can use him to lead us astray those days are long gone [Music] the political philosophy of black nationalism on me but if you and I are going to live in a black community and that's where we're going to look for period of time but and you all [Music] we must we must understand the politics of our community and we must know what politics is supposed to produce we must know what politics play in our lives and until we become politically mature we will always be mislead led astray or deceived or maneuvered is supporting someone politically who doesn't have the good of our community at heart so the political philosophy of black nationalism only means that we will have to carry on a program a political program of grief education to open our people's eyes make us become more politically country politically mature and then we will whenever we get ready to cast our ballot that ballot will be clapped for a will be cast for a man of the community who has the good of the community at heart [Music] any muscle has an appeal upon the majority of black people in this country would automatically have a large number of people from below income group most Negroes in America are in lower income class when you live in a poor neighborhood you're living in an area where you'll have to have four schools when you have four schools you have four teachers when you have four teachers you get a poor education for education you can only work on a 4 paying job and therefore paying jobs enables you to live again in a poor neighborhood with a very vicious cycle the economic philosophy of black nationalism only means that we should own and operate and control the economy of our community you would never follow you can't open up a blank door in a white community white man won't even bake tonight and he's not around see that he got fit enough to looking up burns out the unit you don't have [Music] the white man the white man is too intelligent so let someone else come and gain control of the economy of his community but you will let anybody come in and control the economy of your community control the housing control the education control the jobs control the businesses under the pretext that you want to integrate your mind the political the economic philosophy of black nationalism only means that we have to become involved in a program of re-education to educate our people into the importance of knowing that when you spend your dollar out of the community in which you live the community in which you spend your money becomes richer and richer the community out of which you take your money becomes poor and poor and because these Negroes who have been mislead misguided are breaking their necks to take their money and spend it with the man the man is becoming richer and richer and you're becoming poor and poor and then what happens the community in which you live becomes a slum it becomes a cathode the conditions become rundown and then you have empathy to come to complain about poor housing in a run-down community while you're running and you and I are in a double-track because not only do we lose by taking our money someplace else and spending it when we try and spend it in our own community we're trapped because we haven't had sense enough to set up stores and control the businesses of our community the man who's controlling the stores in our community is a man who doesn't look like we do he's a man who doesn't even live in the community so you were huh even when we try and spend our money in the flesh where we live or the area where we live we're spending it with a man who when the Sun Goes Down takes that basket full of money in another part of the town [Music] 3w crap could be a trap anyway we go we find it we're trash and every kind of solution that someone comes up with is just another transonic philosophy of black nationalism the economic philanthropy of black nationalism shows people the importance of setting up these little stores and developing amendment expanding them into larger operations whoa didn't start out big like the other day they found out with any dinosaurs and expanded and expanded they've been expanded until today they're all over the country and all over the world and they get to summit everybody's money from General Motors the same way that I like it is it started out just a little rat race type operation and then expanded and expanded until today it's where it is right now and you and I have to make a stop and the best place to start is right in the community where we live so our people not only have to be re-educated for the importance of supporting Blake business but the black man himself has to be made aware of the importance of going into business and once you and I go into business we own and operate at least two businesses in our community what we will be doing is developing a situation wherein we will actually be able to create employment for the people in the community and once you can create some forum it from employment in the community where you live it will eliminate the necessity of you and me having to act ignorant Lee industry belief boycotting and picketing some crackers from blaze elf trying to dig in for a guy anytime you have to rely upon your enemy for a job you're in bad shape [Music] when you have hands your enemy anything you wouldn't me in this country if some enemy had kidnapped you and brought you here brothers and sisters if you and I were just realize that once we learn to talk the language that they understand they will then get the point you can ever reach a man if you don't speak his language if a man speaks the language of brute force you can't come to him with peace why good night he'll break you in two as he has been doing all along a man speaks French you can't speak to him in German if he speaks Swahili you can't communicate with him in Chinese you have to find out what does this man speak and once you know his language learn how to speak his language and he'll get the point there'll be some dialogue some communication and some understanding will be developed and you've been in this country long enough to know the language the clan speaks they only know one language and what you and I have to start doing in 1965 I mean that's what you have to do because most of us already been doing is start learning a new language learn the language the theory that there is that they understand and then when they come upon our doorstep to talk we can talk and they will get the point there will be a dialogue there will be some communication and I'm quite certain they will there will then me some understanding why because the clam is a cowardly outfit they have they have perfected the art of making Negroes be afraid and as long as the Negro's afraid the Klan is safe but the plan itself is coward they they never come one of them never come after one of you they all come together sure they're scared of it and you sit there when they put in a rope around your neck saying forgive them law they know not what they do as long as they've been doing it they're experts at it they know what is wrong no since the federal government has shown that it isn't going to do anything about it but talk then it is a duty it's your my duty as men as human beings mister it's our duty to our people to organize ourselves and let the government know that if they don't stop that Klan will stop it ourselves and then you'll see the government start doing something about it but oh never think that they're gonna do it just on sometimes morality basis [Applause] so I don't believe in violence that's why I want to stop it you can't stop it with love we only mean vigorous action in self-defense and that vigorous action we feel were justified in initiating by any means necessary now the press behind something like that they call us racists and people of violence in Reverse this is how they psyche for you they make you think that if you try to stop the Klan from lynching you you practicing violence in Reverse pick up on this I hear a lot of you all parrot what the man says you say well I don't want to be a Ku Klux Klan in Reverse well you should when civil criminal comes to round your house brother with his gun just because he got a gun he's robbing your house and he's around it doesn't make you Robert well you grabbed his gun and run him out see the main engines using some tricky logic on you and he is absolutely got a Ku Klux Klan outfit that goes through the country frightening white people now I said it is time for black people to put together the type of action and unit that is necessary to pull the sheet off of them so they won't be frightening black people any long but when our black man strikes back he's an extremist he supposed to sit passively and have no feelings be nonviolent and love his enemy no matter what kind of attack be it verbal or otherwise he's supposed to take it but if he stands up and in any way tries to defend himself then he's an extremist this is the ballot or the bullet just Liberty arts dead this freedom for everybody or freedom for nobody America today finds herself in a unique situation historically revolutions are bloody oh yes they are they have never had a bloodless revolution or a non-violent revolution that dull happen even in Hollywood you don't have a revolution in which you love your enemy then you don't have a revolution in which you're begging the system of exploitation to integrate you into it revolutions overturn systems a revolution is bloody but America is in a unique position she's the only country in history in a position actually to become involved in a bloodless revolution the road of the Russian Revolution was bloody Chinese Revolution was bloody French Revolution was bloody Cuban Revolution was bloody and there was nothing more bloody than the wreckin revolution but today this country can become involved in a revolution that won't take bloodshed oh she's got to do is give the black man in this country everything that's doing to be a man to be a human being to be respected as a human being to be given the rights of a human being in this society on this earth in this date what we intend to bring into existence by any means you haven't done the right thing by my team because you haven't done the right thing by my people now I got to do the right thing by you skillful manipulating of the press they're able to make the victim look like a criminal and the criminal looked like the victim right now when in New York we had a couple cases where police grabbed the brother and beat him unmercifully but when it comes time for you and me to protect ourselves against lynches they tell us to be nonviolent [Applause] [Applause] that's a shame because we get tricked into being nonviolent and when you when somebody stands up and talks like I just did they say what he's advocating violence doesn't that what they say every time you pick up your newspaper you hear where one of these things has written into it that I'm advocating violence and I have never advocated any violence I've only said that black people who are the victims of organized violence perpetrated upon us by the Klan the Citizens Council in many other forms we should defend ourselves and when I say that we should defend ourselves against the violence of others they use their press skillfully to make the world think that I'm calling on violence period and I wouldn't call on anybody to be violent without a cause but I think the black man in this country above and beyond people all over the world it will be more justified when he stands up and starts to protect himself no matter how many necks he has to break and heads he has to cry [Applause] so today our people are disillusioned they've become disenchanted they've become dissatisfied and in their frustrations they want action you'll see this young black man this new generation asking for the ballot or the bullet that ol Uncle Tom action is outdated the young generation don't want to hear anything about the odds are against us what do we care about the whites were colonized they were fed up with this taxation without representation so some of them stood up and said liberty or death those men went to a white school over here and me Mason Michigan the white man made the mistake of letting me read his history books he made the mistake of teaching me that Patrick Henry was a patriot entire British Empire and in those days they used to say that the British Empire was so vastly so powerful when the Sun the Sun would never set on it this is how big it was yet these 13 little brownies States tired of taxation without representation tired of being exploited and oppressed and degraded tall that big British Empire Liberty are dead and here you have 22 million afro-americans black people today catching more held and Patrick Henry ever saw [Music] they're gonna draft these young black men and send them over to Korea or South Vietnam to face 800 million Chinese [Music] [Music] if you're not afraid of those odds you shouldn't be afraid of these eyes if you go to jail for what if you black you were born in jail [Music] if you black you were born in jail in the north as well as the sound stop talking about the South long as you south of it long as you south of the Canadian border I think there are many whites who act friendly toward Negroes a fox X X friendly towards the lamb and usually the Fox is the one who ends up with the lamb chop on his plate the wolf doesn't act friendly and therefore the wolf has more difficulty in getting the lamb Chow in his plate I'd like to point out though that I say that because it is usually the if you will study the structure of the Negro community economically politically civically psychologically and otherwise it's controlled by the white liberal who usually poses as the friend of the negro who actually differs from the white conservative and in the same way that the Fox differs from the wolf their appetite is the same their motives are the same it's only their mannerisms and methods they differ I would agree that no doubt there have been a large number of whites who have posed as liberals and as friends the negro and who have time and again betrayed the negro on the other hand I think one could point to a large number of whites who have struggled for civil rights give me my equality and have got little or nothing out of it other than quite a few bruises give me an example well the the large number of white students who have gone into the South for example working for snick and other organizations not working for Smith or other organizations but working for the white political machines will benefit by the voting efforts of Negro cake I'll be more specific I would cite Herbert Hill for example as an as as a kind of person who has championed Negro job rights for example in New York City and elsewhere he has fought the political machine first time I met Herbert Hill personally was when they were picketing to stop the working on the Harlem Hospital in Harlem Negroes for ten years had to fight the city to get an annex built on the Harlem Hospital cause in Harlem we need a hospital more than anything else I'm people are sick plus we do a lot of cutting and shooting of each other though we profess to be nonviolent and Herbert Hill brought his forces out and stopped the working on that st. this is the first time I ever saw him then when work was brought to a halt on a hospital in Harlem the same Negroes tried to stop the work at the downstate medical center in Brooklyn which is predominantly white they were out there for three months during the summer couldn't stop anything and I never saw her but y'all out there one time now whenever something whenever it takes a stoppage of something that's going to affect the white man you find the white liberal absent but is when it involves something that primarily will affect the best interest of black people and black people only then that white liberal is President Herbert Hill is the labor secretary for the n-double-a-cp and if he was interested in black people he would prepare a black man with the type of knowledge and understanding of the labor troubles involving black people that would enable a black man to sit in the same position as a secretary of labor or labor secretary Indian double-a-c-p I'm suspicious of whites will join Negroes and always have to be in the lead who always have to be the head who always have to be at the top in Negro organizations those whites who really have the interest of blacks at heart let them give some advice to some Negroes and stand on the sidelines but don't join the organization and then get at the head of it and pose as a friend of Negroes of your hair who taught you to hate the color of your skin for such extent that you bleach to get like the white man who taught you to hate the shape of your nose and the shape of your lips who taught you to hate your fell from the top of your head to the soles of your feet who taught you to hate your own kind who taught you to hate the race that you belong to so much hair that you don't want to be around each other OSI had the name on my passport Malik el-shabazz only I only used it in the Muslim world well heids is a title that is given to any Muslim who makes the pilgrimage to Mecca during the official Hajj season I'll probably continue to use Malcolm X because and I'll probably use it as long as the situation that produced it exists we don't feel that Japan takes the place of X am I going to Mecca and going into the Muslim world into the African world and being recognized and accepted as a Muslim and as a brother may solve the problem for me personally but I personally feel that my personal problem has never solved as long as the problem is not solved for all of our people in this country so I remain Malcolm X as long as there's a need to protest and struggle and fight against the injustice --es than our people are involved in in this country the following words spoken by Sarah Wellington are a quote from the middle of Malcolm X Ms Betty Shabazz he is the one person during my lifetime that I am delighted to have known when I think in terms of leadership I measure people by his yardstick some people don't make a connection between what they say and how they live Malcolm understood himself he felt that he had value he loved his parents he loved his people and he loved me with the same passion Malcolm helped me deal with my own internal strength he would sometimes say girl when I die don't cry because the salt from your tears will make you bitter
Channel: reelblack
Views: 532,945
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Id: uGP4nD-50Es
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Length: 102min 9sec (6129 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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